

Radio Freedom is a radio station in the Commonwealth in Fallout 4.


Before the Battle of the Castle, Radio Freedom was the main communication network for the Commonwealth Minutemen. Based out of the Castle after reclaiming it for the Minutemen during Taking Independence, the station broadcasts violin music and is one way to receive the potentially story-relevant Minutemen quest Old Guns. Afterwards it is useful while calling in artillery bombardment, and necessary to complete With Our Powers Combined. The Violin music itself does not seem to be based upon any pre-war compositions.

Like Preston Garvey, Radio Freedom will distribute radiant Minutemen quest. Up to three of these quests can be triggered in less than a minute either by actively listening to the broadcast via Pip-Boy, or simply by being in earshot of the Castle or any other radio playing the station. If the Sole Survivor already had less than three such quests in their quest log prior to tuning into Radio Freedom, the broadcast will fill up that number to the maximum of three before starting to announce that there is nothing of note to report in the Commonwealth. Ignoring them until they expire results in various amounts of negative consequences for the respective settlements. Those who wish to keep their settlements intact and their quest log clean are therefore advised to steer clear of the Castle (or to turn off its loudspeaker), and any radio tuned to Radio Freedom, as much as possible.

To this end, note that listening to the broadcast is in no way required in order to successfully call down artillery bombardment by means of deploying an artillery smoke grenade. It is, however, useful to determine exactly when the bombardment is about to start and when the barrage is over.


Generic broadcasts[]

  • "This is Radio Freedom, broadcasting all day, all across the Commonwealth."
  • "Good morning, Commonwealth. This is Radio Freedom, the voice of the Minutemen."
  • "All quiet, which is how we like it. Stay safe out there people."

Artillery strikes[]

  • "Sorry, General, you're out of our range. Good luck."
  • "We see your smoke, General. Preparing to fire for effect."
  • "Ceasing fire. Hope that helped. Anything left is all yours."

Settlement help[]

  • "Attention, Minutemen! Word's come in that a settlement needs our help. Please respond if you can."
  • "Any Minutemen in the area. There's a settlement that's been raided by Super Mutants. Please respond if you can help."
  • "This was just delivered... by a robot. Anybody in the vicinity of Graygarden, please go see what they need there."
  • "Just got a message. Finch Farm is asking for help. Any Minutemen in the area, please respond."

Old Guns[]

  • "This message is for the General, if you're listening. We have a... situation at the Castle that we could use your help with. Nothing serious, just... hey, you can't do that!"
  • Ronnie Shaw: "Listen up, "General". Get your heinie over to the Castle pronto. This is Ronnie Shaw. You never heard of me but you'll want to talk to me. Alright, don't get your panties in a bunch, you can have your precious mic back.
  • "Uh... well, yeah. Sorry about that, folks."

Defend the Castle[]

  • "This is Radio Freedom with a breaking report from the Castle."
  • "The walls have been breached. Repeat, the Castle walls have been breached."
  • "We've defeated the Institute forces and they are retreating. You can rest assured that the Castle is still Minutemen territory."

With Our Powers Combined[]

  • "Thanks to the bravery and sacrifice of Minutemen from all across the Commonwealth, the Brotherhood threat has been eliminated. We've now seen just how strong we can be when we stand together: strong enough to defeat the Brotherhood of Steel with all their military might. The Commonwealth is now free to set its own course for the first time in centuries. Let's make the most of this opportunity."

The Nuclear Option[]

  • "This is Radio Freedom. I'm proud to report that the Minutemen were able to finally bring the fight to the Institute. Our assault force infiltrated the Institute's underground facility and detonated their fusion reactor. I'd like to take this time to salute the General, who personally led the attack on the Institute. I'd also like to thank all of the Minutemen volunteers from across the Commonwealth who joined in the attack. Remember, it was thanks to their sacrifice that we are all free from the insidious threat of the Institute for the first time in decades. We still have a lot of work to do to bring peace and freedom back to the Commonwealth, but this is certainly a giant step forward."
  • "We can confirm that the Brotherhood of Steel used their giant war machine, "Liberty Prime", to blast their way into the Institute. The Brotherhood assault force then managed to detonate the Institute's fusion reactor, completely destroying the entire underground facility. It still isn't clear what the Brotherhood's ultimate intentions towards the Commonwealth are. But, we certainly owe them thanks for freeing us all from the insidious threat of the Institute for the first time in decades."
  • "The word is that the Railroad managed to infiltrate the Institute. They managed to detonate the Institute's fusion reactor with the help of rebel synth sympathizers. I think under the circumstances, we should all rethink our feelings about synths. Remember, it was thanks to their sacrifice that we are all free from the insidious threat of the Institute for the first time in decades."


Radio Freedom appears only in Fallout 4.


Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 4Playstation 4 Has platform::Xbox OneXbox One It's possible for Radio Freedom to stop playing at some point in the game.[已驗證]

  • Has platform::PCPC To fix the bug on PC, the quest Taking Independence needs to be set back using console commands. Open the console and type setstage 0003a457 570. This will set back the objective of the quest to "power the transmitter," so make sure that the transmitter is not connected to a source of power before entering the command. After reconnecting the transmitter, one of the minutemen will start the broadcast. Upon reporting to Preston Garvey, the quest will be completed and the player character will be rewarded with XP.
  • Has platform::PCPC Another fix is to open the console and type setstage 00067ff9 400. This will force the radio to start broadcasting again.
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 4Playstation 4 Has platform::Xbox OneXbox One Another fix is to use an artillery smoke grenade. After the targeting broadcast, Radio Freedom will resume its normal routine.


Radio Freedom playlist

Template:Navbox radio stations FO4

Fo4 Minutemen Flag
Fo4 Minutemen Flag