關於an overview of this weapon in the Fallout series of games,參見Fat Man。 |
- 實驗型MIRV:這是一款極具破壞力的武器,一次發射8顆迷你核彈。
- The first location one may find this gun is right outside of GNR, during the "Following in His Footsteps" quest by picking it up from a dead Brotherhood soldier.
- The corpse of the Brotherhood soldier will not appear if, by any of the many ways, the normal GNR quest is skipped and Sentinel Lyons is not encountered.
- A Fat Man can also be found in Evergreen Mills, in the basement armory of Germantown Police HQ (behind an average locked door), or at the Talon Company fort.
- One can be found at the end of the Old Olney Sewers (Along with Prototype Medic Power Armor) after battle with a number of Deathclaws.
- One can also be found in Fort Constantine alongside the T-51b Power Armor and two Mini Nukes. You will need all 3 of the special keys from the You Gotta Shoot 'Em in the Head Quest to access the room.
- One can also be found in the ruins of the White House near a skeleton. Next to the Fat Man are three Mini Nukes. The White House can be accessed from a utility manhole south of the building on Penn Ave.
- Flak and Shrapnel in Rivet City has also been known to sell one at times.
- Another can be found equipped by Talon Mercenaries in the Capitol Building during or after the fight with the Super Mutant Behemoth.
- In a random encounter, a dead scavenger is carrying a Fat Man and a Mini Nuke.
Operation: Anchorage[]
- Towards the end of Operation: Anchorage (quest) four American Soldiers with T-51b Power Armor will pull out Fat Men that can be knocked out of their hands and kept using the inventory glitch, thus adding 4 new Fat Men into the game.
- V.A.T.S.系統計算的頭部打擊傷害過高。胖子發射器的頭部打擊並不會造成額外傷害。
- 如果你裝備了胖子發射器,並在其中裝填了一顆迷你核彈,然後把你的物品欄中所有的迷你核彈全部扔掉,遊戲依然顯示你的胖子發射器裡面有一顆裝填好的核彈。但事實上你無法發射。
- 有些時候當你使用胖子發射器或是實驗型MIRV時,V.A.T.S.系統會直接瞄準敵人,而忽略路徑上的障礙物。這意味著使用胖子發射器將有可能導致玩家控制角色的死亡。
- 唯一一個與胖子發射器類似的現實世界武器是大衛克羅無後坐力炮,是在冷戰時期由美國研發的。
- 胖子是1945年8月9日美國在日本長崎引爆的原子彈的代號。由於它與真實世界歷史事件的關聯,在日本發售的輻射3遊戲中把胖子發射器改名為Nuka Launcher,但在對話中仍然有提到「胖子」。
- 在胖子發射器重裝彈的過程中聽到的鈴聲實際上是貝塞斯達公司的午餐鈴聲。