“These smoked and dried chunks of beast-flesh remain chewy-licous and even somewhat nutritious for years, and years....”— Fallout 2 in-game description
Buck and Chuck Dunton make their own version of meat jerky, which they call the "world famous" Dunton meat jerky and sell it at the Dunton House. Theirs is made from old, rotten meat, flavored with spices, homemade sauce and choice boot scrapings from the pen. The Duntons' jerky is identical, in game, to other jerky found throughout Northern California.
Fallout 2[]
The meat jerky can be used as bait for geckos, allowing the Chosen One to avoid being attacked or to leave the geckos vulnerable.[1]
The dog running around in Klamath can be fed with a jerky to get the key to the Rat Caves.
Apparently it seems to heal you 2 HP by eating one of these.
Behind the scenes[]
Buck and Chuck Duntons' comment about their meat jerky containing eleven herbs and spices and being "'finger-lickin' good"[2] is a reference to the American fast food chain, KFC, which used the same phrasing in their advertising[3][4].
↑KCDUNTON.MSG: {350}{}{Well, our drymeat is an incredible blend of eleven herbs and spices. Let me tell you, it's finger-lickin' good. Animals love it, too. They'll chase you from all over to get some. Must be that rotting smell.}