它可以发射545发标准10mm子弹,The weathered 10mm pistol can fire a total of about 545 standard rounds, the equivalent of 46 reloads, or 35 reloads when modded with the extended magazines, from full condition before breaking.
10mm pistol laser sight - decreases spread by 0.4, adds a laser sight effect.
10mm pistol silencer - silences the weapon.
10mm pistol, the standard variant found throughout the Mojave Wasteland.
Veronica's 10mm pistol, a unique non-playable 10mm pistol used by Veronica. The only difference between it and the standard 10mm pistol is its usage of companion ammunition.
Has platform::PC Applying modifications to this weapon will not update the weapon's appearance; this was introduced as a fix to the missing meshes bug. [已验证]
Has platform::PC Applying modifications to the weapon does update the weapon's appearance; however, the "laser" effect as seen with the standard 10mm pistol can be missing. [已验证]
Has platform::Xbox 360 Applying modifications to the weapon does not update the weapon's appearance, as well as extending the player character's fingers if they were to view in third person. [已验证]