
Raul's rate of fire with revolvers and lever action firearms is 33% faster than normal.— In-game description

Old Vaquero is a companion perk in Fallout: New Vegas.


With this perk, Raul's rate of fire with revolvers and lever action firearms is 33% faster than normal.

Affected weapons[]

Base Improved
.357 Magnum revolver Lucky
.44 Magnum revolver Mysterious Magnum
Gun Runners' Arsenal 5.56mm pistol
Gun Runners' Arsenal Brush gun Medicine Stick
Cowboy repeater La Longue Carabine
Lever-action shotgun
Gun Runners' Arsenal Hunting revolver Hunting revolver (GRA)
Ranger Sequoia
Trail carbine


  • Old Vaquero shares the same Vault Boy image as Math Wrath.
  • "Vaquero" is Spanish for "cowboy."
  • Raul is the only male companion with a perk that upgrades his stats.
  • The perk does nothing for Raul's default firearm, as such, the Courier can provide him weapons to utilize the perk.


  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 Despite meeting the description of weapons covered by the perk, Old Vaquero does not affect the Abilene Kid LE BB gun, BB gun, That Gun, or Raul's .44 Magnum revolver.