
catgen!!Infobox achievement!!Uses footer

All of our best equipment was stored in there. Weapons, ammo, schematics, you name it.— Ronnie Shaw regarding the Castle armory

Old Guns is a Minutemen main quest and achievement/trophy in Fallout 4.


  1. 回到城堡。
  2. 通過工坊模式清理碎石,打開通往下部隧道的通道。
  3. 探索底部隧道並摧毀Sarge
  4. 進入城堡的軍械室。
  5. 朗尼·蕭交談。
  6. 建造一個大炮並分配一位居民操作它。
  7. 跟隨朗尼·蕭。
  8. 前往測試地點。
  9. (可選)收聽自由電台
  10. 向測試地點投擲一枚砲擊狼煙信號彈
  11. 普雷斯頓·加維交談。








蕭會解開控制軍械庫的終端。裡面是一系列的戰利品,包括一個大砲設計圖和一些砲擊狼煙信號彈(在金屬架子上的黃色彈藥箱內),這個等等會用到。在獲取設計圖之後,工坊將增加一個特殊類別可以建造大砲。和朗尼說話,她會要求建造大砲。放好後(some pre-existing spots exist on the walls if preferred)為它分配一個居民操作。再次和朗尼說話,她表示想測試看看新大砲。



Quest stages

60 Return to the Castle (Radio Freedom)Someone named Ronnie Shaw has arrived at the Castle looking for me. I should find out what she wants.
70 Return to the Castle (Talk to Preston)Someone named Ronnie Shaw has arrived at the Castle looking for me. I should find out what she wants.
100 Speak to Ronnie Shaw at the Castle
200 Gain access to the Castle's armoryRonnie Shaw told me that the Minutemen's armory was located in the west bastion of the Castle. It still might contain a lot of useful weapons and supplies, if we can find a way in.
540 Collect the artillery schematic
Collect the smoke flares
Ronnie Shaw and I managed to get into the old armory at the Castle. It contained schematics and supplies for building artillery, which would be a huge boost to the hitting power available to the Minutemen.
570 Talk to Ronnie Shaw
600 Build and assign artillery at the Castle
700 Talk to Ronnie Shaw
750 Follow Ronnie Shaw
800 Head to the target area
(Optional) Keep your radio on and tuned to Radio Freedom
920 Artillery test fire doneI've built and successfully test-fired the artillery at the Castle. I can now call in artillery fire from nearby batteries with the smoke grenades from the Castle armory.
950 Talk to Preston
980Quest finishedQuest completed


  • Sarge can occasionally be trapped in the room using the archway. This allows a (relatively) easy kill, as one simply needs to duck out of cover and unload with any weak weapons for which one has spare ammo.
  • If the Sole Survivor has already built up the settlement at the Castle and is unable to build the artillery piece in the workshop as required for the quest, one may need to reduce the settlement size first. The Sole Survivor can do this by removing some built items, which should allow it to then be built and placed.
  • 大多數同伴都會「喜歡」城堡中對火砲的測試,因此事先將他們全部送到城堡,在工作坊模式中使用「移動」來一次提高他們的親密度。 聖騎士丹斯不會喜歡這樣,聲稱唯一倖存者只是向義勇兵提供了摧毀鋼鐵兄弟會的工具,他的擔憂實現在With Our Powers Combined任務中。
  • 任務完成後,朗尼將成為武器護甲商人。


任務中致敬了愛倫·坡的短篇小說一桶白葡萄酒。After entering the locked room with General McGann's body inside, the player character can find Amontillado wine next to the corpse as well as a broken wall with a skeleton shackled inside across from the body. 在小說中,一位男人對他的一個朋友實施致命的復仇,以一大桶據稱裝著白葡萄酒引誘進酒窖中並活埋在牆內,只因為他宣稱對方羞辱了他。這則故事實際上是基於一個獨立堡壘的都市傳說,裡面一位軍官因為在決鬥中殺死了另一名受歡迎的軍官而被士兵活埋在地牢裡。


  • Has platform::PCPC Deactivating Sarge with the Robotics perk doesn't trigger the next script, therefore the player character needs to destroy the robot to proceed or on PC open console and type setstage 000aa778 470. If Ronnie still does not react set the stage to 480 to open the door.[已驗證]
  • Has platform::PCPC If starting the quest after having already retrieved either the artillery blueprints or smoke grenades (via console commands, etc), one will not be able to progress. However, this can be fixed by adding the smoke grenades to the inventory if not having any. This can be done with the console command player.additem 0012e2ca. If the quest still does not proceed, teleport through the wall by getting the door open or toggling noclip and grab the blueprint from the table.[已驗證]
  • Has platform::PCPC Ronnie Shaw may get stuck "taking a knee" if knocked out during the fight with Sarge, preventing her from progressing the quest. Going back upstairs and returning, or sleeping in a bed in the room seems to reset her and allows her to work on the terminal.[已驗證]
  • Has platform::PCPC Ronnie stops being a vendor and gets locked in "trade mode" when talked to even when she is in the armory. Seems to happen at random.[已驗證]
  • Has platform::PCPC Tuning into Radio Freedom after throwing the smoke grenade may cause the broadcaster to leave his post and refuse to return.[已驗證] To fix:
    • Open up console using ~
    • Select the radio transmitter (hex value should be 0009FF48[EP])
    • Type: setpapyrusvar bAllowPlayerAssignment True.
    • Assign any settler to the radio transmitter; this should force the Minuteman to sit down and start using it again.
  • Has platform::PCPC The artillery may fail to fire after throwing the smoke grenade, completing all other quest objectives without triggering the "Speak to Preston Garvey" objective, rendering the quest unbeatable. Applying the radio-fix above, and then throwing another smoke grenade to the same area as earlier in the quest, can trigger the artillery, and the quest will continue.[已驗證] Another possible fix is to use a command to modify the timescale:
    • Open up console using ~
    • Type: set timescale 50.
    • Wait and see if the artillery is firing and if your quest can go on.
    • Revert back to timescale default value, type: set timescale 20.
  • Has platform::PCPC The radio operator may complain that he can not use the radio as it needs more power even though the required amount of power is provided. He then refuses to sit at the radio and no other NPC can be assigned to the task. If it occurs before this quest is completed, it renders this quest uncompleteable. Could be linked with Ronnie Shaw suddenly ceasing to be a vendor.[已驗證]
  • Has platform::PCPC Ronnie gets stuck behind the door that the computer terminal needs to open and the terminal says inaccessible. This happens when Ronnie takes a knee in the hallway prior to entering the room with the sentry bot. When a bottle cap mine is placed at the right corner of the room's doorway and the the mine goes off (triggered by the sentry bot), Ronnie disappears and the sentry bot gets stuck. Once the bot is defeated, Ronnie appears behind the security door and cannot come through to unlock the terminal.[已驗證]
  • Has platform::PCPC When doing this quest, once underground in the Castle's armory, there is a chance Ronnie Shaw can die and spawn in the other side of the room preventing her from opening the door that only she is able to open, which is game breaking as it prevents you from completing the quest.[已驗證]
    • Has platform::PCPC To fix, move Ronnie to the player with 55ec9.moveto player.
  • Has platform::PCPC When Ronnie leads the player outside for a test firing after building the artillery and collecting the smoke grenades, if extensive work had been done on the walls and/or outside prior or before this quest, Ronnie will continually attempt to reach the location needed for the test fire, but the quest will never progress.[已驗證]
    • Has platform::PCPC To fix, progress the stage manually with setstage Min03 800.

