
联邦義勇兵(英文名:Commonwealth Minutemen)是一個位於联邦組織



该组织首次在2180年中声名鹊起,当时他们为鑽石城抵御了超级变种人的攻击。[5]義勇兵随后试图分支组织一个带有地区定居点的临时政府[6] 当小组成员被学院的代表,合成人谋杀时,这项努力被打断了。[7]与此同时,该组织在南波士顿的独立要塞建立了总部,将其称为“城堡”。[8]包括朗尼·蕭在内的小组在设施内建立了一个军械库,由一个名为中士鐵衛兵守卫。[9]他们在这个位置一直运作到2240年,而在麥甘將軍的领导下,总部被周围海洋中出现的生物摧毁。[8][10][11]



此后不久,克林特,一名在義勇兵服役十年的老兵,来到昆西并不是为了提供增援,而是投奔了枪手一方。[26][27]霍利斯拒绝下台,枪手大举进攻,在立交桥上占据了制高点。[28][29]尽管他们尽了最大的努力,義勇兵仍无法抵御枪手的优势人数和位置。[28][30]霍利斯上校被活捉,坚持義勇兵原则直到最后,被克林特处决。[28] 除了少数与加维一起逃亡的人外,其余居民都被杀,后者在霍利斯死后接管了工作。[28][31]





在逃离111号避难所后不久,獨存者可能会遇到自由博物館受到掠夺者的攻击。他们必须奋力上楼,在那里他们被介绍给正在保护一群人免受敌对行动的普雷斯頓·加維。如果得到帮助,加维会邀请独存者加入義勇兵,他们被提升为将军,主线任务开始。 在整个任务线中,独存者将被要求领导义勇兵并完成任务,以使更多的定居点与义勇兵结盟。最终,这将导致邁向獨立,义勇兵夺回他们以前的总部城堡。完成所有义勇兵任务后,普雷斯顿·加维分配的新任务将开始循环执行之前完成的任务。


  • 如果独存者与学院发生敌对关系,义勇兵与学院之间的派系战争将开始,他们现在可以进入主线任务的义勇兵路线。这条路线将通向捍卫城堡对抗合成人,然后通过核能选项完成主线任务。
  • 如果以义勇兵或钢铁兄弟会完成主线任务,并且独存者对兄弟会具有或获得敌对地位,则两个派系将开战。联邦战争将以可选的义勇兵任务综合我们的力量结束,义勇兵使用他们的大炮轰炸普利德溫號。在普利德溫號被摧毁后,兄弟会将对城堡发起最后的攻击。一旦进攻结束,联邦战争就结束了。





  • 马布里上校
  • 福斯特中尉
  • 安德森 Dead
  • 安东尼 Dead
  • Brent Savoldi Dead
  • 克林特 (已退出)
  • 艾瑪 Dead
  • 詹姆斯·威尔 (已退出)
  • 喬許 Dead
  • 朗尼·蕭
  • 威廉姆斯 Dead
  • Creation Club Captain Mercer Dead
  • Cut content 本·吉布森 (已退出)


  • 自由鐘聲響起: 一群掠夺者正在围攻康科德的一座建筑物。獨存者可以帮助消除对定居者的威胁。
  • 庇护所: 獨存者可以同意帮助庇護山丘的人们建立永久定居点。
  • 第一步: 普雷斯頓·加維要求前往附近的定居点,该定居点需要义勇兵的帮助。玩家角色可以前往那里,看看他们能做些什么来帮助他们。
  • 天眼: 墨菲老媽坚持说她可以在药品的影响下看到未来,并要求獨存者为她采购一些。每次服药后,墨菲老媽都会对獨存者的未来有一个预知。
  • 建立據點: 普雷斯顿告知獨存者一个有希望的新定居点地点。他要求他们在建立招募无线电信标以吸引新定居者之前清除敌人的定居点。
  • 邁向獨立: 普雷斯顿提出了夺回城堡的想法,暗示那里的无线电发射器将有助于与越来越多的盟军定居点进行通信。然后,普雷斯顿会询问獨存者他们希望如何进行攻击。
  • 老旧枪炮: 朗尼·蕭告诉獨存者一个隐藏在城堡西部堡垒中的军械库,只有她知道如何进入。她将带领他们到该地区。
  • 内贼: 一旦信号拦截器建成,司特吉将要求獨存者在学院的计算机网络中插入一个网络扫描仪全息磁带,以渗透并下载任何可用信息。
  • 整隊: 普雷斯顿·加维将声明义勇兵的实力不足以对抗学院。他们将需要招募更多的定居点,以获得获得机会所需的人力。
  • 核能选项: 司特吉分析了来自学院网络的数据,并找到了一种通过旧隧道访问它的方法,该隧道为他们的反应堆提供冷却水。他给了独存者一个全息磁带,它将重新编程把义勇兵带进来并了结学院。
  • 综合我们的力量: 义勇兵可以将钢铁兄弟会视为对联邦的威胁。有了足够的炮台,他们就可以尝试以突然袭击消灭普利德溫號。
  • 捍卫城堡: 独存者收到敌人正准备攻击城堡的消息,他们可以帮助保卫它。
  • 報答恩情: 布萊克·阿柏納西要求独存者从美國空軍奧莉維亞衛星站的掠夺者藏身处取回一个挂坠盒。如果他们成功了,他的农场将加入義勇兵的事业。
  • 消滅敵人: 一名定居者告诉独存者,附近地区已被威胁其定居点的敌对势力侵扰。定居者会要求他们清除虫害,然后再提及被感染的区域将是另一个定居点的好地方。
  • 出現屍鬼: 一个盟军的定居点遇到了狂尸鬼的麻烦,需要帮助来对付它们。
  • 綠皮怪物: 一大群超级变种人一直在袭击一个定居点并制造麻烦。定居者会将独存者指向变种人的藏身之处,并要求为了定居点的安全而消灭他们。
  • 綁架事件: 一名定居者被绑架,他们的朋友急需帮助。独存者可以给定居点领导人足够的瓶盖来支付赎金,或者他们可以提出拯救定居者。
  • 掠奪者入侵: 掠夺者一直在骚扰定居点并制造麻烦。独存者必须前往掠夺者藏身处并消灭他们。
  • 安置难民: 独存者在军事检查站得知一群学院难民正在寻求重新安置,并被要求协助他们。
  • 游荡追猎者: 普雷斯顿·加维听说有一个追猎者将加入一个掠夺者团伙中。独存者可以在他们获得控制权并开始造成重大问题之前将他们干掉。
  • 阻止劫掠: 一大群掠夺者最近过来要求进贡,定居点被迫为自己的安全付出代价。定居者会向独存者指出掠夺者的藏身处,并要求他们得到处理。
  • 保卫: 定居点面临迫在眉睫的攻击威胁。独存者可以前往定居点并与掠夺者打交道。
  • 保卫大炮: 一架兄弟会垂直飛行機在定居点附近被发现,正在寻找大炮。那里的定居者会要求独存者帮助建立定居点的防御工事,以抵御即将到来的袭击。






  1. Sole Survivor: "Can you explain what the Minutemen are all about?"
    Preston Garvey: "We're citizen soldiers. The people of the Commonwealth banding together to protect ourselves and decide our own future."
    (Preston Garvey's dialogue)
  2. Fallout 4 loading screens: "The Minutemen were formed over a century ago by ordinary people who simply wanted to defend their home, the Commonwealth, from any threat imaginable. Sadly, the group has fallen into disarray in recent years."
  3. Fallout 4 loading screens: "Like the Minutemen of the Revolutionary era, the modern day Minutemen are dedicated to defending the people of Massachusetts, at a minute's notice."
  4. Preston Garvey: "Well I'll be damned. It's the monument to the original Minutemen. I knew that was somewhere around Concord. That means this right here must be the Old North Bridge. Where the first shots of the American Revolution were fired. I'd call that the best omen I've seen since we left Quincy."
    (Preston Garvey's dialogue)
  5. Fallout 4 loading screens: "The Minutemen first rose to prominence in the year 2180, when they defended Diamond City against a horde of Super Mutant attackers."
  6. Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide: "Historians have noted the original name for this settlement was Fort Independence, but the people of the Commonwealth now refer to it simply as the Castle. This place has a long and storied history; it is one of the first forts in America and predates the Revolutionary War. In recent times, it served as the base of operations for the Minutemen as they attempted (and failed) to establish a Provisional government. In 2240, the Castle was partly destroyed by gigantic Mirelurk, and most of the Minutemen leadership died."
  7. Sole Survivor: "Massacre of the CPG? What's that?"
    Nick Valentine: "The Commonwealth Provisional Government. Years back a group of settlements tried to get together and form a coalition. Every settlement with even a hint of clout sent representatives to try and hash out an agreement. Only the Institute sent a representative of their own, a Synth. The man killed every rep at the talks. The Commonwealth Provisional Government was over before it even got off the ground. I took up in town not long after. I was damn lucky they didn't just tell me to scram right then and there."
    (Nick Valentine's dialogue)
  8. 8.0 8.1 Fallout 4 loading screens: "The Minutemen once made their headquarters in South Boston's Fort Independence, also known as "the Castle." That ended when a giant creature rose from the sea decades ago and laid it to waste."
  9. SARGE: "Comparing intruders to known Minutemen roster."
    Ronnie Shaw: "Well I'll be. I would've never guessed the Sarge would still be down here. Don't worry, it's one of ours."
    (SARGE's dialogue)
  10. Fallout 4 loading screens: "Fort Independence was named in 1797, at a ceremony presided over by President John Adams. Before then, it was known as Castle William, and then Fort Adams. Before its destruction in 2240, the fortification served as an apt headquarters for the Minutemen."
  11. Ronnie Shaw: "That explains all the landmines. This is, well... was, General McGann. He had your job back when I first joined up. Must have gotten trapped down here when that sea beast attacked the Castle. He did manage to keep the armory secure. I'll give him that much. Rest in peace, general. Your fight is done and the Minutemen live on. No point in getting all sentimental about something that happened 40 years ago."
    (Ronnie Shaw's dialogue)
  12. 12.0 12.1 Sole Survivor: "What was the Quincy Massacre?"
    Preston Garvey: "I thought everyone in the Commonwealth knew about that by now. Where the Minutemen betrayed each other, and the people they were supposed to protect. I was with Colonel Hollis's group. A mercenary group called the Gunners was attacking Quincy; the people there called for the Minutemen to help."
    (Preston Garvey's dialogue)
  13. Preston Garvey: "The leader of the Minutemen has always held the rank of General."
    (Preston Garvey's dialogue)
  14. Preston Garvey: "Our last leader was General Becker. After he died back in '82, nobody could agree on who should take his place."
    (Preston Garvey's dialogue)
  15. Preston Garvey: "You're the best leader the Minutemen have had since General Becker was killed. I'm proud to call you a friend."
    (Preston Garvey's dialogue)
  16. Preston Garvey: "You know, the politics and rivalries and bad blood between the different groups. I guess General Becker was able to keep a lid on it. Keep everyone more or less on the same team. But after he was killed, it all came out in the open. I couldn't believe it at first."
    (Preston Garvey's dialogue)
  17. Preston Garvey: "Back before General Becker died, the Minutemen were a force to be reckoned with."
    (Preston Garvey's dialogue)
  18. Libertalia terminal entries; Wire's terminal; April 2283: "Raiders. That's what they called us. And they're not wrong."..."General Becker would be sick if he saw us now. But he's dead. And we're alive."
  19. Ronnie Shaw: "That's just sad. General Becker used to run the Minutemen. The last real leader we ever had. After he died, there wasn't anybody left with the guts and brains to pull things together. I'm talking about the gang of clowns that let the Minutemen fall apart. I didn't respect any of them, so I took a vacation."
    (Ronnie Shaw's dialogue)
  20. Ronnie Shaw: "Yeah, I was. Back before Joe Becker got himself killed and the idiots took over."
    (Ronnie Shaw's dialogue)
  21. Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Groups, Gangs, and Factions p. 37: "Minutemen"
    "The Minutemen were once a formidable and rather popular faction in the Commonwealth. Due to significant losses and internal squabbles, however, this people's militia has struggled to survive in recent years."
  22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 Preston Garvey: "We were the only ones that came. The other groups... they just turned their backs. On us, and the folks in Quincy. Only a few of us got out alive. Colonel Hollis was dead. So I ended up in charge of the survivors. We never found a safe place to settle. One disaster after another... you saw how it ended, in Concord."
    (Preston Garvey's dialogue)
  23. 23.0 23.1 Quincy ruins terminal entries; Hollis' terminal, Status report
  24. Preston Garvey: "When I turned 17, I joined up with Ezra Hollis's company. He was one of the good ones. Really believed in the old-time Minuteman way."
    (Preston Garvey's dialogue)
  25. 25.0 25.1 Quincy ruins terminal entries; Hollis' terminal, Setting up defenses
  26. Quincy ruins terminal entries; Hollis' terminal, Betrayed
  27. Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Map p. 387: "QUINCY RUINS"
    "Due to some controversial zoning, the freeway was run right over the main street, near the buildings of this once-picturesque and historical settlement. John Adams, John Quincy Adams, and John Hancock were all born here. Currently, Gunners have taken over the Quincy ruins and a section of freeway that runs through the town. This was once a Minutemen stronghold until the arrival of the Gunners and a defection of one of the Minutemen's own."
  28. 28.0 28.1 28.2 28.3 Quincy ruins terminal entries; Gunner terminal, Col. Hollis
  29. Quincy ruins terminal entries; Sturges's terminal, Baker here
  30. Preston Garvey: "Once the Gunners got up here, there was no way to defend the rest of Quincy. We gave the Gunners a hell of a fight, but we never really stood a chance. There were just too many of them and too few of us."
    (Preston Garvey's dialogue)
  31. Ronnie Shaw: "Garvey? Oh yeah, I heard of him. Took over Hollis's group after the Quincy Massacre. One of the good ones."
    (Ronnie Shaw's dialogue)
  32. 32.0 32.1 Preston Garvey: "Just folks lookin' for a new home. A fresh start. I've been with 'em since Quincy. Lexington looked good for a while, but the Ghouls drove us outta there."
    (Preston Garvey's dialogue)
  33. Quincy ruins terminal entries; Gunner terminal, Preston
  34. Preston Garvey: "A month ago, there were 20 of us. Yesterday there were 8. Now, we're 5. First it was the Ghouls in Lexington. Now this mess."
    (Preston Garvey's dialogue)
  35. Sole Survivor: "Minutemen? So now I'm traveling backward in time?"
    Preston Garvey: "Protect the people at a minute's notice. That was the idea. So I joined up, wanted to make a difference. And I did, but... things fell apart. Now it looks like I'm the last Minuteman left standing."
    (Preston Garvey's dialogue)
  36. Settler: "The Minutemen? I heard about what happened in Quincy. Bad business, that."
    (Settler's dialogue)
  37. Fallout 4 loading screens: "Radio Freedom is the radio station of the Minutemen, and allows them to broadcast alerts all across the Commonwealth from their headquarters in the Castle."