
列克星敦康科德硫磺岛海岸,从宁静海安克雷奇前线,美国军队一直在为美国自由民主而战。May their sacrifices remind us all that freedom is a privilege afforded to the many, yet hard won by a noble few.— Excerpt from a mural in the Museum of Freedom

美国武装部队是战前美国所拥有的各种武装部队的总称,包括陆军海军空军海军陆战队、和海岸警卫队。在核弹落下的时候,这些战前的军事力量大多被完全摧毁了,although their legacy can be seen and felt in the various wastelands explored throughout the Fallout franchise.


尽管长期以来美国都以文官政府来控制军队,但随着世界局势的愈发不稳定,军方在政府中的势力变得更强,军方开始控制政府决策,使得美国成为了一个“军政府”国家 with the President of the United States exercising dictatorial control over the state。

Following the collapse of the United States in the Great War, surviving USAF military units and servicemen would become a crucial influence on the United States, founding the Brotherhood of Steel, the Enclave, Junktown, or otherwise influencing entire communities.

在历史上,美军多次成为美国政府重要的“外交”工具 from the beginning and the formation of the Continental Army. Throughout the 20th century, they参与了两次世界大战,并且积极推动太空军事化, with the first tentative steps being taken during the Virgo II lunar landing.[1] 1961 年 5 月 5 日卡尔·贝尔上尉乘坐火箭升天意味着美国在太空探索上迈出了世界性的第一步,但这一说法并未得到全世界普遍认同by the Soviet Union and China.[2]。然而到了 21世纪,随着资源逐渐枯竭,探索性的太空旅程开始被军事化,部分火箭也被充当军事用途。By the end of the decade, 美国在太空竞赛中占据先机, as the Virgo II lunar lander touched down on the surface of Earth's moon on July 16, 1969. Valiant 11 mission members, Captain Richard Wade, Captain Mark Garris, and Captain Michael Hagen became the first humans to walk on the surface of another celestial body[3] - with weapons drawn.[1] 然而随着资源逐渐枯竭,探索性的太空旅程开始被军事化by 2034,部分space exploration vehicles like火箭也被充当军事用途 - foreshadowing the eventual fate of the American state.[4]

The Resource Wars[]

主页面: Resource Wars

由于美国政府在外交方面的政策越来越咄咄逼人,美军作为美国的武装部队,开始在外交层面发挥“更大的作用”。第一个惨遭美国“激进外交”政策影响的是南边接壤的墨西哥in 2051:为了确保原油供应,美国先是制裁了墨西哥,随后就派出军队接管了炼油厂。[Non-game 1] 然而,墨西哥的原油也只是暂时解了美国政府燃眉之急,As the Texan oil fields ran dry, 2052年 一部电视纪录片让美国公众了解到了世界所面临的严重能源危机。[Non-game 2]原油持续短缺导致全球油价迅速上涨,一些较小的国家不得不宣布破产,欧洲联邦因此对中东宣战。美国也受到油价飙升的严重影响。[Non-game 3] 更糟糕的是,联合国也于年同年 7 月宣布解散,没有了联合国,各国更是可以随意动用武装部队达成自己的目的。[5][6]

鉴于Nuclear exchanges in the Middle East and the devastating Euro-Middle Eastern War, coupled with the New Plague reaping a deadly harvest,2054 年美国政府正式启动避难所项目,由避难所科技全权承包,becoming a critical defense contractor.[Non-game 4][Non-game 5]Amidst an increasingly chaotic and violent international situation, the United States began to militarize. One of the first major projects emerged in2059 年安克雷奇防线建立,美军借着保护阿拉斯加的理由,要求加拿大政府允许美国军队在加拿大领土通行并且驻军,这使得加拿大政府和美国政府关系骤然紧张。[Non-game 6]

The Sino-American War[]

2060 年,能源危机已经十分严重,由于缺乏燃料,街道上的车辆不得不停止运行。汽车行业想尽办法提出可替代化石燃料的方案,但电动和核聚变汽车都还处于早期阶段,无法推广。[Non-game 7] 全世界的油田几乎都已经枯竭,这种情况加剧了美国国内的恐慌情绪by the collapse of the European Commonwealth and the Middle East oil powers。[Non-game 8]Together with a deteriorating economy and worsening social climate, the United States began to crack.[Non-game 9] 美国政府利用了这种恐慌情绪,to try and control the situation, by discouraging assemblies, fueling the anti-communist sentiment, and encouraging reporting subversive elements.[7]政府甚至建立了警惕公民热线,鼓励人们举报任何看起来可疑的人for any behavior that could be construed as in support of communism.[8] The Third Red Scare is a response to the increased hostility of the People's Republic of China and its operations on American soil.[9]

军方也没有从能源危机中幸免于难,美国所提供的燃料也不足以驱动所有的装甲车辆especially tanks。为了解决这一问题,军方带头要求研发动力装甲取代传统的装甲车辆 in 2065.[Non-game 10]。 Research, development, and prototyping pave the way for future advances in military, construction, and most importantly, cold核聚变动力科技[Non-game 11] The military would continue research in other areas continues as well, including more powerful nuclear weapons.[10]

Fo3 OA T-51bs

U.S. Army T-51 model B power armor units preparing for deployment in Alaska in January, 2077.

The breakthroughs in technology and possession of oil reserves would result in the United States clashing with the People's Republic of China. 与此同时,中国发现自己比美国更依赖传统的化石燃料,China found itself on the border of collapse in the spring of 2066。With the United States unwilling to export its own reserves of crude oil, China became more aggressive in its negotiations.[Non-game 12]According to the Sierra Depot GNN transcript, in June 2074, this resulted in a declaration by the U.S. president that the last known supply of petroleum would be used exclusively by the U.S. and 美国宣布不会出售任何化石燃料储量。[11] Adding further insult was第一款核聚变电池developed for the power armor project正式公开in summer of 2066.[Non-game 13][Non-game 14]

忍无可忍的中国将进攻的矛头对准了美国的阿拉斯加 to seize its natural resources,这场大胆的跨太平洋军事行动成为了Sino-American War,战前美国所参与的最后一场战争。[12][Non-game 15] 安克雷奇战役成为了美国吞并加拿大的导火索,as the United States forces it to grant the right of passage to American military units on the way to the Alaskan theater.[Non-game 16] 中国在阿拉斯加的全力以赴让美军一开始节节败退。T-45 型动力装甲被作为紧急对策手段而被研发出来 to prevent Chinese tanks and infantry from overrunning Alaska.事实证明它们在对抗敌军方面非常有效,但无法为美军带来一场精彩的反攻。As the Chinese military lost the initiative, 战争局势立刻恶化为堑壕战,双方都没有能力将对方彻底压倒。[Non-game 17]

战争increasing amounts of resources, material, and manpower,让美国的经济雪上加霜,To counteract this,于是美国政府开始无视加拿大政府的意见,随意夺取加拿大境内的资源。To counteract this, the United States military began to liberally exploit Canadian resources. Protests from Ottawa are ignored as Canada became little more than a colony of the United States.[Non-game 18] 加拿大境内的抗议in a sabotage attempt on an oil pipeline in 2072最终为美军占领加拿大提供了理由。[12][Non-game 19]同时,军方也在寻求建造一种超级武器来打破阿拉斯加的糟糕对峙局势。他们和罗科公司以及通用原子國際签署了合作协议,后两者要协助前者开发一种超级机器人,in the history of warfare, to liberate Anchorage, Alaska from Chinese occupation in a display of power meant to demoralize the enemy and force them into submission. The project was meant to serve both military and propaganda needs. The former dictated the capacity, the latter the design:按康斯坦丁·蔡司将军的话说,自由至尊应该是一个代表了美国的机器人,A walking, talking, nuke-tossing hero让敌人看到它就意识到自己在和一个超级大国交战。[13] Confident that the project would soon yield result, General Chase publicly confirmed in June 2072 that the U.S. Army was working with General Atomics and RobCo to create a superweapon meant to establish the dominance of the United States on the Alaskan front.[14]

Furthermore, 来自中国的生化威胁让美国政府下令西部科技启动泛免疫性病毒粒子项目研究on September 15, 2073。The research would eventually evolve into the Forced Evolution Virus project.[15][Non-game 20] Since 西部科技 was effectively 国有化 two years prior (put under military command),科学家们只能服从于军方的命令。[16]

One of the turning points of the War came in 2074 年,美国军队出乎意料地在一场防御战中取得了进攻性的成效 landed in Asia, in a counter-invasion of Chinese mainland. In the Yangtze Campaign, U.S. Marines rapidly overran Shanghai and Nanjing, securing a major port for bringing in troops and materiel.[17] 但三线作战: Canada, Alaska, and mainland China让双方的经济都达到了崩溃的边缘。Neither side was willing to yield, despite eight years of constant warfare,[Non-game 21] and ambitious flanking maneuvers such as the Gobi Campaign.[18]

2076 年,经过十年战争,美国和中国都处在崩溃的边缘, In January, a permanent garrison was installed at West Tek, to ensure that the Forced Evolution Virus project remained safe from international espionage, as it entered a new stage of experimentation on dogs and chimpanzees.[Non-game 22] By the end of the month,美国终于正式吞并了加拿大。Its provinces are put under martial law - all protesters and rioters are shot on sight. Atrocities committed in the name of the Union make their way stateside, fermenting anti-governmental sentiment.[12][Non-game 23]

加拿大的资源让美军得以暂时摆脱资源问题,而 T-51 型动力装甲的出现in June也让战争天平开始向美军一方倾斜。he next-generation power armor resolved problems existing in older generations of armor. 大量配备 T-51 型动力装甲的机械化骑兵部队被派往Alaskan and Chinese前线作战,carving a swath through Communist forces.The Chinese economy crumbled under the onslaught and supply lines from nations annexed by the Beijing regime started falling apart.[Non-game 24] However, the American regime did not fare any better. In August, food and energy riots start in urban centers across the United States. A state of emergency and eventually martial law was declared, with 政府不得不在国内部署军队镇压骚乱 。The United States became, effectively, a military junta.[Non-game 25]

The Collapse of America[]

Fo1 Intro Canadian Freedom Fighter

"Our dedicated boys keep the peace in newly annexed Canada."

The counterpoint to this disastrous turn of events came in early 2077 年 ,1 月 10 日美国取得了安克雷奇战役的决定性胜利,after a final offensive spearheaded by T-51 power armor units adapted to the cold environment penetrated Chinese defenses around Anchorage. Despite the embarrassment of the Liberty Prime project, which failed to produce a working weapon for use in Anchorage,[19] General Constantine Chase was credited with the victory.[Non-game 26][20][21] The Anchorage War Memorial was hastily erected on FDR Island to commemorate the efforts and sacrifices of American soldiers on the Alaskan front, basing on an iconic photograph taken in Anchorage.[22][23] The victory in Alaska heralded bad news for American and Canadian citizens, as the military junta in control of the United States deployed mechanized cavalry units to Canada and the United States.这些在对外作战中尽职尽责的士兵很快发现他们要与自己的同胞自相残杀,逃兵越来越多,quelling riots, and enforcing the national quarantine. Mounting civilian casualties tested the loyalty of soldiers and desertions started to occur. 美军要么监禁了这些逃兵,要么把他们送去充当秘密研究Robobrain的小白鼠。[Non-game 27][24]

The campaign in mainland China was reinvigorated by the victory in Alaska and the deployment of T-51 units. Army troops clad in T-51 regularly witnessed Chinese troops surrendering upon sighting them and their miniguns.[25][Non-game 28] However, 取得的胜利只是暂时的,因为随着战线深入,他们遇到了更多的抵抗。到了 10 月,the situation transitioned from a rout into a stalemate.[26] After a decade of war, 战争又开始变得离结束遥遥无期。数十亿美元的花费和无数人的生命也没有为这场战争带来任何实质性改变。[27] To bolster the offensive, bases across the United States were sealed and troops redeployed to provide more men for the meat grinder.[28]

The situation was made worse by the fact that the oligarchs ruling the United States 去了全球的偏远地区, expecting a last-ditch 核交换 from China at any moment.The oil rig was claimed by the president and key members of the junta, becoming the foundation of the future Enclave.[Non-game 29] 美国已经没有了政府,continuing on simply due through inertia. 监督马里波萨军事基地项目研究的前美军安全小组成员discovered the FEV experiments conducted on their comrades in arms – the very men arrested for refusing to fight their own countrymen – they rebel. However,即使是Captain罗杰·麦克森宣布其脱离陆军并断绝与美军的联系时,政府也没有任何回应 – the chain of command ceased to exist.[29][Non-game 30]

最终,核子风暴的烈焰于 10 月 23 日出现在全球上空,仅仅两个小时的战争却造成了世界性的毁灭。美国不复存在,its cities vaporized in nuclear fireballs.[29] The former leaders of the country having already retreated to their safe-havens. Abandoned by their leaders,幸存者们则以自己的方式重建着世界。[Non-game 31]



  • 罗杰·麦克森所创立的钢铁兄弟会, which became an important player in wasteland politics. The Appalachian Brotherhood of Steel was based on another Army unit, the Rangers (specifically, Taggerdy's Thunder).
  • Pre-War veterans and other survivors who came to Appalachia in 2103 and tried to continue their Army duties. One example is Joe Creigh, who took advantage of the automated training regimen at Camp McClintock to join the Army and continue his family tradition. An example of pre-War U.S. Army soldiers that lived in Appalachia are Captain Fields, Sergeant Radcliff and Sergeant Thompson.
  • 战前军政府成员所组成的英克雷, which almost managed to commit total global genocide.
  • 由前军人创立的垃圾镇
  • 教主的军队The Unity, which came into existence as an unintended result of the FEV research project.
  • The 121st Infantry Platoon, nicknamed Firebats, was deployed to Monongah Power Plant after the Great War to protect the power plant from invasion.[30]

Other operations[]

  • Anchorage Reclamation, an 11-year campaign to liberate Alaska from the Chinese invaders. Ultimately successful, it was the first large-scale deployment of newly developed T-51b power armor units.
  • The annexation of Canada was also performed by the United States military, whose units were also dedicated to keeping the peace―by any means necessary.
  • Veterans of the Anchorage campaign were also deployed against their fellow countrymen, to contain food riots.
  • The Gobi Campaign, that took place in the Gobi Desert. The Gobi Campaign scout rifle was named for this campaign.
  • The Yangtze Campaign, during which Nanjing and Shanghai were occupied by Marines equipped with new, high-tech weapons and armor.
  • Soldiers of the U.S. Army's mechanized infantry were stationed on the island of Mambajao in the Philippines on the eve of the Great War.
  • Fought in World War II from 1941 to 1945.[31]
  • Soldiers/astronauts appear to have been engaged in combat operations on the Moon at some stage prior to the Great War. This is supported by the mural in the Museum of Freedom, which depicts an astronaut with a weapon and the mentioning of the Sea of Tranquility along with other battles.

Known locations[]



陆军在整个资源战争期间扮演了重要角色,他们也是动力装甲技术最主要的使用者。安克雷奇战役中正是他们坚守着战线,并且在十年坚守之后率领美国军队反攻 into Anchorage in 2077.[32] 陆军也和空军一同维持着美国的核存在 and was responsible for operating the United States arsenal of nuclear weapons through the Commonwealth Defense Administration,[33] 陆军的宪兵部队也负责执行第 99066 号行政命令,将华裔公民关押在拘留营。[34]


主页面: United States Marine Corps

海军陆战队和美国海军保持着合作关系,充当United States force in readiness。in the 21st century,尽管在资源战争中宣称只是要打一场防御战,但海军陆战队却成功撕开了中国战线的口子in 2074,打了一场实质上的进攻战。 Despite claims of fighting a defensive war, American infantry and mechanized divisions landed in Asia, in a counter-invasion of Chinese mainland. In the Yangtze Campaign, U.S. Marines rapidly overran Shanghai and Nanjing, securing a major port for bringing in troops and materiel.[35][36]

在国内,海军陆战队主要负责保护海军设施,especially black sites such as Sugar Grove in Appalachia,[37] the Mount Desert Island Naval Facility at Mount Desert Island,[38] 也和其他部队参与演习,such as United States Army Rangers,[39]同时执行第 99066 号行政命令。由于战争人力短缺,执行第 99066 号命令的任务被海军陆战队交给了其他私人军事承包商负责。[34]


美国海军在安克雷奇战役期间为镇守阿拉斯加的美国陆军提供了支援,并且与敌对国家海军作战(包括击沉一艘自己人的船in December 2066[40])。他们也负责了对中国领土的进攻。海军的航空兵负责保护美国沿海,[41][42] 并且追击出现在美国海岸的敌方舰艇。[43]In certain cases,海军也和国防情报局一同进行反间谍行动。[44]

海军同样和其他军种一样,执行一些超出法律允许范围的非法监视行动 like Sugar Grove,where Naval analysts and operatives monitored U.S. citizens for seditious activity. Appalachia was a notable example of what defined sedition: Anything that could affect the war effort, including unionization, anti-automation protests, striking, and of course, the Free States. Those who caught the eye of the Navy faced a fate worse than death: Edgar Aarsen, a union activist, was marked for surveillance in March 2075. A year later, he was abducted ("arrested"), murdered, and his children set up for adoption.[45]


主页面: United States Air Force

The history of the air force is closely intertwined with the general history of the Armed Forces.Together with the Army and the Navy, the Air Force was responsible for maintaining the nuclear arsenal of the United States (primarily bomber-based weapons), 他们显然参与了资源战争中许多武装冲突的空中战斗, including the United States invasion of Mexico of 2051, the Sino-American War (2066–2077), and the United States annexation of Canada.


主页面: United States Coast Guard

美国海岸警卫队was established in 1790 by the U.S. Congress, as the Revenue Marine. By the 1860s, it became the U.S. Revenue Cutter Service and arrived at the current designation after it was merged with the U.S. Life-Saving Service in 1915, subordinated to the Department of the Treasury. Since then, it became主要负责国内海上保安和执法工作,并且在必要情况下协助其他军警部门工作。[46]


主页面: National Guard of the United States



主页面: United States Armed Forces materiel and installations

截至大战爆发,美军在实力方面居于全球领先地位。这显然要归功于美国在技术方面的压倒性优势。以动力装甲技术为例,从 T-60 型T-51 型,再到最初的 T-45 型,动力装甲为美国步兵部队提供了方便的快速装甲重火力支援能力,身穿动力装甲的士兵可以轻易使用一般步兵无法使用的重型武器装备,, including rotary cannons usually mounted on gunships or fighters. Power armor units were usually issued to 机械化骑兵部队operating on critical fronts. 低频信号, which can 远距离传输信息 through many geographic obstacles, were used during the Sino-American War to transmit messages to submarines.[48] 其他的先进科技还包括激光武器,robotics, and military transport vehicles.


World War II[]

Anchorage Reclamation[]

United States mainland[]

See also[]

  • United States Armed Forces materiel and installations
  • Known United States Armed Forces members
  • Enclave facilities
  • Federal government
  • American soldier
  • Strike team


  1. 1.0 1.1 Museum of Freedom mural mentions the Sea of Tranquility specifically
  2. Museum of Technology placard: "This is the actual skeleton of Captain Carl Bell who died on May 5, 1961 after his Space Capsule crash landed. Captain Bell is credited as being the first human in space on board the Space Capsule Defiance 7, but this has been constantly refuted by both the Soviet Union and China. Defiance 7's flight lasted for a total of 12 minutes and 7 seconds as it achieved one full revolution around the Earth. Donated by Edwina Bell."
  3. Museum of Technology placard: "On July 16, 1969, the Virgo II Lunar Lander "Valiant 11" became the very first manned space vehicle to touch down on the moon. The Valiant 11's crew consisted of Captain Richard Wade, Captain Mark Garris and Captain Michael Hagen of the USSA. We salute these brave and noble men who took the very first steps on a planetary body other than our own."
  4. Museum of Technology terminal entries; Delta IX Rocket, Delta IX Rocket Information: "The Delta IX Rocket, commissioned by the USSA in 2020, was the last of the manned rockets that sent our brave American Astronauts to the moon. The Delta IX was in use for almost 15 years before being converted for military use and having the crew and instruments sections replaced with a nuclear warhead. The Delta IX recorded over 77 successful launches, making it one of the most successful rockets in U.S. History.
    The rocket, developed entirely by USSA scientists, was a single-stage vehicle with an ejectable crew section or satellite storage bay. The propulsion system was a nuclear-electric derivative drive, using a massive electrical jolt to start the nuclear reaction on launch. The crew section was protected from the radioactive chambers by way of a massive titanium-vanadium disc. The spacecraft had the capability to sustain 2 astronauts for up to 24 days maximum. The longest recorded spaceflight in a Delta IX rocket was the 17-day Zeus 12 Mission to the moon."
    Note: Almost 15 years is interpreted as 14 years.
  5. Capitol Post terminal entries; Capital Post Top Stories -- July 27, 2052, United Nations Disbanded!
  6. Capitol Post newspaper Saturday, July 27, 2052
  7. Disaster relief outpost terminal entries; Terminal, Know the Signs!
  8. Neighborly letter
  9. Turtledove Detention Camp terminal entries; Terminal, Intelligence Report, Yang, Wan (alias)
  10. Fallout 3 E3 trailer Capitol Post newspaper Wednesday, January 13, 2066 Newspaper Trailer.png, Teaser Newspaper.jpg
  11. Sierra Depot GNN transcript
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 Briefly mentioned in the Fallout intro
  13. Citadel terminal entries; Liberty Prime Operation, Project Summary
  14. Citadel terminal entries; Liberty Prime Operation, Capital Post Article -- June 3, 2072
  15. FEV research
  16. The Vault Dweller: "{112}{}{Tell me about this installation.}"
    ZAX 1.2: "{117}{}{This installation was established in 2055 as a biological research facility for experimental cures of the New Plague. However, in 2071, this facility was placed under United States military command.}"
  17. The cover of Future Weapons Today mentions a Marine's memoirs as a sniper in that area.
  18. Gobi Campaign scout rifle indicates warfare in the Gobi Desert
  19. Citadel terminal entries; Liberty Prime Operation, Letter: Dr. Bloomfeld to Gen. Chase
  20. Capitol Post terminal entries; Capital Post Top Stories -- January 11, 2077, Commies Crushed - Alaska Liberated!
  21. Capitol Post newspaper Monday, January 11, 2077.
  22. Anchorage War Memorial
  23. Operation: Anchorage
  24. Capitol Post terminal entries; Capital Post Top Stories -- January 11, 2077, Food Riots Rile Feds
  25. Fort Strong terminal entries; General Brock's Terminal, General Brock's Report - June 2076
  26. Newscaster: "And now, our exclusive coverage of the continuing volatile situation with Communist China. Chinese forces may have finally been driven from Anchorage, but the conflict has transitioned into a frighteningly tense stalemate. With diplomacy all but suspended, and conventional warfare taking a historic toll on both sides, many have wondered if the good old U-S-of-A hasn't finally entered into a fight it just can't win."
    (Newscaster's dialogue)
  27. Boston Bugle building terminal entries; Boston Bugle article terminal, Article 2
  28. Sierra mission statement
  29. 29.0 29.1 Captain Maxson's diary
  30. Monongah Power Plant terminal entries; Captain Elliott's terminal, Officer's Log 11.15.77
  31. World War II on Wikipedia
  32. Anchorage Reclamation simulation
  33. In Lonesome Road, the commander of the Hopeville base is an Army General, while the entire base appears to have been staffed by an operated by the Army.
  34. 34.0 34.1 Internment orders
  35. Future Weapons Today mentions a Marine's memoirs as a sniper in that area. Both cities are also one of the easternmost points in China and a natural choice for amphibious landings and setting up a bridgehead for bringing in reinforcements.
  36. Desert Ranger combat armor
  37. Sugar Grove terminal entries; SigInt system terminal, 8-19-77: External Contractors
  38. DiMA's memory; DiMA's memory #5
  39. War game orders
  40. Museum of Technology placard: "This flag was recovered from the wreck of the U.S.S. Ebon Atoll, a U.S. Navy Missile Cruiser, sunk off the coast of Alaska in 2066 with all hands lost. The cutting edge vessel's loss was due to a nuclear torpedo strike from the U.S. Navy Submarine, the U.S.S. Interference during the Anchorage Campaign. The submarine mistook the cruiser for an enemy vessel during radio silence and sunk it before obtaining vessel confirmation. This ranks as one of the most tragic disasters in U.S. Naval History since World War II."
  41. Blackbox recording
  42. USS Democracy
  43. Turtledove Detention Camp terminal entries; Terminal, ALERT: Suspected Spy (Ch.)
  44. Naval recruiting center terminal entries; DIA Officer's Terminal
  45. Sugar Grove terminal entries
  46. Mentions in Fallout 4
  47. National Guard charter
  48. Vault Dweller: "Why couldn't we use some other transmitter?"
    Scribe Valdez: "Because other transmitters don't reach that far. The one they were using at Fort Defiance is out of commission, permanently. But low-frequency signals - like the one I'm detecting - they travel incredible distances, even passing through mountains and oceans without a hitch. During wartime, they were used to transmit signals to submarines. Pretty cool, right?"
    Odessa Valdez's dialogue)


  1. Fallout Bible 0: "2051 Seeking to protect business interests and their oil supply, the United States begins to exert increasing pressure on Mexico, citing the political instability and pollution stemming from Mexico as a threat to the United States. Various economic sanctions serve to destabilize Mexico, and the United States military enters Mexico to keep the oil refineries running and making sure oil and fuel continue to make their way north across the border... at Mexico's expense."
  2. Fallout Bible 0: "2052 A television documentary into the withered husk of the Texas oil fields brings the oil shortage into the American households, and reveals how deep the energy crisis runs."
  3. Fallout Bible 0: "2052 April The Resource Wars begin. Many smaller nations go bankrupt, and Europe, dependent on oil imports from the Middle East, responds to the Middle East's rising oil prices with military action. The long drawn-out war between the European Commonwealth and the Middle East begins."
  4. Fallout Bible 0: "2054 In light of the Euro-Middle-Eastern conflict and the plague scare, the United States sets Project Safehouse in motion. The project, financed by junk bonds, is designed to create shelters, called Vaults, for the populace in the event of a nuclear war or deadly plague. Construction begins late in 2054 and proceeds rapidly due to advances in construction technology."
  5. Vault Dweller's Survival Guide inner cover: "NOTICE.––This document contains information affecting the national defense of the United States within the meaning of the New Amended Espionage Act, 50 U.S.C., 31 and 32. Its transmission or the revelation of its contents in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited by the law."
  6. Fallout Bible 0: "2059 The Anchorage Front Line is established, as the United States increases its military presence in Alaska to protect its oil interests. The Anchorage Front Line causes tensions in the United States and Canada, as the United States attempts to pressure Canada into allowing American military units to guard the Alaskan pipeline."
  7. Fallout Bible 0: "2060 Traffic on the streets of the world stops moving. Fuel becomes too precious to waste on automobiles, so alternatives are explored - electric and fusion cars begin to be manufactured, but factories can only make limited amounts. Pressure on fusion research increases."
  8. Fallout Bible 0: "2060 The Euro-Middle Eastern War ends as the oil fields in the Middle East run dry... there is no longer a goal in the conflict, and both sides are reduced almost to ruin."
  9. Fallout Bible 0: "2062 Despite quarantine measures, the New Plague continues to spread, fueling national paranoia."
  10. Fallout Bible 0: "2065 August Increasing need for mobility in the United States mechanized cavalry leads the military to focus the efforts on creating a man-based tank - essentially, a two-legged walking armored unit: Power Armor."
  11. Fallout Bible 0: "2065-2067Power Armor research grows and several prototypes are developed, many of which prove to be unworkable in the field. These prototypes pave the way for future advances in military, construction, and fusion technology."
  12. Fallout Bible 0: "2066 Spring As the oil resources dry up across the globe, China's fossil fuel dependency causes an energy crisis in the nation. China, bordering on collapse, becomes more aggressive in its trade talks with the United States. Unwilling to export oil to China, talks between the United States and China break down."
  13. Fallout Bible 0: "2066 Summer Adding further insult to the Chinese-American relations, the first crude fusion cell is unveiled, one of the results of the Power Armor project. Devices designed for the fusion cell begin to be manufactured. Incorporating fusion power into the general US infrastructure begins, but the process is too slow to supply power to the regions that need it. Nearly thirteen years later, few sections of the United States were supplied with fusion power."
  14. Fallout Bible 5: "2066 Summer Adding further insult to the Chinese-American relations, the first crude fusion cell is unveiled, one of the results of the Power Armor project. Devices designed for the fusion cell begin to be manufactured. Incorporating fusion power into the general US infrastructure begins, but the process is too slow to supply power to the regions that need it. Nearly eleven years later, few sections of the United States were supplied with fusion power."
  15. Fallout Bible 0: "2066 Winter In the winter of 2066, China invades Alaska. The Anchorage Front Line becomes a true battleground."
  16. Fallout Bible 0: "2066 Winter As a sign of increasing tension between the two countries, Canada proves reluctant to allow American troops on Canadian soil or allow American planes to fly over Canadian airspace. The United States and Canadian tensions rise, but Canada eventually backs down, and US troops pass through Canada. This sets the stage for the Canadian annexation in 2076."
  17. Fallout Bible 0: "2067 The first suit of Power Armor is deployed in Alaska. While lacking the full mobility of future versions, this Power Armor is incredibly effective against Chinese tanks and infantry. Its ability to carry heavy ordinance游戏中的拼写、标点和/或语法 becomes key in various localized conflicts, and it has the power to destroy entire towns without endangering the wearer. China rushes to create its own versions, but they are many years behind the United States."
  18. Fallout Bible 0: "2069 Canada begins to feel the pressure from the United States military as the US draws upon Canadian resources for the war effort. Vast stretches of timberland are destroyed, and other resources in Canada are stretched to the breaking point. Many Americans refer to Canada as Little America, and Canadian protests are unheard."
  19. Fallout Bible 0: "2072 The United States' increasing demand for Canadian resources causes protests and riots in several Canadian cities. An attempted sabotage attempt of the Alaskan pipeline is all the military needs as an excuse to begin its annexation of Canada... which in fact, had already begun in 2067."
  20. Fallout Bible 0: "2073 Sept 15 As China becomes increasingly aggressive with their use of biological weapons, the United States government felt that a countermeasure was needed. The Pan-Immunity Virion Project (PVP) is officially formed and plans are made to begin experiments at the West Tek research facility in Southern California."
  21. Fallout Bible 0: "2074 Contrary to their claims of seeking only to retake Alaska from the Reds, American Power Armor units, infantry, and mechanized divisions are deployed to China, but they become bogged down on the mainland, putting a further drain on American resources and supply lines."
  22. Fallout Bible 0: "2076 January 3 A military team under the command of Colonel Spindel is sent to the West Tek research facility to monitor the experiments in the interest of national security. Captain Roger Maxson (the grandfather of John Maxson, the High Elder of the Brotherhood of Steel in F1) is among the team personnel."
  23. Fallout Bible 0: "2076 January The United States annexation of Canada is complete. Canadian protestors游戏中的拼写、标点和/或语法 and rioters are shot on sight, and the Alaskan Pipeline swarms with American military units. Pictures of atrocities make their way to the United States, causing further unrest and protests."
  24. Fallout Bible 0: "2076 June Power Armor prototype completed, resulting in the Power Armor players find in Fallout 1. This is the pinnacle of Power Armor technology before the Great War. Many of these units are sent to China, and they begin to carve a swath through the Chinese forces. The Chinese resources are strained to the breaking point, and the supply lines from the nations China has annexed begin to break down."
  25. Fallout Bible 0: "2076 August Food and energy riots begin in major cities throughout the United States. Military units begin to be deployed in cities within the United States to contain rioters, and many temporary jails are constructed. A state of emergency is declared, and martial law soon follows."
  26. Fallout Bible 0: "2077 January 10 Alaska is reclaimed, and the Anchorage Front Line is again held by the Americans."
  27. Fallout Bible 0: "2077 January 22 The first domestic use of Power Armor within the United States for crowd and quarantine control. Units originally serving in China and the Anchorage Front Line find themselves fighting Americans at home. Food riots increase, and many civilians are killed. Several soldiers defect from the military both in Canada and the United States. They are captured, and are sent to military prisons."
  28. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.43: "Chinese Army (Simulated)
    U.S. Army (Simulated)
    With conditions deteriorating between the United States and China, a military presence in Alaska was established to prevent a possible invasion across the Bering Strait. With increasingly scarce oil reserves, a last deep-sea deposit below the Pacific Ocean was claimed by China before allegedly being sabotaged by American special operatives. Strained relationships spiraled downward into conflict as China marched on Alaska, and the Sino-American War of 2066—2077 erupted. Under the command of General Jingwei, the Chinese Army usurped control of Alaska's oil pipeline and reserves. In response, the Americans began what came to be called "The Alaskan Reclamation Operation" (2067—2077).
    Under the leadership of General Constantine Chase, the U.S. Army battled fiercely to the front lines of the conflict before Chase began deploying specialized Power Armor units that began pushing the Chinese back. Future Power Armor suits were further refined as the conflict dragged on, and the Trans-Alaska Pipeline was reclaimed. With resources flowing through Canada, strained diplomatic tensions between Canada and the United States becoming problematic, and Canadian forces attacking the pipeline, the country was annexed.
    A combination of inclement weather, constant American bombardment and trench warfare, and U.S. Powered Armor unit attacks sweeping through mainline China, the Chinese supply lines weakened and finally broke down completely. By the beginning of 2077, the city of Anchorage was finally liberated, the Chinese eradicated, and the operation deemed a success. A commemorative memorial was erected in Washington, D.C., in honor of the soldiers who fought and perished for the greater American good. Violence between America and pockets of Canadian freedom fighters continued throughout 2077, until the Great War obliterated almost all infrastructure, commerce, and human life."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide faction profiles)
  29. Fallout Bible 0: "2077 March Prepared for a nuclear or biological attack from China, the president, and the Enclave retreats to remote sections around the globe and make contingency plans for continuing the war."
  30. Fallout Bible 0: "2077 October Captain Roger Maxson and his men discover that the scientists at Mariposa have been using "military volunteers" (military prisoners who didn't have their brains scooped for use in Brain Bots) as test subjects in their experiments. Morale in the base breaks down, and Maxson executes Anderson, the chief scientist. Not long after this (and in light of the breakdown of the mental breakdown of Colonel Spindel stationed at the base), Maxson's men turn to him for leadership. He shrugs and says 'we should quit.'"
  31. Fallout Bible 0: "2077 March Prepared for a nuclear or biological attack from China, the president and the Enclave retreats to remote sections around the globe and make contingency plans for continuing the war."