羅伯特·約瑟夫"RJ"麥奎迪(英文名:Robert Joseph "RJ" MacCready)是2277年间灯火小鎮的前任市长,2287年间联邦的雇佣兵。他是獨存者的潜在同伴。
出生在首都废土[1]对他从来不认识的父母,[2]麥奎迪在 2274年成为灯火小鎮儿童殖民地的首领,当时他只有10岁。[3]在公主宣布自己为新市长并以自己的名字重新命名后,她的统治持续了大约五分钟,直到麥奎迪一拳打在她的脸上,并表示灯火小鎮需要一个领导者,而不是公主。[3]麥奎迪的政变导致他成为市长。[4][Non-game 1]
露西和麥奎迪有一个儿子,邓肯,但露西被狂屍鬼杀死。[10][11]他向邓肯承诺要改过自新,做一个更好的人,从发誓不再骂人开始。[12]他安顿下来,建了一个宅基地。麥奎迪在这片土地上耕作,邓肯在成长,一切都平静了一段时间。 当他的儿子在他们的田地里接触到某种东西时,他几乎田园诗般的生活就结束了,第二天他就发烧了,并伴有全身蓝色的疖子。疾病削弱了他的力量,当麦克雷迪决定上路寻找治疗方法时,邓肯几乎已经虚弱得不能走路了。他把孩子托付给他的朋友照顾,然后离开了。[13]他交谈过的每个医生都从未听说过这种疾病,并且不知道如何帮助孩子。[14]
麥奎迪搬到联邦寻找治疗方法。 当他到达时,槍手正在招募神枪手加入他们的队伍,而麥奎迪加入进来为他的最终目标筹集资金。尽管瓶盖很多,但枪手没有顾忌和对附带损害不加选择的做法与麥奎迪的个人准则和他对儿子的承诺不一致。[15]麥奎迪在2287年的夏天与他们断绝了关系,并重新开始了他作为自由承包商的职业生涯。[16]
在更个人的方面,麥奎迪错过了许多生活在首都废土的特色,包括三狗的银河新闻电台和[29]华盛顿市中心的纪念碑。[30]他还收集旧的 野蠻人古古那漫画书,在废墟中寻找问题来完成他的收藏。[31]到2287年为止,收藏已基本完成,只是缺少了Mastadonald和Skullpocalypse联手对抗Grognak的那一期。[32]
互动 | ||
此角色是必要的。关键角色不会被杀死。 | ||
此角色开启任务。 | ||
此角色参与任务。 |
- 尋蹤覓跡/天堂营救:第一次見面的時候,麥奎迪會威脅說要射擊你,除非你離開燈火小鎮的入口。獨行者除非通過一次困難的口才檢定或有童心未泯這個辅助能力,否則必須要完成天堂营救這個任務才能進入燈火小鎮。在進入燈火小鎮後,麥奎迪會多出新的對話,他會告訴主角進入87號避難所的方法,那就是走謀殺之路。
- 真菌交易:在和露西或伊克萊爾對話後,獨行者可以說服麥奎迪進行交易:使用奇怪的肉(给伊克萊爾)或壯大靈(给露西)來交換洞穴真菌。
- 那些!:獨行者可以說服麥奎迪 (使用童心未泯辅助能力) 同意布萊恩·威爾克斯進入燈火小鎮。
- 和麥奎迪對話次數過多的話,他會變得憤怒並且拒絕和獨行者說話,並且要求獨行者離開燈火小鎮。如果想要和他再次交談,必須等待24個小時。
互动 | ||
此角色是必要的。关键角色不会被杀死。 | ||
此角色是一位永久的同伴。 他们给予一击必杀辅助能力。 | ||
此角色开启任务。 | ||
此角色是可追求的。 |
要求浪漫 |
- 麥奎迪行动: 这个未标记的任务包括说服麥奎迪加入独存者。
- 前路漫漫:麥奎迪會要求主角幫助他解決那兩個一直騷擾他的槍手,在那之後,他會請求主角幫助他找到治癒他兒子的方法。注意:在此任务的枪手部分完成之前,麥奎迪的好感度增益将上限为499(仅在“麥奎迪喜欢你”之前停止)。
- 當独存者在第三軌酒館中遇到麥奎迪时,他正与他的老同事温洛克和巴恩斯发生争执。他们离开后,他以250瓶蓋的價格招募为同伴(可以讲价到200或100)。完成任务的其中一个部分后,支付的金额将退还给独存者。
- 在同伴期間,他偶爾會為主角提供一些彈藥,其中包括從10mm子彈到核融合核心。
- 如果麥奎迪對玩家的好感度足夠的話,他會給予玩家一擊必殺的辅助能力,V.A.T.S模式下攻擊頭部的成功率提高20%。
- 一旦好感度達到了崇拜,麥奎迪會送給主角一個木制玩具士兵,這是他妻子露西送給他的禮物。當他們第一次見面,麥奎迪告訴露西他是一個士兵時,露西給他做了這個玩具士兵。
- 他会在独存者的命令下偷窃。他能够在人们面前偷窃而不被发现。
- 如果玩家试图从第三軌酒館的贵宾室偷窃并被抓获,麥奎迪将离开他们的团队并变得敌对,提示一个界面让玩家将麥奎迪送到定居点,类似于普雷斯頓·加維,若玩家角色杀死了一个定居者的情况。如果玩家角色没有被抓住,麥奎迪会喜欢这次盗窃。
- 如果玩家在芳鄰鎮中命令他偷东西,或做任何引起敌意的事情,麥奎迪将离开独存者的团队并变得充满敌意,提示界面将麥奎迪发送到定居点。
- 麥奎迪喜欢独存者偷东西。
- 麥奎迪喜欢独存者能撬开别人的锁。
- 麥奎迪喜欢使用需要魅力的大多数特殊对话选项,但前提是有人撒谎、威胁或索要更多钱。
羅伯特·麥奎迪的忠诚度 | |
认可 | 反对 |
Location comments | |
Location/Requirement | Comment |
Diamond City, entrance | "Haven't been to Diamond City in years, but I'll tell you... nothing's changed." |
Goodneighbor, entrance | "Ugh. Nothing says welcome like the stench of urine-soaked garbage." |
Combat Zone, exterior | "Damn Raiders. Ruined a perfectly good cage fighting arena. What's the world coming to anyway?" |
Boston Airport, before the barricades | "It's not the flying that would make me nervous, it's the crashing part." |
Cabot House, exterior by the shrubbery | "I've got a very bad feeling about this place." |
Parsons State Insane Asylum, entrance foyer on the rug just past the front door; during the quest The Secret of Cabot House. | "I heard that this place was an insane asylum. Maybe we should skip it." |
Jamaica Plain, northwest road entrance, by the diner | "Oh come on, we're here? Don't tell me you actually believe that buried treasure nonsense." |
Vault 81, entrance walkway | "I spent my childhood living right next to a Vault. Those are some seriously bad memories I wish I could forget." |
"Nothing sounds safer to me than riding in a metal coffin with thousands of gallons of water above your head." | |
Libertalia | "Libertalia, huh? Well, if you ever wanted to throw a party for a few dozen Raiders, this would be the place." |
"Sigh. You're going to make us climb all the way to the top of this deathtrap, aren't you." | |
"I could tell you what's inside this building, but what would be the point? Ha ha... cause it's a pyramid... never mind." | |
"This must have been one heck of a circus when the Minutemen were in town." | |
"The only thing I'm looking for while we're here is one of those funny-looking hats. Always wanted one of them." | |
Covenant, gate exterior | "If paranoia started to fall like rain, this place would need to build an ark." |
Bunker Hill, base of stairs to the monument - before the gate | "Pfff. The monument here is a joke compared to the one in downtown Washington D.C." |
Parking garage, after entering the parking garage | "Something isn't right here..." |
"If the Institute was smart, they would have sealed this off a long time ago." | |
Sentinel site, bomb storage room entrance | "There are enough bombs in this place to start another apocalypse." |
Sentinel site, gantry | "Holy sh... holy crap... are those... missiles?" |
Sentinel site, exterior entrance | "What the hell? Is that a... pyramid?" |
"Reminder. Cars and bullets don't mix." | |
Ticonderoga, penthouse foyer | "Railroad kind of painted themselves into a corner up here, didn't they?" |
Old North Church, catacombs | "Tunnel snakes rule! *Laugh* Sorry, heard that a long time ago." |
Old North Church, nave | "I wonder how many people came here seeking absolution when the bombs started falling." |
"Commonwealth almost looks peaceful from up here." | |
"I can't believe this building hasn't toppled over by now." | |
Hubris Comics, shop floor | "If I could only find the issue where Mastadonald and Skullpocalypse teamed up to fight Grognak, I'd have a complete set." |
Hubris Comics, top floor studio | "So this is where they used to film the old Silver Shroud shows. I wish I could have seen them." |
Yangtze-31, walking into the engine room" | "Unless you want to start glowing, you might want to hang back." |
Yangtze-31, submarine engine turned on" | "Damn, that's a lot louder than I thought it would be." |
Yangtze-31, bridge | "This is great... I've always wanted to ride on one of these." |
Starlight Drive-In, in the projection room | "This would be the perfect sniper's position if it wasn't for that stupid screen blocking the view." |
Starlight Drive-In, at the screen | "You think they'll kick us off the lot if we didn't buy a ticket?" |
Wilson Atomatoys corporate HQ, Arlen Glass' office | "Looks like the war bypassed this place." |
Wilson Atomatoys corporate HQ, foyer display | "Oh, it's one of those toy ponies. "Get Up Buttercake" or something like that." |
Wildwood Cemetery | "They say leaving a cap on the gravestone of a friend or relative can bring you good luck. I say it's just a waste of a cap." |
"If I step on something brown and squishy, you're cleaning my boots." | |
West Everett Estates, backyard bunker | "Well, this is cozy." |
"More Super Mutants? Agh. I'm getting sick of these green lunatics." | |
Walden Pond, just in front of said cabin. | "Make sure you search the entire cabin Thoreau-ly. *Laughs* No?" |
Milton General Hospital, basement morgue | "Welp, there goes my appetite." |
Milton General Hospital, waiting foyer | "This looks cozy. How about I hang out here while you explore the building? No?" |
Vault 95, Overseer's office | "What was this place for... storytime or something?" |
"You'll let me know if your Geiger starts clicking, right?" | |
Museum of Witchcraft | "Uh, you saw that, right?" |
Museum of Witchcraft | "That would be a deathclaw, which means we should get the hell out of here." |
Vault 75, combat training room | "The only thing missing from this playground is the radiation." |
Vault 75, entrance | "In the basement of a school? Vault-Tec was running out of ideas." |
Vault 114, entrance construction | "Wow, they must have been building this vault all the way up to the last second." |
Vault 111, cryonic stasis room | "Hey, I'm really sorry. We don't have to be here if you don't want to... I... I'll leave you alone." |
Vault 114, exterior tunnel construction | "Never imagined we'd find a vault down here. Let's check it out." |
Trinity Church, theatrical rigging | "This reminds me of the time we tried to perform "Pyramus and Thisbe" in Little Lamplight. Yeah... that didn't really go over too well." |
Trinity Church, nursery | "*Sniff* It's nothing... just got something in my eye." |
Thicket Excavations, near the waters edge; before the conclusion of the quest Pull the Plug. | "I wonder how many years of rainfall it took to fill this quarry." |
"Brewing robot, huh? Maybe we could just borrow it for a little while." | |
Gwinnett Brewery, brewing floor | "Ugh, gross. This place smells horrible. This might put me off drinking beer for a while." |
"Gwinnett... Gwinnett... why is that name so familiar? I heard it back in the Capital Wasteland, but I can't remember why." | |
"Tommy tried to get me to fight in the ring once. Almost took him up on it, too. Guess I missed my chance." | |
Combat Zone, front row | "Oh man, I used to come here all time. I can't even tell you how many caps this dive sucked out of my pockets." |
"Now all we do is wait a few decades for the rain to refill the quarry, come back and start the process all over again." | |
"Nice. Very nice. All you need is a few throw pillows and some drapes and it'll be as good as new." | |
"It'll be a miracle if this whole building don't collapse right on top of us." | |
"Mirelurks are like the mole rats of the sea. Look what they did to this place." | |
"Raiders check in, but they don't check out." | |
Boston Common, just in front of the APC | "Wait, this the Common. We need to get the hell out of here... unless you like being killed." |
"Oh great, the Brotherhood of Steel. As if the day couldn't get any better." | |
South Boston military checkpoint | "I bet that thing's been broadcasting the same message for the last two hundred years." |
Skylanes Flight 1981 | "I can't believe this airliner was stupid enough to be flying during the war." |
"Oh come on. We have to pick through all this scrap? It's going to take all day." | |
"Can someone crack a window? It's hot as hell in here." | |
"Hey look, it's the Brotherhood of Squeal! *Laughs*" | |
Sandy Coves Convalescent Home, captain's room | "Wonder if these folks died of old age or baked when the rads hit." |
Rocky Narrows Park, at the playground | "I'd call the slide first, but my tetanus shots are way out of date." |
"When the bombs starting falling, I bet the last thing on this ranger's mind was forest fires." | |
Robotics disposal ground, in front of the sentry bot | "Careful. These military 'bots have a mean temper when you tamper with "government property." I have the scars to prove it." |
"All I want to know is where I can find some saltwater taffy." | |
Revere Beach station, end tunnel raider encampment | "Raiders sure know how to keep you on your toes, don't you think?" |
"These guys were sure in a hurry to get out of this building." | |
Ranger cabin, inside, next to the skeleton | "I... I can't look at this. Reminds me too much of the people I left behind." |
Quincy ruins, Freeway stronghold bridge to roof catwalks | "Great sniping position from up here." |
Quincy ruins, southeast entrance | "We're entering Gunners territory so we need to be careful. If I'm recognized they'll be going after me with a vengeance." |
Boston Police rationing site, in front of the trailer kiosk | "People still fight over food like this. I guess nothing's changed." |
"You sure it's safe to walk around in this turbine?" | |
Poseidon Energy, generator room - the part past the raider defenses. | "Just one of these generators could power a settlement. Too bad they're out of commission." |
"You think any of these buttons gets us out of here and gives us a whole bunch of caps for our trouble? Yeah, me neither." | |
HalluciGen, Inc., | "*Coughing* This can't be good. Hope this stuff isn't lethal." |
Pickman Gallery | "Oh, great. Thanks for the nightmare fuel." |
"Maybe we should keep moving. Whatever rampaged through this campsite might come back." | |
Fiddler's Green Trailer Estates, entrance | "Always wanted my own trailer... it'd be midnight blue with a leopard-skin interior. Hey... it beats living in a cave." |
Neponset Park, | "I'd love to see the ads for this place. Quiet, cozy cabins with a lakeside view and in-room mirelurk service." |
Natick power station | "I can still smell the ozone in the air. I wonder if that ever goes away." |
"This might be a good time to invest in a boat." | |
Nahant Oceanological Society, second floor | "*Yawn* Yup, this is really facinating. Can we stay longer?" |
Nahant Oceanological Society, research laboratory | "I wonder if someone smashed these tanks in, or did something smash its way out?" |
"Whoever this belongs to needs to find themselves a new hobby." | |
Gorski Cabin, root cellar workshop | "Welp... that's the last thing I expected to find down here. Maybe we shouldn't touch anything." |
"Can't we ever stumble into somewhere nice? You know... with flowers... bright colors?" | |
"Let's look around carefully. There has to be something valuable in here." | |
"Damn Gunners had this place locked down pretty tight." | |
University Point, just inside the gate | "Institute turned this place into a slaughterhouse. Didn't leave a soul alive." |
"The guy had good position, but there's no way he could have held us off." | |
"Got your rad chems handy? We're going to need them." | |
Mass Fusion disposal site | "Well, that's a unique water feature." |
"I'd hate to fall from up there." | |
"Seen pictures of old stations like this, but never been in one before." | |
Mahkra Fishpacking, basement store room | "Let's pass on the fish. It gives me gas. You don't want that to happen." |
Longneck Lukowski's Cannery, after being locked in the basement | "I can't believe we fell for that." |
Longneck Lukowski's Cannery, cannery cutting room | "Gross. People actually ate this stuff?" |
Vault 81, observation room | "Well that's pretty damn creepy. I bet they had no idea they were being watched." |
Vault 81, | "Vault-Tec built all sorts of secret sections into their vaults. I don't even want to know what this one was for." |
"Had a contract in Libertalia once... Raiders were so stupid, I was able to bluff my way in." | |
Libertalia, at the top of the main structure | ""Wholesale slaughter on the high-seas." Would make a great story, wouldn't you say?" |
"I hope you're not thinking of swimming in that mess." | |
Kingsport Lighthouse, at the top beacon | "I don't see the point. It's not like any ships are still sailing out there." |
WRVR broadcast station, control room | "I miss the Capital Wasteland's radio... Three Dog was a hell of a DJ." |
Jamaica Plain, treasure room | "So this is the treasure. *Laughs* Come on... it's almost too funny not to laugh about." |
Jamaica Plain, security room | "Maybe someone already found the treasure, and now they're hoarding it here." |
Jalbert Brothers Disposal, at the barn with the barrels | "I'm betting these were put here by those Children of Atom. They worship radiation like it was a god or something." |
Super-Duper Mart, front counters | "Oh, of course the cookie aisle had to be the one that got crushed." |
Irish Pride Industries shipyard, at the corpse of Rory Rigwell | "This idiot was trying to pal around with a bunch of mirelurks?" |
"What the hell is was wrong with these doctors? How could they just switch off their morality?!" | |
Cambridge crater, edge | "Oh great... a new source of ferals. It's just what the Commonwealth needed." |
"I can see my house from here. Sorry... I always wanted to say that." | |
"All these books, and not even a single issue of Grognak?" | |
Hub City Auto Wreckers, while on the crane | "Now how did a gang as stupid as the Gunners figure out something so clever?" |
Hester's Consumer Robotics, entrance: showroom floor | "I don't suppose they have a spare sentinel 'bot we could pick up while we're here." |
"Yum... looks like the ferals had themselves a little Raider feast." | |
"I know a few guys who could build anything out of these parts." | |
"I don't like this... not one bit." | |
Fort Hagen, command center – outside the gated main room, next to the door | "All this high-tech equipment, and they still couldn't figure out how stupid it was to push the button." |
Greater Mass blood clinic, basement storage | "It's going to be tough finding anyone who trusts these blood packs. Who knows how long they've been sitting here?" |
The Slog, | "Would've been nicer if this was still a swimming pool." |
Template:BugOut Atom Cats garage, unable to determine due to bugged content. Template:BugOut | "This is just about the coolest thing I've ever seen." |
Gunners plaza, cafeteria – before the staircase | "This must have been a great place to relax before everything went to hell." |
Gunners plaza, main entrance of the atrium writer's room | "I wonder how many of these people stayed to report the news when the bombs started falling." |
When walking on a mirelurk infested beach, between Reeb Marina and Gibson Point Pier. | "Suddenly I just lost my appetite for seafood." |
General Atomics factory, quality assurance test chamber | "Looks like some kind of robot training camp or something." |
Back Alley Bowling, at the lanes | "I've heard of this sport. You're supposed to roll a ball down these lanes and knock over those pins. Weird." |
General Atomics Galleria, at the gate | "This must have been built by the company that made those annoying robots." |
"Take everything you can carry." | |
Fort Strong, sublevel in the room before the main mini nuke storage room. | "Oooo. MacCready like big boom." |
West Roxbury station, platform | "I wonder where this train is headed? I doubt there's much track left for it to run on." |
"I hope all these people had flood insurance." | |
Federal Surveillance Center K-21B, gantry overlook | "Well, well. Looks like we stumbled into an old government dirty little secret." |
Faneuil Hall, the hall | "This place used to be a market before the Great War. Now I wouldn't eat in here if you paid me." |
Concord civic access, main pipe room | "If Concord's above us, what the hell are we doing down here?" |
"Never caught a Deathclaw sleeping before." | |
Fairline Hill Estates, at the fortified house | "I think the answers we're looking for are inside that house." |
Fairline Hill Estates, at the entrance to the cul-de-sac | "Perfectly nice houses, and no one living in them. That's not a good sign." |
"This city was in love with the water. There are boats and docks all over the Commonwealth." | |
"I wonder what would happen if we tinkered with some of these things." | |
Easy City Downs, northern corner fence hole to the racetrack, next to the stands | "This is the best use of robots I've ever seen. Who knew they could be so much fun?" |
East Boston Preparatory School, third floor torture chamber | "I know students thought school was torture, but this is taking it a little too far." |
"Something tells me that hole shouldn't be there." | |
"Don't tell me we're going all the way down there." | |
Parsons State Insane Asylum, gardens | "A creepy garden, splendid. Now the nightmare motiff is complete." |
Parsons State Insane Asylum, tech lab | "I don't like this one bit. What the hell's all this science junk doing here?" |
Parsons State Insane Asylum, entrance | "Hey, this place doesn't look so bad. Some paint, a few throw rugs and it'll be as good as new." |
"Well, this is a quaint little mess." | |
USS Constitution, after quest the completion of the quest Last Voyage of the U.S.S. Constitution | "Oh yeah... that ship looks way better over there." |
Weatherby Savings & Loan, before the completion of the quest Last Voyage of the U.S.S. Constitution | "Welp... any landing you can walk away from..." |
D.B. Technical High School, basement – after killing Bosco or at the throne | "Next thing you know, we're going to see Super Mutants wearing sailor's hats on their heads." |
"Well, this is one way to avoid paying at the turnstiles." | |
Croup Manor, basement | "Hope you guys saved room for dessert!" |
Crater House, edge of crater | "I would love to read the real estate brochure for this place." |
"I wonder why those clowns are guarding the tunnel?" | |
Corvega assembly plant, entrance of the assembly line room | "No fuchsia with a lime green interior? Damn, they never have them in the color you want." |
Template:BugOut Coast Guard Pier, either at the corner of the pier by the tower, or the center of the building. The super mutants were supposed to be wearing Coast Guard hats. Template:BugOut | "Isn't that cute... the mutants think they're in the navy." |
"Whoever hit that tugboat with the bridge needs to learn how to drive." | |
Chestnut Hillock Reservoir | "I'm going to guess that we don't want to know what's under that rowboat." |
"Oh... god... I think I'm going to be sick." | |
Shaw High School, cafeteria | "Hey, look! It's today's special. Yum." |
Charles View Amphitheater | "Let's check out the t-shirt stand before we leave." |
"Something in here went kaboom. Maybe we shouldn't touch anything..." | |
Cabot House, laboratory | "What the heck's with all this science junk? Something isn't right here." |
Cabot House, living room | "Whoever lives here must have made a deal with the devil." |
Bunker Hill, base of the monument | "You think that's impressive, you should see the one in downtown Washington D.C." |
Breakheart Banks, at the building | "This place really got worked over. I wonder if anyone managed to escape." |
Boston Public Library, hall where defenses are | "Let's be careful. No human being would possibly pile books this way." |
Boston Public Library, main entrance | "Lion statues, huh? Great way to scare the kids." |
Boston mayoral shelter, at the basketball court | "We used to have a hoop setup in Little Lamplight until Eclair broke the darn thing." |
"Let's not stand out in the open too long. I kind of feel like a moving target." | |
"Looks like this one took the easy way out." | |
Beantown Brewery, bottling room floor | "I bet we don't even find a drop in the whole place. Damn shame." |
Fallon's Department Store (West Roxbury township), by the fountain | "Should I throw a cap in and make a wish?" |
Fallon's Department Store (West Roxbury township), by the escalators | "Hurry, I heard they had a two-for-one sale in the men's department!" |
Joe's Spuckies sandwich shop, speakeasy stairway | "I've been to a few dive bars in my day, but this one's got them all beat." |
The Switchboard, the foyer of the agency | ""Defense Intelligence Agency." Heck of a lot of good they did." |
BADTFL regional office, evidence lockup | "Woah... looks like it's party time." |
Museum of Witchcraft, underground | "Yeah... we should get the heck out of here... Now would be good." |
Template:FBG 任何具有魅力的玩家角色都可以在商店获得麥奎迪。当与他作为活跃伙伴一起购物时,玩家角色可以使他筋疲力尽,以便从资产甲板的弃牌堆中购买任何物品。
当玩家角色进行营地行动时,会解除疲劳;但是,如果此时玩家角色没有八个或更多瓶盖,他必须被丢弃。 Template:FBG
- 辐射3
服装 | 武器 | 其他 物品 |
麥奎迪市长的服装和头盔 | R91突击步枪 | 5.56mm子弹 |
- * 与其他灯火小镇角色不同,当试图扒窃他时,他的物品栏无法互动。
- 辐射4
服装 | 武器 | 其他 物品 |
MacCready's duster MacCready's hat |
狙击步枪 | .308子弹 |
注释 | |
- "试一试,mungo。当我在你的坟墓上撒尿时,你会看到很多我的成人大小的石头。"
- "当然,我已经让这个地方发展了三年。对于大多数孩子来说,这让我成为了他妈的终身市长。我说,我觉得很好。"
- "不要再迈出一步,否则我们会炸掉你的脑袋!"
- "守规矩,一切都会好起来的。"
- "离我远点,mungo,我不想被你骗了!"
- "mungo,mungo,闻起来像粪臭!"
- "你可以走了,你这个疯狂的变种人混蛋。滚出我的小镇!"
- "那你呢?我怎么知道我的背部不会挨一枪?"
- "如果我知道终点有一堆瓶盖等着我,我就多走一百英里。"
- "看朋友。如果你在宣传原子神,或者在寻找朋友,那么你找错人了。如果你需要租用的枪支...那么也许我们可以谈谈。"
- "让我们小心。没有人会这样堆书。"
- "以前从来没有坐过飞机。我得到的最高成绩是受到心理打击。"
- "如果他们真的在乎它,就不会把它丢在那里。"
- "它是安静的。太安静了。笑*哦,天哪,我一直想这么说。"
- "隧道蛇统治! *哈* 对不起,我很久以前就听说过。"
- "是的……我们应该离开这里。马上就好了。"
- "任何时候你想让我带一些你拖着的贵重装备...你只是,让我知道" – 被问及想法
- "今天是美好的一天。非常适合旅行。" – 被问及想法
- "我非常想喝一杯。我想起来了,我喝了。"
- "没有什么比尿湿垃圾更能表达欢迎的了"
- "在我吃了一批坏的 Cram 后,我吃了其中一个。在罐子里呆了八个小时。"
- "带着邓肯,我带着我必须逃走的一切。如果我们和她一起死在那里也许会更好"
- "你的丈夫/妻子呢??我知道他/她已经走了,但你仍然爱他/她,不是吗?" – 当独存者与他恋爱时
- "麥奎迪联邦储蓄银行开门营业。"
- "我一直想要自己的房车... 它将是午夜蓝色,带有豹皮内饰。 嘿... 胜过住在山洞里。" – 在費德勒格蘭露營莊園。
- "非常好的住房,没有人住在里面。不是好兆头" – 在飛萊姆山莊園
- "想知道这些老人是死于老年还是炸弹投下时辐射将他们煮死?" – 在沙灣養老院。
- "我敢打赌,在过去的两百年里,那东西一直在传播同样的信息。" – 在南波士頓軍事檢查站
- 当钢铁兄弟会到达联邦:
- "操……这是该死的钢铁兄弟会。他们到底在这儿做什么?" – 当目睹普利德溫號的到来时。
- "你看到那艘飞艇的大小了吗? 现在这就是你进入的方式。" – 在评论钢铁兄弟会时。
- 建立亲密关系后:
- "有你在我身边让我比以往任何时候都更快乐。"
- "你告诉我你爱我的那一天是我生命中最伟大的一天。"
- "我永远不会忘记你的所作所为。你救了我……从我自身。"
- "不要走得太远……我喜欢靠近。"
- "嗯……你好帅!" – 男性独存者
- "嗯……你好漂亮!" – 女性独存者
- 当"情人的拥抱"被激活时:
- "我从来不知道你可以用变种果做到这一点"
- "那... 太精彩了"
- "醒来昏昏欲睡的头"
- "准备好迎接这一天?"
- "是时候该走了?"
- 被辐射时:
- "嗯,应该在手腕上的那个东西点击那么下?"
- "也许我们离开辐射会更好?"
- "我们不会在所有这些辐射中持续很长时间。"
- "辐射让我感到恶心。"
- "想要开始发光什么的?"
- 临死时:
- "不...求求你... 不..."
- 当在海德公园的建筑物顶部时
- "呵呵,从这里可以看到我家。抱歉一直想说这个"
- 当到达一个令人毛骨悚然的地方时
- "脖子后面的毛像这样竖起来正常吗?"
- "是的……我们应该离开这里。现在就好了。"
- "我从这个地方得到了不好的共鸣。我们不应该在这里。"
- If taken to Nate/Nora's corpse in Vault 111
- "嘿,我真的很抱歉。如果你不想,我们不必在这里... 我...我会让你一个人呆着。"
- 与麥奎迪交换时
- 派普: "所以我们什么时候进行一对一的采访,派普?" to which Piper replies: "Oh, MacCready. Never in a million years."
- 汉考克: "汉考克!联邦最酷的尸鬼怎么样?" to which Hancock replies: "Hey, MacCready. Don’t wait up."
- 迪耿: "好吧,迪耿……我想该轮到你了。注意安全。" to which Deacon replies: "Appreciate that, MacCready. You do the same."
- 尼克·瓦倫坦: "该死的,我忘了给你拿机油,瓦伦坦。" to which Nick replies: "Cute, MacCready. You come up with that all on your own?"
- 居礼: "好吧,居里,我猜你已经起来了。在外面玩得开心。" to which Curie replies: "Mon dieu! Always so polite. Au revoir to you, MacCready."
- 壯壯: "好吧,壮壮……看来该轮到你了,我巨大的变异朋友。" to which Strong replies: "Goodbye, Mack Ree Dee."
羅伯特·麥奎迪出现于辐射3, 辐射4, 辐射:桌面游戏和辐射:避难所Online。
- 在辐射4的本地化版本中,麥奎迪的声音由Javier Lorca(西班牙语)和Masayoshi Sugawara(日语)配音。
- "RJ MacReady是库尔特·拉塞尔在1982年约翰·卡彭特恐怖电影怪胎中扮演的主角。
- 麥奎迪在 波士頓公共圖書館中的台词“让我们小心点。没有人会以这种方式堆放书籍”,这是电影捉鬼敢死队中的一句话。
- player.moveto 0000313b。 麥奎迪市长很容易消失。他倾向于徘徊在晦涩和黑暗的角落。如果他出去快速回城,或者站在他让独行者进城时最初站立的平台上,他可能会出现在正门附近。可以使用控制台命令移动到当前位置
- 有时麥奎迪不会提供打开大门的选项,即使此时有人已经遵循了本维基中概述的建议。确保玩家不会遇到这种情况的一种方法是在与麥奎迪交谈时单击所有灰显的语音选项。打开大门的对话选项出现在一条通常变灰/变暗的线之后。 [已验证]
- prid 000185d5将公主移动到事件范围内,然后是moveto player。 [已验证] 麥奎迪有可能在接到指示后不打开大门。他会跑过去,爬上T台,但不会启动开关来升起大门。这是因为脚本序列要求公主在另一端,并且她可能无法使用麥奎迪运行来执行此功能。没有使用控制台来激活门/切换剪辑,解决方案是使用另一个入口,从以前的保存中重新加载,或者尝试使用控制台命令
- ResetQuest 00014e8c 并前往大本营再次开始任务。 [已验证] 在打开路径之前执行DLC任务将结束“寻找踪迹”,导致麥奎迪和约瑟夫的对话选项消失,并且无法进入87号避难所。唯一的解决方案是使用一个仍然有“寻找踪迹”作为活动任务的存档,然后重做丢失的任何进度,或者使用控制台命令
- prid 0002a8a7后跟moveto player会将麥奎迪带到玩家面前,但不能解决问题。 [已验证] 有时你可能无法与麥奎迪交谈或打开他的库存。在快速旅行期间,他也未能跟随玩家。输入控制台命令
- 解雇麥奎迪后,再次雇佣他会在你第一次见到他时弹出对话,需要在被雇佣之前支付报酬。重新加载以前的存档可以解决此问题。 [已验证]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p. 84: "Mayor Robert Joseph MacCready
He has served as the mayor of Little Lamplight for two years (since he was 10), when he was chosen by the other residents due to his smarts, toughness, and the fact that he doesn't take guff from anyone. He has no fear of adults and is a perfect representative. He is belligerent, small (even for his age), very distrustful of adults, and willing to blow someone's head off to defend his young charges, but MacCready is also very loyal to those he considers friends."
(Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)
Template:Navbox characters FBG