
Gametitle-FO1Gametitle-FO3Gametitle-FNVGametitle-FO76Gametitle-FO76 Steel DawnGametitle-FO76 Steel Reign
Gametitle-FO1Gametitle-FO3Gametitle-FNVGametitle-FO76Gametitle-FO76 Steel DawnGametitle-FO76 Steel Reign
所以今晚,当我们一起进餐时,让我们一起创造一些新的东西。强大的东西。 我们可以引以为豪的东西。我们可以建立的东西。 我们将保留以前最好的东西并使用它。总有一天,我们会夺回失去的东西。 让我们打造一个鋼鐵兄弟會Formation of the Brotherhood of Steel

最高长老[2] 罗杰·麦克森(英文名:Roger Maxson ,服务号码 072389)是美国陆军的一名上尉,也是钢铁兄弟会的创始人,在大战后担任其第一位最高长老。[3]



2076年,威斯科技NBC部门泛免疫病毒项目上取得突破性成果。美国国防部担心国际间谍活动,将罗伯特·斯宾德尔上校和罗杰·麦克森上尉指挥的军事小组调到现场,以保护和监督该项目,现在被称为FEV(強制進化病毒)项目。[5] 2077年1月7日,所有FEV研究都转移到新建的玛丽博萨军事基地,开始对人体进行病毒测试。[6][7] 安保团队也被转移到新建的基地,为设施内正在进行的研究提供保护。他们没有被告知研究的性质。[3]


在2077年10月10日之前不久,这个秘密事与愿违,当时驻扎在该基地的士兵发现了正在进行的人体试验,而科学家使用战俘作为试验对象的事实使情况变得更糟。斯宾德尔上校精神崩溃,把自己锁在办公室里,让麦克森上尉处理基地不断恶化的局势。士兵们尖叫着流血,变得越来越咄咄逼人。 两天后,即10月12日,上尉阻止一名士兵谋杀一名科学家,并命令审问这些科学家。[3]


这使麦克森成为叛乱的领导人。10月15日,斯宾德尔上校在他的部下闯入他的办公室时自杀,麦克森的地位得到进一步巩固。随后的科学家审讯总是以处决告终。到10月18日,该项目的科学家们全部死亡,被麦克森上尉杀害。艾琳·谢尔曼坚持的时间最长,几乎让上尉相信这些实验确实是政府下令进行的。[3] 2077年10月20日,麦克森上尉宣布他的部队完全脱离美国,试图迫使政府对玛丽博萨的局势做出反应。没有回应,但兵变的消息在更广泛的美国军队中传播开来。[4] 一天后,他命令他指挥下的士兵家属在设施内避难。[3]


大战于2077年10月23日爆发。当麦克森在威斯科技从莱昂·冯·费登那里窥探细节时,他被威斯科技研究设施的核爆炸切断了。幸免于核破坏,玛丽博萨保护居民免受核辐射和淹没废土的野生 FEV。由于担心中国很快会弥补疏忽,10月24日,麦克森命令他的士兵和他们的家人准备第二天撤离基地。[8]

10 月 25 日,普拉纳中士自愿在基地外进行大气读数。报告大气中没有大量辐射,为出埃及记进行了最后的准备 (后来由该词所指的事件)。10月26日,麦克森下令将科学家的遗体掩埋在基地外的废墟中。一天后,即10月27日,前美国军人及其家属在罗杰·麦克森上尉的带领下离开基地,前往南部的失落山丘政府地堡。[3]

几周后的11月,难民们抵达了地堡。人们在途中遭受伤亡,虽然士兵们享受着他们的T-51b动力装甲提供的保护,但他们的家人却没有。在其路线上袭击商队的掠夺者很快学会了以未受保护的平民为目标。尽管每失去一名平民,就有两名袭击者丧生,但也有许多人丧生,[9] Fallout Bible 包括罗杰麦克森的妻子。[Non-game 1] 在出埃及记期间,在艾伦中士的领导下,几名士兵也脱离了。[10] 他要求领导允许他和他的团队探索威斯科技研究設施的废墟,寻找遗留下来的先进技术。艾伦的派系无视麦克森上尉的警告,从主要商队中分离出来,带着他们的动力装甲向东南方向冒险前往闪耀之地。再也没有他们的消息了。[11]

剩下的出埃及记幸存者声称这个地堡是他们自己的。士兵们把它建成了他们组织的总部,而难民们根据自己的需要对它进行了扩展和改造,把这个地堡变成了一个技术堡垒,这个世界在一夜之间失去了几个世纪的技术发展。[12] 不久之后,麦克森和他的手下使用通信卫星联系了全国的其他陆军部队。 一个这样的单位位于阿帕拉契亚,由麦克森的老熟人伊丽莎白·塔格迪领导。


不久之后,麦克森在给他的部下的一份公告中宣布,美国在战争前几年未能保护其公民并满足他们的需求,并表示他们必须形成一个新秩序来保护文明:“ 钢铁兄弟会。”

兄弟会的信仰是由麦克森上尉的经历塑造的。起初,兄弟会专注于尽其所能帮助幸存者,充当武装战斗力量,而不是成为一个军事组织。随着人们意识到人类的集体知识有可能在未来几代人中消失,这一变化随之而来。为了保留过去的秘密,麦克森决定让兄弟会致力于保存技术和人类知识,收集它以便兄弟会成为人类重生的催化剂。作为文明的守护者,兄弟会关注大局,直接援助被视为次要问题。[13] 虽然学士最初被认为是二流成员,只是保护骑士和维护兄弟会基地的工具,但这种优先级的变化使他们与兄弟会的士兵处于平等地位,其任务是保护和开发骑士从该领域回收的技术。[13]



2103年之前的某个时候,最高长老麦克森和他的长老委员会批准了拉玛尼圣骑士的请求,组建一支远征队前往阿帕拉契亚,并发现MIA的命运,推测KIA(已阵亡),分部。[15][16] 虽然这次旅行耗时数月,长老议会对拉玛尼对兄弟会的信仰存有疑虑,但麦克森仍然坚信她,但也敦促她尽快与失落山丘分会重新建立联系。[17][18]然而,拉玛尼实际上推迟了这一命令的执行,因为她更专注于在阿帕拉契亚建立积极的存在,进一步加深了她和丹尼尔·信骑士之间的裂痕。 [19]


麦克森于2135年死于Fallout Bible癌症。他已经是兄弟会的传奇人物,被神化为创始人和拯救者。他的儿子麦克森二世接替他成为最高长老,而他的孙子约翰·麦克森加入了圣骑士阶级,大有前途。[1][Non-game 2] 尽管新领导层口头上支持他的理想,但他们采取行动将兄弟会与外界隔离开来。领导层变动最显着的影响是到2141年停止外部招募,完全依靠自然增长。[20]麦克森新加州共和国的一个州,以他的名字命名。[21]

罗杰·麦克森最后一个在世的后裔是亚瑟·麦克森,他在歐文·里昂斯和钢铁兄弟会东海岸分会的照顾下,在首都废土城堡里度过了他的童年。[Non-game 3]2287年,他是那个分会的长老,登上了联邦普利德溫號

相关 holotapes[]




  • "我终于通过我们的无线电回复了外界。我不知道为什么当我们停止响应他们的通话时,他们从来没有派人到这里看看发生了什么。这没有任何意义。嗯,他们现在就来。我宣布退出联系。他们记得杰斐逊戴维斯。历史会怎样评价我?"
  • "我们今天要离开这个被遗忘的地方。我正在带领流亡者前往失落山丘的旧政府地堡。我要把这本日志留在这被埋葬后,等这个地方进入下一次交汇时。谁知道呢,也许有一天有人会找到它....."
  • "我们战斗过,我们忍受过,最后我们有了一小块安全地带。但有家是不够的。我们需要更多。我们需要的是... 目的。但我们不能为此目的而指望过去的美国。我们必须建立自己的。"
  • "我们需要做一些大胆的事情。我们不能只留在美国陆军。将会发生什么,这只是时间问题,是某个将军,或者某个该死的政客要离开避难所并开始命令我们四处走动。更糟的是,他们还会叫人重新开始这个该死的循环。另一波核死亡,如果这还不够,他们会再做一次!你知道他们会的,丽兹。它结束于我们。我们不会让他们得逞的。"
  • "言语有力量,丽兹。他们建立身份。如果你继续使用它们,它们就会具有意义,即使它一开始并不存在。罗马沦陷后,骑士和学士保护了西方文明的残余。所以我们是新的骑士,我们的角色是相似的。但我们需要的不仅仅是名字。我们需要新的传统,我们自己的神话。人们可以完全相信的东西。"


罗杰·麦克森在辐射辐射3辐射:新维加斯以及辐射76中都有提及(介绍了他录制的声音)及其 更新钢铁黎明钢铁统治


  • 辐射76可能让麦克森的外观更加突出,尽管这个想法似乎在开发早期就被废弃了。麦克森有几条语音线在任何地方都没有使用,只能通过搜索所有音频文件才能找到。大多数剪辑对话文件都附有内部“场景”,尽管这些行没有。 在某一时刻,打算在 麦克森和76号避难所避难所居民之间建立直接联系。 He would have asked the player character to find the bodies of Squires Belmonte and Kerry, and to report their cause of death in the "Brotherhood Terminal."[Non-canon 1] Technical data in the quest Forbidden Knowledge would also likely have been sent directly to Maxson and the Lost Hills team via uplink.
  • 在被取消的范布倫中,麦克森地堡本来是加州东部某个地方的钢铁兄弟会前哨。 据说它是由他的后代杰里米·麦克森以罗杰·麦克森的名字命名的。[Non-canon 2]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Citadel terminal entries; Maxson archive terminal, Roger Maxson
  2. Vault Dweller: "Who leads the Brotherhood?"
    Scribe Valdez: "The Council of Elders, chief among them High Elder Maxson, our founder. He proclaimed our mission and set us on the path we follow today. Our expedition leader is Paladin Rahmani. She's an aggressive and daring commander who's taken us through many trials."
    (Odessa Valdez's dialogue)
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 Captain Maxson's diary
  4. 4.0 4.1 Radio log: Aug 29 2077
  5. GPWRTERM.MSG: "{242}{}{In light of significant advances in 2076 by the NBC on the Pan-Immunity Virion Project, the United States Defense Department, in fear of international espionage,}"
    "{243}{}{ moved a team onto the site to secure and oversee the project, now dubbed the FEV (Forced Evolutionary Virus) project.}"
  6. GPWRTERM.MSG: "{236}{}{2077. FEV nears completion. Test on lab animals are at a near 100% success rate. Size and muscle density increase approximately 60%, and the protential游戏中的拼写、标点和/或语法 intelligence increase by 200%. }"
    "{237}{}{Effects upon human subjects remain unknown; although they are theoretically promising. }"
    "{238}{}{The military, wishing to continue further testing, builds a large facility at the Mariposa military installation in central California. At this new facility, testing of the FEV virus continues on volunteer subjects from the military.}"
  7. FEV experiment disk: "Log Date January 7, 2077: Major Barnett has ordered transfer of all FEV research to the Mariposa Military Base. He plans to continue the project experiments on volunteer subjects. I am against this, and would like it noted here that research on human subjects is not recommended by myself or my staff."
  8. Maxson log
  9. Sophia's tape: "The Exodus from the accursed base was a trying time for the men and their families. While there was no radioactive fallout to contend with, they were frequently beset by the fallout of humanity. Roving bands of psychotic marauders attempted several attacks on that noble group.
    The company itself was in no danger, for they wore the Armor of Power. Members of their families were not so lucky. Once the vermin found out they were easily repelled, they began to fire on the unarmed civilians from a distance.
    They took a great many casualties, yet for every member of the Exodus that was struck down in this way, our noble brethren took two lives from the wasteland."
  10. Cabbot: The Vault Dweller: "{1012}{}{Exodus}"
    Cabbot: "{1111}{Cab_64}{Oh, well, in the Exodus, the Brotherhood split into two groups. The group that broke away robbed the others of some of the weapons an-and went southwest. About ten years ago, we sent out knights to look for them, but all they found was ruins. No one knows what happened.}"
  11. Sophia's tape: "Yet there were those who sought still more. These restless souls demanded we look to the southeast for the advanced technology that was supposedly housed there.
    Capt. Maxson warned these impetuous youths that the research facility was doubtlessly destroyed when we were spared, but they would not hear his words. They took their sanctified armor and headed off to find their Holy Grail, but not before they spoke the Deliverer's name in vain, questioning his very bravery!
    These men were never heard from again."
  12. Sophia's tape: "In the fullness of time the bunker became our home, our temple and our salvation from the terrors of the outside world. We began to build and shape our fortress into something glorious, the beauty of which the technologically bereft world had never seen before."
  13. 13.0 13.1 Preservation of technology
  14. Elder Maxson's final conversation
  15. See Leila Rahmani for details.
  16. Vault Dweller: "Why did you come to Appalachia?"
    Scribe Valdez: "We're here to help the people of Appalachia, and to catalog any technological discoveries we find. We set up Fort Atlas to that end. This old observatory has a wealth of technology to discover, and is a good staging point for future operations. We also want to learn the fate of the old Appalachian chapter of our order. MIA, presumed KIA."
    (Odessa Valdez's dialogue)
  17. Encrypted broadcasts
  18. Vault Dweller: "Who's Elder Maxson?"
    Scribe Valdez: "Oh, have we not explained that to you yet? It should have been part of your Initiation... Guess we just haven't had a chance to slow down. Sorry about that. Above the Paladins are the Elders. And leading the Elders is High Elder Maxson. He's the one who founded the Brotherhood, and decided to send us on our mission here."
    (Odessa Valdez's dialogue)
  19. Vault Dweller: "Why is Shin so concerned with contacting Elder Maxson?"
    Scribe Valdez: "It was one of our orders. After setting up in Appalachia, we were to re-establish contact, make a report, and receive our next assignment. It's not that the Paladin has directly disobeyed that order, but... she's been more focused on helping Appalachia. Being in that position, as the leader of this whole operation, I can't even imagine how much she has to think about. I'm just trying to support both her and the Knight as much as I can. And hopefully get them back on the same page."
    (Odessa Valdez's dialogue)
  20. John Maxson: "{106}{Gen_1}{Hello, youngster. Cabbot said you wanted to talk. Look I'm uh . . . I'm pretty stacked up right now, so I'll uh . . . I'll help you out as long as you don't start flappin' your gums too much. You know, outsiders are like that, always jawin' . . . Hehehe. Kinda like me, huh?}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{107}{}{Outsiders? What do you mean by that?}"
    John Maxson: "{113}{Gen_3}{An Initiate not born here. You're the first Outsider we've let join in a long, long time. Well, near on twenty years now. }"
  21. Citadel terminal entries; Maxson Archive terminal, State of Maxson
  1. Fallout Bible 0 Timeline repair: Second strike:
    "2077 Nov Captain Maxson, his men, and their families, arrive at the Lost Hills bunker a few weeks later, suffering many casualties along the way, including Maxson's wife (but not his teenage son). The Lost Hills bunker becomes the HQ of the Brotherhood of Steel the Vault Dweller finds in Fallout 1."
  2. Fallout Bible 0 Timeline repair: Second strike:
    "2135 Elder Roger Maxson dies of cancer, and his son, already an accomplished soldier, takes up the role of "General" (Elder) within the Brotherhood of Steel. John Maxson becomes a member of the Paladins, showing tremendous promise as a soldier."
  3. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.98: "Squire Arthur Maxson
    Squire Maxson is a descendant of the legendary Roger Maxson, founder of the Brotherhood of Steel. His father, a high-ranking Paladin serving just outside the N.C.R. (New California Republic), was recently killed in battle, and his mother, the Lady Maxson, sent the boy east to be raised under the tutelage of the respected Elder Lyons. Squire Maxson tends toward timidity, which is the main reason his mother sent him to the Citadel."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)
  1. Cut content FO76CC MaxsonMissionBrief.ogg
  2. Van Buren Maxson bunker design document p. 3: "In the year 2242, Jeremy Maxson renamed the bunker after his famous ancestor, Roger Maxson. He then sent a full compliment of troops for occupation."