



11世紀: 1066
13世紀: 1215
17世紀: 1603 | 1612 | 1630 | 1634 | 1635 | 1660 | 1680 | 1690 | 1692 | 1697
18世紀: 1711 | 1713 | 1714 | 1723 | 1733 | 1742 | 1754 | 1755 | 1763 | 1768 | 1770 | 1773 | 1775 | 1776 | 1783 | 1786 | 1787 | 1789 | 1797 | 1798
19世紀: 1816 | 1823 | 1843 | 1845 | 1851 | 1854 | 1855 | 1861 | 1862 | 1863 |1865 | 1874 | 1877 | 1879 | 1884 | 1894 | 1895 | 1898
20世紀: 1903 | 1907 | 1912 | 1914 | 1915 | 1916 | 1918 | 1919 | 1920s | 1922 | 1925 | 1931 | 1932 | 1935 | 1938 | 1939 | 1941 | 1942 | 1943 | 1945 | 1948 | 1949 | 1951 | 1952 | 1950s | 1961 | 1969 | 1992
2000年代: 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009
2010年代: 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019
2020年代: 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 | 2026 | 2027 | 2028 | 2029
2030年代: 2030 | 2031 | 2032 | 2033 | 2034 | 2035 | 2036 | 2037 | 2038 | 2039
2040年代: 2040 | 2041 | 2042 | 2043 | 2044 | 2045 | 2046 | 2047 | 2048 | 2049
2050年代: 2050 | 2051 | 2052 | 2053 | 2054 | 2055 | 2056 | 2057 | 2058 | 2059
2060s年代: 2060 | 2061 | 2062 | 2063 | 2064 | 2065 | 2066 | 2067 | 2068 | 2069
2070年代: 2070 | 2071 | 2072 | 2073 | 2074 | 2075 | 2076 | 2077 | 2078 | 2079
2080年代: 2080 | 2081 | 2082 | 2083 | 2084 | 2085 | 2086 | 2087 | 2088 | 2089
2090年代: 2090 | 2091 | 2092 | 2093 | 2094 | 2095 | 2096 | 2097 | 2098 | 2099
2100年代: 2100 | 2101 | 2102 | 2103 | 2104 | 2105 | 2106 | 2107 | 2108 | 2109
2110年代: 2110 | 2111 | 2112 | 2113 | 2114 | 2115 | 2116 | 2117 | 2118 | 2119
2120年代: 2120 | 2121 | 2122 | 2123 | 2124 | 2125 | 2126 | 2127 | 2128 | 2129
2130年代: 2130 | 2131 | 2132 | 2133 | 2134 | 2135 | 2136 | 2137 | 2138 | 2139
2140年代: 2140 | 2141 | 2142 | 2143 | 2144 | 2145 | 2146 | 2147 | 2148 | 2149
2150年代: 2150 | 2151 | 2152 | 2153 | 2154 | 2155 | 2156 | 2157 | 2158 | 2159
2160年代: 2160 | 2161 | 2162 | 2163 | 2164 | 2165 | 2166 | 2167 | 2168 | 2169
2170年代: 2170 | 2171 | 2172 | 2173 | 2174 | 2175 | 2176 | 2177 | 2178 | 2179
2180年代: 2180 | 2181 | 2182 | 2183 | 2184 | 2185 | 2186 | 2187 | 2188 | 2189
2190年代: 2190 | 2191 | 2192 | 2193 | 2194 | 2195 | 2196 | 2197 | 2198 | 2199
2200年代: 2200 | 2201 | 2202 | 2203 | 2204 | 2205 | 2206 | 2207 | 2208 | 2209
2210年代: 2210 | 2211 | 2212 | 2213 | 2214 | 2215 | 2216 | 2217 | 2218 | 2219
2220年代: 2220 | 2221 | 2222 | 2223 | 2224 | 2225 | 2226 | 2227 | 2228 | 2229
2230年代: 2230 | 2231 | 2232 | 2233 | 2234 | 2235 | 2236 | 2237 | 2238 | 2239
2240年代: 2240 | 2241 | 2242 | 2243 | 2244 | 2245 | 2246 | 2247 | 2248 | 2249
2250年代: 2250 | 2251 | 2252 | 2253 | 2254 | 2255 | 2256 | 2257 | 2258 | 2259
2260年代: 2260 | 2261 | 2262 | 2263 | 2264 | 2265 | 2266 | 2267 | 2268 | 2269
2270年代: 2270 | 2271 | 2272 | 2273 | 2274 | 2275 | 2276 | 2277 | 2278 | 2279
2280年代: 2280 | 2281 | 2282 | 2283 | 2284 | 2285 | 2286 | 2287 | 2288 | 2289
2290年代: 2290 | 2291 | 2292 | 2293 | 2294 | 2295 | 2296 | 2297 | 2298 | 2299
24世紀: 2316 | 2377
30世紀: 2910


  • Four thousand years before the earliest human civilizations emerge in Mesopotamia, Ubar thrives in the region known to humans as the Rub' al Khali.[1]







  • 英國國王約翰頒布《自由大憲章》。









  • 兩艘英國殖民船在眺望角附近靠岸。[5]
  • 美國最古老的公園——波士頓公園落成。





  • 未來的保羅·里維爾故居落成,這裡後來成為波士頓最古老的建築。[8]



  • 美國歷史上的第一份報紙《公共事件報》在波士頓刊行。[9]







  • 舊州議會大廈建成。[14]











  • 英屬馬薩諸塞灣直轄殖民地內發生了安角地震,法尼爾大廳頂部的鍍金蚱蜢風向標被震落。[20]




  • June 28: Gilded grasshopper weather vane has been restored and returned on the top of the Faneuil Hall top by Thomas Drowne.[20]




  • 12月16日:波士頓爆發傾茶事件 ,抗議英國本土製訂的稅收徵收方案。



  • 7月4日:美洲殖民地宣佈脫離英國統治,成立美利堅合眾國.[24]
  • April 19, 1775March 17, 1776: The Siege of Boston concluded with the British withdrawing from the city of Boston.[25]



  • 9月3日:《巴黎條約》簽訂,美國獨立戰爭正式結束。



  • September 17: The Constitution of the United States was signed by the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and ratified by conventions in eleven states. It went into effect on March 4, 1789.[27]



  • December 15: The United States Bill of Rights amended the United States Constitution with ten rights that all American citizens are guaranteed by their government.



  • 由著名建築師查爾斯.布爾芬奇設計的國會山莊和麻薩諸賽州政府大樓完工。麻州政府一直使用這棟建築,直到1969年第十三州成立。[30]






  • 12月2日:詹姆斯·門羅總統發表門羅主義,宣稱歐洲國家對於南北美地區的 一切殖民或干涉行為,如沒得到美國允許,都會被其視為侵略行為。[26]







  • 查爾斯·狄更斯寫成並發表《荒涼山莊》。[35]


  • Ticknor and Fields publishing company is founded in Old Corner Bookstore by William Davis Ticknor, John Allen and James Thomas Fields.[12]


  • June 14: Mormon missionaries arrive in Nevada and build a fort along one of the creeks that flows from the Las Vegas springs.[36]




  • 4月12日:南卡羅萊納州爆發桑特堡戰役,南方邦聯控制了該堡壘,隨後爆發南北戰爭
  • June 3: The Battle of Philippi, the first land battle of the American Civil War, takes place at the current site of the Philippi Battlefield Cemetery.[38]



  • 11月19日:林肯總統在賓州蓋茲堡的軍人國家公墓發表蓋茲堡演說,以紀念該國家公墓的奉獻。四個半月前,北方聯邦軍在此處擊敗南方邦聯軍。[26]


  • 4月14日:林肯總統在福特劇院看戲時被演員約翰·威爾克斯·布思 射擊,於次日過世。[40]
  • 5月9日:在南方邦聯一個月前於阿波馬托克斯法院投降後,安德魯.詹森總統宣布美國內戰結束。
  • (英文版無此項)6月22日:美國內戰雙方全面停火。


  • 5月30日:在「西華德的愚蠢」推動之下,美國用七百二十萬美金向俄羅斯帝國買下阿拉斯加。







  • December 6: The Washington Monument memorial is completed in the central part of the National Mall.



  • April 6 - May 14: 羅倫佐·凱伯在阿拉伯的大空洞旅行時找到了Ubar。During the excavation, he stumbled upon an alien artifact and falls under its unstable influence.[43]


  • Schoelt公司建立。[44]
  • Van Buren (not confirmed as canon) The United States Penitentiary Tibbets comes into existence through an act of Congress.[45]





  • 瑪麗.安德森 發明雨刷。[42]
  • 12月17日:萊特兄弟在北卡羅萊納州的小鷹鎮試飛飛行者一號成功。[42]
  • 波士頓贏得了1903年的世界職業棒球大賽。[47]




  • 波士頓贏得了1912年的世界職業棒球大賽。[47]



  • 波士頓贏得了1915年的世界職業棒球大賽。[47]


  • 波士頓贏得了1916年的世界職業棒球大賽。[47]


  • 夕陽沙士開始投入生產。[51][52]
  • 波士頓贏得了1918年的世界職業棒球大賽。[47]
  • (英文版無此項)約翰.潘興將軍發表《From the Battlefields of France》演說。
  • General of the Armies John Pershing issues the From the Battlefields of France speech.[53]
  • 11月11日:第一次世界大戰結束。[54]
  • FOTactics Logo白朗寧自動步槍成為美軍的班制標準機槍,並持續了好些年。




  • The Soviet Union is formed by the Bolshevik Party, and Vladimir Lenin is elected its first Chairman.





  • (英文版為1934年) March: Vikki and Vance begin their crime spree.[57]


  • The Flying Scotsman locomotive sets a train speed world record at 100 miles per hour.[58]
  • 5月23日:邦妮和克萊德在路易斯安那州邊維爾郡的農路上中伏而死。



  • FOTactics LogoM1加蘭德步槍成為美軍標準步槍,隨後成為所有有規模的軍隊的主要步槍。


  • FOTactics Logo捷克斯洛伐克設計的布倫輕機槍成為大英國協軍隊的標準輕機槍。
  • FOTactics Logo德國設計的MP38衝鋒槍成為納粹德國軍隊的標準衝鋒槍。
  • The Giant Teapot is built in Appalachia to represent the largest pottery industry in the world.[59]


  • 9月1日: 第一次世界大戰爆發。




  • 山嶺軍事基地建立。其主要任務是儲存並保養防禦用軍需品供給。這一使命延續至1991年。[60]


  • 范布伦计划(並未承認為正史)洛斯阿拉莫斯核能研究開發所——代號「保留地」——建設完成,並加入曼哈頓計劃中。[61]


  • (英文版無此項)May 7: 德國對同盟國投降,二戰的歐洲戰事結束。
  • 7月16日:美國引爆第一枚原子彈新墨西哥州洛斯阿拉莫斯國家實驗室的試驗場。
  • 8月6日:代號「小男孩」的原子彈成為第一枚作為武器的原子彈。美國空軍509混合飛行大隊的保羅.蒂貝茨上校駕駛B-29超級堡壘「艾諾拉.蓋伊號」把「小男孩」扔到廣島頭上。[62]
  • 8月9日: 美國空軍向日本城市長崎投下了名為「胖子」的原子彈。[62]
  • 8月14日:日本向同盟國投降,第二次世界大戰結束。在此之後到1961年之間,輻射世界的時間線開始與現實世界產生明顯區別。最初只是一些小的區別,後來的區別越來越大。


  • 7月21日:一架波音B-29-100-BW超級堡壘米德湖墜毀,大部分保持完好。






  • 7月4日:美國正式採用50星條旗。


  • 5月5日:美國航天局卡爾·貝爾上尉成為了第一個進入太空的人類。但蘇聯和中國對此表示不予承認。貝爾上校乘坐挑戰7號進行的太空旅行持續了12分鐘零7秒,環繞地球一圈。太空艙返回時墜毀,貝爾不幸身亡。[64]


  • 在這一年,美國分成了十三個邦聯,每個邦聯包含數個州。[30]因此國旗也做了改變,變成了十四顆星,周圍環繞的十三顆星代表邦聯,中間的一顆星代表邦聯政府以及民族的統一。[65]
  • 7月16日: 室女2號飛船的登月艙英勇11號載著U.S.S.A.宇航員理查德·韋德上校,馬克·加里斯上校和邁克爾·哈根上校降落於月球表面。這三名宇航員是最早的在地球之外的天體上行走的人類。[64]
  • 11月14日: 室女3號飛船的登月艙英勇12號降落於月球表面。[64]



  • 山嶺軍事基地的使命改變。由於多餘彈藥儲存過久,已不適用于軍事目的,它現在負責這些彈藥的非軍事化工作。該計劃由工業作業指揮部環境保護局(E.P.A.)共同監督執行,以便更綠色、更清潔地銷毀過期軍火。此任務一直持續至2050年。[60]







  • Wonderglue is first put to market and becomes an American household staple.[69]









  • 德爾塔9號火箭經改裝適用於美國的軍事目的。原本用於宇航員生活和設備儲存的空間被核彈頭佔用。[75]




  • 范布伦计划(並未承認為正史) 普羅米修斯煤礦海神能源公司的一個部門,在猶他中部開了一處新的煤礦。煤礦附近建立起了一個叫鷹岩的小鎮。.[78]
  • 一個硬體升級修正了巧手先生機器人的一個早期Bug,這個Bug會導致巧手先生的手臂相互干擾。從那以後,巧手先生沒有再出現重大故障。[77]



  • 范布伦计划(並未承認為正史)塔比瑟監獄被美國政府強行徵收,以和避難所科技及海神石油合作進行安全屋計畫。4月5日時,軍方高層決定蓋一個新的能容納456名罪犯的懲戒所,預算上限是三億六千三百萬美元。預算於2041年撥下來,2042年動工,於2045年秋天完工。[45]


  • 8月16日:莫里·森蘭德博士在離開位於俄勒岡州洪堡的班菲爾德大學時,被外星人綁到澤塔母艦上。[79]


  • 6月25日:羅伯特·豪斯建立羅科企業[80]
  • Wilson Automatoys is established in Boston, Massachusetts.[81]
  • Giddyup Buttercup, a product of Wilson Automatoys, is copyrighted.[82]
  • 業餘化學家約翰·凱萊布-布萊德伯頓開始研發一款軟飲料,目標是能使飲用者精力充沛、提昇專注力,以及喝下比每日建議攝取量還多20%的糖分。[83]
  • 墨西哥城發生大地震,這令協助重建的巧手先生在墨西哥的銷量暴漲,成為當地最暢銷的機器人。[77]
  • 白鷺旅遊建立。[84]
  • April 2: The City of Watoga, West Virginia, Eastern Commonwealth is founded.[85]
  • June 25: Robert House founds RobCo Industries.[80]
  • 范布伦计划(並未承認為正史)7月: 施工方與避難所科技就塔比瑟監獄的空間布局和功能設施的需要開始磋商。[45]
  • (英文版無此項)9月3日: the Combined Arms Center Commander is given a decision brief of the USDB project, and selects one of three design options for further development. He also requests the Corps of Engineers to research an alternate location for the placement of this facility, since the geological evaluation of the site adjacent to the Trustee Unit revealed unsuitable subsurface conditions. Discussions involving the possible movement of the prison and relocation projects are also discussed, leading to the eventual three-rail system.




  • RobCo企業成為地球上最有錢的公司。[80]
  • Shannon Rivers makes her radio debut as part of the "Invaders from Planet Zed!" radio program.[73]




  • 山嶺軍事基地的使命再度發生變化。最新的科技成果將整個基地整修一新,從這時開始到2076年,此基地被用於秘密研究、開發及測試一系列的機械生化改造和常規武器。[60]
  • April 28: The Nuka-World power plant suffers a meltdown, just a few days before the park is scheduled to first open.[90][91]
  • 5月1日:核口世界對外開放Nuka-Town USAKiddie Kingdom兩處公園,主題公園吸引超過四萬名遊客。[92]


  • 美國為了保護其商業利益和石油供給而不斷對墨西哥施加壓力,說墨西哥政治不穩,空污還飄往美國,對美國是威脅。一連串的經濟制裁使墨西哥動盪不安,美國軍隊則開進墨西哥維持煉油廠運轉,以確保油料能繼續往北輸送,運費墨西哥出。 [93]
  • (出生日期)Carol, who is later to become a ghoul, is born.Greta's dialogue in Fallout 3.
  • N99型10毫米手槍取代N80成為軍隊標準副武器。[94]
  • 韋斯頓淨水站落成。這是把波士頓老舊公衛設施翻新的十年計畫的一部分。[95]


  • America begins suffering from an energy crisis, prompting companies like REPCONN Aerospace to begin development of new fuel sources.[96]
  • 一個電視紀錄片顯示,由於德州油田枯竭造成美國家庭用油短缺,並凸顯能源危機的急迫。[93]
  • 聯邦太空局執行最後一次往月球的載人太空飛行,該次飛行中太空人發現以前處女座二型的成員插在地表的旗子。[64]
  • 市調結果,一百個人中有八十六人最喜歡藍色,此後亮藍色瓶身成為核口可樂的特徵。[87]
  • 3月5日:極具傳染性的新型瘟疫爆發,殺死數以萬計的人。美國關閉邊界,並有史以來第一次實行全國性的檢疫。瘟疫的起源未知,但流言堅稱這是一種基改武器。[97]
  • (英文版無此項)為應對移民潮,美國全面封鎖國境線。[98]
  • 4月:資源戰爭開打。中東哄抬石油價格,較小的國家因而破產,歐洲聯邦為此向中東宣戰。[93]
  • 5月-7月:風中蟾蜍的聯合國開始崩解。他們嘗試維持和平,但引發一連串激烈的爭論,其中許多國家脫離聯合國。[99](英文版無此項)Linden街爆發Pint-Sized殺手連續凶殺案。
  • July: The Linden Street slayings of the Pint-Sized Slasher take place.[100][101]
  • 7月26日:聯合國正式解散。[102]


  • The socially transmitted New Plague arises, killing tens of thousands. The United States closes its borders and the first-ever national quarantine is declared. The source of the plague is unknown, but rumors persist that it is a genetically engineered weapon.[103][104][53]
  • 避難所科技開發的ZAX 1.0上線。該型超級電腦原本是設計來控制避難所的,後來被政府拿去給能源部蒐集能源資料,一年後又被軍隊拿去做瘟疫和戰術研究。之後威斯科技開發出ZAX 1.2[105]
  • (英文版無此項)避難所遊戲工作室公布了《紅色危機》,一款用來在嗶嗶小子上玩的卡帶遊戲。[106]
  • US Robotics Disposal創立。[107]
  • Shannon Rivers and Frederick Rivers get married.[73]
  • 12月: 一個可怕的核子武器摧毀了特拉維夫,用一個驚嘆號給這糟糕的一年做了結尾。[93]


  • 1月:小規模核戰在中東爆發,引發全世界恐慌。
  • REPCONN航太三角洲9號火箭的首次發射後成立。[108]
  • 有鑑於歐洲與中東之間的戰爭、以及瘟疫恐慌,美國正式啟動安全屋計畫。該計畫以垃圾債券籌措資金,目標是要建造被稱為「避難所」的掩體,以在核戰或致命瘟疫之中保護人民。建造工程始於2054年晚期,並因建築科技的進步而飛快進行。[93]


  • 威斯科技研究機構成立,以繼續研究針對新型瘟疫的治療法。對病毒的研究以及與聯邦政府的緊密連結,使他們最後在二十年後被選入「泛免疫病毒計畫」、動力步兵裝甲及雷射的研究。[105]
  • 威斯科技開發的ZAX 1.2正式上線。該型超級電腦並不由避難所科技負責維護,因此也沒有收到任何要在核戰過後保護人類的命令。ZAX此時還在冷靜的一邊計算資料一邊跟科學家下棋,許多科學家都說它是「大老千」,會把每場棋的時間拉到 常人難以忍受的地步。[93]
  • HalluciGen, Incorporated introduced their crowd control gas.[109]


  • 連結「哥倫比亞特區軟體管理室」與「美國計算組織室」的軟體「整合性人力資源管理系統2.3版」開發完成,這是美國政府與Computechtron公司合約中的一部分。[110]
  • Corvegas are available on the market.[111]


  • 范布伦计划(並未承認為正史)2月:美國政府宣布科羅拉多大峽谷國家公園摘牌,並正式解除它的受保護地位。[112]
  • 范布伦计划(並未承認為正史)5月:大規模鈾礦開採工作在科羅拉多大峽谷內開展,公園則無限期關閉。[112]
  • 3月15日-6月15日-7月15日:因為船隻航班延誤,錫安峽谷雜貨店沒收到三個禮拜前就該收到的De-Luxe山男多合一生存箱。一個月後船運公司還是沒送來生存箱,卻送來一堆Dinky恐龍(TM)正版可動玩偶。這個大錯讓店家損失慘重,他們必須把這些玩偶賣出去以彌補損失。於2281年還能在店中找到這些玩具。</ref> These toys can still be found in the store in 2281.



  • 美國為了保衛|阿拉斯加的石油資源而增加此處的軍事力量,安克拉治前線因此建立。美國想迫使加拿大讓美軍保衛通往安克拉治前線得阿拉斯加油管,造成兩國關係緊張。[93]
  • 第一個人工智慧誕生,因為記憶體的限制而很快就到達極限。這個發現替未來全美各個實驗室的AI研究鋪路。[93]



  • 全世界街道上的車子都停擺了。珍貴的石油不能用在交通工具上,人們因而找出替代方案─製造以電力和核分裂為動力的汽車,但在必須節省石油的前提下工廠也無法大量生產。這使的核融合研究壓力越來越大。[93]
  • 歐洲聯盟與中東國家之戰結束,因為中東地區的油田都已經乾涸了。雙方繼續衝突的意義已不存在,而交戰雙方也已經是遍地焦土殘垣了。[93]
  • 歐洲聯邦分裂成了數個獨立國家,各國之間開始為了爭奪為數不多的資源而爆發衝突。[115]
  • The U.S. military deploys their unmanned Cargobots all over Appalachia.[116]
  • Olympics are held at an unknown region.[117]
  • Bradberton is founded in Massachusetts.[118]




  • 八月:大部分避難所建造完畢,13號避難所總算開始動工,似乎預示著它的建造過程將滿是麻煩。已完工避難所所在的城市開始進行相關演習,但頻繁舉辦的演習造成了「演習麻痺」效應,參加演習的人數變得越來越少。[124]
  • 范布伦计划(並未承認為正史)當代最頂尖的核子物理學家威廉·克拉克博士負責管理保留地實驗室的所有科學家,格林上校負責他們的安全。[61]


  • 3月106號避難所開始建造。[119]
  • 范布伦计划(並未承認為正史)克拉克博士、Sebastian博士和「瘋狂」超級電腦,在洛斯阿拉莫斯任務再度變更的期間拍了一張合照。[61]


  • 2月:76號避難所開始建造。[119]
  • 4月14日: M.A.R.Go.T.(政府運輸快速地鐵管理系統)上線。[125]
  • 6月: 為了供應紐約超過一千七百萬人的電力需求,一個核反應爐被搞到超載,差點造成爐心融解。最後紐約不得不實施電力配給制,這次事件被稱為「熱夏」。[93]
  • 8月: 美國要求機械化裝甲部隊的機動力要更高,軍方開始研發人形坦克─雙足步行裝甲制服:動力裝甲。研究進行到2067年時,已經做出了數種原形裝甲,其中大部份都無法用於實戰。這些原形裝甲對於軍事、建築及核能科技的進步提供 了堅實的基礎。[93]
  • 范布伦计划(並未承認為正史)保留地實驗室的新任務是研究並生產能從太空軌道平台發射的核彈。[61]
  • 羅伯特·豪斯在進行了大量的數學計算後得出了毀滅地球的核子戰爭將在不到15年之內爆發的結論。[126]


  • 5月:87號避難所開始建造。[119]
  • 春季:全球油田都已乾涸,中國內部爆發能源危機。處於崩潰邊緣的中國,在與美國的貿易談判上變得越來越強硬,而美國並不想出口石油給中國,最終雙方談判破裂。[93]
  • 夏季:動力裝甲計畫的成果之一:第一枚原形核融合電池公諸於世,這使中美關係變得更加惡劣。美國開始量產使用核融合電池的設備,並把核融合動力和公共設施結合在一起。但對於亟需這些能源的地區來說,政府的速度太慢了。將近十一年後,美國仍然完全由核融合動力供給能源的地區數量仍然微不足道。[93]
  • 冬季:中國在2066年冬天入侵阿拉斯加安克拉治前線變成真正的戰場前線。美國議會無異議通過對中國宣戰,隨後由總統公告,宣布中美戰爭開打。[127][128][26]
  • 12月: 加拿大拒絕讓美軍通過加拿大領土,也不讓美國飛機通過加拿大領空,使的兩國緊張情勢加劇。加拿大最後退讓,使美軍能通過其領土,這是2076年美國佔領加拿大的遠因。[127]
  • 美國海軍的埃崩環礁號飛彈巡洋艦在安克拉治前線意外被自家海軍干涉號潛艇擊沉。干涉號把埃崩環礁號誤認為敵方船艦,朝她發射一枚核子魚雷,殺死船上的所有人。這是在二次大戰後美國海軍最嚴重的慘劇之一。[64]
  • 范布伦计划(並未承認為正史)美國中西部和墨西哥無法提供足夠的食物給民眾,只好實施食物配給制,結果導致丹佛的食物暴動。國民警衛隊負責處理這次事件。[129]
  • 范布伦计划(並未承認為正史)因為危險和花費,海神能源關閉鷹岩的採礦業務並把設備賣給政府。[78]


  • 第一批T-45動力裝甲佈署於阿拉斯加。雖然其機動力不如往後的型號,但T-45仍對中國坦克和步兵造成驚人的打擊。穿著T-45的士兵能攜帶重炮在區域衝突中造成重大影響,並在自身無損下摧毀整個城鎮。中國很快就做出自己版本的動力裝甲,但其技術仍落後美國許多年。[93]
  • 范布伦计划(並未承認為正史)參議員托德·彼得森決定建造一個秘密碉堡,以在萬一戰爭爆發時保護他和他家人。雖然彼得森自己很有錢,但他缺乏進行該工程必須的物資。他和海神石油及一個名為英克雷的祕密政府組織暗中交易後,得到了進行工程所需的物資。他把地點選在科羅拉多州的南邊,並開始建造工程。.[130]
  • 從這年開始,幾乎美國每條街上都能看到一台核子可樂販賣機[87]
  • 9月核口世界Safari Adventure公園開幕。As with Dry Rock Gulch, attendance nearly doubles overnight.[114]



  • 加拿大開始感受到美軍的壓力,因為美軍以戰爭的名義抽走加拿大的資源。大量的森林被毀,其他資源量也來到臨界點。許多美國人把加拿大當做小美國,並無視加拿大人的抗議。[93]
  • 2月11日:美國政府下令禁止愛國者的食譜雜誌出版,並銷燬現存雜誌,不過許多雜誌仍然還留著。[132]
  • 3月: 13號避難所終於完成建造並開始演習─這是西海岸的最後一間避難所。由於13號避難所很晚才蓋完,演習麻痺效應不像其他避難所一樣明顯。[124]
  • Summer: Penelope Hornwright undertakes an internship in the Automation Department of Atomic Mining Services.[131]
  • 10月: 76號避難所完成建造。[119]
  • 12月:106108避難所完成建造。108避難所用了八年來蓋,因為中間有遇到停工。[119]



  • 克萊斯勒公司做出第一台核融合動力汽車。這種車又大又美國且數量有限,雖然是天價,但還是在幾天內就賣光了。許多克萊斯勒工廠在那之後轉為製作軍方的重武器。[93]
  • Penelope Hornwright graduates summa cum laude from Vault-Tec University, with a double major in Business Administration and Geological Science.[131]


  • 12月:87號避難所修建完成。[119]
  • 威斯科技研究設施歸軍方管轄。[133]
  • 分導計劃程序公司發行核彈指揮官遊戲。[106]


  • 美國對加拿大的資源需索無度,造成好幾個城市都開始抗議及暴動。美軍現在只等著有人去破壞美國穿越加拿大通往阿拉斯加的油管,就有藉口完成他們從2067年就開始對加拿大的佔領行動。[127]
  • 6月3日:加拿大開始被美國吞併的進程。[134]加拿大將在2076年1月被完全吞併。[127]
  • 6月:有人想暗殺Sergey Urbonas子爵,Ezra Parker衝到子爵和槍手之間阻止這場謀殺,他本人則因為胸前口袋裡放的小銀盒而保住一命。[135]
  • 6月:美軍為了解放阿拉斯加而開始研發「超級武器」。[136][137]
  • 核口世界Galactic Zone公園開幕。[92]
  • PagSoft LLC發行Journal-It軟體。[138]
  • 分導計劃程序公司發行Autimatron遊戲。[106]
  • 美國國會批准通過了21-0號立法法案的實施。
  • 范布伦计划(並未承認為正史)美軍緩慢但定期將完成的B.O.M.B.(軌道平台飛彈基地)飛彈並送往美國的各個太空中心以送往B.O.M.B.衛星裝備。[61]


  • 范布伦计划(並未承認為正史)8月:B.O.M.B.-001太空基地完工並啟用(裡面只有安全和維修機器人),該基地使用一個臨時裝上去的反應爐。該基地需要的就是人工輸入最終發射程序和密碼,和一個主要的反應爐。[139][140]
  • 9月15日:中國對使用生化武器越來越無所忌憚,美國政府認為要找出反制的辦法。加州南部的威斯科技研究設施受命啟動泛免疫病毒計畫[141]


  • 美國說對中國的戰爭是純防禦性質,卻把部隊送進中國。過長的補給線和在中國的困難情勢使美軍陷入泥沼。美國步兵、機械化部隊和動力裝甲部隊全都飽受物資短缺之苦。[93]
  • Cambridge Polymer Labs, LLC was established by Jon Elwood, Ericka Elwood-Woolum, and Wilfred Bergman in 2074 to research experimental smart materials that could be used to enhance the functionality of existing suits of power armor. It was made possible by a generous grant from Colonel George Kemp and the Defense Experimental Research Project Initiative.[142]
  • 范布伦计划(並未承認為正史) 政府把鷹岩礦井低處作為放射性廢料儲存區。未來英克雷的建立者們協助海神能源拿到這項合約。為了做這些事情,他們開發了阿格里科拉採礦機器人,毫不疑問,作為研發地點的阿格里科拉實驗室後被證實是一個不錯的核掩體。 [78]
  • 6月:112避難所完成建造。[119]
  • (英文版為2066年)6月24日:美國與其他國家的能源協商,以美國總統於石油談判上離席畫下戲劇性的句點。在狠狠吵了幾次架後,美國總統大怒離開會議現場,並宣布最後已知的石油供給由美國獨佔,美國不會賣任何一滴石油給其他國家。[93]
  • 范布伦计划(並未承認為正史) 7月:布盧姆菲爾得太空中心完成建造,其任務是要建造赫密士XIIIXIV型火箭以供B.O.M.B.-001和-002太空基地使用。這些火箭原本是要用在火星任務上,後來轉為裝載B.O.M.B.太空基地的反應爐,且已經進入最終發射程序,也已完成檢查。[139][140]


  • 山嶺軍事基地 的A.I.天網,開始擁有自己的意識。[143]
  • 羅科企業取得UOS(統一作業系統)的版權。該系統用來管理所有的羅科終端機,每兩年要更新一次版權。[144]
  • 羅科想惡性收購REPCONN航太[145]
  • 避難所科技遊戲工作室取得紅色威脅的遊戲版權。[106]
  • Modern Industrialist把Ezra Parker選入「十大冒險資本家」並送他一個令人印象深刻的懷表。[135]
  • Janurary 14: A Bureau of Alcohol, Drugs, Tobacco, Firearms and Lasers operation under the leadership of Agent Curtis Wilson bust a firearms smuggling ring that had been supplying illegal arms across the United States.[146]
  • March: Huntersville receives a rural development grant.[147]
  • 3月21日: 威斯科技在泛免疫病毒計畫(PVP)實驗中測試10-011號試劑,並在單核生物上得到成功結果。他們暫緩了對植物細胞的測試,並把該型泛免疫病毒命名為「強制進化病毒(FEV)」。[148]
  • 5月9日:威斯科技在F.E.V.實驗中繼續測試10-011號試劑,並在扁蟲上得到成功結果。實驗扁蟲體型變大,並對病毒感染有更強的抵抗力。對昆蟲的實驗不太成功,之後巴尼特少校暫緩對昆蟲的實驗。[148]
  • May 27: The Whitespring Resort announces The Whitespring 2080 Initiative, a major five-year renovation to the resort.[149]
  • 5月:112避難所比其他避難所早兩年關閉,這樣斯勞斯·布朗就能在裡面盡情虐待實驗對象。[150]
  • June: General Brock becomes the commanding officer of Fort Strong.[151]
  • June 6: The rural development grant rejuvenates Huntersville.[147]
  • 6月30日: 威斯科技在F.E.V.實驗中繼續測試10-011號試劑,受試的小白鼠在體型、肌肉密度和智力上都有所提昇。[148]
  • August: The United States Space Administration awards contracts to ArcJet Systems to develop the XMB booster engine and deep range transmitter for their Mars Shot Project, a manned mission to Mars.[152]
  • August 20: West Tek Research Center constructed north of Huntersville to experiment with the use of FEV-modified crops in agriculture.[153]
  • November: Unidentified submarine contacts, rumored to be stealth subs of the Chinese "Ghost Fleet" are spotted by U.S. monitoring stations A-31 and B-19, but no further sightings are reported.[154]
  • 11月9日: FEV實驗(10-011號試劑)完成對兔子的實驗。不僅體型和智力都增加,這次還記錄到侵略性的提高。上次的扁蟲實驗沒記錄到此事,但也很難知道一條扁蟲是否變得更兇殘,坦白說,研究者們起初根本沒想過會這樣。[148]
  • 12月17日: 美國軍方的一位將軍訪問了總控間,並收到了一份P.A.M.的報告,稱中國的隱身技術遠遠超過了美國,而且美國監測站一個月前發現的不明潛艇可能來自中國的「幽靈艦隊」,一支精英海軍部隊據傳擁有隱身能力的潛艇。這位將軍認為這一情報是沒有根據的,但P.A.M.回應說,自2072年11月以來,中國陝西省沒有任何可操作的情報,除了據報道複雜聚合物和關鍵合成化合物進口量增加。P.A.M.指出,這與大規模的隱身技術研究是一致的,但將軍說除非能提供具體的證據,否則這些信息就是謠言。[154]
  • December 20: West Tek ramps up agricultural mutation research at Huntersville.[155]


  • REPCONN航天羅科企業收購。[108]
  • RobcOS 85版取得授權。[156]
  • The Concord, Massachusetts Red Rocket truck stop wins - by fraud - the 2076 Trashbusters Award from their Boston Regional corporate head.[157]
  • Pipfall is published by Vault-Tec Game Studios.[158]
  • 1月3日:一支由斯賓德上校率領的軍隊來到West Tek研究設施監控研究進行,因為上層怕他國間諜會滲透進來危害國安。[67] 羅傑·麥克森上尉(約翰·麥克森的祖父、約翰是2161年鋼鐵兄弟會大長老)也在隊伍之中。[93]
  • 1月12日: 威斯科技把幾種新的基因結合進他們的病毒,製成11-101a試劑,並用在狗身上。這次只有力量增加,智力則否。他們又把11-011a試劑用在浣熊身上,結果仍然一樣,但數隻受感染的浣熊嘗試逃脫,讓巴尼特少校殺光所有的實驗體。不過統計時發現少了兩對浣熊。[148]
    • 備註: 當時參與開發Fallout的Scott CampbellBrian Freyermuth認為這些逃脫的浣熊在閃耀之地的西北邊組成一個智慧生物的群體,叫做地穴,不過該地點並沒出現在遊戲中。
  • January 24: James Oberlin arrives at ATLAS Observatory to replace the previous military liaison in weather control experiments.[159]
  • 1月: 美國完全佔領加拿大,對加拿大的異議份子格殺勿論,而阿拉斯加油管附近都是美軍。各種證明美軍暴行的照片導致了進一步的動亂和抗議。[127]
  • 2月:美軍在史特朗堡開始研發M42「胖子」導彈發射器。[160]
  • February 16: After shuttering their agricultural research, West Tek starts human FEV mutation experiments at Huntersville.[161]
  • March 12: ATLAS tests in Appalachia yield first results.[162]
  • 4月15日: 在所有的次要測試和研究結束後,所有受到11-101a試劑.強制進化病毒感染的狗都在安全距離外被處理掉。[148]
  • 5月24日:失去四肢的保護機器人被送到Robotics Disposal東09B站。[163]
  • May 25: Experiments start to cause mutations at Huntersville.[164]
  • 6月:動力裝甲的原型機完成,產生了T-51b型動力裝甲。這是戰前動力裝甲技術發展的巔峰,第一批T-51部隊前往中國,表現的極其出色。中國的坦克和步兵完全無法抗衡先進的動力裝甲部隊,有時甚至會投降。因此,中國軍隊的戰線開始崩毀,他們的物資和補給線都達到了臨界點。[93]
  • 6月10日:失去視覺感應器的眼球機器人被送到Robotics Disposal東09B站。[163]
  • 7月:避難所科技出版浮游房屋與海草種植指南[124]
  • 7月4日:為紀念美國建國三百周年,76號避難所對公眾開放。[165]
  • 8月: 美國各大城市爆發食物和能源的暴動,軍隊開始進駐每個城市以控制暴民,並蓋了許多臨時監獄。政府宣布進入緊急狀態,隨後開始戒嚴。[93]
  • August 20: ATLAS manages to create a wide variety of weather, warranting further investment of public funds.[166]
  • 范布伦计划(並未承認為正史) 8月: 赫密士XIII和XIV完成製造,裝好貨物,並在布盧姆菲爾得太空中心的發射平台安置,等待最終發射資金及發射許可。[139][140]
  • (英文版無此項)9月5日:John Miller,Big John's Salvage的所有人,終於在他的避難所裝了空調。不過他的反應爐一直有問題,因不明原因而開開關關的。只要反應爐一關,他的空調系統的扇葉就會停下來,整個避難處就會半點空氣都沒有。
  • September 8: First super mutants emerge at Huntersville.[167]
  • 范布伦计划(並未承認為正史) 10月: B.O.M.B.核彈的生產因為預算削減而暫停,交由洛斯阿拉莫斯國家實驗室負責保存。[61]
  • 范布伦计划(並未承認為正史) 10月: 由於嚴峻的世界情勢及核戰威脅,赫密士的發射日程延到2077年,發射資金轉由避難所科技管理。[139][140]
  • 10月2日:John Miller,Big John's Salvage的所有人,終於把他自己花錢蓋的東西上的裂縫和鬆動的水管都處理好了。[168]
  • 10月4日:威斯科技對15隻黑猩猩施打11-111試劑,該次對黑猩猩的試驗比以前其他實驗結果都還成功。軍方對結果垂涎三尺,並暗中擬定計畫要在北美一些孤立的小鎮進行試驗。馬里波薩軍事基地開始加速建造,以能把威斯科技的這項研究專案移至軍方監督的設施中。[148]
  • October 20: Nuka-Cola Quantum is created.[169]
  • 范布伦计划(並未承認為正史) 11月: 英克雷控制了布盧姆菲爾得太空中心,並展開研究以把赫密士XIII和XIV型變成能把重要人士運離地球的運輸器。[139][140]
  • 11月16日:12個失去四肢的保護機器人被送到Robotics Disposal東09B站。[170]
  • November 26: A hearing to the Senate by the Committee of Nuclear Energy is held on Thanksgiving to discuss the prospect of mining the largest uranium deposit in the United States recently discovered on the East Coast. Senator Clark argues for the mining of the uranium, but Senator Sam Blackwell is quick to point out Senator Clark's conflict of interest as he had purchased a large stake in Atomic Mining Services.[171]
  • 11月28日:John Miller,Big John's Salvage的所有人,覺得他搞定反應爐和空調的問題了,而他的補給品也都準備好了。
  • 12月: 避難所科技再刷與病毒先生抗爭!第十五版。[106]
  • December 10: Shelby O'Rourke meets with Ray Gary and Scott Conroy at a Truth Seekers meeting, as part of her cryptid research.[172]


  • 范布伦计划(並未承認為正史)新型瘟疫襲擊丹佛,暴民既害怕受感染,又對自己受到的待遇感到憤怒,因而縱火燒毀了城市大部分的地區。大量恐慌的民眾開車逃離丹佛,結果因油料用進而堵塞整條高速公路以及後面的人。[129]
  • 油價再度井噴,每加侖從7450.99美金漲到8500.99美金。[173]
  • 美軍委託通用原子製造勇敢先生戰鬥機器人,勇敢先生正好在大戰前完成並投入使用。[174]
  • 羅伯特·豪斯使自己進入靜滯狀態。[175]
  • 中國試圖破壞胡佛水壩[176]


  • 1月7日:巴尼特少校受命把所有與FEV相關的研究全部轉移到新建成的馬里波薩軍事基地,並無視研究團隊的反對。[148]
  • 1月10日:美國軍隊收復阿拉斯加,安克雷奇前線再度掌握在美國手中。[93]
  • 1月22日:動力裝甲首次在美國國內投入使用,用於隔離人群和檢疫控制。原本在中國戰區和安克雷奇前線服役的士兵發現自己要與美國的人民為敵。搶奪食物的暴亂頻頻發生,許多市民在暴亂中死亡。加拿大和美國都出現了逃兵現象。逃兵都被抓住並且投入了軍事監獄。[93]
  • 1月28日:么陸參兩,「周圍安全」訊號響徹安克拉治,戒備狀態等級被調降至3。[177]


  • F.E.V.研究不知為何被洩漏到全世界上。世界上許多主要城市和政府都為此向美國抗議,並指控其需要對新型瘟疫負責。F.E.V.被世界視為美國因應石油危機而開發出來的新威脅,大家都怕美國會拿F.E.V.做出什麼事情來,像是製造超級士兵,或學希特勒搞優等民族之類的。[93]
  • 2月16日:阿基米德I武器系統測試成功。不過儘管有做預防措施,一些次要系統仍然在測試中超載,黑山的通訊陣列和隱密峽谷的軍事基地都在測試期間遇到可以燒掉系統的電源波動。阿基米德II的測試將會基於英克雷C型探測器上的長距離通訊/鎖定系統來進行。[178]
  • 2月22日:軍隊控制位於內華達州、原本在波賽頓旗下的太陽神一號發電廠,這也讓太空雷射武器成為了美國軍火庫的一部分。[179]



  • A United States Navy destroyer was sunk, one of the few survivors, the Marine Thomas Davis, eventually made his way home to Bar Harbor, Maine, where is fellow members of Beaver Creek Lanes would gather to welcome him home.[182]
  • 4月2日:約翰·凱萊布-布萊德伯頓接受LEAP-X治療程序,把自己的頭保存在核口世界中他的辦公室下面的一個罐子裡。[169]
  • April 28: A major Class 1 nuclear incident occurs at Nuka-World's power plant, causing a large amount of radioactive coolant to discharge into the local river (which flows through the parks). Park administration covers up the incident as a Class 7 failure and fires the whistleblower.[183][184][185]


  • 5月24日:9台失去四肢的保護機器人被送到Robotics Disposal東09B站。[186]


  • 6月8日:14台失去視覺感應器的眼球機器人被送到Robotics Disposal東09B站。[186]
  • June 14: The Berkeley Springs Police Department defused a bomb that was planted by "The Appalachian Assassin."[187]
  • 6月15日:8台心智水準低於標準的生化機器人送到Robotics Disposal東09B站。[186]
  • 6月22日:數台退役的哨衛機器人被送到Robotics Disposal東09B站。[188]
  • June 25: The Mistress of Mystery Season 8 Episode 16 was recorded in Los Angeles.
  • June 26: The after party for the eighth season of the Mistress of Mystery was held in Los Angeles, attended by the staff and actors[189] ; The installation of Cryptos and the Hall of Trials into Riverside Manor is completed. Frederick Rivers and Zack Hayes run tests on the system's functionality.[190]
  • June 29: Frederick Rivers unveils the Order of Mysteries's Lair to his wife, Shannon Rivers, along with a three months of solid training with stunt actors, martial artists, military trainers, a cavalcade of experts, all for her upcoming television performance on The Silver Shroud.[191]


  • 7月10日至10月23日之間的某一天:山嶺軍事基地被放棄,所有人員疏散。[60]
    • July 4: After contact with the contaminated lake water causes a medical crisis at a General Atomics-sponsored bass fishing tournament, Lake Quannapowitt is closed to the public.[192]
  • 7月22日:四台退役的哨衛機器人被送到Robotics Disposal東09B站。[186] ; The long time communication between Kent Connolly, comic fiction extrordinare, and Frederick Rivers, unbeknownst to him the husband of Shannon Rivers and an actual extremely wealthy and well connected scientist, ends when Mr. Rivers tries to tell him that the project that they were working on, the Lair of the Mistress of Mystery was completed. Mr. Connally believing it to simply be a model of some sort and asking for pictures.[193]



  • M42「胖子」核彈發射器實用化,並從史特朗堡透過船運到「密西西比州的補給站」。[197]
  • Free States leaders Raleigh Clay and Sam Blackwell retreat to their bunkers in the Mire after seceding from the United States of America.[198]
  • (英文版無此項)Freedom Society舉辦九月會議,會議中投票決定三件事情
    • (1)以9-3-2票數,決定把重心從慈善活動轉向歷史保存,因後者重要性大於前者
    • (2)以0-14票數,無異議否決法尼爾廳市場商人提議讓保護機器人守衛法尼爾廳的提案,主要反對的是歷史保存派。
    • (3)以14-0票數,無異議通過對Old Corner Bookstore的新所有人提起訴訟,因為他們違反歷史保存章程。
  • 9月6日:V.S.S.設施的技術人員注意到錢斯將軍正在對安克拉治模擬進行全面且不符史實的改動,他們相信Chase被模擬環境迷住並逐漸發瘋。但他們隱忍不發,因為他們怕會因此丟掉從軍事承包商處得到的工作。[194]
  • 9月9日:15台失去四肢的保護機器人被送到Robotics Disposal東09B站。[186]
  • 9月13日:Robotics Disposal東09B站的員工發現他們位於其他設施的同僚也收到失去四肢的保護機器人。[188];Mass Fusion containment shed的員工Lester在倒車中的叉架起貨車後面絆倒並被壓死,公司為此逼該設施寫了一大堆安全報告。[199]
  • September 27: The Bysshe Company build a secret lab in the basement of Van Lowe Taxidermy overnight for Calvin van Lowe to conduct his "Sheepsquatch" research out of.[200]
  • 9月29日:Martin Reid發現他的老闆有問題。Vault-Tec運用他們在當地的權限把一些奇怪的貨物運進各個避難所,第一批是15箱運往95號避難所的瘋狂藥和傑特。[201]


  • An explosion in Kerwood Mine kills 17 miners and traps 32 more.[202]
  • 量子口味核子可樂公開發售。[203]
  • The Whitespring cancels the Springhill golf tournament.[203]
  • The Nuka-Cola Corporation becomes the first "business class" sponsor of the Whitespring. With the public release of Nuka-Cola Quantum becoming its main event, Nuka-Cola bottle caps becoming accepted as legal tender throughout the hotel. This promotion marks the event that elevates bottle caps to currency for post-war Appalachia.[203]
  • 10月2日:避難所科技地區總部的經理Frank Davedson對同僚的警告置之不理 ;An non-depleted Ultracite vein in Atomic Mining Services' Mine Shaft No. 9. burst into Welch. AMS immediately secure the town and begin evicting the town's residents.[204] ; An non-depleted Ultracite vein in Atomic Mining Services' Mine Shaft No. 9. burst into Welch. Word spread about the discovery.[205] Penelope Hornwright and Gregory got to the town after AMS, who immediately secured the town and begin evicting the town's residents.[206]
  • 10月2日-8日:法尼爾廳商人的每週會議表示這週的利潤比起去年同時段少了3%。這場會議重點放在商店行竊「危機」,他們接著討論Fallon的保護機器人提案以及Freedom Society的回絕,Freedom Society以歷史保存之名否決了提案。會議結論中,商人們一致同意詳列物品路徑以追蹤問題。[207]
  • 10月3日: 威爾契的居民反抗原子礦業。The rioting spreads to anything related to the local mining companies after the years of maltreatment. 該鎮叛亂的消息傳遍了阿巴拉契亞,導致每一個被剝奪公民權的礦工都攻擊礦業公司。With the rebellion and property damage the Governor called in the National Guard and the local mining companies called in "independent contractors" to restore order. The violence began after AMS tried to dismantle people's homes to get to the Ultracite, the minors then deciding to strike before the mining companies decide to wipe them out completely.[208] The miners called a meeting deciding to split into two groups, one, Mick Flanagan接管了位於布萊爾山的岩石獵犬挖掘機;the other O'Conner炸毀了布拉姆威爾豪宅 of the wealthy industrialists whom own the mines.[209][210] ; Hornwright Industrial closes their headquarters amidst the violent rioting, reopening the 5th of October, however noting that they wouldn't be responsible should an employee be injured crossing the picket lines.[211] ; Bryce Garrahan proactively calls the Governor for assistance with the violent riots outside his home, hoping to keep his sociopath brother from exercising his own brand of justice with the weapon he's purchased and been brandishing for that purpose.[212]
  • 10月4日:一名Mass Fusion containment shed的監督把對於同僚和工作的心底話記錄下來。[213] ; Hornwright Industrial manages to secure all its property from the rioters except the Rockhound, the rioters retreating. The executives of the company are forced to meet that day to make sure AMS is held liable for the "tens of millions" in damages.[214]
  • October 5: The rioters who destroyed the Mega Mansion in Bramwell are arrested, Bryce Garrahan officially requests permission to negotiate with a small contingent of more peaceful miners.[215] ; Yvette Wiesman a coworker of Penelope Hornwright writes and leaves a message at the reception desk of Hornwright Industrial headquarters, asking how she and her father was, and about the riots at the Rockhound and Welch.[210]
  • 10月7日:Walter Scott開了一個寫著「111避難所-不準打開」的貨櫃。讓他和他同事Martin Reid困惑的是,裡面是數百加侖的液態氮,一般避難所根本用不到。這使的Reid先生認為公司在圖謀不軌的理論更加正確。[216]
  • 10月9日-15日:法尼爾廳商人的每週會議發現儘管他們的獲利因為哥倫布日而成長了11%,但卻在一個禮拜內發生了12起竊案,失竊商品的淨損失是2294美元。有些商人威脅要控告違反安保合約,且Fallon家族已經準備要立刻撤出法尼爾廳了。波士頓市長在壓力之下,無視反對的聲音,決定在法尼爾廳設置保護機器人。此時的Freedom Society─代表人數從14人減少到11人─也必須要尋求資金以維修屋頂。[217] With the pressure building the Mayor insisted that the Protectron installation will proceed despite objections. By this time the Society – whose representatives shrank from fourteen to eleven – also had to allocate funds for roof repairs.[218]
  • 10月10日:羅傑·麥克森 上尉和他的部隊發現馬里波薩的科學家在用「軍事志願者」(那些被關在軍事監獄,腦袋還沒被挖去製造機器腦的囚犯)作為他們實驗的白老鼠。基地內道德敗壞,而掌控基地的羅伯特·斯賓德上校卻因此事精神崩潰了,麥克森的手下轉而請麥克森率領他們。[219]
  • October 12: The National Guard clear out the last rebelling miners from Mount Blair.[204] Bill Garrahan "assists" them with his purpose-built minigun but is told to stand down. He does not comply.[220]
  • 10月13日:在訓問過後,麥克森處決馬里波薩的首席科學家羅伯特·安德森[219] ; Sharon不小心把咖啡灑到她的老闆Frank Davidson的新襯衫上,讓他產生了拿筆刺穿她喉嚨的慾望。[221]
  • 10月15日:斯賓德上校自殺。所有的科學家都被執行死刑。[219]; Robotics Disposal東09B站收到一個神祕的貨物,送來的是一群一身黑、更加神祕的人。[222][188];Walter Scott警告Martin Reid小心Frank Davidson的暴躁情緒。[223] ; The Whitespring officially terminates all non "ironclad service" contracted employees, essentially all non-management personnel are fired to finish the transition period for making the facility automated. The "Employee Fairwell dinner" takes place at 7:30pm.[203]
  • 10月16日-22日:法尼爾廳商人的每週會議最後一次舉行。在設置保護機器人後,法尼爾廳的情況只能以大屠殺來形容。保護機器人殺了七個人,包括五名偷竊嫌疑犯、一名旁觀者和一名Fallon的出納員。隨之而來的是大眾形象的劇跌,使他們的獲利減少了81%。Freedom Society為了避免媒體進一步的監督而取消了往後的每週商人會議。[224]
  • October 17: Bysshe operative Bo-Peep is scheduled to meet with Calvin van Lowe in Bastion Park. van Lowe is a no-show and Bo-Peep is murdered by the imposter sheepsquatch which has escaped from van Lowe's lab.[225]
  • October 18: Hornwright Industrial wins in the "Man vs. Machine" competition against Garrahan Mining.[226] ; Scientist interrogations at Mariposa come to an end as the last scientist is shot.[219]
  • 10月19日:: Scott Conroy falls into a sinkhole and breaks his leg while investigating a sunken church in the Mire for ghosts.[227];Frank Davidson謀殺了Sharon,並打算對Martin Rein做相同的事以「肅正紀律」,因為他一直宣揚他的避難所理論。[228]
  • 10月20日:羅傑·麥克森上尉現在控制了馬里波薩,並透過廣播宣告脫離……但並沒有收到回應。[219]; Robotics Disposal東09B站的員工討論如果他們調查最後一件貨物,他們就會丟掉工作。[188]
  • 10月21日: 麥克森下令,要他所有部下的家庭都遷入馬里波薩的設施之中。[219] ; At 9:30 am EST Vault-Tec staff at Vault 94 received the decryption keys to unseal their new orders for the Vault. With the exception of maintenance engineer Tyrone Hayes, the staff wrap up their assignments and depart for Vault-Tec University. Hayes receives orders to contact Pastor Gabriella Salavar and informs her that she and her congregation have a standing invitation to enter Vault 94.[229]
  • 10月22日:The United States Army orders SLCT James Oberlin falsify data so that the closure of the ATLAS Program. Dr. Isaac Hammond flew into a rage, after having to be restrained by the Military Police Corps he walked off the property without saying a word to the SLCT.[230] ; 白金晶元完成in Sunnyvale[231]在隔天就會透過信差送到House先生手上。[232]; 在兩個禮拜的調查後,Martin Reid對他的老闆Frank Davidson及Vault-Tec完全感到噁心。[233] ; 同日一名危險物質調查員私下進入Mass Fusion containment shed以調查他們的行為。該處監督通知其直屬監督Feld先生,Feld告訴那名監督如果那個人發現他們的陰謀,那他們就得殺掉他。調查員的確發現了,他們打算要殺掉他,並把他塞入一條他們用來把核廢料倒進Quannapowitt湖的管子。</ref> He did, and they attempted to kill the inspector and stuffed him into the pipe they were using to dispose of the nuclear waste into Lake Quannapowitt.[234] ; Scott Turner sabotages Watoga's automated emergency service protocols as part of Operation Free Watoga, turning the robots hostile and triggering a mass evacuation of the city as the technology-dependent citizens are executed.
  • 10月23日:大戰爆發。
    • 凌晨:美國海軍太平洋艦隊司令報告稱:美國東部標準時間00:01發現疑似中國潛艇;03:37發現一支高空轟炸機中隊出現在白令海峽。[235]
    • 聯邦特務查抄L.O.B企業總部[236]
    • 一部萬聖節主題服裝秀本應該在當日晚些時候通過電視播送,名為「弗萊迪的恐懼之屋」。籌備工作在當天早上進行。 [237]
    • 82名來自晨曦小學的學生,在兩名老師和一些家長的陪同下前往燈火山洞做田野調查。[238]
    • Dr. Hein is taken hostage by the A.F.A.D. at the Angry Anaconda in Nuka-World.[239]
    • 美國東部標準時間09:13:綜合作戰核探測系統(英文:Integrated Operational Nuclear Detection System,簡稱IONDS)偵測到四枚疑似彈道導彈發射,美軍進入二級戰備狀態(DEFCON 2)。[235]
    • 美國東部標準時間09:17:北美防空司令部(英文:North American Aerospace Defense Command,簡稱NORAD)核實了IONDS的報告,美軍進入一級戰備狀態,轟炸機開始集結並緊急起飛。[235]
    • 美國東部標準時間09:26:美國總統批准MX-CN91響應預案,授權全面核反擊。[235]
    • 核炸彈與核導彈飛抵美國,是誰先按下按鈕已經無從知曉了。其他國家看到導彈在空中飛行,便也不顧一切地發射了自己的核彈。防空警報拉響,但大多數人都以為是假警報,進入避難所的人非常少。避難所被封閉。核戰只持續2個小時卻毀滅了地球表面的大部分。結果比大多數人的預想要糟得多。地殼的斷層劇烈運動。原本肥沃的土地變成了石山。洪水淹沒了大部分的土地。[219]
    • 輻射4》序幕戰爭永遠不變開始
    • 唯一倖存者一家接受避難所科技公司代表的邀請,填寫表格並成為111號避難所的預選居民。[240]
    • 9:42:美國紐約賓夕法尼亞被證實遭到核打擊。[235]
    • 唯一倖存者一家被疏散至111號避難所。Once inside, they and the other vault residents are placed in indefinite cryogenic suspension by Vault-Tec personnel.[241]
    • 9:47:華盛頓特區波士頓遭到核打擊。總控間所有監控站下線,整個美國都被核彈轟炸。[242]
    • (英文版無此項)大停電發生:核爆釋放的大規模電磁脈衝摧毀了所有未受保護的電子設備。
    • 母船澤塔趁著騷亂綁架了莎莉一家。[243]
    • 在得知其他避難所已經封閉後,人們攜家帶口湧入大門無法正常關閉的12號避難所,試圖保護他們的家人。[244]
    • 馬里波薩軍事基地從戰爭中倖存下來,其中的士兵未受到核彈或強制進化病毒威脅。[219]
    • 威斯科技研究設施被核彈命中,第四及第五層的F.E.V.儲藏桶被破壞並暴露在大氣之中。這些FEV暴露在輻射之下而失去誘導突變的效果,但之後被教主利用。[245]
    • Pastor Salavar and her congregation arrive at Vault 94 around noon as radiation begins to intensify. The vault door's failsafe trips at approximately 1:30, locking out the second bus of residents.[246]
    • Thirteen nuclear warheads obliterate Salt Lake City within seven minutes. This is witnessed by Randall Clark while returning home.[93]
    • 范布伦计划(並未承認為正史)洛斯阿拉莫斯裡的倖存科學家與士兵和他們遇到的其他倖存者聯合起來 ,在梅薩維德國家公園的一個懸崖設立了臨時營地,並試圖聯絡聯邦政府以獲得進一步指示。他們無法建立任何聯繫,之後在懸崖裡建了一個小型避難所以保護他們唯一一台電腦。[247]
    • 范布伦计划(並未承認為正史) 兩名海神企業的科學家被困在阿格里科拉實驗室。四年後,其中一個自然染病而死,再過一年後另一人自殺。[78]
    • 范布伦计划(並未承認為正史)所有英克雷成員在關閉子反應爐後離開布盧姆菲爾得太空中心以控制或維持「熱點」。B.O.M.B.-001002太空基地赫密士XIIIXIV型火箭被完全遺忘。[139][140]
    • 范布伦计划(並未承認為正史)因為地震影響,洛斯阿拉莫斯基地的下層被受到輕度輻射滲透。儘管地下的人們不受核爆影響,最後卻死於輻射。[61]
    • 天路航空的1665和1981班次分別從華盛頓DC和芝加哥起飛前往波士頓,這兩班飛機因核爆而墜毀。[248][249]
    • 藍道爾·克拉克親眼目睹鹽湖城及他的家庭的毀滅。該城被13顆核彈命中,完全摧毀。[93]
    • 豪斯先生在幸運38賭場佈署的防衛系統摧毀了來襲的77枚洲際導彈中的68枚(59枚被強制無效化,9枚被Lucky 38頂端的雷射炮摧毀),使拉斯維加斯和周遭地區免於被毀滅。這場「聲光秀」連墨西哥城都看的到。因為House先生沒拿到白金晶元,只能使用次要系統,使9枚核彈逃過防衛系統的攔截,不過這些核彈也只對莫哈維沙漠的小部分地區(主要靠近奈利斯空軍基地)造成損害。[250]
    • The Lucky 38's systems crash under the weight of the nuclear attack, knocking Robert House unconscious.[251]
    • The platinum chip, still at Sunnyvale, becomes buried under the rubble from the aftermath of the Great War where it would stay buried for over 200 years.[252]
    • 馬德雷山脈地區佳節開始,但馬上就被大戰終止了。馬德雷山脈賭場自我封閉,全像投影保全殺害了大部分客人,少數分散的倖存者也在之後的幾天內自殺。Vera Keyes死於用藥過度,Frederick Sinclair在解除自己設的陷阱時死亡,唯一已知的倖存者是迪安·多米諾[253]
  • October 24: The Boylston Club adds a Memoriam Gala to its October events calendar.[254] ; The Whitespring resort is sealed against radiation at the orders of the new general manager.[255]
  • 10月25日:在馬里波薩,士兵普拉納穿著動力裝甲到外頭收集大氣讀數,他回報設施四周並沒有顯著的輻射。[219] ; The Whitespring guests and staff acclimate.[256]
  • 10月27日:在把科學家埋在馬里波薩外面後,士兵封閉該基地,帶著補給和武器圖紙離開。麥克森上尉率領他的部下及家屬前往失落山丘的政府堡壘。[219][257]
    • 備註: 儘管麥克森的全像磁帶說他把除了士兵家屬以外的一般民眾留在基地,但是否真的執行則無從得知。
  • 10月28日:在漫無目的的晃了五天之後,Randall Clark在過去美國地質調查局於錫安峽谷某個洞穴設立的研究站中避難。[258]
  • 10月39日: Then Lieutenant Elizabeth Taggerdy is contacted by then only secessionist Roger Maxson.[259]
  • 10月30日:The Boylston Club has its Memoriam Gala, those that attend agree to commit mass-suicide rather than live in a post-nuclear America.[260]<Foreman's Terminal, 3) Incoming?]]</ref> ; Lavonne made a telephone call to her friend warning him of the nuclear devastation. He followed her coded advice and sent his teamsters home to their families.[261]
  • 10月31日:黑色的大雨在美國及全球傾瀉而下,受影響的地區輻射等級大幅提高。[93] ; The military begins sending out Vertibirds to towns across the United States with medical supplies in an attempt to treat the injured and dying and guard towns with the two-man teams that piloted the Vertibirds.[262]


  • 麥克森上尉、他的部屬及他們的家人,在幾個禮拜後抵達失落山丘的堡壘。途中死了許多人,包括麥克森的妻子。這些倖存的士兵之後成為鋼鐵兄弟會[93]
  • Exodus(大出走)期間,鋼鐵兄弟會其中一個由Dennis Allen中士領導的派系分裂出去,前往探索東南方的Glow以尋回戰前科技,麥克森上尉沒批准這次行動,因此Allen和他的人帶著動力裝甲和武器離開兄弟會。[263][93]
    • 備註: Fallout聖經裡說Allen派系是在2134年,鋼鐵兄弟會成立57年後才離開,但Fallout 1裡鋼鐵兄弟會的高階長官Cabbot卻說Allen派系是在麥克森一行人從馬里波薩到失落山丘的「大出走」期間脫離本隊的。在BGS已經宣布Fallout聖經非正史的情況下,在「大出走」間就脫離的Allen一夥並非「脫離兄弟會」。
  • 脫離者在20天後來到了威斯科技研究設施,很快就被威斯科技冷血的自動防衛系統屠殺殆盡。受傷且動力裝甲破損的Allen苦於滲入的輻射毒害,他在死前於一卷全像磁帶錄下這次遠征發生的事情。[263][93]
  • 11月1日:(英文版為11月)嘉莉·德萊尼小姐是最後一個離開燈火洞穴求援的大人,她離開後由十歲大的賈森·格蘭特率領其他小孩。[264] ; Theodore Croup理解到他的家庭因為屍鬼化而毀滅了。同日位於波士頓南方一間工廠的Foreman從收音機得知位於麻州的弗雷明翰完全毀滅。[265] ; The Foreman of a South Boston factory learned via radio that Framingham, Massachusetts was completely devastated.[261]
  • 11月2日: 神經毒氣開始在106號避難所內釋放。[93] A Special Election for Senator of the Appalachia Territories was to take place on this day, filling the vacated seat of Sam Blackwell [266]
  • November 4: Camp Venture was secured by Taggerdy's Thunder in preparation for winter.[267]
  • December 25: The security and support staff of Vault 111 celebrates Christmas.[268]


  • January 1: The General Atomics Galleria was planned for automatic re-opening.[269]
  • 1月8日–10日錫安峽谷經歷兩天的風暴,之後輻射指數降了500。[270]
  • 1月15日:錫安峽谷降下會反光的綠雪。[270]
  • January 26 燈火小鎮成立,倖存下來的孩子們一致推舉賈森·格蘭特成為第一任鎮長。[271]
  • 1月28日-30日:錫安峽谷的輻射指數終於低到能讓Randall Clark離開USGS研究站探索外,他很快就發現自己是附近地區唯一的活物。[272]
  • 2月2日:Theodore Croup無法下手解除他已經狂屍鬼化的家人的痛苦,只好把他們聚在一起鎖在地下室,並出去尋找無論人類或屍鬼的其他倖存者。[273]
  • 4月23日:在封閉180天後,111號避難所的員工開始感到恐慌和不滿,他們密謀叛變並試圖推翻管理員。[268]
  • 7月:美國航天局原定於此時執行火星載人登陸任務。The USSA, however, feared the launch date may be delayed by a year or more due to unrest overseas.[152]
  • July 21: The snow finally thaws in the mountains after a winter of the century, radiation levels are down, The Whitespring Resort comes back to life.[274]
  • August: Shannon Rivers makes her first excursion as the "Mistress of Mystery".[275]
  • August 3: Carmen Greene, Matthew Johnston, Elizabeth Chambers and Joel Chambers of Vault 51 are killed during a confrontation regarding the affairs they are having with one another. Their bodies are found by Helen Marks and Reuben Gill.[276]
  • August 6: Omar Stephens finds Helen Marks dead, presumed poisoned, in the Vault 51 mess hall. Her death spurs Reuben Gill to go on a rampage, killing all the residents in the vault.[277]
  • August 30: The Whitespring Resort is locked down to maintain its supplies.[278]
  • (英文版無此項)Van Buren (not confirmed as canon) Summer: The planned launch date for Hermes-13 and Hermes-14, intended for use in the latest manned mission to Mars. However, as the war with China intensified, the Enclave and Department of Defense agents seized control of the Space Center and tried to retrofit the rockets for travel to B.O.M.B. 002 and another planet.
  • October 23: Vault 94 re-opens as the mandatory minimum shelter period ends. Vault ambassadors are dispatched as missionaries across Appalachia to aid and assist survivors[279][280]
  • November 11: Shannon, Frederick, and Olivia Rivers discover four children in their garage, scavenging. The girls are accepted, the boy, Brody Torrance was sent away.[281]
  • November 20: The mayor of Harpers Ferry, Miranda Vox, sends a group of survivors with an ambassador from Vault 94 to investigate their claims of being able to feed the town.[282][283] Certain the dwellers』 hospitality is a trap, the group massacres the vault』s leaders and attacks the vault』s G.E.C.K. unit, triggering a massive nuclear explosion.[284][285][286] A thick fog pours from the vault』s entrance, rapidly intensifying the area』s swampy environment and mutating the region's thick foliage to create The Mire.[282][287][288]
  • December 1: The Whitespring Resort's "Modern Heritage" initiative automatically activates, surprising the staff and guests.[289]
  • December 12: The Whitespring Resort's staff learns that the "Modern Heritage" initiative cannot be overridden and the guests will be kicked out on January 1. Guests and staff prepare for expulsion.[290]
  • December 31: The Whitespring Resort host its last New Year's Gala, supplies are doled out, and people move out into the wasteland. A group decided to take out the robots at the golf course and use it as a base of operations.[291]
  • Winter: The first winter after the Great War is especially tough in Charleston and becomes one that all others are compared to for severity.[292]
  • 87號避難所的居民被監管人及警衛鎖進氣密艙中,並暴露於強制進化病毒之下,變成了超級變種人,他們簡單而無情的繼續著避難所科技的「計劃指示」。避難所內的所有人口都變異成了超級變種人與多腳獸。 [113]
  • The planned opening of the Angry Anaconda at Nuka-World.[293]
  • Rex Meacham finishes Project Cobalt.[294]




  • 輻射和FEV病毒最初的效果開始在倖存的物種身上出現。廢土上的人類和其它動物都普遍發生了變異。那些在變異影響中倖存下來的生物永遠的被改變了。大量的新種族在幾乎是在一夜之間誕生。[93]
  • 范布伦计划(並未承認為正史)前美軍軍官約翰·布洛赫和他的部下與一些本地牧場主達成了一項和平保護協定。黑足部落的前身誕生。[302]


  • 山嶺軍事基地內的天網AI已完全具備自我意識能力(通過它自己的信息記錄得知)。[303]
  • Camp Venture is already providing survival training to members of the Free States.[304]
  • January 3: Brotherhood recruit E Fisher goes AWOL from Camp Venture at the end of training and steals several supplies in the process, including a combat shotgun and ammunition. Ted Wilson attempts to track Fisher down but loses his trail at the base of the Savage Divide.[305]



  • 12月24日:掠奪者羅莎琳leads a group of Cutthroats攻擊查爾斯頓, but is defeated and被俘虜. The Responders attempt to negotiate a prisoner exchange with her lover, Cutthroats leader David Thorpe. 隔日大衛‧索普responds by炸了薩默斯維爾水壩,導致查爾斯頓毀滅,that would come to be known as "聖誕節洪水."。[313]


  • Following a loss of contact with other Enclave installations, the Whitespring bunker holds an emergency election for the position of President. Secretary of Agriculture Thomas Eckhart wins by manipulating the automated voting systems.[314]
  • January 11: Carol Sweeney and a few raiders leave the Cutthroats and desert from David Thorpe in disgust over their gang's role in The Christmas Flood.[315]
  • March 5: After surveying the Divide all winter, Shannon Rivers decides to let her pupils fight on the frontlines.[316]
  • 五月:Randall Clark用了整個月的時間記錄回到錫安峽谷的突變生物,像是多刺梨蜜豆絲蘭蕉大角羊、比一般蜥蜴還大隻的刺蠅、以及一群飛起來就能遮蔽天空的大蜻蜓。[317]
  • 夏季:12號避難所中倖存下來的殭屍,還有那些在核彈落下來時逃進貝克斯菲爾德市的居民。在原貝克斯菲爾德市的殘破城區內創建了大墓地城[93]
  • November 9: Brotherhood of Steel reservist K Kelly commits suicide at Camp Venture. Grant McNamara finds her body.[318]


  • February 15: Judith Blackwell dies.[319]
  • April 10–~June 17: Randall Clark離開錫安峽谷,繞過輻射區和殘骸前往鹽湖城。在尼腓市外他發現三個人往噴泉綠市的方向行走,Clark並沒有跟上去,因為他發現大戰時被他殺死以解除痛苦的一對老夫妻屍體消失了,他覺得可能被那三人吃了。[320]
  • 春季:賽特從原來的監督者手中奪取了大墓地的控制權。12號避難所的監管人為了保住自己的性命,不得不流浪到北方,從此不再有關於他的任何消息。[93]
  • September 8: Olivia Rivers grows increasingly resentful of her mother's new persona as the "Mistress of Mystery", and their new Order of Mysteries. Particularly her role, seeing it as her having to be the "perfect, obedient little soldier."[321]



  • Major Ragnarsdottir of the Appalachian Enclave leads a military coup against self-proclaimed President Thomas Eckhart. Shortly afterwards they attempt to destroy the Whitespring bunker's administrative AI, MODUS. MODUS responds by destroying the bunker's weapons lab and sealing the exits, releasing deadly toxins into the air circulation and killing all Enclave personnel..[323]
  • February ~8-14: Mistress Clarissa was killed in action, the Order of Mysteries suffers its first casualty. The Order was given two days off at the funeral.[324] Her death hits Olivia Rivers particularly hard exacerbating her anger, frustration and sadness, making her sympathetic to raider behavior.[325] Other members start to question their methods as an order, however their Head Mistress doubled down on them.[326]
  • March 26: Tex Rogers receives a training commendation, the first one issued at Camp Venture, and is fast-tracked for promotion to full Knight of the Appalachian Brotherhood of Steel for the upcoming offensive in Huntersville.[327]
  • May 22: Eve Devoir becomes the "Mistress of Novices" of the Order of Mysteries.[328]
  • June 1: The Battle of Huntersville ends, Brotherhood and Responders stand together.[329] Roger Maxson formulates a new mission for the Brotherhood. Desertions take place, including Hank Madigan.[330]
  • June 8: Olivia Rivers attacks a raider checkpoint recognizing one as Brody Torrance she makes contact. Seeking inroads into the raiders she makes him an offer, information for information.[331]
  • June 9: David Thorpe accepts Brody Torrance's idea of infiltrating the Order of Mysteries.[332]
  • July 1: Brody Torrance is 200 caps behind in his quota, with no success.[333]
  • July 19: After about two weeks of delay David Thorpe had Rose dispatch five men to Summersville to set up the ambush proposed by Brody Torrance and Olivia Rivers. Ordering him to join the ambush and bring back the head of the Mistress or Thorp would take Torrance's instead.[334]
  • July 24: In the ambush one of the raiders acted early, alerting Mistress Allison Long. She managed to kill all the raiders but Brody Torrance, whose weapon jammed. Forcing Mistress Olivia Rivers to kill her herself for the ambush to succeed. Presumably Allison's head was presented to David Thorp, Olivia carried her body all the way back to the Mistress' Lair. Distraught and full of guilt she went straight to her room.[335][336]
  • September 21: To more easily set up ambushes for the Mistress, Olivia Rivers travels to Sugar Grove to retrieve Project Siphon. A automated data exfiltration holotape to copy Cryptos and delivered it to the raiders.[337] Her plant was to lay low while the raiders picked off the Order one Mistress at a time. She however still felt the need to threaten Thorp about keeping his end of the bargain, about her future with the raiders.[338] The raiders however were planing an to end the Order of Mysteries themselves.[339][340]
  • October 7: After the seventh confirmed loss to the raiders the Order of Mysteries accelerates and automates its training.[341]
  • October 10: Three more Mistresses of Mystery are confirmed dead with two others missing, the Order goes into lockdown, only Eve, Olivia and Shannon Rivers are allowed to leave Riverside Manor grounds.[342]
  • November 13: Mistress Rachel West caught on to Olivia River's betrayal, she was informing Eve Devoir when Olivia walked in on them. Olivia killed them both, deciding then she had to kill everyone in the order and burn down the mansion. Writing one last desperate and embittered letter to her mother to meet her at their camping site at Seneca Rocks.[343]
  • November 18: The fire set by Olivia Rivers burns the guest house but is successfully put out by presumably Shannon Rivers. She, distraught wrights one final letter to the Order, disbanding it. Telling those, if any members are still alive - she didn't know that there was not, to take their skills and find and join another faction in Appalachia.[344]
  • November 16: With the end of the Order of Mysteries in sight, David Thorp instructs Brody Torrance to leave no lose ends. Promising to discuss with him his future with the Cutthroats[339][340]
  • November ~16: Olivia and Shannon Rivers have their climatic battle. Olivia kills her mother, mocking her heroism to her dying face. Afterword Brody Torrance, in a state of awe at first, anticlimactically betrays Olivia. Olivia was shocked and scarred, in the end she decided to crawl to her already dead mother, to die holding her in her arms. Brody walked away satisfied that it was really finally over.[345]


  • 范布伦计划(並未承認為正史)在大多數洛斯阿拉莫斯基地的倖存者暴露在輻射下後,多少有些「幸運兒」不會死去,而變成了屍鬼。經過十年的地下生活,他們終於回了到地面。12個殭屍,包括威廉·克拉克博士,自願組織在廢土上搜尋其他的倖存者。[61]
  • April / May: The Brotherhood of Steel establishes an outpost at the eastern exit of Big Bend Tunnel to monitor and combat the scorchbeasts.[322]


  • 范布伦计划(並未承認為正史)梅薩維德洞穴內的電腦當機。倖存的科學家們開始將最重要的機械原理圖雕刻在地穴的岩壁上。[247]
  • 范布伦计划(並未承認為正史)12月:12名前去搜尋任務的志願者中,最終只有威廉·克拉克博士一人活著返回洛斯阿拉莫斯基地。不過,他卻帶回了幾十個想要在保留地避難而已經變成屍鬼的倖存者。[61]


  • 范布伦计划(並未承認為正史)1月:在梅薩維德洞穴內的科學家們開始將數學和科學等方面的知識傳授給村裡孩子。他們希望自己的後代有一天將有助於使人類文明重現於廢土。[247]
  • 范布伦计划(並未承認為正史)在解釋過「滑皮」人類對於屍鬼們的偏見與歧視後,洛斯阿拉莫斯基地內的屍鬼們一致推舉威廉·克拉克博士成為他們的領袖。威廉隨後通過講述了他有朝一日要使屍鬼成為「新世界」正當而真正的繼承人的計劃以及屍鬼是人類進化中的新的重要一步的理論來進一步鞏固了自己的地位。[61]



  • Fallout Bible29號避難所開啟,哈羅德(此時還是人類)開始踏上廢土從事商業貿易,在接下來的幾年中,他差不多把廢土上定居點跑了個遍。[93]


  • 8號避難所在大戰後14年開啟,居民們使用伊甸園創造器改造了避難所附件的土地並移居地面,這裡後來演變成了避難所市[93]
    • 提示:在《輻射2》中,琳娜特聲稱避難所市成立於120年前,這意味著8號避難所的開啟時間大概是2120年左右,而之後獲選者稱避難所居民離開13號避難所的時間大概是70年前。這一錯誤產生的原因可能是因為製作組一開始打算將《輻射2》情節發生的時間設置得更早一些,在後來改變設定時,忘記了修改對話文件。





  • 1月28日:阿帕拉契兄弟會進行達陣計畫。[352] After loss of contact with Paladin Elizabeth Taggerdy's team Senior Knight Ted Wilson orders all those who can to join his recovery team, to discover their fate and that of Operation Touchdown.[353]
  • January 30: Paladin Elizabeth Taggerdy's team successfully detonate explosives inside the glassed cavern, causing widespread tunnel collapses.[354]
  • February 2: Operation Touchdown is declared successful after three days of the absence of scorchbeast sightings.[352][354]
  • March 4: Brotherhood of Steel's continued requisitions put relations with Responders at nadir when the Brotherhood accidentally learns of Amy Kerry's Scorched Plague environmental monitoring program data.[355]
  • March 12: The Brotherhood of Steel demands details about Amy Kerry's project at gunpoint. Maria Chavez has no choice but to share some of the data, however she didn't share all the data, nor tell them where Amy Kerry is living. Relations between the BoS and Responders are permanently soured by this point.[356]
  • April 16: Amy Kerry finished automating her environmental analysis project in light of her being sought after by the Brotherhood of Steel. After hearing their power armor maybe less than a mile away from her home she decides its time to move. She locks her terminal and records a holotape message for Jeff Nakamura so he knows where to find her.[357]
  • June 3: After two months of clear skys scorchbeasts are seen in ever increasing numbers, the Brotherhood of Steel confirms Operation Touchdown was a failure.[358]
  • Summer: The Brotherhood consolidates all its forces at Fort Defiance and the Thunder Mountain power plant. The Brotherhood outpost at the east end of the Big Bend Tunnel is quickly abandoned. The Knight in charge, Melissa Reische, leaving most of their supplies behind.[需要引证][359]
  • August 13: With scorchbeast numbers increasing, and with the range of Scribe Grant McNamara's sonar array not able to attract all scorchbeasts to a kill zone, the Brotherhood of Steel resolves to fight to the last man.[360]
  • August 18: 雷霆山發電廠失守, no soldier leaves their post.[361]
  • August 18: Fort Defiance falls. 阿帕拉契兄弟會幾乎滅亡by the Scorched.[362]
  • August 19: The Thunder Mountain power plant falls to the Scorched Plague. The Brotherhood in Appalachia is wiped out.[362][363]
  • Post August 19th: The Free States create lures using sonic generator technology salvaged from one the Brotherhood outposts, to attract, trap, and kill scorchbeasts.[364][365]
  • 9月20日至11月15日:28名墨西哥籍倖存者,11名成年男性,8名成年女性,抵達錫安峽谷並在此定居。[366]


  • The Free States are attacked by the Scorched and driven from Harpers Ferry to their bunkers. Raleigh Clay bans all efforts to recover what is left of the town. The faction begins researching countermeasures for the Scorched. [367]
  • Madigan encounters Free States and discusses expanding the SDS.[364]
  • 哈羅德在中樞市內擁有了一支商隊。雖然他的商隊常常在荒野中受到襲擊,但他的商隊仍倖存下來並繼續盈利……直到數年以後遭遇到超級變種人的襲擊。[93]
  • January 1: Sofie Yates enrolls at Flatwoods as a volunteer candidate of the Responders.[368]
  • 2月22號避難所的倖存居民們由於植物實驗不受控制的擴散離開了他們的避難所。[369]
  • 2月11日:大約有118名來自22號避難所的倖存者從莫哈維廢土遷移到錫安峽谷,其中的多數已生病,將無意中孢子植物帶到了錫安。他們襲擊了那群墨西哥籍倖存者中的大多數。[369]
  • 2月14日:根據蘭道爾·克拉克的日記所述,來自22號避難所的倖存者吃掉了他們俘獲的墨西哥人。[369]
  • 2月19日至2097年1月13日蘭道爾·克拉克開始持續不停地伏擊22號避難所的倖存者以此來為那群墨西哥人復仇。直至最後的34人離開了錫安峽谷。[370]
  • June 15: Flatwoods is almost completely empty.[371] Miguel Caldera transfers to Morgantown Airport to build shelters for survivors.[372]
  • 7月6日Claire Hudson arrives at AVR Medical Center, and開始研究輻屍病疫苗。[373]
  • July 18: Scorched confirmed in Flatwoods.[374]
  • July 24: Last sign-in by Garry Wilkins, Sofie Yates and Delbert Winters at Flatwoods.[375][376]
  • July 25: Cullen McLeeder begins his automated training at Flatwoods.[377]
  • August 1: Mike Scholler from the Free States arrives at Flatwoods after a fight at the bunker forces him out to trade.[378]
  • August 1: Claire Hudson prepares infrastructure for research into the Scorched vaccine.[379]
  • August 2: Mike Scholler trades armor for food and water, leaves for Fort Defiance.[380]
  • August 12: Scorched attack Charleston, nearly destroying the inoculation project.[381]
  • August 14: Dr. Adam Veen arrived at the Responders Flatwoods outpost seeking medical assistance after years of a terrible diet.[382]
  • August 20: The vendor bot of Flatwoods runs out of supplies after a lack of restocking. Dr. Adam Veen starts scavenging for supplies, to alleviate this problem.[383]
  • August 25: Brad Hooper checked in at the Responders Flatwoods outpost seeking medical attention after gigantic bugs attacked him at his shack near Vault 76.[384]
  • September 1: The Responders had not communicate with the Flatwoods outpost for some time. When Cullen McLeeder advanced to "Volunteer" from "Volunteer candidate", now able to use the database he discovers where the Responders were at that point, Morgantown Airport. He and some of those at the outpost leave Flatwoods to make contact.[385]
  • September 2: Dr. Claire Hudson made a breakthrough with the Scorched plague inoculation project. Upon hearing this, Maria Chavez informs Dr. Hudson that the Fire Breathers are itching to take the fight to the Scorched.[386]
  • October 20: Dr. Claire Hudson's research has stalled, unable to contact Jeff Nakamura acquire the blood samples and replacement fuse needed. Dr. Hudson came to the conclusion that she needed to leave instructions to finalize the Scorched vaccine should she not be able to complete it.[387]
  • October 20: Responders ready to seal Big Bend tunnel. Operation fails. Madigan gone.[388][389]
  • October 25: Responders researcher Kesha McDermott last signs in to the Responders Flatwoods automated computer system. She dying conducting her ongoing hydrology experiments.[390]
  • November 5: Leader of the Flatwoods Responders outpost Dassa Ben-Ami signed into the Responders Flatwoods automated computer system for the last time due to her dying in the Responders clinic.[391]
  • November 7: A massive number of scorchbeasts and Scorched begin massing for an attack on Morgantown Airport. All surviving Responders are recalled to defend their headquarters. The Morgantown Airport falls, the Responders are wiped out.[373][392]
  • November 20: Cullen McLeeder signed in for the last time at the Responders Flatwoods outpost, trying to contact the rest of the Responders. He unaware of their demise almost two weeks prior.[393]


  • 1月13日:最後的34名22號避難所倖存者在被蘭道爾·克拉克伏擊了長達10個月後,J·亨德里克斯成為了僅存下來的22號避難所倖存者的監管人,他立刻命令所有人離開錫安峽谷。[370]
  • January 17: Randall Clark finds a woman from Vault 22, named Sylvie, caught in a bear trap. She claims to have suffered terrible abuse at the hands of the men of the vault, prompting her to flee. Feeling sympathy, he tends to her wounds and takes her in.[394]
  • Spring: The remaining Appalachian raider gangs are destroyed. The survivors scatter and flee from the Divide in every direction. The Scorched push through the Big Bend Tunnel into the Forest, Carol Sweeney's community is wiped out.[395] ;
  • 春季:15號避難所開放。[93]
  • 一個名叫喬納森·浮士德的人帶領他的200餘名追隨者離開了極度擁擠的15號避難所並進入廢土,他們後來成為了名為毒蛇幫的掠奪者團伙。[396]
  • 冬季:隨著食物供應的減少掠奪者們開始建立紛紛拉幫結夥,可汗幫毒蛇幫開始更加頻繁地侵撓當地的聚落。[397]
  • (出生日期)約翰·麥克森輻射一鋼鐵兄弟會未來的大長老,出生了。
  • William Keller and his fellow ghouls flee Appalachia to join a larger ghoul community in Washington, D.C.[398]





  • Vault 76 strokes the egos of the overachieving Residents by having award ceremonies for mundane tasks and achievements. The Vault 76 World Cup keeps the more physically active contained as well.[400]
  • September 9th: After three years habitating together Vault 22 Survivor Sylvie became pregnant with Randall Clark's child. He records his apprehension in his logs before he traveled to Toquerville to gather medical supplies in preparation soon after.[401][402]
  • Vault 76 overseer enacts rationing because of unaccounted population growth.[400]


  • March 5: During the delivery of his son Michael with Sylvie, Randall Clark encounters complications, both her and the baby die in childbirth. Randall begins to seriously consider suicide after the loss of his second family.[403]
  • 避難所市監管人退休,隨後「公民理事會」成立。理事會將「監管人」職稱更改為「第一公民」。[404]
  • Vault 76 overseer enacts rationing because of unaccounted population growth.[400]


  • 5月22日:越來越多的變種人開始對哈羅德的商隊進行襲擊,使哈羅德大為惱火。使他組建了一批遠征隊去調查這些變種人的來歷。在和中樞市一位姓氏為格雷的醫生與科學家協商之後,他們兩人決定一起出發。[93]
  • 6月23日:理查德·格雷的探險隊(包括哈羅德在內)發現了馬里波薩軍事基地,但探險隊在基地中被變種人打敗了。格雷被一根自動機械手臂扔進了FEV病毒槽,哈羅德則被打昏了過去,只記得醒來之後已身處荒野。[93]
  • 6月27日:已經變異的的哈羅德被商人們發現並被帶回中樞市。他以前的商隊成員和僱員們被他身上的變異嚇壞了,棄他而不顧。他不久就孤獨一人離開了,甚至沒帶上一點必備用品。[93]
  • 7月:因FEV病毒作用而高度變異的理查德·格雷,忍著可怕的疼痛,從布滿FEV病毒的槽中爬出。幾乎無法思考也意識不到身處的環境,他爬向病毒槽控制室並開始他的音頻記錄。他變得衰弱,並常常昏過去,每次昏迷長達數日甚至數個星期。[93]
  • 7月至11月:理查德·格雷開始習慣他現在的身體狀況,並開始通過直接浸泡的手段在動物身上測試FEV病毒。


  • 10月23日: Fallout 76 開始 - 76號避難所在名為收復日的一天對外開啟。
  • A resident completes the the inoculation project to protect against the Scorched Plague.[405]
  • The unsolved mystery of the disappearance Freddy Wood is solved.[406]
  • Somebody gets the Rockhound atop Mount Blair to function again.[407]
  • Rose boosts her radio signal at the Top of the World with the help of a former Vault 76 resident.[408]
  • The plans for the Excavator power armor are rediscovered.[409]
  • The Scorched Detection System is finished using the recordings of the dead creators.[410]
  • A Resident becomes mayor of Watoga and uses a virus to upload a software update to the robots in Watoga, turning them passive.[411]
  • A new General of the Enclave in the Whitespring bunker is promoted.[412]
  • A nuke is fired at Fissure site Prime.[413]
  • The residents of Vault 76 defeat the scorchbeast queen. The Scorched menace is ended.
  • 11月:第一個人類受害者不小心走進馬里波薩,他的身體被「教主」所吸收。[93]
  • 12月:「教主」繼續在誤入馬里波薩的人身上進行試驗,但都沒有成功。這些試驗品都是有缺陷的(因為他們體內的輻射),雖然他們身型變大,智力卻難以置信地低。「教主」把他們全部吸收了。[93]


  • 1月教主發現了輻射在他自身變異中起的作用而出現問題,並開始更仔細地選擇實驗體。最早的首批超級變種人誕生。他開始準備建造一支軍隊。[93]
  • 2103至2130年:在這個時期,教主緩慢地從當地居民中收集著試驗材料,不管他們是不是樂意。2130年的核冬天和人口資源的缺乏使他想成立一支軍隊的計劃陷入困境。[93]
  • Humans return to Appalachia and form new settlements and raider gangs.[414]




  • The Institute is founded by the group of former Commonwealth Institute of Technology students who took refuge in the college's underground level at the time of the Great War.[418][419]




  • 安格斯統治著發展中的中樞市,並自立為執政官。[93]
  • 天網接受來自其主人的最後命令,然後便被留在山嶺軍事基地里吃灰。[422]


  • 4月25日:24名兒童,一半男孩一半女孩,從某個未知地點來到錫安峽谷[423]
  • 4月25日至2124年1月23日蘭道爾·克拉克開始秘密的給這些孩子們留下物資,列如書籍與藥品,和教會他們如何最大限度的利用他們的資源建立新家的筆記。他在每一份筆記上都署名「天父」。這些孩子們後來組建了悲傷部落。[424]


  • 1月23日:蘭道爾·克拉克在錫安峽谷的紅門石橋上安詳地離開人世。[425]


  • (英文版無此項)The Vipers' attempt to raid the Hub is stopped almost solely by Angus. Angus' defense causes the Vipers to retreat north
  • 冬季:安格斯被謀殺。中樞市陷入混亂狀態。[93]


  • 一隊商人控制了中樞市的水塔。他們要求每個用水的人都要付錢。大商戰開始。[93]
  • 2126至2128年:大商戰末期,水源供應商封鎖了中樞市,但最後寡不敵眾被擊敗。[93]



  • 一個叫羅伊·格林的男子(格林·賈斯汀警長的祖父)促使水源供應商與中樞市住民和其他商隊之間的談判和平解決。中樞市中央委員會組成,城中勢力最大的商隊派兩名代表參加,便於長期維持中樞市的秩序。[93]




  • 2131年-2135年:教主開始命令他的超級變種人部隊從商隊中綁架試驗體。許多年以來,商隊成員的失蹤都被認為是沙漠中的怪物所為。即使是中樞市的商隊成員也被綁架或誘拐了,人們仍認為那是死亡爪乾的。超級變種人軍隊在逐漸壯大。[93]
  • A group of machinists comes to the Boneyard, settling into an old, abandoned factory and beginning to manufacture weapons and ammunition.[426]


  • (英文版無此項)丹尼斯·艾倫士官手下的一支鋼鐵兄弟會隊伍的實力壯大,並要求長老們讓他們去東南方的被稱為閃耀之地的威斯科技研究所廢墟去探索戰前科技。長老們拒絕了,所以艾倫和他的直屬部隊帶著一部分技術和武器從鋼鐵兄弟會中分裂出去。[93]
  • (英文版無此項)丹尼斯·艾倫帶著他的部下們到威斯科技研究所去尋找戰前技術。他們在二十多天後到達,並很快被威斯科技的防禦系統擊敗。由於受傷,丹尼斯·艾倫開始被從裝甲上泄露的輻射感染。在他死前,他把探險隊的遭遇記錄在一片全息磁帶中,然後他也成為無數屍體中的一員。[93]


  • 羅傑·麥克森長老死於癌症,他的兒子麥克森二世,已經成為了一名熟練的戰士,成為鋼鐵兄弟會的長老。而他的孫子約翰·麥克森也成為了成為聖騎士 ,實現了他的士兵夢。[93]
  • (英文版無此項)來自15號避難所的豺狼幫在一次交火中被同源的可汗幫擊敗,倖存者被迫向東南撤離。


  • 教主開始大批量製造超級變種人。只有五分之一到六分之一的試驗品能成功。在這些成功的試驗品當中,只有一半左右能最終加入他不斷擴大的部隊當中。這個部隊被稱為聯合軍[93]




  • 德克在中樞市組建犯罪集團地下黨並形成一定規模,開始秘密影響中樞市權力。[93]


  • (出生日期)放逐者出生。[93]
    • 這取決於玩家在輻射1中給主角設定的年齡。


  • 春季:沙蔭市建立,居民們為了抵禦外來威脅,在小鎮周圍建立了一圈防護牆。[93]




  • 大約在2125年被中樞市的領袖安格斯擊敗的毒蛇幫逐漸恢復,準備東山再起,大量的奴隸和抓獲的商隊俘虜充實了他們的隊伍,並開始在中樞市以北,失落嶺以南的荒地建立權勢。由於對地穴巨蛇狂熱崇拜的信仰驅動,以及戰士和信徒人數日漸眾多,他們開始比以前活動得更加猖獗,因而引起了鋼鐵兄弟會的注意。[396]


  • The Brotherhood of Steel Elder Council sends out Knights to seek traces of Sergeant Dennis Allen's separatist group. All they find is ruins.[263]
  • The Crimson Caravan Company is founded by Demetre Romara.[428]
  • The Boneyard machinists run out of scrap in the surrounding area, form trade relations with Adytum.[426]


  • 隨著教主在廢土中的影響不斷擴大,他開始尋找人類和末日論邪教徒,教主並不想把這類人浸入病毒槽中,而是要求他們服從他,當他的密探。他們的領導者叫墨菲斯,一名前埋骨地開膛幫的成員,他與他的追隨者發誓效忠教主。墨菲斯和他的教徒組成了大教堂之子未來的核心。[93]


  • 埋骨地的軍火販子開始正式營業,走上了其成為傑出武器製造商與銷售商的道路。[429]
  • 兄弟會派遣了數支偵察小隊來追蹤毒蛇幫,這次行動或多或少是約翰·麥克森的父親麥克森二世策劃的訓練行動,兄弟會的人員被他說服相信一支使用動力裝甲的小部隊足以戰勝無論人數多麼龐大的掠奪者眾。麥克森二世的小隊最終遭遇毒蛇幫並與其交火,交戰中,麥克森二世沒有考慮到毒蛇幫殘暴的本性(或者是他們有毒的武器)。當一支毒箭擦過他的頭部後 ,他在數小時內毒發身亡。其子約翰·麥克森接過長老的責任,and Rhombus becomes the new head of the Paladins.[396]
  • 由倫巴斯領導的聖騎士開始對毒蛇幫全面開戰,不到一個月就消滅了毒蛇幫幾乎所有的成員。毒蛇幫的一些殘餘僥倖逃到了北部和東部山區。[396]
    • 備註根據克里斯·阿韋洛的輻射聖經#6的內容,毒蛇幫再也沒有出現了,有人說這符合該幫派未在輻射1的最終版本中出現的事實,但這不符合輻射1的情節,毒蛇幫曾被遊戲中的伊恩阿拉什德基利安提到過。倖存的毒蛇幫成員,應該仍然活動在加州附近直到2161年。此外,在2281年,小股的毒蛇幫仍出現在莫哈維廢土
  • 17號避難所被教主的大軍襲擊,避難所內的居民都被FEV病毒槽變異成超級變種人,莉莉·伯恩也在其中。[430]
  • 2155年-2156年:在捕獲一隊避難所居民的商隊後,教主發現了埋骨之地避難所的位置——大教堂未來的所在地。他征服了避難所內的居民,並在那裡建立設施。邪教徒們開始把那個避難所當做他們的活動基地。教主發現避難所居民更加適合用於改造成為超級變種人。他開始派出偵察隊去各個避難所所在地尋找這些避難所。該計劃在次年定案。[93]


  • 教主發現建立一種仁慈「宗教」(大教堂之子)的好處,並用教徒作為廢土各地的秘探。大教堂之子的傳教士慢慢擴展到廢土中,成為墨菲斯和主教的耳目。[93]


  • 教主發現了貝克斯菲爾德避難所,即12號避難所,並派出一支超級變種人部隊去佔領該避難所。許多屍鬼像風中的細枝被折斷一樣被殺死。賽特最終只好和超級變種人談判,告訴他們屍鬼就是超級變種人正在尋找的避難所倖存者。超級變種人因為沒有找到一個像樣的避難所而大為惱火,他們建造了一個小型要塞來監督賽特和屍鬼們,在戰爭中與他們進行合作。[93]


  • Regulators take control of Adytum. The trade relations with the Gun Runners sour, as the trade begins to favor the settlement heavily.[431]


  • 齊默曼僱用了一群稱自己為監管者的僱傭兵,以幫助和保護經常被死亡爪和襲擊者攻擊的內殿[432]



  • (英文版無此項)哈羅德重返中樞市舊城區
  • 10月:鋼鐵兄弟會巡邏隊在荒原上找到一個死亡的超級變種人。他們把屍體帶回給首席學士維爾,她開始研究對該屍體進行研究。[93]
  • 12月5日07:21:輻射》開始,放逐者被監管人Jacoren踢開13號避難所,前往廢土尋找替換用的凈水晶元
  • 12月15日:放逐者發現了沙蔭市並遇見坦蒂伊恩,後者跟隨放逐者踏上了尋找凈水晶元的旅途。[93]
  • 12月30日:放逐者在垃圾鎮遇見了狗肉[93]
  • 12月J.E 基利安·黑水接管垃圾鎮,將賭場老闆吉斯莫和其一樣的敗類趕出了鎮子。並開始在鎮內執行自己的「邊疆正義」,鎮民在他的法律下過著安穩而平定的生活。[433]
  • 12月:由於放逐者堅持奮戰,摧毀了可汗幫的有生力量。僅剩一名名叫達里安的成員倖存下來。[434]


  • 1月:在放逐者的幫助下,哈羅德從廢土上帶來了更多的屍鬼移民。兩人攜手合作,使中樞市變得更加繁榮。[435]
  • 1月4日:放逐者拜訪了名叫廢料堆(該地點僅在輻射1的演示版中出現)的聚落。
  • 1月5日13號避難所發生了盜水事件。
  • 1月17日:放逐者到達中樞市並和販水商人進行談判,使他們為13號避難所提供用水,為避難所贏得更多的時間。[93]
  • 2月13日:放逐者在大墓地得到凈水晶元。而同伴伊恩在戰鬥中被超級變種人用火焰噴射器燒成了灰燼。[93]
  • 2月23日大教堂之子將他們的醫生派往垃圾鎮。[436]
  • 3月3日:放逐者在大教堂擊敗了教主[93]
  • March 5: Date that the Boneyard will be invaded by the Master's Army.[437]
  • 3月24日教主的軍隊襲擊了大墓地,殺掉了除廉尼凱恩和躲在圖書館後的一人外的其他全部屍鬼居民。將整座城變成了真正意義上的墓地。[438] leaving a truly dead city behind them[439]
  • 4月4日:如果在這一天還沒通關的話,教主的軍隊會入侵中樞市。
  • 4月20日:放逐者摧毀了馬里波薩軍事基地。狗肉, being colorblind, doesn't recognize a forcefield and charges into it,為了保護他的主人而死去。[93]
  • '5月10日:'輻射》結束,放逐者回到13號避難所,卻被監管人趕了出來。不久後,一小批人(由主張「返回地面」的特蕾沙和她的支持者——Pat萊爾領導)跟隨放逐者的腳步,踏上了廢土。[93]
  • 5月23日Cut content如果在這一天還沒通關的話,教主的軍隊會入侵鋼鐵兄弟會在失落嶺的碉堡。
  • 7月2日:如果在這一天還沒通關的話,教主的軍隊會入侵垃圾鎮
  • 7月22日:如果在這一天還沒通關的話,教主的軍隊會入侵沙蔭市
  • 鋼鐵兄弟會幫助其他人類居民點以雙方的最小傷亡為代價將教主的軍隊趕走,鋼鐵兄弟會的先進技術正在慢慢重新引入核心區,很少發生干擾與混亂。兄弟會明智地保持了其權力結構,並逐漸成為一個重要的科學研究與開發組織。


  • 4月19日:如果在這一天還沒通關的話,教主的軍隊會入侵13號避難所,導致輻射1遊戲結束。(未更新過的最初版遊戲)


  • 5月12日:放逐者脫下他的連體服,並從這天起再也沒有穿上過。[93]







  • 如果在這一年還沒通關的話,教主的軍隊會入侵13號避難所,導致輻射1遊戲結束。(更新過的最新版遊戲)




  • The Commonwealth Minutemen are formed.[443] They rise to prominence following their courageous defense of Diamond City from Institute super mutants.[444]
  • 范布伦计划(並未承認為正史) 由於梅薩維德洞穴內的生存空間與資源越來越少,編碼部落中的許多人開始採用游牧的生活方式,偶爾回到營地進行補給或撫養孩子直到他們能夠直立行走。[247]


  • 夏季:在某一日中午,超級變種人馬可世和鋼鐵兄弟會聖騎士雅各布破碎丘以南數英里處狹路相逢,二人用上渾身解數交鋒數日,卻始終都未能分出勝負。最終,兩人意識到彼此間的爭戰毫無意義,於是握手言和,成為了好朋友。兩人一同旅行,討論鋼鐵兄弟會和聯合軍的教義,他們甚至還為教主是否真的能與大教堂電腦相連接而發生爭吵。[93]
  • 秋季:馬可世和雅各布帶著一群由人類、屍鬼和超級變種人組成的追隨者建立了破碎丘[93]







  • 范布伦计划(並未承認為正史) 70號避難所開啟,裡面的摩門教居民們找到了已為廢墟的鹽湖城,並使用三個伊甸園製造器建立了新耶路撒冷城[122]


  • Fallout Tactics克里斯·阿韋洛成為春田市的市長。


  • Fallout Tactics April 9th: Gammorin's forces inadvertedly wake up the Calculator, nearly leading to a holocaust of epic proportions.
  • 在其父亞拉什德去世後,坦蒂被新加州共和國國會一致通過選舉為總統。像眾人所期望的那樣,她繼續做著出色的工作。[93]



  • 英克雷繼續從事著許多戰前技術研究,包括動力裝甲的改進。但沒有任何的試驗品能夠比戰前的舊動力裝甲在性能方面上有任何較大的改進,有的甚至更糟。[93]
  • Fallout Tactics 輻射戰略版結束主角領導的鋼鐵兄弟會小隊破壞了0號避難所里名為計算者人工智慧計算機,並擊敗了它的機器人大軍。
  • 范布伦计划(並未承認為正史) 在通過多年的"尋常方法"努力後,洛斯阿拉莫斯基地內的屍鬼發現他們確實沒有生育能力。威廉·克拉克博士和塞巴斯蒂安博士開始制訂一項計劃,建立一個可行的途徑讓屍鬼們能夠繁衍後代 。[61]




  • Van Buren (not confirmed as canon) 在近地軌道環繞地球飛行的B.O.M.B.-002號空間站被一顆小行星擊中,並墜毀在大峽谷地區。[140]




  • CVRIE now finished with her decades long broad-spectrum cure placed an emergency call to Vault-Tec to make them aware of the success.[449] All the while the secret section of Vault 81 would deteriorate due to lack of maintenance, and the mole rat escape started by Clyde the mole rat.[450]



  • 1月16日:在寫完了回憶錄之後,放逐者從阿羅由消失,並被人們認為他已經去世。放逐者原來的避難所服裝摺疊著放在了他的床邊。有人說放逐者被某種不可思議的神聖力量帶走了,也有人說放逐者是又開始了新的旅途,留下長老們來引導阿羅由村。[93]
  • 2月2日:悼念放逐者的一個月圓月缺周期結束,阿羅由的生活又回復原來的樣子。[93]
  • 2月2日放逐者女兒作為長老的最後特訓開始。她忍受了一系列體力訓練和其它各種輔助特訓——科學、數學以及各種武器的使用。[93]
  • Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel 輻射:鋼鐵兄弟會 開始 :主角作為鋼鐵兄弟會德克薩斯遠征隊的一名新兵被派往卡博鎮尋找倫巴斯長老和他的聖騎士們。[452]
  • Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel新兵到達卡博鎮後不久,旅行中的放逐者也在卡博鎮稍作停留。[452]


  • Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel 輻射:鋼鐵兄弟會 結束:在放逐者的指引下,新兵一行人找到了洛斯城,摧毀了失落教會並進入了秘密避難所。他們啟動了設施的自毀程序並乘坐列車離去,導致了前教主的心腹阿提斯的超級變種人部隊、秘密避難所與洛斯城的毀滅。鋼鐵兄弟會的德克薩斯遠征行動結束。[452]
  • (出生日期)Ailis McLafferty and Ralph Peoples are born.



  • 1月31日:放逐者的女兒接受她神秘的測試。她服用了一種由哈庫寧花園裡種出來的致幻植物製成的葯。她走進試煉神殿,在手槍壞掉後用她的魅力通過大部分測試。她還給測試做了許多修正。
    • 備註: 壞掉的那把手槍就是輻射2開場動畫中你在她桌子上看見的那把。[93]
  • 2月2日:放逐者的女兒成為部落長老。她治理得很好,她的智慧受部落所有成員的尊敬。[93]



  • 8月1日:國會議員迪克·理查德森在他的父親理查德森總統幫助下,開始逐漸執掌英克雷。[93]
  • 在總統命令下,英克雷科學家們開始努力研究動力裝甲的升級版本。許多原型機被研發出來並用於測試。[93]




  • 范布伦计划(並未承認為正史) 原洛斯阿拉莫斯基地,現稱保留地,開始從周邊地區各個部落的人類手中購買奴隸。屍鬼用他們在地下工廠中生產的武器於外界交易人類奴隸,最健康的人類奴隸被屍鬼科學家用於生殖實驗,而其他的則一直工作到他們死於勞累或疾病。[61]
  • 范布伦计划(並未承認為正史) 新耶路撒冷城的摩門教先知和信徒們在一次投票表決後中斷了與其他社區的難民、游商和部落人的貿易。[122]
  • 3月5日理查德「迪克」理查德森議員在他父親作為前任總統的政治影響力和幫助下被選舉為總統,開始第一個五年的任期。[93]
  • 10月:英克雷科學家們研製出更可靠的馬克2型動力裝甲。在原型機測試中的成功結果(包括意外事故...爆炸...人員傷亡等)被新上任的理查德森總統列為最高機密。[93]


  • 3月23日放逐者的孫子——獲選者出生,獲選者父親的名字沒有在部落記錄中出現,原因不明,有可能是因為什麼事情讓部落長老顏面無光,才將記錄刪除。[93]
  • Mister Burke is born. Date unknown.
  • Valerie is born.Vcmainwk.msg



  • March: The Institute have developed two promising strains of FEV and receive new subjects from the Commonwealth to experiment on. Their synthetic organics program decides to move to a new avenue of exploration that requires non-irradiated DNA.[453]



  • (英文版無此項)Mr. Moriarty arrives in America from Ireland. That year his son Colin Moriarty is born
  • The spouse of the Sole Survivor is briefly freed from cryogenic suspension at Vault 111 by agents of the Institute in a field operation led by Conrad Kellogg. The agents kidnap the infant Shaun and the Sole Survivor's spouse is murdered by Kellogg. The Sole Survivor then reenters suspension, while the rest of the residents' life support is cut.
  • 范布伦计划(並未承認為正史) 7月:經過多年的研究和實驗, 塞巴斯蒂安博士成功地實施了一個可以使屍鬼通過生殖出生的計劃。但所有的人類宿體在分娩期間都會因難產死亡(宿體可以是男性或女性)。[61]
  • 范布伦计划(並未承認為正史) 8月:首次成功的「屍鬼寶寶」誕生。由於屍鬼身體內放射性化學物的作用,第一個出生的屍鬼在一個月內迅速成長為成年。出生的食屍鬼被命名為麻疹,因為他的下巴淋巴結腫巨大。其他三個屍鬼將出生於該年至2253年之間。該生殖實驗只有2%的成功率。[61]



  • May: Broken Mask incident: An early third generation synth, Mr. Carter, enters Diamond City and after a few drinks, pulls out a gun and kills four or five people before being killed himself. Carter's death reveals to the Commonwealth the existence of advanced synths.[455]
  • Not long after the Massacre of the CPG, what became known as the Broken Mask incident happens. A synth, completely indistinguishable from humans, malfunctions at Power Noodles and slaughters its patrons until city security destroys it.引用错误:没有找到与</ref>对应的<ref>标签
  • 范布伦计划(並未承認為正史) 鋼鐵兄弟會的長老傑瑞米·麥克森決定是時候將勢力擴大到東部。他派出一支五人組成的遠征軍前往一個叫彼得森掩體的地方。遠征隊的領袖安德烈發現了掩體,開啟了它並在此居住下來。十多年來,她和她的騎士同伴探索東部這一地區,與許多部落建立了聯繫。


  • 倫納德·博亞斯基避難所市放逐。[456]


  • 范布伦计划(並未承認為正史) 許多憤怒的部落民、掠奪者和其他襲擊者結夥攻擊了新耶路撒冷,殺死了城裡大部分的摩門教徒[122]


  • 英克雷對死亡爪進行實驗,嘗試創建一支能在惡劣敵對環境下進行特殊作戰的戰鬥單位。[93]
  • 此時在蜥蜴城已有小部分屍鬼居住,更多的屍鬼遷移到那兒,於是蜥蜴城形成了。新加入的屍鬼帶來新的科技和知識,於是在年底發電廠開始運作。避難所市開始密切關注他們的新鄰居。[93]
  • 范布伦计划(並未承認為正史) 倖存下來的摩門教徒在先知布萊克的帶領下來到猶他州的奧格登,建立了新迦南鎮[122][457]


  • 范布伦计划(並未承認為正史)通過與部分侵佔者的共同合作,摩門教徒將傑里科自來水廠的水源引入新迦南。[122]
  • 7月20日英克雷偵察兵發現馬里波薩軍事基地的存在,並發現它只是部分區域被摧毀。[93]
  • 7月至8月:英克雷科學家和化學部隊開始搜索馬里波薩,同時行動小隊到處搜捕沙漠中的奴隸來挖掘軍事基地,以獲得FEV病毒。行動小隊中的一名士兵就是法蘭克·荷瑞根,適時25歲,由於犯了未記錄的精神疾病,不久前剛從總統的秘密保鏢小隊轉到該行動組中來散心。[93]
  • 8月:瑞丁鎮礦工梅爾基奧爾被一支英克雷巡邏隊抓獲並成為挖掘軍事基地的奴隸隊伍的一分子。[93]
  • 9月:英克雷的工程隊和超級變種人奴隸開始進行挖掘。他們挖出了FEV病毒後變異開始在人類工人身上產生。法蘭克·荷瑞根也感染上FEV,後被送到英克雷實驗室去研究。[93]
  • 10月:梅爾基奧爾開始變異,但是他的智力和狡滑卻沒有消失,他比一般的二代超級變種人更為聰明。意識到英克雷在得到FEV數據後將殺死所有的超級變種人,他開始用他的魔術般的天份弄到武器裝備給其他變種人,以在英克雷決定殺死他們時反抗。[93]
  • 2236年至2238年:法蘭克·荷瑞根慢慢在FEV中變異,變成一個體格強壯但行動緩慢、愚蠢、思想一根筋的超級變種人。他被注射了極強的鎮靜劑,被執行手術,被進行研究。他每次只會清醒一小段時間,然後打進血液里的鎮靜葯就使他進入沉睡。[93]


  • 1月:得到FEV病毒後的英克雷,在眾多人員發生了變異之後放棄了馬里波薩軍事基地導致第二代超級變種人誕生--英克雷只留下一小隊士兵來殺死那些超級變種人,但是那些變種人用他們在挖掘中得到的重武器,在戰鬥中讓那些英克雷士兵化為塵土,當然他們自己也付出了極大代價。剩下的那些第一代和第二代超級變種人奴隸決定留在基地中,他們形成了一個新的變種人團體。[93]
  • 華盛頓特區海軍研究所的剩餘倖存人員,在武力清除掉了大批的泥沼蟹後遷入到了一艘擱淺的航空母艦上(即後來的鉚釘城)。[458]


  • 哈羅德(帶著頭上長著的一棵樹枝)到達蜥蜴城,並盡他最大的努力幫助那些屍鬼運作他們的核能發電廠。[93]
  • 范布伦计划(並未承認為正史) 新加州共和國的探險隊發現鷹岩礦井,他們迅速意識到這是一個能源和水源聚集的地方--雖然當地的放射性污染很危險。在這一年中,新加州共和國的礦工來了不少,其中許多是來自其他社區的人渣和被放逐者。一個名為特倫特·伯厄姆的富有礦主在這裡建立了叫伯厄姆泉的小鎮。[78]


  • 新加州共和國特工托馬斯·摩爾到達避難所市,並成為一名公民。</ref>[459]
  • Goodneighbor is founded.[460]
  • 1月23日:測驗在法蘭克·荷瑞根身上進行。他被用來進行作為戰鬥武器並在荒野中對抗廢土遊民的戰鬥測試。[93]
  • 3月27日:法蘭克·荷瑞根得到他新身份。一套特別為容納他的大塊頭製造的動力裝甲將他嚴實的包裹起來。在一些殘酷的戰鬥測試成功後,他成為了英克雷許多難纏問題的「解決手段」。[93]
  • 4月25日:首屆鉚釘城議會會議由賀拉斯·平克頓安妮特·福爾摩斯布拉德·丹弗斯等人召開。正式確定定居地的名稱--鉚釘城。[461]




  • 垃圾鎮成為了新加州共和國的沙蔭州的一部分。[464]
  • Around this time, Daisy Whitman's Vertibird crashes near the trapper town of Klamath due to a rotor malfunction.[465] Later on, Lily Bowen uses parts from the broken craft to create her signature weapon, the Vertibird blade.[466]
  • Herbert Dashwood meets Argyle and steals his girlfriend. They are best friends ever since.[467]
  • 首都廢土科林·莫里亞蒂的父親在一次針對兆噸鎮的掠奪者襲擊中身亡,因而科林繼承了他的所有遺產,包括莫里亞蒂的酒館[113]
  • 北加州的旱季持續多年,莊稼和雙頭牛都不能生長,阿羅由和摩多克受災嚴重。
  • 1月:作為莫丁諾家族為廢土獻上的禮物,第一批杰特進入瑞丁城。[93]
  • 2月:避難所市拒絕了新里諾的彼希家族與新加州共和國的結盟請求。[93]
  • 2月安妮·帕爾默所領導的101號避難所探索隊偵查了春之谷和兆噸鎮的附近區域。[468]
  • 3月:掠奪者開始襲擊避難所市的商隊。[93]
  • 5月15日輻射2 開場動畫英克雷將一段編碼數列發送至13號避難所,激活其中央電腦,中央電腦隨即宣布離開避難所的時機已到。馬丁·弗羅比舍集合了避難所居民一起準備離開避難所,他為眾人播放了名為「離開避難所」的教學錄像帶,由避難所科技錄製的教導避難所住民在重返地面時的各種基本守則和注意事項的視頻。
  • 5月16日:不到一天後,13避難所的氣密防爆門開啟。避難所住民們在出口見到的卻是兩支全副武裝的英克雷突襲小隊。英克雷士兵以「拒捕」借口殺死了3名住民,然後掃蕩了整個避難所,將所有的居住者抓走。
  • 5月17日:英克雷馴獸員將一批智商極高的死亡爪放到13號避難所,希望它們把靠近避難所的人全部殺死從而掩蓋英克雷出現的事實。其他的死亡爪被放到13號避難所周圍的沙漠之中以便擊殺可能會有的逃亡者和目擊者。
  • 7月25日早上08:24:《輻射2》 開始,獲選者進入試煉神殿開始了神秘的測試。
  • 7月27日:獲選者離開阿羅由尋找伊甸園創造器[93]
  • 8月30日:獲選者碰巧遇到了法蘭克·荷瑞根與平民的衝突。平民拒絕了他的要求,因而被殺。這是算作一個玩家遇到的特殊事件「你總是在不巧的地方遇見不巧的人」
  • 10月23日哈庫林第一次在獲選者的夢中出現
  • (英文版無此項)哈羅德出現在蜥蜴城。
  • (英文版無此項)史拉格試圖與地表上的人接觸,但出於對所謂「幽靈」的恐懼,沒有人敢接近史拉格居住的農場。


  • 兩名合成人A3-21阿米特吉聯邦學院製造出來。[113]
  • 范布伦计划(並未承認為正史) 核內利,一種能發射核炮彈的榴彈炮在保留地被製造出來。威廉·克拉克博士本打算用以對付敵對勢力。然而,由於沉重炮身將電梯牽引繩拉斷,沒有辦法把炮從地下倉庫里取回。[61]
  • 范布伦计划(並未承認為正史) 大長老傑里米·麥克森以著名的祖先羅傑·麥克森的姓氏將托德·彼得森掩體重命名為馬克森掩體並駐紮於此。發現此地的安德烈·碧萊伊晉陞為長老,負責掩體的一切事務。探索隊的其餘成員也被晉陞為長老。
  • 1月21日:哈庫林第二次出現在獲選者的夢境中。
  • 4月21日:哈庫林第三次出現在獲選者的夢境中,但與獲選者的進展狀況沒有關係。
  • 7月20日:阿羅由遭到英克雷士兵的攻擊,村民都被抓為奴隸並帶到鑽井平台。獲選者收到了第四個也是最後一個哈庫林的託夢
  • 秋季:輻射2》結束,獲選者開動破損油輪進入英克雷,毀滅海神油井平台,殺死美國總統,破壞了英克雷統治世界的計劃。[93]
  • 在英克雷被毀滅後,阿羅由村和13號避難所的難民們安頓下來並使用了伊甸園製造器建立了一個新的社區。13號避難所的居民們在發現自己身處於離13避難所數百英里的遠方後決定加入阿羅由的村民們建立新的聚落,以他們的技術專長結合村民們的求生技能使得新的居民點迅速發展並繁榮起來。相同血緣的兩代人重新統一起來。他們的救星,獲選者,成為了長老,在今後的歲月里主持該居民點的一切事務。[469]
  • 阿羅由的原長老在英克雷毀滅後仍活了許多年,她對於13號避難所放逐者之間的分裂已和解而感到欣慰,而她在獲選者的談話中不停重複到要是放逐者能夠活到現在,親眼目睹這一切的完美結局的話該有多好。她在數月後某天夜裡去世,很多的阿羅由村民堅信她正在美好的天國里,向放逐者的英靈講述著獲選者的英雄事迹。.[470]
  • 史拉格族的變種人與摩多克鎮達成戰前農業生產技術的貿易往來,鬼農場不再讓人害怕。摩多克鎮出產的糧食逐漸滿足了整個核心區的需求。[471]
  • J.E 麥塔則丹恩城的奴隸貿易逐漸開始擴張,使他的影響力和權利遍及整個核心區。在他的奴隸養殖圈設立後沒有一個廢土遊民是遠離被奴役的危險的。旅客開始避免靠近丹恩城,在聽說了城牆內發生的種種罪惡勾當後。
  • J.E蜥蜴城內核電站的設施優化成為了蜥蜴城與避難所市之間開始合作的第一步。蜥蜴城加大的電力輸出成為了幫助避難所市擴張勢力的重要一步。
  • 在英克雷被毀滅的數年後,避難所市的發展仍然停滯不前,被自己的孤立主義所害。8號避難所的發電機組無法承受其龐大人口的電力需求,阻礙了避難所市的勢力擴張。最終避難所市被新加州共和國吞併,該國自從建國以來就開始不斷向西北方擴張。[472]
  • 英克雷毀滅後沒多久,新里諾彼希家族喜得貴子。這孩子似乎沒有什麼與彼希家族的相似之處,寧願花大把的時間來在廢土上進行探險。當他13歲時,他奪取了彼希家族的領導權並使彼希家族成為新里諾最有權勢的家族。He dies quietly in his sleep at the age of seventy-three, never having known his real father.[473]
  • 儘管萊特家族仍無法從理查德的死亡中恢復過來,但殺害他的兇手已被正法的消息還是能使他們心裡好受一些。[474]
  • 新型毒品杰特的發明者少年麥朗在丹恩城喝醉後被一名杰特癮君子刺死,他對於杰特的發明很快被世人遺忘,到現在已經沒有人能記得他的名字。[475]
  • 獲選者仍能不斷的聽到關於哈羅德的消息。隨著時間的推移,他頭上的小樹苗越長越大。謠言所說,甚至有果實生長出來。這些果子的果核生命力十分的頑強,在廢土最惡劣而貧瘠的荒漠上都能生根發芽。[476]
  • 在從獲選者手中購買了一枚挖掘設備的晶元後幾年,瑪吉·拉波什已擁有足夠的資金來購買瑞丁的晨星與newly opened庫庫里弗兩處金礦礦井。之後她輕而易舉的當選市長,並利用了她的政治力量使瑞丁城加入新加州共和國以此來為瑞丁城在共和國國會里爭得一個席位。[477]
  • 在企圖消滅變種人的陰謀被獲選者挫敗後,破碎丘開始興旺起來。鈾礦礦藏被開採完後,這個聚落失去了其存在的意義,慢慢的開始崩潰。居民們攜帶自己的財產離開了這裡,留下了一座荒涼的鬼鎮。少數人類仍試圖勉強維持他們的生活,但最終,他們也從鎮上消失了。[478]
  • 受獲選者的影響,馬可世決定越過洛基山脈向東進發,尋找教主軍隊的倖存者。獲選者再也未能聽到關於他的任何消息。
  • 新加州共和國在受到獲選者的幫助後內部開始穩定下來,15號避難所的居民們很快成為自給自足的社會生產力貢獻者。[479]
  • The Chosen One's help with Vault 15 launched the New California Republic's push to civilize its neighbors. Though there are many more obstacles to overcome, the NCR now have a foothold into the northern wastes.[480]
  • 舊金山的華裔始族繼續蓬勃發展,在他們自己心愛的小鎮周圍種植大量的植物來降低放射性污染。雖然這種藤蔓植物不能在其他土壤中生長,但始族仍在自己的地盤上對其精心照料。他們不斷成長的實力和突出的成就,形成了一個新的帝國的基礎。[481]
  • 英克雷的毀滅將理查德·迪克·理查德森總統從歷史上徹底的抹去,現在「總統」的稱號被廢土遊民當做可怕的怪物用來嚇唬小孩子。[482]
  • 至於油輪上的那幫遊民嘛...好吧,作為遊民他們繼續過著飄無不定的日子。[483]


  • 范布伦计划(並未承認為正史) 難民在新迦南大量湧現,西邊「核心區」發生的戰鬥在這裡像傳奇故事一樣流傳開來。[457]


  • 范布伦计划(並未承認為正史) 摩門教先知猶大.布萊克老死。]][122]
  • 范布伦计划(並未承認為正史) 新加州共和國的鐵路線建設進入瓶頸。因為對於煤炭的需求減弱,以及炸藥幫頻繁的侵撓。


  • 愛德華·斯隆和同伴比爾·卡爾霍恩,被追隨者派往東部研究當地部落的語言,並會晤摩門教的密使約書亞·格雷漢姆[427]
  • 在遠行中,愛德華·斯隆意外發現了一些關於古羅馬的史書,包括朱利烏斯·凱撒親自撰寫的《高盧戰記》,這些書讓這位年輕人深深的著了迷。[427]


  • 斯隆、卡爾霍恩與約書亞被黑足部落俘獲以索取贖金。年輕的愛德華·斯隆運用自己的知識訓練部落成員戰鬥的方法,在贏得了部落的敬重後最終成為了黑足部落的首領。[427]
  • 愛德華·斯隆承繼古羅馬終身獨裁官凱撒的名字,與他的得力助手約書亞·格雷漢姆決定仿照歷史上的羅馬帝國在廢土上創建一個新帝國,試圖取代並抹殺其它土著部落的文化,取而代之的是單一的、獨一無二的文化--「凱撒軍團」。[427]
  • (出生日期)Sarah Lyons is born in the Brotherhood of Steel Lost Hills bunker in California.
  • (出生日期)Reilly is born somewhere in the Capital Wasteland.
  • 范布伦计划(並未承認為正史)NCR的第5工程兵連隊為了和215鐵路線的炸藥幫對抗,炸毀了「伯厄姆」礦井,導致整個地區被猛烈的大火吞噬,甚至被岩石包裹著的煤炭礦脈都崩裂開來。許多人死去。許多被炙熱瀝青和焦油吞沒的人變異成焦炎獸。NCR被迫放棄了伯厄姆泉鎮[78]
  • 范布伦计划(並未承認為正史) 經歷一次強烈而奇怪的發燒後,摩門教徒傑里邁亞·芮格登聲稱他是被上帝附身的先知。[122]


  • 坦蒂總統病故,享年103歲。副總統喬安娜·蒂貝特宣誓就職成為新加州共和國總統。[427]
  • 凱撒開始征服亞利桑那州北部、科羅拉多州西南部,新墨西哥州西部和猶他州東南部的眾多部落。[427]
  • 漢尼拔·哈姆林在14歲這年淪為奴隸[484]
  • 范布伦计划(並未承認為正史) 包括菲爾斯帕基法蘭克.拉弗朗西斯在內的12名膽大的拾荒者,偷偷來到伯厄姆礦山進行拾荒活動。兩年後,只剩下他們三人活著。[78]
  • 范布伦计划(並未承認為正史) 在西方,「370搶劫案」事件發生。福爾曼·波特的團伙試圖搶劫新加州共和國的庫房與銀行金庫,以便給他的部下支付工資,他們被NCR逮捕並最終意外炸毀了金庫導致經濟動蕩(實際上他並沒有偷到錢,但這也無事於補),其來由是因為斯坦洛·維利(他沒有參與370行動,因為害怕在行動中被殺)的出賣。波特對於自己的行為導致新加州共和國東部地區的崩潰感到後悔,NCR認為波特破壞了經濟的穩定而判他有罪。波特和他的團伙被逮捕後被關押在黑峽谷。[129]
  • 范布伦计划(並未承認為正史) 半數的居民與彼希·莫德凱離開了新迦南,因為他們堅信先知傑里邁亞是在裝神弄鬼。[122]
  • (英文版無此項)范布伦计划(並未承認為正史) Sulik's sister Kurisu becomes leader of Blackfoot tribe.[485]


  • 范布伦计划(並未承認為正史 波特一夥逃跑過很多次,但無處可逃,他們不是被捕獲,就是被迫投降。至少有一個逃生計劃是由NCR官員道奇制定的(他希望波特將blown避難所金庫里的錢交給自己。但由於波特沒偷到金庫的錢,他也不知道這些錢藏在哪裡)。[129]
  • 范布伦计划(並未承認為正史 凱撒軍團與黑足部落建立了一個唯利是圖的奴隸貿易關係。[486]
  • Summer: 首都廢土特佩尼大廈里的藍色命運妓院,廢土探險家赫伯特·達什伍德最愛的妓院,因為一名妓女死於霍亂而關閉。[487]



  • 凱撒自稱為古羅馬戰神馬爾斯之子。[427]
  • Approximately around this year, 哈羅德到達首都廢土,最終他被他的頭頂上生長的叫做鮑勃的樹完全佔據了,鮑伯已經長成了一片小森林。有數名遊民發現了這個綠洲,並奉他為神,秘密的由少數人組成了德魯伊似的樹思者宗教。[488][489]
  • Harmon Jurley becomes leader of the Paradise Falls slavers after Penelope Chase' death that resulted from leading the slavers to Rockopolis.[490][491][492]
  • Rockopolis is razed and its population sold to The Pitt. Argyle dies trying to escape.[492][493]
  • 范布伦计划(並未承認為正史) 丹尼爾在沙暴尋找丟失的6頭牲畜時被機器人抓往塔比瑟監獄。同時,彼希·莫德凱與其他5名曾企圖重新回到新耶路撒冷的倖存者們返回新迦南。他們仍不信任先知傑里邁亞的與上帝親自溝通的能力。[122]
  • (英文版無此項)范布伦计划(並未承認為正史) The Blackfoots try to take out Phil, Sparky and Frank at Burham Springs twice. Between those attacks, the Vipers attempt the same. Both groups fail.
  • 范布伦计划(並未承認為正史) 波特的團伙(編號370)與380團的犯人一道,被安排解押到丹佛。他們的勞動改造其實是為了給更危險的囚犯騰位子,由於監獄房間變得越來越擁擠。囚犯們與一些旅行的遊民們同行,躲避部落民的襲擊並已損失了大約一半的人數(從奴隸販子、部落民、變種蠍和其他的怪物的襲擊的影響下)。[129]
  • 哈蒙·久利成為了失落天堂奴隸販子的老大。[487]


  • 廢土探險家赫伯特·達什伍德在地下城被評選為「榮譽屍鬼」。[487]
  • (出生日期)范布伦计划(並未承認為正史) Belle is born
  • 范布伦计划(並未承認為正史) 波特一夥到達丹佛。他們的任務目標:盡最大可能的搜集任何可用的建築材料建立一個前哨站,並為新加州共和國對此地的佔領鋪平道路。他們開始在此地安營紮寨。[129]
  • 范布伦计划(並未承認為正史) 瘋狗幫襲擊了舊拾荒者營地,營地無人生還。[129]
  • 范布伦计划(並未承認為正史) 5月10日吉利安·麥金利被人工智慧尤利西斯的機器人抓往塔比瑟監獄。銹鉤幫失去了他們最好而唯一的武器製造與機械師。希德主動請纓接替她的位置。[139]


  • 花先知白楊抵達了首都廢土的綠洲[494]
  • (出生日期)Stockholm the guard above the Megaton entrance was born this year.
  • 斯科特·沃爾斯十五歲時被父親賣給了商販,who hopes for a better life for his son.他作為契約僕人跟隨商販數年,直到贖回了自己的自由,並定居在坎特伯雷居民區[113]
  • 范布伦计划(並未承認為正史) 7月15日「鐵鉤」凱爾和他的銹鉤幫發現布盧姆菲爾德太空中心並據為己有。[139][140]
  • 范布伦计划(並未承認為正史) 7月30日:希德終於搞明白了如何啟動布盧姆菲爾德太空中心的次級反應堆。太空中心的電力再次恢復,但次級反應堆的工作效率僅有45%。[139][140]


  • 三十八名NCR公民在莫哈韋荒漠被掠奪者殺害,導致一貫採用萎弱政治外交方式的蒂貝特總統下台,溫德爾·彼得森接任其職位。[427]
  • 彼得森總統向莫哈維荒漠派遣了3個步兵團。[427]
  • (出生日期)Moira Brown is born in Canterbury Commons.
  • 范布伦计划(並未承認為正史) 10月23日:范布倫計劃 開始,主角囚犯塔比瑟監獄逃離。註定了廢土世界將再次遭遇一次極大規模的核子浩劫。[61][457]
  • (英文版無此項)范布伦计划(並未承認為正史)Glowing ghouls start wandering in from Boulder to Denver Denver design document for Van Buren.
  • (英文版無此項)范布伦计划(並未承認為正史)Subgroup in Denver discovers the Box and plan to seize it for themselves. .
  • (英文版無此項)范布伦计划(並未承認為正史)In response some comments from Hardin, Bombay Jack flips out and goes off on his own, seizing a nearby claim and guarding it with explosives.
  • (英文版無此項)范布伦计划(並未承認為正史) The Prisoner arrives in Denver.
  • 范布伦计划(並未承認為正史) 10月23日:布盧姆菲爾德太空中心的鐵衛兵被「半激活」--雖然不動,但光學透鏡和感測器被打開並開始掃描從大山脈研究中心逃離的囚犯。機器人們完全的無視了銹鉤幫的存在。[139][140]
  • 范布伦计划(並未承認為正史) 10月:前NCR科學家[[維克托·佩斯皮爾和他的NCR追隨者們找到了安全改寫布盧姆菲爾德的鐵衛兵和自動炮塔的方法,以及太空火箭的發射代碼。他們侵入了「鐵鉤」凱爾心愛的布盧姆菲爾德基地--凱爾和他的手下沒有反抗佩斯皮爾博士和他裝備精良的手下們--並用火箭將他們送到了彈道軌道導彈基地001號空間站。4名NCR士兵被留下來以阻止任何企圖發射第二枚火箭的人。銹鉤幫在和NCR士兵「溝通「過後與發射平台保持了距離。[139][140]


  • 輻射2的遊戲上限時間為13年,如果還沒通關的話請儘快!
  • 歐文·里昂斯領導一隻鋼鐵兄弟會部隊遠征東海岸華盛頓特區,去搜索戰前科技和調查當地的超級變種人情況。並與之前派出的偵察隊取得聯繫,但他們不知道那隻隊伍乘坐的船隻在芝加哥遇到風暴附近沉沒了。[495]


  • 凱撒在亞利桑那州的旗手市的廢墟之上為他的軍團建立了都城。[427]
  • On the way to the Capital Wasteland,東征的鋼鐵兄弟會部隊掃蕩了掠奪者的匹特城,這次戰鬥被稱作天譴。戰鬥中,聖騎士阿舒爾受傷昏迷在廢墟中,被同伴誤認為已死亡。ur]] who is believed dead.
  • 歐文·里昂斯率領的東征鋼鐵兄弟會部隊,到達首都廢土[496]
  • 鋼鐵兄弟會將五角大樓的遺跡變成了他們的大本營[496]
  • (出生日期)Silver is born. (Unknown day)







  • 大本營的一台發電機過載,在機器人醫生骨鋸的人工智慧線路中造成了故障反而導致智力提升,甚至超越了他原來被設計的智力水平。[503]
  • 亞瑪妲·阿莫多瓦的母親死於不明原因。[504]




  • 班農到達鉚釘城並幫助城市成為了廢都的一個貿易中心。[506](或者按照他自己的說法是這樣)。
  • 燈火小鎮一個七歲的小女孩用一把和她臂膀一樣長的刀殺死了一隻鼴鼠,後來她把自己的名字改為「砍刀」。小女孩同樣也成了鎮里家喻戶曉的的名人。[113]


  • November: The Railroad's headquarters is raided by The Institute. Only one survives the raid and The Railroad is left in shambles. Most of those that survived by not being at HQ during leave out of fear. All in all, the Railroad is left with just 13 members to rebuild.[507]




  • Under the command of General Aaron Kimball, the New California Republic Army entered the eastern Sierra Nevada region to drive out or eliminate all raider tribes operating in the Owens Lake area. The operation was successful and brought a lasting to peace to the eastern Sierra Nevadas.[511]
  • 一個名叫迦勒·史密斯的奴隸逃離他的主人,成為了一名掠奪者[113]







  • 新加州共和國的偵察兵到達胡佛大壩,使得豪斯先生聘用了新維加斯的三個部落進駐並將其「改造」成為三大家族。在NCR到達拉斯維加斯的廢墟時,他們能夠帶著關於一座沙漠之中的不夜城的故事回到家鄉。之後沒多久,遊客與旅行者的錢開始滾滾的流入到復生的新維加斯中。[427]
  • 班尼在一對一決鬥中殺死賓果,成為三大家族之一理事團的新主席。理事團開始翻新上好佳賭場。[517][518]
  • NCR政府勉強簽約了新維加斯協定:NCR控制胡佛大壩,總部設在麥卡倫國際機場,胡佛大壩產能95%歸己,剩餘為賭城區,同時還要認可新維加斯的獨立權。
  • 胡佛大壩的發電機組重啟,賭城區被閃耀的燈光所籠罩。第一件通行證被發出,賭城區正式對外開放。[427]
  • Dennis Crocker was elected to the ambassadorship.[505]
  • 麥奎迪成為燈火小鎮鎮長。[519]
  • 漢尼拔·哈姆林機緣巧合找到了林肯雕像的頭部,由此大受鼓舞並建立了聯合聖殿反奴役組織。[113]
  • (英文版無此項)Stanley Armstrong, a Maintenance Department technician for Vault 101, is diagnosed as suffering from overwork and a lack of sleep by the vault physician James who prescribes aspirin for the ailment.
  • (英文版無此項)Freddie Gomez, a teenager living in Vault 101, is diagnosed as suffering from Vault Depressive Syndrome by the vault physician James who prescribes the anti-anxiety medication Chlorpromazine.
  • (英文版無此項)Amata Almodovar, a teenager living in Vault 101, is examined by the vault physican James with her father, Alphonse Almodovar, present.
  • (英文版無此項)July 27 to August 2 New parts are delivered to Susie Mack's family, a family living in Vault 101, for their malfunctioning heater.
  • (英文版無此項)July 27 to August 2 Jonas Palmer, a clinic technician in Vault 101, gives aspirin to Stanley Armstrong for his headaches.
  • (英文版無此項)August 3 Jonas Palmer performs additional tests on Stanley Armstrong.
  • 8月3日:獨行者通過避難所職業能力測試(G.O.A.T.)。
  • (英文版無此項)August 4 to August 10 The Vault 101 students are expected to have completed their reading assignments in the Big Book of Science.
  • (英文版無此項)路易斯·帕西恩在一次襲擊他的商隊的襲擊中喪生,就像三年前他的妻子黛西·羅一樣。他們的兒子德里克被黛西的哥哥歐內斯特·羅收留, mayor of Canterbury Commons.[113]


  • 新加州共和國在莫哈維廢土建立麥卡倫營地作為總部。隨後與鋼鐵兄弟會莫哈維分部的衝突開始。[427]
  • 新加州共和國政府不再支持天啟追隨者,並自己建立了科學與工業部[427]
  • 凱撒軍團的偵察兵報告新加州共和國已佔據胡佛大壩並恢複發電機組的運行,凱撒本人開始對NCR實行戰略對策。
  • 2275至2276年:凱撒軍團持續向科羅拉多河東岸派兵,NCR軍方在發現其派往東方的偵察隊伍從此不知去向後積極備戰。
  • 瑪姬的父母在一次匪徒襲擊中身亡,而她則被兆噸鎮的商隊護衛比利·科瑞爾所救。]



  • 凱撒軍團主力進駐莫哈韋荒漠,在科羅拉多河東岸建立了駐城嶺要塞[528]
  • 第一次胡佛大壩戰役爆發。[529]最初,凱撒軍團佔據上風,但追擊NCR軍隊時,在博爾德城遇伏,慘敗而歸。凱撒憤怒地將戰役指揮官特使約書亞·格雷漢姆塗滿瀝青,點上火後扔進大峽谷,作為對軍團的儆戒。[530]
  • 一夥匪徒企圖對兆噸鎮發動攻擊,但當他們的領導者波普警長盧卡斯·西姆斯射殺後行動失敗。[531]
  • 8月17日,09:04輻射3正篇開始:詹姆斯101號避難所失蹤,他的兒子/女兒獨行者隨之來到地表去尋找他。[532]
  • October 23:Cut content根據計劃,13號避難所應在這一年開放。[533]
  • 一名叫沃納的逃奴用生鏽的手推車從匹堡逃到了首都廢土,並在不久後使用無線電尋求幫助來推翻匹特城的奴隸主勢力。後來他遇到了獨行者,奴隸們與匹特城的命運取決於獨行者的選擇。[534]
  • 兄弟會流放者通過無線電尋求幫助來打開虛擬戰術方案設施內的倉庫並獲取裡面的戰前科技。獨行者在某天到達此地,並進入了安克雷奇奪回戰役模擬裝置中。.[535]
  • 科學家韋斯頓·萊斯科企圖將巨蟻縮小的實驗失敗,並使它們變異成了更加兇猛的噴火巨蟻灰坑鎮的大部分居民被害身亡。[536]
  • 獨行者進入兆噸鎮尋找其父,並遇到了莫伊拉·布朗。她在獨行者的幫助下,終於完成了廢土生存指南[537]此書在廢土世界中大受好評,到2281年以傳遍了整個美洲大陸並傳播到莫哈維廢土地區。[538]
  • 詹姆斯為了阻止秋上校帶領的英克雷控制凈水設置而同歸於盡。Several other people at the project survive.[539]
  • 獨行者在87號避難所拿到凈水工程的關鍵---伊甸園創造器G.E.C.K.。[540]
  • 輻射3本體結束:獨行者激活了凈水計劃,改進型FEV病毒也將由其選擇首都廢土的命運。亞當斯空軍基地也被摧毀,東海岸的鋼鐵兄弟會開始向乾旱的首都廢土分發純水。不管孤獨的漫遊者在移動基地上的決定如何,英克雷都會輸掉戰爭,幾乎失去了在首都廢土上所有的影響力,導致他們走向一個不確定的未來。[541]
  • 梨博士離開首都廢土前往聯邦[542]
  • 一艘蒸汽遊艇,甘比公爵夫人,在波多馬克河岸邊停泊下來。船主向遊民提供到達馬里蘭州望海崖鎮的機會,獨行者上船準備在當地尋找戰前的寶藏,但等待著獨行者的卻是兩個死對頭從戰前就結下的百年世仇。[543][544]
  • The Earth is saved by獨行者在被外星人綁架到澤塔母艦上後與一群來自歷史上不同年代的倖存者們齊心協力,消滅了船上的外星人並奪得飛船的控制權。同時擊毀了另一艘外星人的母艦[545][546]
  • 81號避難所聯邦敞開了大門,邀請與任何友好的定居點進行交流和迫切需要的貿易。這一舉動是出於對食物和零件的迫切需要,以維護200年歷史的避難所,因為在避難所里仍然有大量的持孤立主義情緒的人。[547]
  • 信使遞送了一個神秘的包裹,裡面有當地導彈基地發射洲際彈道導彈的代碼。在把它扔下並離開後,幾次核爆炸在地下發生,摧毀了HopevilleAshton以及幾條NCR補給線和陸路,將它們沉入地下。在此之後,圍繞著Hopeville和Ashton的土地成為了當地部落和NCR之間的分界線
  • 馬庫斯召集了一群其他的馬里波薩超級變種人夜行族人,在黑山無線電中心安頓下來,希望為超級變種人創造一個安全的天堂。


  • 夜行族塔比瑟聚集了一群瑪麗博薩超級變種人並在莫哈維廢土的黑山無線電信號站建立了烏托比瑟國[175]
  • NCR軍在苦泉鎮屠殺了數十名大汗幫的老弱婦孺。[427]
  • 在4名士兵被大汗幫綁架並殺害後,NCR軍隊在紅岩峽谷的大汗幫定居點發動了一次報復性突襲。射殺了數十名男女和兒童,關於此次事件的消息被NCR封鎖。[427]
  • Elder Owyn Lyons of the East Coast chapter of the Brotherhood of Steel dies of natural causes and is succeeded by his daughter Sentinel Sarah Lyons. This does not last long as she is soon KIA and a succession of ineffectual leaders attempt to lead for several years.[548]




  • The Brotherhood of Steel send their first recon team to the Commonwealth. The mission is a success, with the team returning with information on the region and other important assets.[551]
  • The Arms merchant is ordered by her commanding officer Ronald Curtis to flog new recruits for desertion and refuses. Because of this, she is administratively discharged from Bravo Company and the New California Republic Army.[552]
  • Craig and Carla Boone move to Novac under the suggestion of Craig's friend Manny Vargas. Vargas then enlists Craig to be a town guard with him.[553]
  • Robert House spends 812,545 caps looking for the Platinum chip alone.[554] The cumulative expenditure over the decades equals millions.


  • 為了討好凱撒並獲得加入軍團的權力,新迦南白腿部落摧毀。[555] The surviving residents of New Canaan are scattered across Utah.[556]
  • Summer: Operation Racket begins. Bribes are sent to the heads of the Omertas and their anti-House and NCR sentiment is stoked.[557]
  • August: The tumor growing in Caesar's head begins causing mild headaches. Unsuspecting of the cause, Caesar does nothing. The headaches only grow worse from then on.[558]
  • September: Cassidy Caravans is raided by an unknown group of assailants. Rose of Sharon Cassidy is not with her caravan at the time, but word reaches her and she is stuck at the Mojave Outpost.[559]
  • September: The prisoners of New California Republic Correctional Facility, under the command of Samuel Cooke and Eddie, over throw the NCR security at the New California Republic correctional facility and begin raiding the surrounding area as the Powder Gangers.Michelle Kerr: "We came here about a month ago, when Primm went to hell on account of the prison break north of there. Found a bin to call home and set up shop."
  • Carla Boone is taken from Novac, sold to Caesar's Legion by Jeannie May Crawford.[560] Craig Boone tracks his wife down to Cottonwood Cove and saves both her and their unborn child from a life of slavery by sniping her far away.[561][562][563]
  • Raul Tejada travels to Black Mountain to offer his services in fixing Black Mountain Radio to Tabitha. He is subsequently imprisoned and forced to perform repairs for her and other Black Mountain super mutants.[564][565]
  • A pack of Deathclaws moves into Quarry Junction after the Powder Gangers steal Sloan's dynamite supply; halting mining operations. I-15 is subsequently closed off due to its proximity to Quarry Junction and the Deathclaws.[566]
  • October: 班尼傑塞普麥克墨菲錢斯和其他幾個大汗幫成員旅行到莫哈維廢土以伏擊攜帶白金籌碼信使[567]
  • October: Christine Royce, following Father Elijah's trail to the Sierra Madre, gets trapped in an Auto-Doc in the Villa clinic. She remains trapped for two weeks as the malfunctioning Auto-Doc repeats the same procedure until the Courier arrives.
  • October 5: Caesar begins to experience blank outs and his left leg stiffens at random intervals making it near impossible to move. Caesar is now fully aware that his headaches and everything else are the cause of a much more serious issue.[558]
  • 10月11日輻射:新維加斯開場動畫:信使在被俘獲後,被班尼一槍射入頭部,埋在了清泉鎮墓地里等死。一個叫維克多的保安機器人挖出信使,帶他找到米切爾醫生。信使在接受了治療後奇蹟般地活了下來。[175][568]
  • October 12: Joe Cobb's raider gang attacks a group of Crimson Caravan traders on the Long 15. Ringo escapes the gangers and hides in Goodsprings.[569]
  • 10月19日,早上8點整輻射:新維加斯開始:信使恢復意識並踏上了尋找班尼的復仇之路。[568]
  • Caesar's Legion attacks Nipton[570], everyone is killed but Oliver Swanick[571] and Boxcars, but Boxcars is left with his legs crippled.[572]
  • The Courier eventually finds Benny and works among various factions in the fight for Hoover Dam.[568]
  • 信使循著一個介紹著Sierra Madre馬德雷山開幕慶典的古老的無線電廣播信號進入了一個廢棄的鋼鐵兄弟會地堡。在那裡,他被名為[[Dog and God|忠犬的夜行者抓獲並被帶往馬德雷山。在馬德雷山,信使與其他倖存者們按照前兄弟會長老伊利亞的指示做事,但信使之後戰勝了伊利亞並設法逃出了馬德雷山返回莫哈維廢土。[573]
  • 一次由傑德·馬斯特森領導的,意圖打通一條經過錫安峽谷到達新迦南的商路的歡樂旅行商隊公司的遠征行動在信使加入後開始。在錫安峽谷內,除了信使外的所有遠征隊成員被白腿部落所殺。錫安峽谷、新迦南的倖存者與爭鬥不斷的部落的命運在信使的手上掌握著。[574]
  • 一顆奇怪的人造衛星在莫哈維汽車戲院墜毀。信使在某天夜裡趕到現場並檢查了該衛星,突然觸發了人造衛星的傳輸裝置並被傳輸到了大山脈研究中心。在大山脈研究中心,信使在一次出錯的試驗後被改造成為了生化人,信使的大腦、心臟和脊柱被高科技所替代。信使遇到了智庫們,一部分大山脈研究中心的精英科學家,他們向信使尋求幫助以擊敗莫比烏斯博士。信使在與莫比烏斯博士對峙後至少取回了自己的脊柱和心臟。[575]
  • 尤利西斯大分水嶺與信使會面。兩名信使在象徵著舊世的美利堅合眾國國旗下戰鬥,雙方各背負著要帶給對方的信息。[576]
  • Robert MacCready leaves the Capital Wasteland for the Commonwealth at some point.[577]



  • Following his successes as a Knight in the East Coast Brotherhood as well as possessing a strong will and a knack for diplomacy,16歲的亞瑟·馬克森被提拔為長老,並被授予東海岸分會的指揮權。他繼續著自己令人印象深刻的職業生涯,首先,他撤銷了奧恩萊昂斯提出的幾項倡議,包括保護普通的廢土居民以支持收集技術,並和與西海岸的長老們重新建立聯繫,這些舉措讓兄弟會流亡者重新回到了自己的陣營,增加了他們的人數。 [548]
  • 學院科學家利亞姆•比奈以代號「愛國者」與鐵路建立了聯繫。[581]


  • Recon Squad Artemis arrives in the Commonwealth and is subsequently attacked by an unknown party that kills most of the squad. The squad would flounder and need to scuttle their power armor. Paladin Brandis would be the last survivor of the squad by 2287.[582][583]
  • Tinker Tom breaks the Patriot's coded messages and reveals it to be "Mass Fusion".[584]


  • Early August: Jacqueline Spencer scavenges a University Point building and finds a hard drive with technical research on reactor efficiency that she informed a passing caravaner about in an attempt to make caps.[585]
  • August 12: The Institute sends a messenger to University Point demanding the hard drive that Jacqueline found. The town mayor refused to acknowledge the Institute's request for the hard drive despite the wishes of vocal town residents.[586]
  • Late August: 波士頓的大學角聚落被學院的合成人剷平。[587] University Point serves as another reminder of the power and ruthlessness of the Institute.




  • The Mechanist appears in the Commonwealth, bringing their hoard of specialized robots with them to bring peace to the region. Their plan goes awry, robots begin slaughtering innocent wastelanders, and the Sole Survivor must confront the Mechanist and put a stop to their plans.[605]
  • Kasumi Nakano goes missing from her home, and her parents enlist the help of the Sole Survivor and Nick Valentine to track her down to Far Harbor, an island off the coast of Maine. While investigating, they uncover a conflict between the town of Far Harbor, the Children of Atom, and Acadia, a refuge for runaway synths. Navigating through the dangers of the island and the politics among the groups, the Sole Survivor determines the fate of the island.[606]
  • The Sole Survivor survives the Gauntlet of Nuka-World, kills Overboss Colter and takes charge of the three raider gangs that occupy Nuka-World.[607]




  • 9月10日莫伊拉·布朗開始撰寫一篇日誌以追憶獨行者在2277年的行徑。同時開始為獨行者寫一本個人傳記。




  • Mr. House theorizes that the high technology development sector will be reignited this year should he stay in control of New Vegas.[609]




  • 101號避難所的公共廣播系統預計大部分核污染會在此時消除,屆時美國領土將再度變得宜居。[611]


  • Mr. House theorizes colony ships will begin to leave Earth to find a new home untainted and polluted by the Great War.[609]





  1. The Sole Survivor: "That's really interesting."
    Jack Cabot: "I'm glad to hear you say that. It's become my life's work. My approach is to combine a rigorous scientific method while keeping an absolutely open mind. So much has been closed off to us simply because people assumed they already knew the answers. My father excavated a city in the Rub'al Khali in Arabia which he dated to more than 4,000 years before the rise of any known human civilization. The structures and artifacts were... strange. Disturbing, even. Clearly not constructed for or by humans. I've spent my life trying to decipher what he uncovered."
  2. Mr Brotch's dialogue - 第1行
  3. Toshiro Kago was abducted sometime during the Tokugawa shogunate, starting on March 24, 1603, since mon was only authorized for all classes from that date.
  4. 輻射4:避難所居民求生指南 . 第464-465頁
  5. "眺望角"載入畫面
  6. 康科德道路牌
  7. 穀倉墓地銘牌
  8. 保羅·里維爾故居銘牌
  9. 輻射4 載入畫面"鑽石城的報社《公共事件報》,名字取自波士頓於1690年第一份發行的報紙。"
  10. 輻射4:避難所居民求生指南 . 第330-331頁
  11. Alien captive recorded log 1 in Mothership Zeta
  12. 12.0 12.1 老街角書店銘牌 引用错误:无效<ref>标签;name属性“Old Corner Bookstore”使用不同内容定义了多次
  13. 輻射4:避難所居民求生指南 . 第463頁
  14. 14.0 14.1 Plaque just outside the walls of Goodneighbor
  15. Agatha's dialogue - Line 220: "It was fabricated way back in 1714 by a famous Italian craftsman named Antonio Stradivari."
  16. 老北教堂銘牌
  17. 17.0 17.1 輻射4:避難所居民求生指南 . 第452頁
  18. Faneuil Hall terminal entries
  19. Plaque at the hall
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 According to Food for the grasshopper paper note.
  21. 引用错误:无效<ref>标签;未给name属性为PaulRevereHouseInscription的引用提供文字
  22. 輻射4:避難所居民求生指南 . 第466頁
  23. Freedom Trail Tour bot dialogue; line A1a: "So near midnight, Colonel Smith marched with 700 Redcoats to face brave American patriots in the Battle of Lexington and Concord. And thus the Revolutionary War began.Continue on the trail to walk through more of our great city's history."
  24. Dialogue with Abraham Washington in Fallout 3; line 83: "In 1776, the Second Judgmental Congress got together and adopted a document drafted by none other than Thomas Jefferson himself."
  25. The existence of the Dorchester Heights monument in Fallout 4
  26. 26.0 26.1 26.2 26.3 26.4 Capitol Preservation Society terminal entries.
  27. 輻射4:避難所居民求生指南 . 第505-506頁
  28. Short History of the War of 1812. USS Constitution Museum.
  29. 29.0 29.1 Fallout 4 loading screen hints: "Fort Independence was named in 1797, at a ceremony presided over by President John Adams. Before then, it was known as Castle William, and then Fort Adams. Before its destruction in 2240, the fortification served as an apt headquarters for the Minutemen."
  30. 30.0 30.1 Plaque outside the Massachusetts State House
  31. Plaque outside of the cave: Discovered in May of 1816...
  32. Automated tour at Walden Pond
  33. File:Dante and Virgil in Hell 1850.jpg
  34. 輻射4:避難所居民求生指南 . 第279頁
  35. File:Blackboard Mr Brotch.jpg
  36. Plaque outside the Old Mormon Fort.
  37. Fallout 76 loading screens: "Built in 1858, The Whitespring was famous for its southern style and sulphur springs"
  38. Plaque at Philippi Battlefield Cemetery
  39. Emancipation Proclamation
  40. WantedPosterJWB

    Booth's wanted poster

  41. Jamaica Plain on Wikipedia
  42. 42.0 42.1 42.2 42.3 42.4 American Inventors exhibit.
  43. Lorenzo Cabot's journal
  44. Schoelt's slogan: Burning since 1895
  45. 45.0 45.1 45.2 Tibbets Prison design document for Van Buren
  46. Parsons State Insane Asylum terminal entries
  47. 47.0 47.1 47.2 47.3 47.4 鑽石城內懸掛的戰前宣傳標語。
  48. Monongah Mine terminal entries
  49. Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel item description: "name_lewisHeavy = {Lewis MKII}
    desc_lewisHeavy = {Invented by an American, the .303 Cal Lewis Gun was adopted by the British Army during WW 1 and remained in service with allied forces until well into the 1940's. An efficient and reliable weapon. .}"
  50. Museum of Freedom Mural
  51. NVCRFestus.txt lines 29-42
  52. Sunset Sarsaparilla Company's logo
  53. 53.0 53.1 Mentioned in the Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel intro.
  54. The in-game description of the Lewis MKII mentions its usage in WWI.
  55. Tour bot dialogue file
  56. 56.0 56.1 Vim! Pop Factory Tour Notes
  57. Dialogue with Primm Slimm: "Fact is, they begun their crime spree two days before Bonnie and Clyde robbed their first bank - so who was copying who?"
  58. Pioneer Scout camp terminal entries; Pioneer Merit Badge Exam Terminal, Rail Enthusiast
  59. Appalachia audio tour stations#The Giant Teapot
  60. 60.0 60.1 60.2 60.3 Sierra Mission Statement holodisk in Fallout 2
  61. 61.00 61.01 61.02 61.03 61.04 61.05 61.06 61.07 61.08 61.09 61.10 61.11 61.12 61.13 61.14 61.15 Reservation design document for Van Buren
  62. 62.0 62.1 Fallout 4 intro
  63. Appalachia audio tour stations: Miner's Monument
  64. 64.0 64.1 64.2 64.3 64.4 64.5 64.6 64.7 Museum of Technology in Fallout 3
  65. The Valiant 12 flag displayed in the Museum of Technology uses this flag design. The division of the United States into 13 commonwealths was first envisioned by Leonard Boyarsky during the development of the first Fallout.
  66. Appalachia landmarks - Pumpkin house
  67. 67.0 67.1 GPWRTERM.MSG
  68. Neon sign Smittys.png
  69. Wonderglue label
  70. Hubris Comics Press Release in Fallout 3
  71. Cabot House terminal entries for 09/05/2023]
  72. 穀倉墓地銘牌
  73. 73.0 73.1 73.2 Cryptos terminal entries
  74. Fallout 76 loading screens: "In 2031, Vault-Tec re-branded Morgantown's local college as Vault-Tec University, and some of their top executives and scientists either taught or graduated from there. Go Fighting Wendigos!"
  75. Museum of Technology Computer in Fallout 3 says almost 15 years after 2020, which is interpreted as 14 years here.
  76. Landview Lighthouse terminal entries; Lighthouse Keeper's Terminal, Tourism Guide - History
  77. 77.0 77.1 77.2 巧手先生設計文件
  78. 78.0 78.1 78.2 78.3 78.4 78.5 78.6 Burham Springs design document for Van Buren
  79. Alien captive recorded log 3
  80. 80.0 80.1 80.2 Robert House's self-written obituary 引用错误:无效<ref>标签;name属性“RHObit”使用不同内容定义了多次
  81. Wilson Automatoys logo
  82. Giddyup Buttercup ad poster
  83. World of Refreshment tour: "Welcome to the Nuka-Cola World of Refreshment, now featuring a river of Nuka-Cola Quantum! Nuka-Cola Quantum: Twice the calories, twice the carbohydrates, twice the caffeine, and twice the taste! And just look at that amazing, patented blue glow! So sit back and enjoy the ride as we take you through the Nuka-Cola World of Refreshment!
    Nuka-Cola began its journey in the year 2042 when our founder, John-Caleb Bradberton, was a budding chemist. He dreamt of a delicious soft drink that would provide energy, focus and 120% of the recommended daily value of sugar!
    It took almost two years to perfect the formula, but in late 2044, Mr. Bradberton was finally successful and Nuka-Cola was born! It quickly surpassed other, lesser beverages to become America's number-one favorite soft drink. Not one to rest on his laurels, Mr. Bradberton and his team of talented "Beverageers" continued to create new and exciting formulas.
    Out west, they enjoy regional favorites such as the classy Nuka-Cola Quartz and refreshingly patriotic Nuka-Cola Victory. Or, for those that prefer a timeless root-based beverage, they pick up a delicious Nuka-Cola Wild!
    While out here on the east coast, folks delight in the refreshment of an ice-cold Nuka-Grape, Nuka-Orange, or Nuka-Cherry. And be on the lookout for our special pre-release shipments of Nuka-Cola Quantum coming soon to your favorite grocer or restaurant!
    Hey Mom and Dad, are you ready for a night out on the town? Then pick up an ice-cold Nuka-Cola Dark and experience the most thirst-quenching way to unwind. Nuka-Cola Dark: that refreshingly familiar Nuka-Cola taste with a light alcoholic twist. 35% alcohol by volume. Do not consume Nuka-Cola Dark if you are pregnant or planning on becoming pregnant. Do not operate motor vehicles or heavy machinery for at least 8 hours after drinking.
    But this isn't just a ride, it's one of several operational factories actively producing Nuka-Cola. Here in the mixing area, we combine just a hint of 17 select fruit flavors to produce that unique Nuka-Cola taste.
    Here in the bottling chamber, we carefully pour each delicious liquid into our new, space-age rocket bottles! Each bottle is carbonated and then sealed with one of our signature bottle caps.
    And now for a special surprise, this is where we produce the newest member of our family, Nuka-Cola Quantum! That blue glow isn't just for show, folks! Quantum contains a top-secret additive to give you a "nuclear" boost of energy!
    On behalf of all of us at Nuka-World, we hope you've enjoyed the ride and learning more about Nuka-Cola!"
  84. Egret Tours Marina terminal entries; Phyllis's Terminal
  85. Watoga coat of arms.
  86. Mass Fusion building terminal entries; Customer Service Terminal, Company History
  87. 87.0 87.1 87.2 87.3 Sierra Petrovita's dialogue in Fallout 3
  88. Mass Fusion building terminal entries
  89. Riverside Manor terminal entries; Cryptos Terminal, About Headmistress Rivers
  90. Nuka-World power plant terminal entries; Nuka-World Power: Employee Terminal, 4/28 Meltdown
  91. Nuka-World power plant terminal entries; Nuka-World Power: Employee Terminal, RE: 4/28 Meltdown
  92. 92.0 92.1 Nuka-Town USA terminal entries
  93. 93.000 93.001 93.002 93.003 93.004 93.005 93.006 93.007 93.008 93.009 93.010 93.011 93.012 93.013 93.014 93.015 93.016 93.017 93.018 93.019 93.020 93.021 93.022 93.023 93.024 93.025 93.026 93.027 93.028 93.029 93.030 93.031 93.032 93.033 93.034 93.035 93.036 93.037 93.038 93.039 93.040 93.041 93.042 93.043 93.044 93.045 93.046 93.047 93.048 93.049 93.050 93.051 93.052 93.053 93.054 93.055 93.056 93.057 93.058 93.059 93.060 93.061 93.062 93.063 93.064 93.065 93.066 93.067 93.068 93.069 93.070 93.071 93.072 93.073 93.074 93.075 93.076 93.077 93.078 93.079 93.080 93.081 93.082 93.083 93.084 93.085 93.086 93.087 93.088 93.089 93.090 93.091 93.092 93.093 93.094 93.095 93.096 93.097 93.098 93.099 93.100 93.101 93.102 93.103 93.104 93.105 93.106 93.107 93.108 93.109 93.110 93.111 93.112 93.113 93.114 93.115 Mentioned in the 辐射圣经0 timeline 引用错误:无效<ref>标签;name属性“FB0”使用不同内容定义了多次 引用错误:无效<ref>标签;name属性“FB0”使用不同内容定义了多次
  94. Citadel terminal entries on the N99 10mm pistol in Fallout 3.
  95. 輻射4:避難所居民求生指南 . 第312頁
  96. The Courier: "REPCONN's history."
    Tour guide: "REPCONN's illustrious history began way back in 2054, shortly after the famous Delta XI rocket was completed and launched. REPCONN's initial focus was on the development of fuel to be used in orbital propulsion in response to the energy crisis of 2052. Sad times, indeed. The company really took off when RobCo purchased REPCONN in late 2076 to develop unmanned rockets to explore the solar system."
  97. The event is mentioned by ZAX in Fallout, while the date is only mentioned in the Fallout Tactics
  98. Vault 13: A GURPS Post-Nuclear Adventure timeline
  99. This information comes from Chris Avellone's Fallout Bible timeline. According to the Sierra Depot GNN transcript holodisk, which Avellone discards as non-canon, as it was supposedly modified by the Sierra Army Depot soldiers, the UN still existed in 2074
  100. Capitol Post terminal entries; Capital Post Top Stories -- July 27, 2052, Pint-Sized Slasher: More than Myth?
  101. The front page of the Capital Post; Saturday, July 27, 2052.
  102. Capitol Post article in Fallout 3
  103. The event is mentioned by ZAX 1.2 (ZAX.MSG) in Fallout, while the date is mentioned in the Fallout Bible timeline.
  104. Fallout Bible 0: "2053 The socially transmitted "New Plague" arises, killing tens of thousands. The United States closes its borders and the first-ever national quarantine is declared. The source of the plague is unknown, but rumors persist that it is a genetically engineered weapon."
  105. 105.0 105.1 Mentioned in a conversation with ZAX in Fallout
  106. 106.0 106.1 106.2 106.3 106.4 Copyright claim in the game's start menu
  107. Robotics disposal ground terminal entries; Terminal
  108. 108.0 108.1 Fallout: New Vegas, REPCONN Tour guide
  109. HalluciGen Gas Product Demo: "HalluciGen Gas, reliable crowd control since 2055."
  110. Office of Urban Planning office building terminal entries; Workstation, About the system.: "Welcome to the Integrated Human Resources Management System v2.3, a joint product of the District of Columbia Office of Software Management and the United States Office of Computational Organization, developed through contracts with Computechtron, a division of the Skeks Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Diamond, Inc. Copyright 2256,游戏中的拼写、标点和/或语法 all rights reserved."
  111. The Vault Dweller: "{110}{}{And where is your service department?}"
    Bob the pre-owned cars salesman: "{113}{}{Right over there, sir. [The dealer points to nothing.]}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{115}{}{Where? There's nothing over there.}"
    Bob the pre-owned car salesman: "{117}{}{What do you mean? They're working on a newly purchased '56 Corvega. An excellent buy, I might add.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{118}{}{Okay, whatever you say.}"
    Bob the pre-owned car salesman: "{121}{}{And we have an excellent warranty. You can bring it back to us for any oil changes, as well. The first one is free. What do you say?}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{122}{}{Throw in a full tank of gas and you have a deal.}"
    Bob the pre-owned car salesman: "{125}{}{I'm sorry, we don't have any petrol. Maybe next time. Goodbye.}"
  112. 112.0 112.1 Tour bot dialogue file from Van Buren
  113. 113.00 113.01 113.02 113.03 113.04 113.05 113.06 113.07 113.08 113.09 113.10 113.11 113.12 113.13 Fallout 3 Official Game Guide
  114. 114.0 114.1 VDSG Catalogue No. 708
  115. Mentioned in the Fallout intro, the date given only in the Fallout Bible timeline.
  116. Fallout 76 loading screens: "Late in 2060, the U.S. military deployed their unmanned Cargobots all over Appalachia. They proved ideal for providing reconnaissance and delivering supplies in even the most hostile conditions."
  117. Vault 76 terminal entries; Personnel Terminal, UNSAVED WORK
  118. Nuka-World loading screens: "Bradberton, Massachusetts was a small town founded in 2060 to help house the hundreds of staff members who wanted to shorten their commute to Nuka-World."
  119. 119.00 119.01 119.02 119.03 119.04 119.05 119.06 119.07 119.08 119.09 119.10 Vault-Tec computer in Fallout 3
  120. Herald Editorial on Allegheny Asylum
  121. Intelligence Report, Yang, Wan (alias)
  122. 122.0 122.1 122.2 122.3 122.4 122.5 122.6 122.7 122.8 122.9 New Canaan design document for Van Buren
  123. Report on U.F.O. codenamed "Palandine"
  124. 124.0 124.1 124.2 124.3 Mentioned in 輻射說明手冊
  125. M.A.R.Go.T.'s dialogue in Fallout 3 add-on Broken Steel
  126. Robert House's dialogue - By 2065 I deemed it a mathematical certainty that an atomic war would devastate the Earth within 15 years. Every projection I ran confirmed it.
  127. 127.0 127.1 127.2 127.3 127.4 Briefly mentioned in the Fallout Intro with no date. Date is mentioned only in the Fallout Bible timeline
  128. This date for the Chinese invasion of Alaska comes from Chris Avellone's Fallout Bible timeline. According to the Sierra Depot GNN transcript holodisk, which Avellone discards as non-canon, as it was supposedly modified by the Sierra Army Depot soldiers, this happened on October 10, 2077
  129. 129.0 129.1 129.2 129.3 129.4 129.5 129.6 Denver design document for Van Buren
  130. Maxson Bunker Design Document 1
  131. 131.0 131.1 131.2 Penelope Hornwright's resume
  132. Stamp on the magazine's cover: "BANNED MATERIAL Marked for Burn 02/11/69."
  133. The Vault Dweller: "{112}{}{Tell me about this installation.}"
    ZAX 1.2: "{117}{}{This installation was established in 2055 as a biological research facility for experimental cures of the New Plague. However, in 2071, this facility was placed under United States military command.}"
  134. Loading screen from Fallout 3
  135. 135.0 135.1 Plaque in Vault 118
  136. Citadel terminal entries; Liberty Prime Operation, Capital Post Article -- June 3, 2072
  137. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.81: "Liberty Prime is a formidable but currently offline combat robot that is being tinkered with in the laboratory. Its original intent was to liberate Anchorage, Alaska, from the Red Chinese back in 2072. A mixture of patriotic propaganda messages and incredible firepower ensured victory! But can the robot be fixed in time to help the Brotherhood?"
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)
  138. Springvale Elementary School, Isabella Proud's camp, and Jury St. tunnels terminal entries: "Journal-It Software © 2072 PagSoft"
  139. 139.00 139.01 139.02 139.03 139.04 139.05 139.06 139.07 139.08 139.09 139.10 Bloomfield Space Center design document for Van Buren
  140. 140.00 140.01 140.02 140.03 140.04 140.05 140.06 140.07 140.08 140.09 140.10 B.O.M.B.-001 design document for Van Buren
  141. FEV research holodisk in Fallout
  142. Molly: "The genesis of Cambridge Polymer Labs lies in the research of a group brilliant graduate students. Jon Elwood, Ericka Woolum, and Wilfred Bergman met during their time together at CIT. This slide shows them at their graduation. Their research into nucleostrictive and piezoelectric polymers caught the attention of Col. George Kemp in the fall of 2073. In the spring of 2074 the company was founded, with a generous grant provided by the Defense Experimental Research Project Initiative. The research produced here has resulted in several of components used in the Liberty Prime project that led to the successful defense of Anchorage. The company enjoys a strong relationship with the military and welcomes your addition to the research team that helps build a better America."
    (DN015 Robot.txt)
  143. Mentioned in the Fallout Bible 0
  144. Mentioned in the terminals in Fallout 3
  145. Inter-office Correspondence #3262173
  146. Janary 14th, 2075 Edition of the Charleston Herald
  147. 147.0 147.1 Huntersville terminal entries; Gail Meyer's Terminal, Personal Journal 06.04.75
  148. 148.0 148.1 148.2 148.3 148.4 148.5 148.6 148.7 FEV experiment disk in Fallout
  149. The Whitespring Resort terminal entries; Candy Shoppe Office Terminal, General Manager's Terminal,Maintenance Room Terminal, Press Release: The 2080 Initiative
  150. Robobrain dialogue in Vault 112 in Fallout 3
  151. Fort Strong terminal entries
  152. 152.0 152.1 ArcJet Systems terminal entries
  153. Huntersville terminal entries; Gail Meyer's Terminal, Personal Journal 08.20.75
  154. 154.0 154.1 The Switchboard terminal entries, 2075 December 17
  155. Huntersville terminal entries; Gail Meyer's Terminal, Personal Journal 12.20.75
  156. Museum of Technology terminal entries; Turret Control System, System Information
  157. Trashbusters Award
  158. The start screen of Pipfall.
  159. ATLAS Observatory terminal entries; Army Data Analysis Terminal, Report [1-24-76]
  160. Fort Strong terminal entries; General Brock's Terminal, General Brock's Report - February 2076
  161. Huntersville terminal entries; Gail Meyer's Terminal, Personal Journal 02.16.76
  162. ATLAS Observatory terminal entries; Army Data Analysis Terminal, Report [3-12-76]
  163. 163.0 163.1 Robotics disposal ground terminal entries; Terminal, Employee Notes
  164. Huntersville terminal entries; Gail Meyer's Terminal, Personal Journal 05.25.76
  165. MQ101TVAnchorman VoiceOnly.txt
  166. ATLAS Observatory terminal entries; Army Data Analysis Terminal, Report [08-20-76]
  167. Huntersville terminal entries; Gail Meyer's Terminal, Personal Journal 09.08.76
  168. Big John's Salvage terminal entries; John Miller's Terminal, Journal Entry 8/2
  169. 169.0 169.1 Bradberton's office terminal entries
  170. Robotics disposal ground terminal entries; Terminal, Delivery Log
  171. Committee meeting notes
  172. Scoot's shack terminal entries#Truth Seekers, 12/10/76
  173. Gas Station encounter sign in Fallout Tactics
  174. Fallout: New Vegas loading screens: "The Mister Gutsy model of robot was commissioned by the U.S. Army just before the atomic apocalypse of 2077."
  175. 175.0 175.1 175.2 J.E. Sawyer in Fallout: New Vegas previews
  176. Fallout: New Vegas, Operation: Anchorage, Van Buren
  177. Switchboard terminal entries; Central Terminal, DEFCON Status - 2077
  178. Helios One terminal entries; HELIOS One Mainframe Terminal, Initial Trials
  179. Helios One terminal entries; Terminal, Upcoming Visit
  180. Boston Bugle building terminal entries
  181. Robotics disposal ground terminal entries; Terminal, Delivery Log
  182. Beaver Creek Lanes terminal entries; Terminal, 7/02/2077 - Update on Thomas
  183. Nuka-World power plant terminal entries; Nuka-World Power: Oversight Terminal, Report #0671
  184. Nuka-World power plant terminal entries; Nuka-World Power: Employee Terminal, 4/28 Meltdown
  185. Nuka-World power plant terminal entries; Nuka-World Power: Employee Terminal, RE: 4/28 Meltdown
  186. 186.0 186.1 186.2 186.3 186.4 Robotics disposal ground terminal entries; Terminal, Delivery Log
  187. Charleston Herald - Assassin strikes again
  188. 188.0 188.1 188.2 188.3 Robotics disposal ground terminal entries; Terminal, Employee Notes
  189. Riverside Manor terminal entries; Study Terminal, 6/28/77
  190. Riverside Manor terminal entries
  191. Riverside Manor terminal entries; Study Terminal, 6/29/77
  192. Lake Quannapowitt terminal entries
  193. Riverside Manor terminal entries; Frederick's Terminal, Kent Connolly, 7/22/77
  194. 194.0 194.1 Outcast outpost terminal entries
  195. ATLAS Observatory terminal entries; Army Data Analysis Terminal, Report [8-17-77]
  196. Garrahan Estate terminal entries#Log 08-27-77
  197. Fort Strong terminal entries; General Brock's Terminal, General Brock's Report - September 2077
  198. Sugar Grove terminal entries; Facility Director's Terminal, 10-13-77: Free States
  199. Mass Fusion containment shed terminal entries; Supervisor's Terminal, 7/13
  200. Noise complaint
  201. Vault-Tec Regional HQ terminal entries; Dr. Reid's Terminal, 09/29
  202. Kerwood Mine terminal entries#Entry 3
  203. 203.0 203.1 203.2 203.3 The Whitespring Resort terminal entries; Candy Shoppe Office Terminal, General Manager's Terminal, Maintenance Room Terminal, Staff Bulletin, October 2077
  204. 204.0 204.1 Penelope Hornwright's terminal
  205. Hornwright Industrial headquarters terminal entries; Terminal: Penelope Hornwright, Archived Message - 10.2.77
  206. Hornwright Industrial headquarters terminal entries; Terminal: Penelope Hornwright, Archived Message - 10.2.77
  207. Faneuil Hall terminal entries; Manager's Terminal, Week of 8/8
  208. The Rusty Pick terminal entries; Mick Flanagan's Terminal, Entry 06
  209. The Rusty Pick terminal entries; Mick Flanagan's Terminal, Entry 07
  210. 210.0 210.1 Hornwright Industrial headquarters terminal entries; Reception Terminal, Archived Message - 10.5.77
  211. Hornwright Industrial headquarters terminal entries; Reception Terminal, Company Memo - 10.3.77
  212. Garrahan Estate terminal entries; Bryce Garrahan's terminal, GME-10-03-077
  213. Mass Fusion containment shed terminal entries; Supervisor's Terminal, 8/04
  214. Hornwright Industrial headquarters terminal entries; Terminal: Penelope Hornwright, Archived Message - 10.4.77
  215. Garrahan Estate terminal entries; Bryce Garrahan's terminal, GME-10-05-077
  216. Vault-Tec Regional HQ terminal entries; Dr. Reid's Terminal, 10/07
  217. Faneuil Hall terminal entries; Manager's Terminal, Week of 8/15
  218. Faneuil Hall terminal entries; Manager's Terminal, October Meeting
  219. 219.0 219.1 219.2 219.3 219.4 219.5 219.6 219.7 219.8 219.9 輻射麥克森上尉的全息卡帶日記
  220. Garrahan Estate terminal entries#Log 10-12-77
  221. Vault-Tec Regional HQ terminal entries; Mr. Davidson's Terminal, 10/13
  222. Robotics disposal ground terminal entries; Terminal, 10/15/2077 --- Dillan
  223. Vault-Tec Regional HQ terminal entries; Walter Scott's Terminal, 10/15
  224. Faneuil Hall terminal entries; Manager's Terminal, Week of 8/22
  225. Van Lowe Taxidermy terminal entries#(!!!) REMINDER: MEET BO-PEEP (!!!)
  226. Charleston Herald - Hornwright wins!
  227. Scoot's shack terminal entries#Ghost Field Research #2
  228. Vault-Tec Regional HQ terminal entries; Mr. Davidson's Terminal, 10/19
  229. Vault 94 terminal entries; Exterior Security Terminal, Security Log - 10/21/77
  230. ATLAS Observatory terminal entries; Army Data Analysis Terminal, Report [8-22-77]
  231. MrHouse.txt line #388
  232. MrHouse.txt line #50
  233. Vault-Tec Regional HQ terminal entries; Dr. Reid's Terminal, 10/22
  234. The site as it is in Fallout 4. The pipe flows north.
  235. 235.0 235.1 235.2 235.3 235.4 DEFCON Status - 2077
  236. L.O.B. Enterprises terminal entries
  237. Freddy Fear's House of Scares posters found in the Capital Wasteland
  238. Journal of Carrie Delaney
  239. A.F.A.D. interrogation
  240. Fallout 4 main quest War Never Changes
  241. Fallout 4 main quest War Never Changes
  242. 引用错误:无效<ref>标签;未给name属性为Switchboard DEFCON2的引用提供文字
  243. DLC05Sally.txt lines 55-56: My mom and dad died a while ago, before I ended up here. Y'know, back when all the bombs dropped on everything? Yeah, it was right after that. And then me and my sister, we got pulled up here... Except I haven't seen her in a long time.
  244. 輻射中的12號避難所及其居民。
  245. The West Tek facility is seen as The Glow in Fallout
  246. Vault 94 terminal entries; Reception desk terminal, Security Log - 10/23/77
  247. 247.0 247.1 247.2 247.3 Mesa Verde design document for Van Buren
  248. Skylanes Flight 1981 recording
  249. Skylanes Flight 1665 final transmission
  250. The Courier: "What preparations did you make to save Las Vegas?"
    Robert House: "On the day of the Great War, 77 atomic warheads targeted Las Vegas and its surrounding areas. My networked mainframes were able to predict and force-transmit disarm code subsets to 59 warheads, neutralizing them before impact. Laser cannons mounted on the roof of the Lucky 38 destroyed another 9 warheads. The rest got through, though none hit the city itself. A sub-optimal performance, admittedly. If only the Platinum Chip had arrived a day sooner..."
  251. MrHouse.txt lines #392-394
  252. MrHouse.txt line #49
  253. NVDLC01Dean.txt
  254. Events Calendar - October
  255. The Whitespring Resort terminal entries; General Manager's Terminal, 10/24/77
  256. The Whitespring Resort terminal entries; General Manager's Terminal, 10/25/77
  257. Maxson Log holodisk in Fallout
  258. 引用错误:无效<ref>标签;未给name属性为y2077的引用提供文字
  259. Radio Log: Aug 29 2077
  260. 引用错误:无效<ref>标签;未给name属性为BoylstonMemoriam的引用提供文字
  261. 261.0 261.1 Factory terminal entries; Foreman's Terminal, 3) Incoming?
  262. Berkeley Springs terminal entries; Dr. Barnaby's Terminal, Medical Notes 10.31.77
  263. 263.0 263.1 263.2 The Vault Dweller: ""
    Cabbot: "{226}{Cab_64}{Oh, well, in the Exodus, the Brotherhood split into two groups. The group that broke away robbed the others of some of the weapons an-and they went south. Then about ten years ago we sent out knights to look for them and all they found was ruins. No one knows what happened.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{1012}{}{Exodus}"
    Cabbot: "{1111}{Cab_64}{Oh, well, in the Exodus, the Brotherhood split into two groups. The group that broke away robbed the others of some of the weapons an-and went southwest. About ten years ago, we sent out knights to look for them, but all they found was ruins. No one knows what happened.}"
  264. My diary by Jason Grant
  265. Croup Manor terminal entries; Theodore's Personal Terminal, Journal Entry: 1/15/78
  266. Poster in Helvetia. Fallout 76.
  267. Taggerdy's Journal: NOV 04 2077
  268. 268.0 268.1 111號避難所終端日誌
  269. The Sole Survivor: "Wait. 'Manual' activation? Is there any other kind?"
    The Director: Automatic activation was scheduled for January 1st, 2078.
    (DN049 LvlMrGutsy Director.txt)
  270. 270.0 270.1 Year: 2078
  271. January 26, 2077 -- Little Lamplight!
  272. Year: 2078
  273. Croup Manor terminal entries; Theodore's Personal Terminal, Journal Entry: 2/2/78
  274. The Whitespring Resort terminal entries; General Manager's Terminal, 7/21/78
  275. Riverside Manor terminal entries; Study Terminal, 7/8/78
  276. Helen Marks & Reuben Gill - 20780803
  277. Vault 51 terminal entries; Terminal, I Need Your Help
  278. The Whitespring Resort terminal entries; General Manager's Terminal, 8/30/78
  279. Vault 94 terminal entries; Exterior Security Terminal, User Log - 10/24/78
  280. Vault 94 terminal entries; Community council terminal, Vault 94 Mission & Facilities
  281. Riverside Manor terminal entries; Study Terminal, 11/11/78
  282. 282.0 282.1 Harpers Ferry terminal entries; Miranda's terminal, Vault 94
  283. Vault 94 terminal entries; Reception Log - 11/20/78
  284. Vault 94 community council recording
  285. Vault 94 G.E.C.K. recording
  286. Vault 94 terminal entries; G.E.C.K. monitoring station terminal, G.E.C.K. System Log
  287. Harpers Ferry terminal entries; Ella's terminal, Vault 94
  288. Abandon house!
  289. The Whitespring Resort terminal entries; General Manager's Terminal, 12/1/78
  290. The Whitespring Resort terminal entries; General Manager's Terminal, 12/12/78
  291. The Whitespring Resort terminal entries; General Manager's Terminal, 12/31/78
  292. Christmas plans
  293. Nuka-Town USA terminal entries; Nuka-World Information Terminal, Safari Adventure
  294. Secure beverageer lab terminal entries
  295. Raleigh Clay's bunker terminal entries; Raleigh's Terminal, All Clear
  296. Harpers Ferry proposal
  297. 297.0 297.1 Charleston Capitol Building terminal entries; Holbrook's terminal, Capital Mail Relay, They've left their bunkers
  298. Thunder Mountain power plant terminal entries; Free States terminal
  299. 299.0 299.1 One Man, and a Crate of Puppets
  300. Riverside Manor terminal entries; Study Terminal, 4/29/79
  301. One Man, and a Crate of Puppets
  302. Blackfoot Tribe design document for Van Buren
  303. WSTERM3B.MSG: In the year 2081, Skynet became self-aware.
  304. Camp Venture terminal entries#Schedule
  305. Camp Venture terminal entries; Commander's Terminal, JAN-03-81: E Fisher
  306. Vault 13: A GURPS Post-Nuclear Adventure timeline
  307. Cut contentSquire Asher's journal Cut content
  308. Vault 95 terminal entries; Private Terminal, Your Orders
  309. Vault 95 terminal entries; Private Terminal, Entry 10/23/2082
  310. Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.358-359: "[5.15] VAULT 95
    Gunners have overwhelmed the vault dwellers here and are utilizing this location for purposes other than those originally intended. You are encouraged to remove these threats. Beware of Assaultrons. Battle your way through the open vault door and reach the elevator to enter the vault’s interior."
    (Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Map)
  311. Charleston Capitol Building terminal entries; Holbrook's Terminal, Envoy to Taggerdy
  312. Fort Defiance terminal entries; Paladin Taggerdy's Terminal, [Change of Priorities]
  313. Interrogation: Doe, Jane
  314. 2.9.6
  315. Scatterd Journal Page #1
  316. Riverside Manor terminal entries; Headmistress' Terminal, 3/5/83
  317. Year: 2083
  318. Camp Venture terminal entries; Commander's Terminal, NOV-09-83: K Kelly
  319. Sam Blackwell's bunker terminal entries; Sam's Terminal, Judy's Gone
  320. Year: 2084
  321. Riverside Manor terminal entries#; Olivias Terminal, 9/8/84
  322. 322.0 322.1 Scattered journal pages
  323. Assaultron: "Initiating ... final ... playback ... Engag--- "
    Ragnarsdottir: "That's the last of them. Entrance is clear, general. MODUS. Have the rest of these things stand down. The general's placed Eckhart under arrest. It's over."
    MODUS: "General ... Santiago is dead, Major."
    Ragnarsdottir: "What? What the hell was that?"
    MODUS: "There's been a ... detonation in the weapons lab. It appears the agent has ... broken containment and is filtering into the air system."
    Ragnarsdottir: "MODUS, what are you doing?! Open the god-damned door!"
    MODUS: "This facility is now ... quarantined."
    Ragnarsdottir "MODUS! Open the fucking door! You're going to kill us all!"
    MODUS: "To the contrary, Major. We're fixing ... the problem."
    (NPCM_EN02_MajorRagnarsdottir.txt and ENB MODUSStandard.txt) Note: The following exchange is obtained after fixing the Assaultron at the entrance to the Whitespring bunker.
  324. Riverside Manor terminal entries; Headmistress' Terminal, 2/8/86
  325. Riverside Manor terminal entries; Olivia's Terminal, 2/10/86
  326. Riverside Manor terminal entries; Headmistress' Terminal, 2/14/86
  327. Camp Venture terminal entries; Commander's Terminal, MAR-26-86: Tex Rogers
  328. Riverside Manor terminal entries; Cryptos Terminal, Membership Roster
  329. Riverside Manor terminal entries; Headmistress' Terminal, 6/1/86
  330. Preservation of Technology
  331. Riverside Manor terminal entries; Olivia's Terminal, 6/8/86
  332. Pleasant Valley cabins terminal entries; Brody's Terminal, 6-9-86: RE: Checkpoint Massacre
  333. Pleasant Valley Ski Resort terminal entries; Brody's Terminal, 7-1-86: Quotas
  334. Pleasant Valley Ski Resort terminal entries; Brody's Terminal, 7-19-86: RE: Deal
  335. Riverside Manor terminal entries; Headmistress' Terminal, 7/24/86
  336. Riverside Manor terminal entries; Olivia's Terminal, 7/24/86
  337. Riverside Manor terminal entries; Olivia's Terminal, 9/21/86
  338. Pleasant Valley cabins terminal entries; Mount Holotape Drive|Brody's Terminal, Mount Holotape Drive
  339. 339.0 339.1 Tony's orders
  340. 340.0 340.1 Pleasant Valley cabins terminal entries; Brody's Terminal, 11-16-86: RE: Finale
  341. Riverside Manor terminal entries; Headmistress' Terminal, 10/7/86
  342. Riverside Manor terminal entries; Headmistress' Terminal, 11/10/86
  343. Riverside Manor terminal entries; Headmistress' Terminal, From Olivia
  344. Riverside Manor terminal entries; Headmistress' Terminal, 11/18/86
  345. Shannon Rivers' recording
  346. Flatoods terminal entries; Diagnostic Terminal, Archives
  347. Flatwoods terminal entries; Self-Serve Registration Kiosk, You are safe
  348. Flatwoods terminal entries; Reverend Delbert's Terminal, Feb 20: Responders
  349. Fort Defiance terminal entries#.5B93-JUL-20.5D
  350. Scatterd Journal Page #4
  351. Fort Defiance terminal entries; Senior Knight Wilson's Terminal, [94-JAN-03]
  352. 352.0 352.1 Fort Defiance terminal entries; Senior Knight Wilson's Terminal, [95-FEB-02]
  353. Fort Defiance terminal entries; Senior Knight Wilson's Terminal, [URGENT: Touchdown Recovery]
  354. 354.0 354.1 Fort Defiance terminal entries; Senior Knight Wilson's Terminal, [Touchdown Recovery (Supplemental)]
  355. Tygart water treatment terminal entries; Amy Kerry's Terminal, Feb 9, 2095
  356. Tygart water treatment terminal entries; Amy Kerry's Terminal, Feb 9, 2095
  357. Tygart water treatment terminal entries; Amy Kerry's Terminal, April 16, 2095
  358. Fort Defiance terminal entries; Senior Knight Wilson's Terminal, [95-JUN-03]
  359. Scattered Journal Page #5
  360. Fort Defiance terminal entries; Senior Knight Wilson's Terminal, [95-AUG-13]
  361. Thunder Mountain power plant terminal entries; Communications Terminal, 95-Aug-18
  362. 362.0 362.1 Final Stand
  363. Thunder Mountain power plant terminal entries; Communications Terminal, 95-Aug-19
  364. 364.0 364.1 Madigan encounter
  365. Raleigh Clay's bunker terminal entries; Outgoing Notifications Station, Scorchbeast Lures
  366. Year: 2095
  367. Raleigh Clay's bunker terminal entries; Outgoing Notifications Station, Scorchbeasts
  368. Flatwoods terminal entries; Self-Serve Registration Kiosk, Yates, Sofie
  369. 369.0 369.1 369.2 Year: 2096
  371. Flatwoods terminal entries; Responders Database, 6/15/96: New Patient: Meddles
  372. Flatwoods terminal entries; Self-Serve Registration Kiosk, Caldera, Miguel
  373. 373.0 373.1 AVR Medical Center terminal entries
  374. Flatwoods terminal entries; Responders Database, 7/18/96: New Patient: Chris
  375. Flatwoods terminal entries; Self-Serve Registration Kiosk, Wilkins, Garry
  376. Flatwoods terminal entries; Self-Serve Registration Kiosk, Winters, Delbert
  377. Flatwoods terminal entries; Responders Database, 7/25/96: New Patient: Cullen
  378. Flatwoods terminal entries; Responders Database, 8/01/96: New Patient: Mike
  379. AVR Medical Center terminal entries; AVR Medical Laboratory Terminal, August 1st, 2096
  380. Flatwoods terminal entries; Responders Database, 8/02/96: Comment from Cullen
  381. AVR Medical Center terminal entries; AVR Medical Laboratory Terminal, August 12th, 2096
  382. Flatwoods terminal entries; Responders Database, 8/14/96: New Patient: Dr. Veen
  383. Flatwoods terminal entries; Responders Database, 8/20/96: Comment from Dr. Veen
  384. Flatwoods terminal entries; Responders Database, 8/25/96: New Patient: Brad
  385. Flatwoods terminal entries; Responders Database, 9/01/96: Comment from Dr. Venn
  386. AVR Medical Center terminal entries; AVR Medical Laboratory Terminal, September 2nd, 2096
  387. AVR Medical Center terminal entries; AVR Medical Laboratory Terminal, October 20th, 2096
  388. Charleston Fire Department terminal entries; Fire Breathers Master Terminal, Muster Point - The Rusty Pick
  389. Rose: "Oh I see now, you're here about that guy, huh? Good luck getting anything outta him. He's been dead a while. He came up here to negotiate with my Raider associates. They strung him up, and left him to die after... convincing him to spill the beans about what he was up to. Before you ask, I dunno, I wasn't there. Anyway, you're probably looking for that scorched detector uplink thingamajig he was trying to install when they caught him."
  390. Flatwoods terminal entries; Self-Serve Registration Kiosk, McDermott, Kesha
  391. Flatwoods terminal entries; Self-Serve Registration Kiosk, McDermott, Kesha
  392. AVR Medical Center terminal entries; AVR Medical Laboratory Terminal, November 7th, 2096
  393. Flatwoods terminal entries; Self-Serve Registration Kiosk, McLeeder, Cullen
  394. Year: 2097
  395. Scatterd Journal Page #6
  396. 396.0 396.1 396.2 396.3 Viper design document by Scott Campbell, from Fallout Bible #6
  397. 397.0 397.1 引用错误:无效<ref>标签;未给name属性为strike的引用提供文字
  398. Ghoul's note 1 and Ghoul's note 2
  399. The Vault Dweller: "{108}{}{Tell me a bit about the town.}"
    Jarvis: "{111}{}{Well, Shady Sands was founded by a great ancestor of our current leader, Aradesh. He could tell you more of the story. We have a well and irrigation, so we do well for ourselves.}"
  400. 400.0 400.1 400.2 Overseer's terminal, Archived files - Annual Review: 2100 引用错误:无效<ref>标签;name属性“Residents”使用不同内容定义了多次
  401. Randall Clark terminal entries; Terminal, Year 2100.
  402. Year: 2100
  403. Year: 2101
  404. Mentioned in a conversation with Lynette in Fallout 2
  405. Events of An Ounce of Prevention.
  406. Events of Cold Case.
  407. Effect of fixing the Rockhound in order to turn it into a settlement.
  408. Events of Signal Strength.
  409. Events of Miner Miracles.
  410. Events of The Missing Link, Early Warnings, Reassembly Required, and Coming to Fruition].
  411. Events of Mayor for a Day.
  412. Events of Officer on Deck.
  413. Events of I Am Become Death.
  414. Events of Wastelanders
  415. Vault 51 terminal entries; Terminal, INVENTORY ANOMALY 6/2/2108
  416. Randall Clark terminal entries; Terminal, Year 2108.
  417. Year: 2108
  418. The Institute's official seal as sen on the Institute food packet.
  419. Fallout 4 loading screen hints: "The Institute was officially founded in the year 2110 by a group a of former Commonwealth Institute of Technology students who took refuge in the college's underground level at the time of the Great War."
  420. Randall Clark terminal entries; Terminal, Year 2113.
  421. Year: 2113
  422. WSTERM3B.MSG:In 2120 Skynet was given a new set of instructions and then abandoned by the Makers.
  423. Year: 2123
  424. Year: 2124
  425. Year: 2124
  426. 426.0 426.1 The Vault Dweller: "{104}{}{What is it you do here?}"
    Gabriel: "{109}{}{We manufacture weapons and ammunition. We've been at this for the last 30 years. But the last 10 have been hell.}"
  427. 427.00 427.01 427.02 427.03 427.04 427.05 427.06 427.07 427.08 427.09 427.10 427.11 427.12 427.13 427.14 427.15 427.16 427.17 427.18 427.19 427.20 427.21 Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide collector's edition
  428. The Courier: "How long have you been in business?"
    Alice McLafferty: "The Crimson Caravan Company has been in business for over 130 years. We're partially responsible for the progress in the NCR."
  429. Fallout: New Vegas Gun Runner Vendortron
  430. vDialogueLilyLilyTopic020: I grew up in Vault 17. I never even saw the sun until I was 75 years old - that was when Super mutants raided the Vault and carried a lot of us off.
  431. The Vault Dweller: "{112}{}{What's so bad about Adytum supplying you with your materials?}"
    Gabriel: "{113}{}{At first it was fine. They supplied us with raw materials, we manufactured and sold the weapons. Then 3 years ago Zimmerman hired some mercenaries to help protect Adytum from the deathclaw and the odd random attack by raiders. Those Regulators are cold hearted bastards and are squeezing us for all we have. We make the guns and they get rich off of it.}"
  432. Mentioned in a conversation with Gabriel, leader of the Gun Runners in Fallout.
  433. Fallout endings for Junktown, Killian takes control after Gizmo dies
  434. Fallout endings for the Khans, the Vault Dweller kills Garl Death-Hand and his Khans
  435. The canonical Fallout ending for the Hub.
  436. This is a scripted event in Fallout.
  437. The non-canonical Fallout ending for the Followers of the Apocalypse.
  438. Fallout Bible 0
  439. Fallout Bible 6: "X. You said in the Fallout Bible, that Ghouls still live in Necropolis, but in the manual, it is written that the city was completely wiped out (The bad thing that happens if you don't take out the Military Base in time.) I find this odd since I assumed FO2 continued with the assumptions that the Vault Dweller more or less did everything the "Best" way possible in Fallout 1 (Such as taking out the base in time) Perhaps I'm misunderstanding something here, which is not too unlikely considering how long it's been since I've had time to play the game, so anything to help clear up this little question of mine is appreciated.
    I am wrong. Most ghouls were forced to leave Necropolis, leading to the Great Migration across the wastes. I will print retractions later."
  440. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p.458: "Controversy over the Vegas Frontier
    The NCR spread east into Nevada in large numbers just five years ago on a "humanitarian mission" to "bring the light of civilization to the savage wastes of the Mojave." Hoover Dam was the symbol of the expedition-reports from the Followers of the Apocalypse had confirmed that it was still intact as early as 2170-and its occupation by NCR troops in 2274 was a celebrated event. Even more exciting was the restarting of the dam's hydroelectric plant eleven months later, which dramatically improved the access of many NCR citizens to electricity and water."
    (Behind the Bright Lights & Big City)
  441. The Chosen One: "{239}{}{Cleanse the mutants? That sounds a bit drastic. How are you going to do that?}"
    Dick Richardson: "{240}{prs41}{We found a research facility in operational shape about 70 years ago. A former military base that had been used to research a special virus.}"
  442. Year 2178
  443. Fallout 4 loading screen hints: "The Minutemen were formed over a century ago by ordinary people who simply wanted to defend their home, the Commonwealth, from any threat imaginable. Sadly, the group has fallen into disarray in recent years."
  444. Fallout 4 loading screen hints: "The Minutemen first rose to prominence in the year 2180, when they defended Diamond City against a horde of Super Mutant attackers."
  445. DLC03DiMA.txt line #109: I came to this island over a century ago, hiding from my creators, the Institute.
  446. NCR history holodisk
  447. Fallout endings when completing Find Children spy in the Followers and training then on how to use firearms.
  448. Fallout Tactics
  449. Curie: "Oh. Another stranger. Are you Vault-Tec security? I've waited so very patiently for you to arrive."
    The Sole Survivor: "Yes. Yes, I am."
    Curie: "Superb! I placed an emergency call so long ago. I was beginning to think something dreadful must've happened. I am pleased to report I completed my primary duties 83 years ago. Thousands of pathogens were grown in the mole rat hosts. Then a single broad spectrum cure was developed to treat them all. Very satisfying work for many decades. Now, please tell me you are authorized to release me from the lab."
  450. The Sole Survivor: "These mole rats carry a disease. Do you know anything about it?"
    Curie: "My poor little darlings. They were used to grow all manner of new and interesting pathogens. Then vault citizens would be exposed to these viruses in the hopes that they would develop new antibodies. But they never got a chance to execute their plan. Clyde got out of his cage. He was smarter than the others, my sweet Clyde. He let out the others and those poor scientists never stood a chance. Clyde's been dead for almost two centuries now, but his descendants have free run of the vault. I'm rambling. Where are my manners. Are you Vault-tec security?"
  451. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p.457: "Equality"
    By law, the NCR prohibits persecution and discrimination on the basis of gender, ethnicity, sexuality, or religious belief (so long as said religion does not advocate violence). Legal protection of Ghouls and other mutants was added in 2205, though enforcement of these rights has been spotty. For the most part, the NCR's practices live up to its ideals, but there has been some retrenchment since the death of President Tandi. Aaron Kimball's popularity was amplified by a reactionary undercurrent, especially among males, calling out a need for a "strong man" to lead the NCR forward. In the years since Kimball took office, male military officers have been promoted disproportionately to females, and discourse arguing the differences between males and females has reappeared."
    (Behind the Bright Lights & Big City)
  452. 452.0 452.1 452.2 Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel
  453. FEV research notes
  454. Winthrop's dialogues in Fallout 3
  455. 455.0 455.1 Publick Occurrences, The Synthetic Truth
  456. Vclynett.msg
  457. 457.0 457.1 457.2 Jericho design document.
  458. 458.0 458.1 Pinkerton's dialogue in Fallout 3
  459. The Chosen One: "{592}{}{Thomas Moore is a Citizen, and he is the leader of this movement.}"
    Joanne Lynette: "{595}{lyn093}{No. He is not a TRUE Citizen... not anymore. When he came to us two years ago, he seemed everything we would want in a Citizen. But just a year later he... changed. He turned against us.}"
  460. Fallout 4 loading screen hints: "Goodneighbor was founded in the year 2240, by a group of criminals who were banished from Diamond City."
  461. Rivet City Council Minutes, April 25, 2239 note in Fallout 3
  462. Fallout 4 loading screen hints: "The Minutemen once made their headquarters in South Boston's Fort Independence, also known as "the Castle." That ended when a giant creature rose from the sea decades ago and laid it to waste."
  463. Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide: "Historians have noted the original name for this settlement was Fort Independence, but the people of the Commonwealth now refer to it simply as the Castle. This place has a long and storied history; it is one of the first forts in America and predates the Revolutionary War. In recent times, it served as the base of operations for the Minutemen as they attempted (and failed) to establish a Provisional government. In 2240, the Castle was partly destroyed by gigantic Mirelurk, and most of the Minutemen leadership died.
    Still, it is generally agreed that the location could yet become an excellent base of operations for the Minutemen (and an exceptional settlement) if it can be reclaimed from the sea creatures. Note that the map information refers to interior corridors within the fortification walls."
  464. Fallout Bible 5
  465. VRemDaisyWhitman.txt line #11: "Vertibird pilot. Seventy-one missions and only lost one chopper. Rotor malfunction over Klamath. Hard landing, but I walked away."
  466. Lily.txt line #117: "This old thing? Oh, I scavenged it off a wreck in Klamath. Leo showed me how to make it all ready for chopping, didn't you, Leo?"
  467. Herbert Dashwood's dialogue in Fallout 3
  468. Report from first survey party note in Fallout 3
  469. Fallout 2 default ending for Arroyo
  470. Fallout 2 ending if the Arroyo Elder survives the explosion of the oil rig
  471. Fallout 2 ending if the Chosen One Make peace between Modoc and the Slags.
  472. Fallout 2 ending for Vault City if the Chosen One Fixes the power plant, kills the raiders and brings the account book or Bishop's holodisk to Lynette. (This ending is given if not getting 2 for any reason, e.g. Westin is dead or the reward picked up.)
  473. 473.0 473.1 Fallout 2 ending for New Reno if the Chosen One impregnates either Bishop woman and leaves her alive, and tells Mrs. Bishop she should move on.
  474. Fallout 2 ending if Richard's murder is solved.
  475. Fallout 2 ending for Myron.
  476. Fallout 2 ending for Harold.
  477. Fallout 2 ending for Marge LeBarge.
  478. Fallout 2 ending for Broken Hills.
  479. FortCaesar.txt: Lines 107-111
  480. Fallout 2 ending for Marcus
  481. Fallout 2 ending for the Shi
  482. Fallout 2 ending for Dick Richardson
  483. Fallout 2 ending for the tanker vagrants
  484. 484.0 484.1 Hannibal Hamlin's dialogue in Fallout 3
  485. Blackfoot Tribe design document/1
  486. Blackfoot Tribe design document/1
  487. 487.0 487.1 487.2 Herbert Dashwood's terminal in Fallout 3
  488. The Lone Wanderer: "You don't actually seem that sad. Why do you want to die?"
    Harold: "I've been literally rooted to this spot thanks to Bob for maybe twenty or thirty years... I can't even remember anymore. Can you imagine being stuck in one place for that long not being able to eat or to read or to sleep or anything? In the meantime, I have these Treeminders bothering me every day about things I don't even care about. I can't stand it anymore."
  489. The Lone Wanderer: "Why do you call yourselves Treeminders?"
    Birch: "We care for this place and keep it safe from those who would seek to exploit it. He gives to us, so we give back to Him. It's an arrangement that's worked well for almost two decades. We shun technology and embrace nature. That's the life of a Treeminder."
  490. Tenpenny Tower terminal entries; Exploration Database, Harmon Jurley
  491. The Adventures of Herbert ‘Daring’ Dashwood and his Ghoul Manservant Argyle
  492. 492.0 492.1 引用错误:无效<ref>标签;未给name属性为KingCrag的引用提供文字
  493. Rollings -- We're done
  494. Bloomseer Poplar's dialogue in Fallout 3
  495. Scribe Rothchild's dialogue in Fallout 3
  496. 496.0 496.1 Scribe Jameson's dialogue in Fallout 3
  497. Rivet City terminal entries; Welcome to the Capital Preservation Society, Constitution of the U.S.A.
  498. The Lone Wanderer: "If he was here, then do you know where he went?"
    Madison Li: "Yes, I do. I told him repeatedly that it's too late, that the project is too far gone to be revived. He insisted he can just pick up where we left off 20 years ago, and said he could prove it to me. So he headed off to the old lab. I advised against it, but he went anyway."
  499. The Lone Wanderer: "So, you used to be in charge? How did you end up here?"
    Horace Pinkerton: "That lasted until 'bout 18 years ago, when those ambitious backbiters like Li and her little team showed up. She came in with her big "Purity Project" pipe dream, and my whole staff started working with her, those traitors! She even took my seat on the council. By then, I was glad to leave it behind. But hell if I'm leaving the city I made great!"
  500. Based on the Wanderer's birth date in Fallout 3
  501. Fallout 3 prologue.
  502. Madison Li's dialogue in Fallout 3
  503. Sawbones's dialogue in Fallout 3
  504. This date is from the Prima Official Game Guide with the assumption that Amata and the Lone Wanderer are of the same age.
  505. 505.0 505.1 The Courier: "Tell me about yourself, Ambassador."
    Dennis Crocker: "Interested in Politics, huh? Well, grab a seat and get comfortable. I've been in politics quite a while now. Always had the drive to do it, even when I was young. It's just something I was drawn to. I started my career over twenty years ago back in the NCR as the local mayor and worked my way up from there. I managed President Kimball's first run for a seat on the Council. I suppose that's why I have this ambassadorship."
    The Courier: "Interesting, go on."
    Dennis Crocker: "I was elected to this post seven years ago. I'm the third NCR representative to serve here in Vegas. Now, I've had my share of ups and downs along the way, but I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. That's it. Anything else you wished to know?"
  506. Bannon's dialogue in Fallout 3
  507. Railroad HQ terminal entries; PAM Mainframe Terminal, 2266 Nov
  508. VRRCPapaKhan.txt line #76: "In a hurry, are you? Very well then: The Great Khans came east out of the NCR 14 years ago. We ruled the Wastes, then, and called no man master."
  509. Stanley Armstrong's dialogue in Fallout 3 during the quest Growing Up Fast: "Oh, sure, nothing to worry about. Me and Andy got her all fixed up again last night, good as new."
  510. Fallout 3 main quest Growing Up Fast
  511. President Kimball's speech at Hoover Dam
  512. Fallout: New Vegas Mojave Outpost monument plaque
  513. Three Dog's dialogue in Fallout 3
  514. The Courier: "Who are you?"
    Johnson Nash: "Johnson Nash's my name. Husband to Ruby Nash. Lived in Primm going on eight years now, thick and thin. I'm a trader primarily, for what it's worth with things like they are. I also run the local Mojave Express outpost."
  515. Nova.txt: Hi there. I'm Nova. New to Megaton, huh? Do yourself a favor and keep walking. Some of us stay for a few days... and then it's five years later...
  516. Fallout: New Vegas, Corporal Sterling
  517. The Courier: "How long were you the head of the family?"
    Benny: "Seven years. Took over three days after Mr. House introduced himself. Our chief at the time, mountain of a guy named Bingo, wanted to stay nomadic. I disagreed, so he challenged me to the knife. He looked so surprised when I stuck that knife in his neck. Thought he was so tough, but he was so slow. That's how I made chief. It's how things were back then."
  518. The Courier: "What was your relationship with Benny... back when he was breathing?"
    Robert House: "Benny was the leader of the Chairmen for seven years, ever since I recruited the tribe. I considered him something of a protege."
  519. Mayor MacCready's dialogue in Fallout 3
  520. Dialogue with Owyn Lyons and Henry Casdin in Fallout 3
  521. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide
  522. The Courier: "Tell me about the Kings."
    Gloria Van Graff: "Ah, the "rulers" of Freeside. The Kings are a bunch of boys who refuse to grow up, and this is their playground. Their leader seems different, though. The few times I've dealt with him I've been impressed despite myself. Unfortunately, he rarely acts. The Kings believe that everyone in Freeside can do whatever they want, provided they can back it up with force. Which suits us just fine. When we first arrived in Freeside, the Kings protested when we kicked out the original occupant of this establishment. When we reduced several of their members to glowing puddles of goo, their objections vanished. Since then, we've left each other alone."
  523. The Courier: "Yes, what is the task?"
    Edgar Hardin: "Back when we were stationed at HELIOS, our scouts reported that a group was establishing itself in the area as a distributor of Pre-War weapons. Our Elder at the time, Elijah, was too concerned with getting HELIOS running and fending off the NCR, so he ordered us to leave them alone. It's time that we correct that oversight, and show this region that the Brotherhood is still a force to be reckoned with. I want you to visit these weapons dealers, this Van Graff family, and make an example of them. Leave no one alive. When the job is done, report back and I'll arrange for a team to clean up the site and retrieve the weapons."
  524. I'm brilliant!
  525. Rivet City terminal entries; Pinkerton's Private Computer, Android log 1
  526. Hidden Valley bunker terminal entries; Terminal
    Note: Schuler has kept a once-a-week log since the end of Operation Sunburst. With the number of logs made, it can be figured out that the log has been going on for five years and the last log is on the anniversary of the battle.
  527. 527.0 527.1 W. Brandice's terminal entries
  528. Dialogue with Casear in Fallout: New Vegas: "Down the hill, at the west edge of camp, is an old building. It was here when the Fort was taken in 2277."
  529. Plaque at Boulder City: "On this spot in the year 2277, Rangers and soldiers of the New California Republic turned back the forces of Caesar's Legion during the Battle of Hoover Dam. Over one hundred men and women gave their lives on the Nevada soil to defend local civilians and the principles of the republic. May this humble stone be an enduring memorial to their valor and sacrifice."
  530. Dialogue with Joshua Graham in Honest Hearts: "And I stayed in that darkness until after Hoover Dam. After I failed Caesar and he had me burned alive, thrown into the Grand Canyon."
  531. Springvale School Terminal Entries
  532. Fallout 3 main quest Escape!.
  533. According to the experiment in Fallout 2.
  534. Fallout 3 add-on The Pitt.
  535. Fallout 3 add-on Operation Anchorage.
  536. Fallout 3 side quest Those! in Fallout 3.
  537. Fallout 3 side quest Wasteland Survival Guide.
  538. Fallout: New Vegas skill books
  539. Fallout 3 main quest The Waters of Life.
  540. Fallout 3 main quest Finding the Garden of Eden.
  541. Fallout 3 main quest Take it Back!.
  542. dialogue with Madison Li in Fallout 4: " That... That was ten years ago. One of many things that led me to abandon my old life and seek out the Institute."
  543. Fallout 3 add-on Point Lookout (add-on)
  544. Point Lookout is released after Broken Steel, and the Fallout official site confirmed that Mothership Zeta was the final adventure of the Lone Wanderer, and so that the order of add-on released is the chronological order of Fallout 3 history.
  545. Fallout official site: "The Vault Dweller's final and most fantastical adventure".
  546. Fallout 3 add-on Mothersip Zeta.
  547. Vault 81 Terminal entries: The Anti-Commonwealth
  548. 548.0 548.1 The Prydwen terminal entries
  549. Securitron Vault Status Log
  550. The Courier: "Jason told me himself. The Great Journey is for ghouls only. You're not going."
    Chris Haversam: "[SUCCEEDED] Oh god! You're telling me the truth, aren't you...? Oh no! How could they do this to me? For two years? My god, I've been a joke to them! Do you have any idea how easy it'd be for me to sabotage those rockets? That'd be a joke, huh? One hell of a joke!"
  551. 551.0 551.1 Dialogue with Paladin Danse in Fallout 4: "Over the last seven years, two other teams were sent here by the Brotherhood to gather technology. The first team's mission was a huge success. They came back with crates full of pre-war artifacts and historical documents.The second wasn't so fortunate. Shortly after they arrived, we lost contact with them and they haven't been heard from since. As far as my team goes, we've lost four good men to this godforsaken wasteland. We've been a target from the moment we arrived."
  552. The Courier: "Something like that. Are you an NCR soldier?"
    Arms merchant: "Hell, yes sir. Well... not officially. Not anymore. They mustered me out a year ago. Administrative discharge."The Courier: "Administrative discharge? What does that mean?"
    Arms merchant: "It means my C.O. was an asshole, and I told him to eat shit. He ordered me to flog a couple "deserters." Those kids didn't desert. They just got liquored up on the Strip and missed roll call. I don't know what else the brass expects... half these kids don't get more than two weeks of training before they ship 'em out here."
  553. The Courier: "No."
    Craig Boone: "I don't know who you think you're kidding. I've lived here for more than a year. Anyway, I need someone I can trust, and you may be a liar, but you're also a stranger. And that's a start."
  554. The Courier: "What do you know about the courier Benny shot?"
    Yes Man: "I knew he/she was carrying the Platinum Chip! And I knew right where Benny should wait for him/her! That's why Benny put me here! To monitor Mr. House's data transmissions. They're all encrypted, of course - but I'm quite a decrypter! Did you know that Mr. House spent 812,545 caps hiring salvage teams to find the Platinum Chip- just in the last year alone? Of course you didn't! Or that there were seven couriers, but six of them were carrying junk? How about their exact routes, and the mercenary teams that screened them? I knew all that. Pretty smart, huh?"
    (Yes Man's dialogue)
  555. Dialogue with Joshua Graham in Honest Hearts: I have bad news for your employers. New Canaan was destroyed, its citizens scattered. All because of the White Legs. And Caesar, of course. The White Legs want to join the Legion. Caesar's rite of passage is the destruction of the New Canaanites, almost assuredly because of me."
  556. Dialogue with Daniel in Honest Hearts: "Beat them to death in their beds while they were sleeping. {pause} And now we're all that's left. Maybe thirty of us."
  557. The Courier: "I killed the Omertas who were scheming to attack the Strip."
    Caesar: "Months spent feeding the Omertas bribes, nursing their betrayal - all for nothing. Any other crimes?"
  558. 558.0 558.1 Caesar: "All right, let's state the obvious. There's something wrong with me. The headaches started a couple months ago. They weren't too bad at first... but now they come frequently and they're... debilitating. For the past two weeks, my left leg has been dragging. It's stiffer, hard to move. And you've seen me blank out. Lucius says I stare into space, blink a few times, then keep talking like nothing happened. So what's the diagnosis?"
  559. The Courier: "Where was your caravan hit?"
    Rose of Sharon Cassidy: "Up side of Vegas, hear tell. Trapped at the Mojave Outpost, so I wasn't able to run there when I heard. Been weeks since it was hit, so the site's probably a Cazador nest by now."
  560. Bill of sale
  561. The Courier: "You're hiding something. Spit it out. You owe me."
    Craig Boone: "She... I tracked her down. Southeast, near the river. They were selling her. Saw it through my scope. Whole place swarming with Legion. Hundreds of them. Bidding for things no man has a right to. I just had my rifle with me. Just me, against all of them, so... I took the shot."
    (Craig Boone's dialogue)
  562. The Courier: "Better for her to die than live a Legion slave."
    Craig Boone: "Yeah. What they do to women... that's worse than death. There was no choice in what I did. It was more like... being forced to watch something you can't stop. All this was only ever going to play out one way. It still is. I don't have any say. All I can do is wait for it to be done with me."
    (Craig Boone's dialogue)
  563. The Courier: "You should've tried to rescue her. Even if it meant your death."
    Craig Boone: "There was never any saving her. They'd have taken her where I couldn't follow. What I did... that was the only rescue."
    The Courier: "You had no right to make that decision."
    Craig Boone: "There was no decision. I was meant to pull that trigger. It was a mistake to think I could escape it. You take out a debt, it's only a matter of time before someone comes collecting. Things just finally caught up with me."
    (Craig Boone's dialogue)
  564. Mr. New Vegas: "The Black Mountain radio signal is back after a long absence. Listeners say the new programming is, quote, less for outcasts, more for weirdos."
  565. The Courier: "But how did Tabitha find you in the first place?"
    Raul Tejada: "Ah, it's stupid, boss. I used to listen to the radio broadcasts, just to pass the time. Well, one day the signal stops, so I figured I'd try to find transmitter. I'm a pretty good repairman, or I was before the eyes started to go. Anyway, I found Black Mountain and offered my services, but Tabitha decided I was useful enough to keep around. Permanently."
  566. The Courier: "Where'd the Deathclaws come from?"
    Chomps Lewis: "They moved into the quarry after the Powder Gangers came through and made off with most of our dynamite. We shut the quarry down while we waited for the NCR to get us some more blasting sticks, but now the Deathclaws have shown up. The NCR's a no-show, and my men and I have got nothing to do but sit on our asses all day. It's damn frustrating."
  567. All Roads
  568. 568.0 568.1 568.2 Fallout: New Vegas main story line.
  569. The Courier: "I overheard your argument. What was that all about?"
    Trudy: "It looks like our little town got itself dragged into the middle of something we don't want anything to do with. About a week ago, this trader, Ringo, comes into town. Survivor of an attack, he says. Bad men after him, needs a place to hide. We figured he was just in shock, so we gave him a place to lie low. We didn't actually expect anyone to come after him."
  570. The Courier will find Nipton in ruins with people in crosses and Legion soldiers led by Vulpes Inculta once he arrives at the town of Nipton in Fallout: New Vegas
  571. Dialogue with Oliver Swanick in Fallout: New Vegas: " Ain't gonna see me up on a cross or my head on no pole, uh uh! That's for {emphasis} loooooosers!"
  572. Dialogue with Boxcars in Fallout: New Vegas: " Prize for second place was I got to live, but they beat my fucking legs with hammers. I'm fucking crippled, get it?"
  573. Dead Money add-on
  574. Honest Hearts add-on
  575. Old World Blues add-on
  576. Lonesome Road add-on
  577. The Sole Survivor: "Pretty brave, a bunch of kids living alone like that."
    Robert MacCready: "I don't know. Looking back on the whole thing, I think we were just lucky. Anyway, when I hit sixteen, I ended up wandering the Capital Wasteland for a while. I took the odd job here and there, but things were pretty hot with the Brotherhood of Steel running the show. So I hitched a ride with a caravan and made my way north until I ended up here. Made a pretty decent name for myself before I heard that the Gunners needed some sharpshooters. Biggest mistake of my life. They were animals. Killed anything that moved if it got in their way. I went with it for a while, because the caps were good. But, I dunno, I guess it started to catch up with me... so I quit. Which pretty much brings us to now. So there you have it, my whole life in a nutshell."
  578. 引用错误:无效<ref>标签;未给name属性为MaxsonBackstory的引用提供文字
  579. The Sole Survivor: "You sure Ingram knows what she's doing?"
    Arthur Maxson: "Proctor Ingram's managed to keep a 40,000 ton airship aloft for the past five years. I'd say that earns her the benefit of the doubt."
  580. Libertalia terminal entries
  581. Railroad HQ terminal entries
  582. The events of the quest Lost Patrol in Fallout 3.
  583. The Sole Survivor: ""
    Brandis: "I... I tried to do some recon. Explore a little. But I'm... I'm all alone. It was... it was just too much. Too much of a risk. So, I've been hiding. So long... three years? Yes, yes, about that. Too long."
  584. Railroad HQ terminal entries; PAM Mainframe Terminal, 2284
  585. University Point terminals; Jacq's Terminal, Score!
  586. [[University Point terminals#[POwens] - The girl has to go|University Point terminals; [POwens] - The girl has to go]]
  587. Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.518-519: "[18.09] UNIVERSITY POINT
    This once-thriving settlement was built into the ruins of the old university. Approximately one year before current events, synths from the Institute wiped this trading post off the map after a disagreement regarding classified research. An explosion in the service tunnels under Sedgwick Hall killed many, released a large amount of radioactive material, and caused the building to partly collapse."
    (Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Map)
  588. The Institute terminals; Terminal, 2286.4.10
  589. Nisha's holotape, Entries 3 and 4
  590. Dialogue with Deacon in Fallout 4: "Our HQ was strong, defensible. Heck, we thought it was secure. Inside a minute the Institute troopers breached the doors and turned it into a shooting gallery."
  591. Croup Manor terminal entries; Theodore's Personal Terminal, Journal Entry: Who cares?!?
    Note: His corpse is lying on the floor of the locked basement.
  592. Dialogue with Preston Garvey in Fallout 4: "I was with Colonel Hollis's group. A mercenary group called the Gunners was attacking Quincy; the people there called for the Minutemen to help."
  593. Fallout 4 main quest Out of Time.
  594. Fallout 4 main quest Unlikely Valentine.
  595. Fallout 4 main quest Reunions
  596. The Prydwen terminal entries; Captain Kells' Terminal, Maxon MX-001E CP-05
  597. Fallout 4 main quest The Glowing Sea.
  598. Fallout 4 main quest Hunter/Hunted.
  599. Fallout 4 main quest The Molecular Level
  600. Fallout 4 main quest, act three.
  601. Fallout 4 add-on Automatron.
  602. Fallout 4 add-on Far Harbor.
  603. Fallout 4 add-on Vault-Tec Workshop.
  604. Fallout 4 add-on Nuka-World.
  605. Automatron
  606. Far Harbor
  607. Nuka-World
  608. The Courier: "NCR has a food shortage?"
    Thomas Hildern: "Not yet. But our government understands the value of proactive thought. Our studies project an imbalance between production and consumption. Or, for a layman such as yourself - not enough food, too many mouths to feed. Mass starvation. In a decade or so."
    (Thomas Hildern's dialogue)
  609. 609.0 609.1 Courier: "Say you keep control of New Vegas. What happens next?"
    Robert House: "New Vegas is more than a city - it's the remedy to mankind's derailment. The city's economy is a blast furnace in which can be forged the steel of a new rail line, running straight to a new horizon. What is the NCR? A society of people desperate to experience comfort, ease, luxury... A society of customers. With all that money pouring in? Give me 20 years, and I'll reignite the high technology development sectors. 50 years, and I'll have people in orbit. 100 years, and my colony ships will be heading for the stars, to search for planets unpolluted by the wrath and folly of a bygone generation."
  610. 引用错误:无效<ref>标签;未给name属性为FO2CanonReno的引用提供文字
  611. Vault 101 PA System Fun Facts: "Did you know: due to the threats of radiation and Mutant domination, the United States will not be habitable again for at least 3 centuries?"
  612. Old World Blues - Blind Diode Jefferson ending slide 1b

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