


  • 辐射战略版特有的事件在辐射战略版时间线中找到。
  • 被取消的黑岛的辐射3的独特事件,见范布伦时间线


辐射世界不是我们自己的世界,而是另一个分歧宇宙设定,但在第二次世界大战之前,它具有许多历史里程碑:[Non-game 1][Non-game 2]虽然故事发生在未来,但它不是我们的未来,而是反映了传统的50年代科幻小说风格的"明日世界"。[Non-game 3]


纪元 年份



11世纪: 1066
13世纪: 1215


17世纪: 1600年代 | 1612 | 1634 | 1660 | 1680 | 1690 | 1692 | 1697
18世纪: 1711 | 1713 | 1714 | 1723 | 1733 | 1742 |


18世纪: 1755 | 1768 | 1770 | 1774 | 1775 | 1776 | 1783 | 1787 | 1789 | 1791 | 1797 | 1798
19世纪: 1812 | 1816 | 1823 | 1845 | 1850 | 1851 | 1853 | 1861 | 1862 | 1863 | 1865 | 1866 | 1867 |1869


19世纪: 1874 | 1877 | 1879 | 1887 | 1890 | 1894 | 1895 | 1898
20世纪: 1903 | 1907 | 1912


20世纪: 1914 | 1915 | 1916 | 1918


20世纪: 1919 | 1925 | 1928 | 1931 | 1932 | 1934 | 1935 | 1936 | 1938


20世纪: 1939 | 1941 | 1942 | 1943 | 1945


20世纪: 1948 | 1949 | 1952 | 1960 | 1961 | 1967 | 1968 | 1969 | 1970's | 1978 | 1992


2000年代: 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009
2010年代: 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019
2020年代: 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 | 2026 | 2027 | 2028 | 2029
2030年代: 2030 | 2031 | 2032 | 2033 | 2034 | 2035 | 2036 | 2037 | 2038 | 2039
2040年代: 2040 | 2041 | 2042 | 2043 | 2044 | 2045 | 2046 | 2047 | 2048 | 2049
2050年代: 2050 | 2051 | 2052 | 2053 | 2054 | 2055 | 2056 | 2057 | 2058 | 2059
2060年代: 2060 | 2061 | 2062 | 2063 | 2064 | 2065 | 2066 | 2067 | 2068 | 2069
2070年代: 2070 | 2071 | 2072 | 2073 | 2074 | 2075 | 2076 | 2077


2078 | 2079
2080年代: 2080 | 2081 | 2082 | 2083 | 2084 | 2085 | 2086 | 2087 | 2088 | 2089
2090年代: 2090 | 2091 | 2092 | 2093 | 2094 | 2095 | 2096 | 2097 | 2098 | 2099
2100年代: 2100 | 2101 | 2102 | 2103 | 2104 | 2105 | 2106 | 2107 | 2108 | 2109
2110年代: 2110 | 2111 | 2112 | 2113 | 2114 | 2115 | 2116 | 2117 | 2118 | 2119
2120年代: 2120 | 2121 | 2122 | 2123 | 2124 | 2125 | 2126 | 2127 | 2128 | 2129
2130年代: 2130 | 2131 | 2132 | 2133 | 2134 | 2135 | 2136 | 2137 | 2138 | 2139
2140年代: 2140 | 2141 | 2142 | 2143 | 2144 | 2145 | 2146 | 2147 | 2148 | 2149
2150年代: 2150 | 2151 | 2152 | 2153 | 2154 | 2155 | 2156 | 2157 | 2158 | 2159
2160年代: 2160 | 2161 | 2162 | 2163 | 2164 | 2166 | 2167 | 2168 | 2169
2170年代: 2170 | 2171 | 2172 | 2173 | 2174 | 2175 | 2176 | 2177 | 2178 | 2179
2180年代: 2180 | 2181 | 2182 | 2183 | 2184 | 2185


2186 | 2187 | 2188 | 2189
2190年代: 2190 | 2191 | 2192 | 2193 | 2194 | 2195 | 2196 | 2197 | 2198 | 2199
2200年代: 2200 | 2201 | 2202 | 2203 | 2204 | 2205 | 2206 | 2207 | 2208 | 2209
2210年代: 2210 | 2211 | 2212 | 2213 | 2214 | 2215 | 2216 | 2217 | 2218 | 2219
2220年代: 2220 | 2221 | 2222 | 2223 | 2224 | 2225 | 2226 | 2227 | 2228 | 2229
2230年代: 2230 | 2231 | 2232 | 2233 | 2234 | 2235 | 2236 | 2237 | 2238 | 2239
2240年代: 2240 | 2241 | 2242 | 2243 | 2244 | 2245 | 2246 | 2247 | 2248 | 2249
2250年代: 2250 | 2251 | 2252 | 2253 | 2254 | 2255 | 2256 | 2257 | 2258 | 2259
2260年代: 2260 | 2261 | 2262 | 2263 | 2264 | 2265 | 2266 | 2267 | 2268 | 2269
2270年代: 2270 | 2271 | 2272 | 2273 | 2274 | 2275 | 2276 | 2277 | 2278 | 2279
2280年代: 2280 | 2281 | 2282 | 2283 | 2284 | 2285 | 2286 | 2287 | 2288 | 2289
2290年代: 2290 | 2291 | 2292 | 2293 | 2294 | 2295 | 2296 | 2297 | 2298 | 2299


2300年代: 2300 | 2301 | 2302 | 2303 | 2304 | 2305 | 2306 | 2307 | 2308 | 2309
2310年代: 2310 | 2311 | 2312 | 2313 | 2314 | 2315 | 2316 | 2317 | 2318 | 2319
2320年代: 2320 | 2321 | 2322 | 2323 | 2324 | 2325 | 2326 | 2327 | 2328 | 2329
2330年代: 2330 | 2331 | 2332 | 2333 | 2334 | 2335 | 2336 | 2337 | 2338 | 2339
2340年代: 2340 | 2341 | 2342 | 2343 | 2344 | 2345 | 2346 | 2347 | 2348 | 2349
2350年代: 2350 | 2351 | 2352 | 2353 | 2354 | 2355 | 2356 | 2357 | 2358 | 2359
2360年代: 2360 | 2361 | 2362 | 2363 | 2364 | 2365 | 2366 | 2367 | 2368 | 2369
2370年代: 2370 | 2371 | 2372 | 2373 | 2374 | 2375 | 2376 | 2377 | 2378 | 2379
2380年代: 2380 | 2381 | 2382 | 2383 | 2384 | 2385 | 2386 | 2387 | 2388 | 2389
2390年代: 2390 | 2391 | 2392 | 2393 | 2394 | 2395 | 2396 | 2397 | 2398 | 2399
30世纪: 2910




  • 大宪章英王约翰和英国贵族共同签署,极大地限制了他作为国王的权力。






  • 保罗·里维尔之家建在波士顿,最终成为整个城市最古老的建筑。[7]












  • 6月28日: 镀金蚱蜢风向标被修复,并由Thomas Drowne送回到法尼尔厅的顶部。[17]




  • 4月18日: 弗朗西斯·史密斯中校率领700名英国陆军士兵前往康科德,试图解除那里的美国民兵的武装。Robert Newman爬上老北教堂,点亮两盏灯笼,提醒爱国者提防即将到来的英国兵。[14]
  • 4月19日: 独立战争以列克星敦战役和康科德战役开始。[20]
  • 5月10日: 第二届大陆会议在费城召开。
  • 6月17日: 碉堡山战役发生在波士顿。




  • 美国宪法被批准,正式使13个州联合成为一个单一的共和国。[22]


  • 12月15日: 权利法案被批准,对宪法提出了十项修正案。[22]


  • 10月21日: 憲法號建成。[Non-game 6]
  • 亚当斯堡在约翰·亚当斯总统主持的仪式上被重新命名为独立堡。[24]





  • 詹姆斯·门罗总统门罗主义确立了西半球为美国唯一的势力范围,并剥夺了欧洲列强的干涉权。[28]





  • 荒凉山庄是由查尔斯·狄更斯撰写并出版的。[32]





  • 6月3日: 腓利比战役发生在美国内战的第一次陆地冲突中,并以联邦的胜利而告终。[36] A battlefield cemetery is subsequently established on the site.[37][38]


  • 9月17日: 1865年的今天,美国内战中最血腥的安蒂特姆河战役爆发。
  • 9月22日: 亚伯拉罕·林肯总统发布解放黑奴宣言[39]


  • 11月19日: 亚伯拉罕·林肯总统发表葛底斯堡演说[40]


  • 4月1日: 联邦军队向邦联首都弗吉尼亚州里士满挺进。南军在撤退前烧毁了这座城镇。
  • 4月9日: 邦联将军Robert E. Lee向联邦将军Ulysses S. Grant投降,象征性地结束了美国内战。
  • 4月14日: 亚伯拉罕·林肯总统被邦联忠诚者John Wilkes Booth暗杀。第二天他就死了。
  • 4月20日: 美国陆军部发布通缉令,通缉约翰·威尔克斯·布斯。[41]











  • Mary Anderson发明了雨刷[45]
  • 12月17日: 奥维尔Wilbur Wright北卡罗莱纳州Kitty Hawk驾驶Wright Flyer[51]
  • 棒球方面,波士顿赢得1903年世界职业棒球大赛冠军。[52]



  • 5月10日: 格拉夫顿成为母亲节的诞生地。[33]


  • 波士顿赢得1912年世界大赛冠军。[52]



  • 波士顿赢得1915年世界大赛冠军。[52]


  • 波士顿赢得1916年世界大赛冠军。[52]







  • Carl C. Magee发明停车计时器[45]



  • 9月1日: 第二次世界大战开始。










  • 12月15日: 银桥坍塌。31辆汽车坠入俄亥俄河,造成46人死亡。[58] The collapse leads Congress to adopts the National Bridge Inspection Standards next year.[58]





  • 山嶺軍事基地在工业行动司令部与环境保护局的合作下,重新执行多余弹药的非军事化任务。[66]




  • Wonderglue问世。[83]


  • 德尔塔IX火箭由美国航天局服役。它将成为最后一枚抵达月球的载人火箭。[84]
  • 5月14日: Cindy-Lou Kreb开始对H&H工具有限公司实施惩罚性规定,这意味着亚历山大·豪斯精神崩溃。[85] The rules become ever more restrictive and bizarre in subsequent years, with marked deterioration in July 2022 and November 2023.[86][87]
  • 6月25日: 羅伯特·豪斯出生。[88]






  • 德尔塔IX火箭被改装为军事用途,作为核导弹。[84]




  • 巧手先生机器人早期的一个bug已通过硬件更新修复,此后再无大问题。[94]
  • Mistress of Mystery首次亮相。[95]








  • 美国在外交政策上变得更加咄咄逼人,并以墨西哥政治不稳定和污染为借口,对墨西哥实施经济制裁,以保护其石油和商业利益。最终,美国军队入侵墨西哥,以确保其石油工业继续向北出口。[Non-game 12]
  • N99 10mm手枪成为标准的军用配枪,取代了N80[112]
  • 韋斯頓淨水站建在波士顿[113]
  • 香农·里弗斯开始为神秘女士配音。[108]


  • 一场能源危机冲击着美国,促使替代燃料的发展。瑞普康航天是在这一过程中投资的公司之一。[114]
  • 一部电视纪录片以德州联邦油田的外壳为特写,向普通美国家庭揭示了能源危机的严重程度。[Non-game 13]
  • 美国最后一次载人登月飞行。Valiant 12旗被回收并移回地球。[78]
  • 核子可乐采用了公司的“耀眼蓝”瓶色。[115]
  • 4月: 資源戰爭开始。为了应对不断上涨的油价,欧洲联邦中东宣战,小国纷纷破产。[Non-game 14]
  • 5月: 联合国崩溃。当该组织试图维护和平却未能成功时,一些国家就会退出该组织。[Non-game 15][116]
  • 7月: Pint-Sized SlasherLinden Street slayings发生了。[117][118]
  • 7月26日: 联合国正式解散。[118][119]





  • 发布了Integrated Human Resources Management System v2.3[126]
  • 可伟佳在市场上有售。[127]
  • Pittsburgh Union Steel Company在这个时候经历了一次工人罢工。这将是20年来的最后一次罢工,直到2077年。[128]



  • 安克雷奇前线建立,以加强美国在阿拉斯加的军事存在并保护其石油储备。加拿大迫于压力,同意建立永久军事基地,以保护跨阿拉斯加输油管道。[Non-game 27]
  • 第一台人工智能诞生了。它的扩张很快就因为内存限制而停止,但为未来的人工智能研究铺平了道路。[Non-game 28]


  • 燃料变得太宝贵了,不能浪费在汽车上,导致全球交通放缓。由于能源短缺,电动和裂变动力汽车进入市场的数量有限。核聚变研究的压力越来越大。[Non-game 29]
  • 欧洲联邦-中东战争结束了。中东石油的枯竭使得这场战争毫无意义,双方几乎都已完全破产。[Non-game 30]
  • 欧盟解体。它的成员国互相撕裂,争夺剩余的资源。欧洲内战开始了。[129] [Non-game 31]
  • 載貨機器人在阿帕拉契亚地区服役。[130][131]
  • 举行奥运会。[132]
  • Bradberton成立于马萨诸塞州。[133]




  • 8月: 大多数避难所都完成了,除了一些例外。避难所演习开始的频率越来越高,导致了“狼来了”效应,逐渐减少了人数。[139][Non-game 33]
  • Grognak & the Ruby Ruins废土小子发表。[140]



  • 羅伯特·豪斯得出结论认为核战争肯定会在15年内爆发,并开始为后果做准备。[141]
  • 2月: 76号避难所开始建设。[134]
  • 4月14日: M.A.R.Go.T.投入服务。[142]
  • 6月: 由于极度的能源需求,纽约市的一个核反应堆几乎遭遇了超临界事故和熔毁。由于这次事件被认为是Hot Summer,电力配给已经开始。[Non-game 34]
  • 8月: 动力装甲发展开始解决美国机械化骑兵部队的机动性问题。[Non-game 35] Research grows until 2067 and several prototypes are developed, many of which prove to be unworkable in the field. These prototypes pave the way for future advances in military, construction, and fusion technology.[Non-game 36]


  • 美国陆军进行了新一代核武器的试验。[143]
  • 5月: 87号避难所建设开始。[134]
  • 春天: 面对全球石油短缺,中國对化石燃料的依赖导致了一场能源危机,将其带到了崩溃的边缘。中国在与美国的贸易谈判中变得更加咄咄逼人,但由于美国不愿向其共产主义敌人出口石油,谈判破裂。[Non-game 37]
  • 6月24日: 美国终止所有贸易谈判,将所有石油生产保留给国内使用。[116]
  • 夏天: 第一个粗糙的核聚变电池被公开,作为动力装甲项目的一个副产物。核聚变电力很快在全国范围内被采用,但融入基础设施的速度很慢,在大战之前从未完全被采用。[Non-game 38][Non-game 39][144]
  • 12月: 中国入侵阿拉斯加夺取石油储备。[145][146][Non-game 40][Non-game 41] The United States declares war in response. The Sino-American War begins.
  • 12月: 加拿大在美国的压力下,允许美国军队进入。最初的不情愿引发了紧张局势,而随后的协议为2076吞并加拿大奠定了基础。[146][Non-game 42]
  • 安克雷奇战役中,美国埃本环礁号美国干扰意外击沉。干扰号误以为埃本环礁号号是敌舰,用一枚核鱼雷将其击中,船上人员全部遇难。这是二战以来美国海军遭遇的最严重的灾难之一。[147]


  • 第一辆动力装甲部署在阿拉斯加,由于其携带重型武器的能力,对中国坦克和军队有效。中国急于创建自己的版本,但还是落后了。[145][Non-game 43]
  • 核子可乐在美国几乎每条街道上都有自动售货机。[105]
  • 9月: 游猎冒险核子世界开启。在地下建造了一个克隆实验室,以降低动物园饲养动物的成本。[111]










  • RobcOS已被羅科工業出版。[186]
  • 瑞普康航天被羅科收购。[114]
  • Pipfall出版。[187]
  • 1月: 莫諾葛礦場的关闭引发了矿工们的静坐抗议。一场爆炸使矿井坍塌,他们被困在里面。矿长宣布他们死亡,很可能是为了避免昂贵的救援行动。[188]
  • 1月: 对加拿大的兼并已经完成。加拿大抗议者未经审判就被枪杀,军事占领确保了管道安全,美国军队犯下的暴行加剧了国内动乱。[146][Non-game 56]
  • 1月3日: 威斯科技研究中心在加利福尼亚的设施由Spindel上校和麦克森上尉领导的陆军团队保护,以防止间谍活动。[81][Non-game 57]
  • 1月12日: 在狗身上进行FEV实验可以增强力量,但不能提高智力。[Non-game 58][Non-game 59]
  • 1月24日: 詹姆斯·奥伯林在阿特拉斯堡天文台担任联络员。[189]
  • 1月26日: 在浣熊身上的FEV实验也得出了同样的结果。浣熊试图逃跑。有两对成功了

[177][Non-game 60]

  • 2月: M42 "胖子"发射器史特朗堡开始开发。[190]
  • 2月16日: 威斯科技在停止农业实验后,在亨特斯維爾开始人类FEV研究。[191]
  • 3月12日: ATLAS人工影响天气试验在阿帕拉契亚的首次结果。[192]
  • 4月15日: 犬FEV实验结束,所有实验对象被终结。[177][Non-game 61][Non-game 62]
  • 5月25日: 变异始于亨特斯维尔。[193]
  • 6月: T-51动力装甲已经完成并送往中国前线。他们的表现使敌军士气低落,导致投降,补给线中断,并开始瓦解中国的战争努力。[194][Non-game 63]
  • 7月: 漂浮屋及海藻出版。[139]
  • 7月4日: 76号避难所为庆祝美国建国300周年而落成并揭幕。[195]
  • 8月: 食品和能源方面的骚乱是由于不断恶化的国内局势而引起的。军队被用来平息动乱。国家宣布进入紧急状态,随后全国实行戒严。[Non-game 64]
  • 8月20日: ATLAS气象实验证明了可行性,从而获得了更多的资金。[196]
  • 8月25日: Evelyn Hornwright被埋。丹尼尔·霍恩莱特的精神状态恶化了。[197]
  • 9月8日: 第一个超级变种人出现在亨特斯維爾。[198]
  • 10月2日: John Miller,大個子約翰的回收場的业主,完成了在他的土地上建造的避难所的裂缝密封和管道夹紧。[199]
  • 10月4日: 在黑猩猩身上进行的FEV实验产生了迄今为止最好的结果。连同亨特斯维尔的结果,军方投资在北美的隔离城镇继续进行测试,并建设玛丽博萨军事基地,用于FEV的军事实验。[Non-game 65]
  • 10月20日: 核子可樂量子口味被创造出来。[200]
  • 11月4日: 亨特斯维尔第一起死亡事件[201]
  • 9月5日: 约翰·米勒在他的避难所安装了通风设备。[202]
  • 11月26日: 参议院核能委员会讨论推翻开采美国最大铀矿的禁令,该铀矿是在东海岸新发现的。Sam Blackwell让他的参议院同事,参议员|克拉克尴尬,透露他购买了Atomic Mining Services的大量股份。[203]
  • 11月28日: 约翰·米勒认为他已经解决了避难所的发电机/通风问题,避难所的所有物资都已储备就绪。[204]
  • 12月: 第十五版应对病毒先生!,由避难所科技出版。[Non-game 66]
  • 12月10日: Shelby O'RourkeRay GaryScott Conroy在一次真理探索者会议上会面,这是她神秘生物研究的一部分。[205]


Vault-Tec Calendar


  • 美国陆军委托通用原子国际制造打手先生[206]
  • 羅伯特·豪斯让自己处于停滞状态。[需要引证]
  • 中国渗透人员试图破坏胡佛大坝[207][208][209]
  • 5月–8月: 麥林托克營是阿帕拉契亚地区全面自动化进程的一部分。[210][211][212][213]
  • 1月7日: FEV研究转移到新建的玛丽博萨军事基地。[177][Non-game 67]
  • 1月10日: 安克雷奇战役成功且中国军队从阿拉斯加撤离。[Non-game 68][214][215]
  • 1月22日: 美国首次部署动力装甲来对付抗议者。中国和阿拉斯加的老兵现在与自己的同胞作战,造成平民伤亡,加剧了粮食骚乱,并导致后方的美国士兵逃兵。[Non-game 69][215][216]
  • 1月28日, 4:32 PM PDT: 安克雷奇警报解除后,戒备降至3级。[217]
  • 2月: FEV研究泄露给公众。世界范围内爆发了针对美国的抗议活动,并且声称新瘟疫首先是由美国策划的。[Non-game 70]
  • 2月16日: ARCHIMEDES IHELIOS One成功测试,但导致[218]附近通信阵列隐秘山谷地堡过载和损坏。[219] ARCHIMEDES II由于瞄准系统的持续工作,没有进行测试。[220]
  • 2月22日: 陆军控制了太阳神,将轨道激光火炮纳入其武器库。[221]
  • 3月:总统和英克雷撤退到安全地点,并为继续战争制定应急计划,预计来自中国的大规模杀伤性武器袭击。[Non-game 71]
  • 3月: 避难所居民生存指南出版。[139]
  • 4月2日: 约翰·凯勒·布拉德伯顿执行LEAP-X Program程序。[222]
  • 4月15日: Anthony House经过了55年,终于屈服于妄想症。[223]
  • 4月28日: 核子世界的发电厂向当地河流排放放射性冷却剂。第1类事件被掩盖,仅被记录为第7类事件,举报人被解雇。[224][225][226]
  • 5月2日: 格拉夫頓水壩现在已经完全自动化了。Quinton Geesey赞扬了这种自动化给格拉夫顿日益贫困、失业的市民带来的好处。[227]
  • 6月14日: Berkeley Springs]警察局挫败了Appalachian Assassin的爆炸企图。[228]
  • 6月19日: Anthony House把自己关在工厂里,启动所有安全系统。[229]
  • 6月25日: The Mistress of Mystery第八季第16集已经录制完毕,第八季就此结束。第二天举行了一场余兴派对,[230]CryptosRiverside Manor审判大厅的安装同时进行。[231]
  • 6月29日: 在资助了Order of Mysteries的巢穴后,Frederick RiversShannon Rivers透露了这个秘密,并把她介绍给了一群专家,帮助她准备即将上映的电视连续剧銀槍怪客[232]
  • 7月: Between July 10 and October 23: Sierra Army Depot VI is evacuated.[66]
  • 7月4日: 關納保威湖由于放射性污染,不对外开放。[233]
  • 7月13日: 麻州核融合廠隔離廠在工作场所发生了一起致命事故,一名员工被一辆倒车的叉车辗过。Mass Fusion忽略了这一事件,将反应限制在要求更多的OSHA海报上。[234]
  • 7月17日: Pittsburgh Union Steel Company将工人配额提高了两倍,以满足美国在中美戰爭中的需求。这遭到了谴责,并计划在之前的配额勉强完成后罢工。[128]
  • 8月: 安克雷奇战役的英雄将军康斯坦丁·蔡司开始干扰在华盛顿特区VSS设施模拟VR。
  • 8月17日: 在一项具有里程碑意义的人工影响天气实验在秋季引发了一场大暴风雪后,ATLAS Program获得了全额资助。[235]
  • 8月27日: 矿工们在葛拉罕大廈外面抗议工作条件,并与Bill Garrahan发生争执。[236]
  • 9月: 史特朗堡M42"胖子"发射器开发完成。[237]
  • 9月: 自由邦领导人Raleigh ClaySam Blackwell宣布脱离美国。运动撤退到阿帕拉契亚泥沼中的坚固地堡。[238]
  • 9月6日: 对于VSS的技术人员来说,蔡斯将军对模拟的痴迷是显而易见的,因为大量的根本性变化扭曲了实际的历史记录。[239]
  • 9月19日: Pittsburgh Union Steel Company的老板,麦克森先生,参观了工厂和工人们,以确保为战争所做的改变。他的出现几乎引起了一场骚乱,因为需要用保护者把他救出来。[240]
  • 9月27日:Bysshe Company卡尔文·凡洛凡洛動物標本地下的一个秘密实验室提供资金,用于制造伪装机器人,用于企业破坏。路易斯堡警方无视噪音报告。[241]
  • 9月28日: New Appalachia Bank在一次拙劣的银行抢劫中,新阿帕拉契中央調車場被爆炸摧毁。三名劫匪中有两名被杀,多名员工和旁观者也被杀。[242]
  • 9月29日: 95号避难所接收了多批军用级毒品,引起了当地行政人员的怀疑。[243]10月2日,他们被地区主管当场解雇。[244]
  • 10月: 克伍德礦脈发生爆炸,17名矿工死亡,32人被困。[245]
  • 10月: 核子可乐量子口味向公众发布。[246]
  • 10月: 白泉取消了斯普林希尔高尔夫锦标赛[246]
  • 10月:核子可乐公司赞助白泉作为其第一个商务舱合作伙伴。在即将到来的量子促销活动中,核子可乐(瓶盖)计划在白泉酒店作为货币接受,这是历史上第一次。[246]
  • 10月1日: A dialogue occurs between the Union, Mr. Mackeson, and Hal Caldwell as mediator. The exchange ends having reached an agreement, to avoid a repeat of the labor wars down south in Beckley and Welch, Mr. Mackeson would "pull some clever accounting" to make it seem that production had tripled. In exchange, the workers would do all they could to "squeeze just a little bit more out of everyone."[247]
  • 10月2日: A non-depleted Ultracite vein bursts into Welch. AMS moves to seize the town and evict all of its denizens.[248][249]
  • 10月3日: Automation riots begin due to AMS actions at Welch. Riots spread across Appalachia, responding to years of mistreatment. Facing a territory-wide rebellion, Governor Evans calls in the National Guard, assisted by corporate contractors. Riots escalate to armed confontations, miner strikes,[250] seizure of corporate property such as the Rockhound, and even direct action, such as attacking Bramwell to topple the Mega Mansions of the wealthy industrialists who own the mines. One is destroyed, but neither the Garrahan nor Hornwright mansions are.[251][252]
    • Hornwright Industrial shuts down and disowns liability for injuries sustained by workers crossing picket lines..[253]
    • Surrounded at Bramwell, Bryce Garrahan requests Governor Evans to assist before his deranged brother opens fire on the crowd.[254]
  • 10月4日:Hornwright contractors force the rioters to retreat from company properties, except for the Rockhound. Executives begin to plan how to force AMS to compensate the company for damages.[255]
  • 10月5日: The rioters responsible for the Mega Mansion bombing are arrested. Bryce Garrahanrequests permission to open negotiations with the less belligerent of the militant miners.[256] Fighting continued in southern Appalachia, but the military presence at Charleston dissuaded protests there.[252]
  • 10月7日: Shipments of liquid nitrogen to Vault 111 are discovered at Boston's Vault-Tec branch, fueling further suspicions about the true nature of the Vaults.[257]
  • October 10: The Army contingent at Mariposa discovers the truth about human experiments at Mariposa: They are using military prisoners, rather than volunteers. Captain Roger Maxson assumes command after Colonel Spindel suffers a nervous breakdown, and steps in to prevent a bloodbath and orders the scientists to be interrogated.[258][Non-game 72]
  • 10月12日: The National Guard attacks the militant miners at Mount Blair to secure the Rockhound for Hornwright.[259] Bill Garrahan joins the attack with his minigun, injuring six miners with his minigun and wipes out all progress towards a peaceful settlement between Garrahan Mining Company and its workers are set back a full week.[260][261]
  • October 13: Maxson executes Robert Anderson, the chief scientist at Mariposa, after interrogating him.[258]
  • October 15: Colonel Spindel commits suicide, putting Maxson in command of the troops at Mariposa.[258]
  • October 15: The Whitespring completes full automation and terminates all non-management workers.[246]
  • October 15: Emily Blackwell divorces Sam Blackwell.[125]
  • October 16: The ATLAS weather modification program is shuttered.[262]
  • ~October 16: Faneuil Hall's attempted automation goes awry: After a perceived "shoplifitng crisis" earlier in the month, the merchants were convinced to install a robotic security force. The Protectrons wound up killing seven innocents, before being shut down.[263][264][265]
  • October 17: Bysshe operative is murdered by the rogue imposter Sheepsquatch, which broke loose from the secret company lab.[266]
  • October 18: Despite the riots, the "Man vs. Machine" contest takes place. Due to corporate sabotage, Hornwright Auto-Miners beat Garrahan's mining power armor by a thin margin. Already suffering due to the miner riots, the company's stock is sent into freefall.[267]
  • October 18: Scientist interrogations at Mariposa come to an end as the last scientist is shot by Maxson.[258]
  • October 19: Vault-Tec Boston manager Frank Davidson murders his co-worker[268] and plans to do the same to the apparent whistleblowers.[269]
  • 10月20日: Maxson broadcasts his unit's desertion from the Army to force the government to answer. The call goes unanswered and he orders the troops and their families inside the base the following day.[258][Non-game 73]
  • October 21: Vault 94 begins activation.[270]
  • October 22: ATLAS data is deliberately falsified to force the project to close.[271]
  • October 22: United States forces reach the outskirts of Beijing.[272]
  • October 22: The platinum chip is printed at Sunnyvale and sent by courier to reach Robert House the next day. It never leaves Sunnyvale due to the Great War.[273]
  • October 22: Scott Turner initiates Operation Free Watoga, inadvertently causing a massacre as robots turn on the human citizens. The military tries to respond, but is unsuccessful.[274][275]
  • October 23:
  • October 23: L.O.B. Enterprises, a corporation covertly working for China, is raided by federal agents.[276]
  • October 23: The Great War
    • 12:03 AM: The commander of the United States Pacific fleet reports 3 Unidentified Submerged Objects off the coast of California to the Joint Chiefs of Staff.[217]
    • 3:37 AM: The United States Air Force detects a squadron of airplanes off the coast of the Bering Strait.[217]
    • 9:13 AM: The Integrated Operational Nuclear Detection System reports 4 nuclear launches. DEFCON is raised to 2.[217]The National Guard and the National Catastrophe Relief Auxiliary are given a 29-minute warning from the Defense Intelligence Agency about the incoming nuclear strikes. Both organizations put in motion their respective contingency plans, setting up civilian evacuations, relief centers for medical treatment and military checkpoints for radiation clean-up sites.[277]
  • 9:17 AM: NORAD confirms the launch of Chinese nuclear missiles. DEFCON is raised to 1.[217]
  • 9:26 AM: The United States President orders nuclear response scenario MX-CN91.[217]
  • 9:42 AM: First nuclear missiles strike Pennsylvania and New York.[217]
  • 9:47:51 AM:The entire United States is bombarded with nuclear warheads. Automated recording systems are forced offline.[217][280] Within two hours, human civilization is extinguished with nuclear weapons. As America and China launch, so do other nuclear powers.[Non-game 74]
    • Entire cities, their populations, and military units are wiped out. Salt Lake City is hit by thirteen nuclear warheads. Randall Clark's family is among the casualties.[281] Washington, D.C. suffers a massive attack and the resulting fires consume the city for days.[282] Military losses include relief units under the NCRA, wiped out after being caught in nuclear blasts.[283]
    • The West Tek Research Facility is hit by warheads, breaking open the F.E.V. tanks on levels four and five and releasing it into the atmosphere. The minute FEV exposure in California later complicates the plans of the Unity.[Non-game 75]
    • Aircraft are knocked out of the sky by electromagnetic pulses from the nukes. Skylanes Flight 1665 and Skylanes Flight 1981 and many more suffer this fate.[284][285]
    • The Vaults are sealed.[258]
    • The Sierra Madre Gala misfires, four days before its intended opening date.[288] The casino seals and the holographic security kills many of the guests. The few scattered survivors eventually commit suicide, including Vera Keyes.Frederick Sinclair dies in his attempt to disarm his traps. The only known survivor is Dean Domino.
    • The Mariposa Military Base survives; the soldiers within protected from the radiation flooding the wasteland.[258][Non-game 77]
    • Las Vegas survives together with much of the surrounding area, thanks to countermeasures deployed by Robert House, forcibly deactivating 59 of the 77 missiles, and shooting down nine more with Lucky 38's cannons.[289] The Lucky 38's operating systems crash under the strain, leading to five years of fighting power outages and crashes, before House manages to reboot the system with an older version and lapse into a coma.[290]
    • mothership Zeta observes the nuclear holocaust and abducts Sally and her sister, after their parents perish in the attack.[291][292]
    • 82 students from the Early Dawn Elementary survive the devastation in the Lamplight Caverns, thanks to a school trip that began in early morning.[293]
  • October 24: The Boylston Club adds its Memoriam Gala to its October events calendar.[294]
  • October 24: The Whitespring resort is sealed at the orders of the new general manager.[295] The Whitespring guests and staff acclimate.[296]
  • October 25: Platner, bound in power armor, is sent out from Mariposa to get specific readings on the atmosphere. He reports no significant radiation in the area surrounding the facility.[258][Non-game 78]
  • October 27: After burying the scientists in the wastes outside of Mariposa, Maxson's soldiers seal the military base, then head out into the desert towards the government bunker at Lost Hills.[258][297]
  • October 28: Randall Clark takes refuge in a former USGS research station inside a cave in Zion Canyon.[281]
  • October 29: Lieutenant Elizabeth Taggerdy is contacted by Roger Maxson.[298]
  • October 30: The Boylston Club commits mass suicide rather than live in a post-nuclear America.[294]
  • October 30: Lavonne makes a telephone call to her friend warning him of the nuclear devastation. He follows her coded advice and sends his teamsters home to their families.[299]
  • October 31: The surviving authorities begin sending out Vertibirds to towns across the United States with medical supplies in an attempt to treat the injured and dying. Crews have standing orders to protect survivors.[300]
  • October 31: A black rain (caused by the irradiated material and carbon from widespread fires being spewed into the upper atmosphere) begins to come down in areas across the United States and likely the globe, causing a spike in radiation levels in affected areas.[301]
  • 11月: Captain Maxson, his men, and their families arrive at the Lost Hills bunker, suffering many casualties along the way, including Maxson's wife (but not his teenage son). They become the foundation of the future Brotherhood of Steel.[Non-game 79] During the Exodus, a faction led by Sergeant Dennis Allen broke off to explore the southeast Glow to recover technology, against Maxson's orders.[302][303]
  • 11月: Allen's group arrives at West Tek 20 days after breaking off, and die in the horribly irradiated crater to radiation poisoning and still active security systems. Allen records his last thoughts on a holotape before dying.[302][303]
  • 11月: Carrie Delaney leaves Little Lamplight to get help. Only children remain, and 10 year old Jason Grant takes charge in her absence.[304]
  • November 1: Theodore Croup discovers his whole family became ghouls, the earliest known instance of post-War ghoulification.[305]
  • November 1:121st Infantry Platoon, under Captain Elliott Maxwell secures Monongah power plant.[306]
  • November 2: A Special Election for Senator of the Appalachia Territories was scheduled for this day.[307]
  • November 2: Psychoactive drugs are released in Vault 106.[Non-game 80]
  • 11月4日: Camp Venture is secured by Taggerdy's Thunder.[308]
  • November 14:Berkeley Springs clinic is abandoned by survivors after an attack by bandits three days prior.[309]
  • December 14: Whitespring survivors realize the resort has supplies for a decade.[310]
  • December 22: 121st Infantry Platoon is split by command. Two squads are left at Monongah, the rest are redeployed.[311]
  • December 25: Vault 111staffcelebrates Christmas.[312]


  • Vault 87 experiments begin. Dwellers are exposed to aerosolided FEV by Vault staff, inadvertently kickstarting the Capital Wasteland's super mutant population.[313]
  • 冬天: The first winter after the Great War is particularly severe, the coldest in a century,[314] and takes its toll on surviving populations. Charleston is hit particularly severely.[315]
  • Rex Meacham completesProject Cobalt.[316]
  • January 8–10: A two day windstorm takes place in Zion Canyon. Radiation drops 500 rads.[317]
  • 1月14日: Raiders kill a patrol from the 121st Infantry Platoon, alerting them to the outside threat.[318]
  • January 15: Glowing green snow falls in Zion Canyon.[317]
  • 1月26日: Little Lamplight is officially founded. By unanimous vote, Jason Grant is named as the city's first mayor.[319]
  • January 28–30: The background radiation in Zion Canyon is finally low enough for Randall Clark to explore outside the USGS research station.[317]
  • 2月2日: Theodore Croup seals the ghoulified remnants of his family in the basement and sets out to find other survivors, human and mutant.[320]
  • 2月2日: Raiders attack the 121st at Monongah power plant for the first time. Nine soldiers are killed, leaving only fifteen men defending the plant.[321]
  • 3月12日: The 121st's position at Monongah power plant is down to twelve men after repeated attacks by raiders. Morale breaks down.[322]
  • April 23: Vault 111's 180-day mandatory shelter period ends. The overseer refuses to unseal the Vault due to the lack of an all-clear signal. The remaining staff plot a mutiny.[323]
  • 5月25日: Captain Elliott Maxwell is killed at Monongah. With only nine men left, the rest of the 121st Infantry Platoon retreat from Monongah power plant under Master Sergeant Thomas Senecheck.[324]
  • July 21: The snow finally thaws in the Appalachians after the winter of the century, radiation levels are down, and the Whitespring Resort comes back to life.[314]
  • 8月: After surviving the War and the winter, Shannon Rivers adopts the Mistress of Mystery persona and makes her first excursion into the wasteland.[325]
  • August 3: The first deaths take place at Vault 51. Helen Marks and Reuben Gill discover the bodies.[326]
  • August 6: Helen Marks is found dead. Reuben Gill breaks down and rampages through the Vault, killing other residents out of grief.[327]
  • August 30: The Whitespring Resort is locked down to maintain its supplies.[328]
  • October 23: Vault 94 re-opens after the mandatory minimum shelter period ends. Vault ambassadors are dispatched as missionaries across Appalachia to aid and assist survivors.[329][330]
  • November 11: Shannon, Frederick, and Olivia Rivers discover four children in their garage, scavenging. The girls are accepted; the boy, Brody Torrance is sent away.[331]
  • November 20: Miranda Vox, Harpers Ferry's mayor, sends a group of survivors with an ambassador from Vault 94 to investigate their claims of being able to feed the town.[332][333] Mistaking hospitality for a trap, the survivors attack the dwellers and causethe G.E.C.K. unit to malfunction.[334][335][336] The resulting environmental damage mutates the region's swamp, affecting the thick foliage particularly hard to create The Mire.[332][337][338]
  • December 1: The Whitespring Resort's "Modern Heritage" initiative activates.[339]
  • December 12: The "Modern Heritage" is revealed to include the expulsion of human staff and guests on Januarty 1.As it cannot be overriden, all prepare for abandoning the resort.[340]
  • December 31: The Whitespring Resort hosts its last New Year's Gala. Survivors move out into the wasteland.[341]



  • Radiation causes the first widespread mutations among survivors, animals, and plants.New species are created almost overnight.[Non-game 81]





  • February 15: Judith Blackwell dies.[361]
  • April 10–~June 17: Randall Clark leaves Zion Canyon to visit Salt Lake City.[362]
  • 春天: Set takes control of Bakersfield, now Necropolis, from the original Overseer, who abandons the city and flees to the north..[Non-game 84]
  • 9月8日: Olivia Rivers grows increasingly resentful of her mother's new persona as the "Mistress of Mystery," and their new Order of Mysteries, paving the way for her future betrayal.[363]



  • Harpers Ferry is attacked, and devastated, by the Scorched and Scorchbeasts. Many are killed. The survivors amongst the Free States abandon the Harpers Ferry project and retreat to their bunkers, now focused on combating the Scorched threat.[366][367]
  • Major Ragnarsdottir leads a coup against President Thomas Eckhart, attempting to destroy but only damaging MODUS in the process. The wounded AI seals the bunker and releases biochemical weapons into the circulation system, destroying the Enclave in Appalachia.[368]
  • February ~8-14: The Order of Mysteries suffers its first casualty: Mistress Clarissa is killed in action.[369] The death demoralizes Olivia Rivers, driving her further towards the Raiders.[370] Other members start to question the Order's methods.[371]
  • March 26: Tex Rogers receives a training commendation, the first one issued at Camp Venture, and is fast-tracked for promotion to full Knight for the upcoming offensive in Huntersville.[372]
  • May 22: Eve Devoir becomes Mistress of Novices of the Order of Mysteries.[373]
  • May 30: "O.R." overrides the security lockdown at the Whitespring Resort.[374]
  • June 1: The Battle of Huntersville ends in a Brotherhood of Steel and Responders victory.[375] Roger Maxson formulates a new mission for the Brotherhood.[376]
  • June 8: Olivia Rivers attacks the north Cutthroat camp, after recognizing Brody Torrance, and makes a pact with him.[377]
  • June 9: David Thorpe accepts Brody Torrance's idea of infiltrating the Order of Mysteries.[378]
  • July 1: Brody Torrance is 200 caps behind in his quota, but made no progress in infiltrating the Order.[379]
  • July 19: David Thorpe agress to test Olivia's intelligence and has Rose set up a trap for Allison Long.[380]
  • July 24: The raider ambush is sprung prematurely, forcing Olivia Rivers to kill her fellow Mistress. Torrance returns with Long's head to Thorpe, while Olivia carries her body back to Riverside Manor.[381][382]
  • September 21: Olivia Rivers enters Sugar Grove to retrieve an automated data exfiltration holotape to copy Cryptos. She downloads the mainframe and delivers it to the raiders.[383][384]
  • October 7: After the seventh member killed by the raiders, the Order of Mysteries automates its training.[385]
  • October 10: Three more Mistresses are dead. With two others missing, the Order goes into lockdown. Only Eve, Olivia, and Shannon Rivers are allowed to leave Riverside Manor.[386]
  • November 13: Mistress Rachel West catches on to Olivia Rivers' betrayal, but is seen briefing Eve Devoir by Olivia. The resulting massacre destroys the order. Olivia leaves a message to her mother, asking her for one final meeting.[387]
  • November 16: David Thorpe orders Brody Torrance to leave no loose ends.[388]
  • November 18: Shannon Rivers disbands the Order of Mysteries and leaves for Seneca Rocks.[389] Shortly thereafter, Olivia and Shannon Rivers meet at Seneca Rocks. Olivia kills her mother. Brody Torrance kills Olivia on orders from Thorpe. The Order of Mysteries ceases to exist.[390]






  • 秋天: The Brotherhood of Steel Big Bend Tunnel checkpoint remains an active trade route.[400]



  • January 28: The Brotherhood of Steel launches Operation Touchdown to wipe out the scorchbeast threat.[404] After losing contact with Paladin Taggerdy's team, Senior Knight Ted Wilson orders all available personnel to join recovery operations.[405]
  • January 30:Taggerdy's team successfully detonate explosives inside the glassed cavern, causing widespread tunnel collapses. They are killed in the process.[406]
  • 2月2日: Operation Touchdown is declared a success after three days without scorchbeast sightings.[404][406]
  • March 4: The Brotherhood of Steel's continued requisitions strain relations with Responders, especiallywhen the Brotherhoodlearns of Amy Kerry's Scorched Plague environmental monitoring program data.[407]
  • 3月12日: The Brotherhood of Steel demands Amy Kerry's project at gunpoint. Maria Chavez reluctantly reveals some of the data, withholding the bulk of it and Kerry's location. Relations between the factions break down.[407]
  • 四月初: Scorchbeasts appear again in the skies.[408]
  • April 16: Amy Kerry automates her environmental analysis project and leaves Tygart to seek shelter from the Brotherhood.[409]
  • 6月3日: Scorchbeast numbers increase. Operation Touchdown is revealed to be a failure.[408]


  • The Free States are attacked by the Scorched and driven from Harpers Ferry to their bunkers. Raleigh Clay bans all recovery efforts. Research into countermeasures begins.[418]
  • Madigan encounters the Free States and discusses expanding the SDS.[416]
  • Harold becomes a caravan master in the Hub.[Non-game 91]
  • January 1: Sofie Yates enrolls at Flatwoods as a volunteer candidate of the Responders.[419]
  • 2月: The inhabitants of Vault 22 abandon their Vault due to an outbreak of Beauveria mordicana. The overrun Vault is abandoned.[420]
  • 2月11日: 118 Vault 22 dwellers arrive at the Zion Canyon, infected with Beauveria mordicana, their arrival brings spore carriers and spore plants. They clash with the Mexican refugees, killing some and capturing the rest.[420]
  • 2月14日: The Mexican captives are cannibalized by the Vault 22 dwellers.[420]
  • February 19 - January 13, 2097: Randall Clark wages a one-man guerrilla war against the Vault 22 survivors, killing a significant number of their party in traps and ambushes.By the time they flee Zion, the Vault dwellers have lost over eighty people to a combination of these attacks and disease.[421][422]
  • June 15: Flatwoods is almost completely abandoned.[423] Miguel Caldera transfers to Morgantown Airport to build shelters for survivors.[424]
  • July 6:Claire Hudson arrives at AVR Medical Center to work on a vaccine for the Scorched Plague.[425]
  • July 18: Scorched confirmed in Flatwoods.[426]
  • July 24: Last sign-in by Garry Wilkins, Sofie Yates and Delbert Winters at Flatwoods.[427][428]
  • July 25: Cullen McLeeder begins his automated training at Flatwoods.[429]
  • 8月1日: Mike Scholler from the Free States arrives at Flatwoods after a fight at his bunker forces him out to trade.[430]
  • 8月1日: Claire Hudson prepares infrastructure for research into the Scorched vaccine.[431]
  • August 2: Mike Scholler trades armor for food and water and leaves for Fort Defiance.[432]
  • 8月12日: Scorched attack Charleston, nearly destroying the inoculation project.[433]
  • August 14: Adam Veen arrives at the Responders Flatwoods outpost seeking medical assistance.[434]
  • 8月20日: The vendor bot in Flatwoods runs out of supplies. Dr. Adam Veen starts scavenging to restock..[435]
  • 8月25日: Brad Hooper checks in at the Responders Flatwoods outpost seeking medical attention.[436]
  • September 1: Cullen McLeeder reaches the rank of Responder Volunteer and locates the current Responder HQ at Morgantown Airport. He and some of those at the outpost leave Flatwoods to make contact.[437]
  • September 2: Claire Hudson makes a breakthrough with the Scorched plague inoculation project.Maria Chavez believes this would allow Fire Breathers to take the fight to the Scorched.[438]
  • 10月20日: Hudson's research stalls without the blood samples and replacement fuse needed. She prepares instructions for anyone to follow it up.[439]
  • 10月20日: The Fire Breathers launch their final mission to seal Big Bend Tunnel. The operation fails. Hank Madigan is missing.[440][441]
  • October 25: Kesha McDermott's last sign-in. She dies while performing hydrology tests.[442]
  • November 5:Dassa Ben-Ami signs into the Responders’ Flatwoods. She later dies at clinic.[442]
  • November 7: Scorchbeasts and Scorched attackMorgantown Airport. The Responders are wiped out.[425][443]
  • November 20: Cullen McLeeder signs in for the last time at the Responders’ Flatwoods outpost.[444]


  • William Keller and his fellow ghouls flee Appalachia to join a larger ghoul community in Washington, D.C.[445]
  • January 13: J. Hendricks is appointed overseer of the Vault 22 survivors in Zion Canyon. He immediately orders the 34 remaining members of the group to begin evacuating the canyon, leaving behind a warning to any future visitors.[421][446]
  • 1月17日: Randall Clark finds a woman from Vault 22, named Sylvie, caught in a bear trap. She claims to have suffered terrible abuse at the hands of the men of the Vault, which prompted her to flee. Feeling sympathy, he tends to her wounds and takes her in. The two would eventually enter a romantic relationship.[446]
  • 春天: The remaining Appalachian raider gangs are destroyed. The survivors scatter and flee in every direction. The Scorched push through the Big Bend Tunnel into the Forest, Carol Sweeney's community is wiped out.[447]
  • 春天: Vault 15 opens.[Non-game 92] Jonathan Faust leads a group of two hundred dwellers from Vault 15 into the wasteland. The group eventually forms into the Vipers.
  • 冬天: Raiders form as food becomes scarce. The Khans and the Vipers become a permanent scourge on the wasteland.[Non-game 93]



  • Vault 76 launches a campaign of trivial competitions to grant awards to dwellers and keep them busy.[449]
  • September 9: Randall Clark prepares for Sylvie's pregnancy to conclude.[450][451]



  • May 22: Harold forms an expedition to investigate the source of intensifying mutant attacks. Richard Grey is part of the expedition, as a scientist and physician.[Non-game 94]
  • June 23: Harold's expedition locates Mariposa Military Base. The party is nearly wiped out, but Harold and Grey manage to reach the Vats. The robotic crane knocks Harold out and Grey into the FEV. The former later awakes in the wasteland, the latter mutates into the Master.[Non-game 95]
  • June 27: Haroldturns into an FEV mutant. He is found in this state by a merchant caravan and returned to the Hub. His degenerating physical state causes him to lose friends and land in poverty.[Non-game 96]
  • 7月: Richard Grey regains consciousness andreaches the control room, horribly mutating.[Non-game 97][453]
  • July through November: The mutation stabilizes and Grey notices his greatly increased intelligence. He begins to experiment with captured animals, eventually formulating a philosophy of unification. The Unity begins to form.[Non-game 98][454]
  • October 23: Fallout 76 begins - Vault 76 opens its doors to the wasteland for Reclamation Day.
  • A Vault Dweller completes the the inoculation project to protect against the Scorched Plague.[455]
  • Rose boosts her radio signal at the Top of the World with the help of a former Vault Dweller.[456]
  • The plans for the Excavator power armor are rediscovered.[457]
  • The Scorched Detection System is finished using the recordings of the dead creators.[458]
  • A Vault Dweller becomes mayor of Watoga and uses a virus to upload a software update to the robots in Watoga, turning them passive.[459]
  • A new General of the Enclave in the Whitespring bunker is promoted.[460]
  • The Appalachian missile silos are infiltrated and nuclear weapons are fired within the region.[461][462]
  • 11月: A human scavenger strays into the Mariposa military base. Grey reflexively consumes him, assimilating his inferior mind.[Non-game 99][463]
  • 12月: Grey continues to modify himself by injecting FEV into various areas of his mutated body and forms a neurolink with the base's computer. He starts experiments on scavengers who wander into the base, but the results are unsatisfactory and he consumes them for food.[Non-game 100][464]


  • 2103-2130: The Master begins to gather test subjects from local human communities. The process is slow, hampered by their scarcity, which ends this stage of his work.[465]
  • 1月: Grey finally isolates radiation exposure as the factor that was affecting transformation success rates. The first successful super mutant is assimilated by Grey as a fellow mind, creating the Master hive mind. The plans for the Unity begin.[466][Non-game 101]
  • 8月: The Secret Service perform reactor maintenance on Vault 79's dual reactor system, but a malfunction occurs, turning most Secret Service agents into ghouls.
  • 9月: Vernon Dodge escapes the slave fighting arena at Watoga Civic Center, taking residence in Watoga Towers.
  • October 23: Wastelanders and Steel Dawn begin: The Scorched Plague begins to subside, and Raiders and Settlers begin to return to Appalachia alongside various other groups, such as former members of the United States Armed Forces, Brotherhood of Steel expeditionaries, Blue Ridge Caravan Company merchants and other wastelanders to name a few. Two groups, the Raiders and Settlers have created the settlements of the Crater and Foundation respectively.
  • The Blue Ridge Caravan Company sets up shop at both ends of Big Bend Tunnel.
  • An USSA spaceship crashes in the Mire. Its sole survivor, Commander Sofia Daguerre, puts out a distress call across Appalachia.[467]
  • A final resident leaves Vault 76, finally sealing the Vault.[468]
  • A Vault Dweller helps the Wayward open for business, dealing with the Free Radicals and finding Crane's treasure in the process.[469]
  • A Vault Dweller meets with the Vault 76 overseer and Davenport in the Overseer's home in Sutton to discuss the returning humans.[470]
  • A Vault Dweller completes the process to inoculate the newly arrived Settlers and Raiders from the Scorched Plague.[470]
  • The Vault Dwellers, with the help of either the Settlers or Raiders,[471] break into Vault 79.[472]
  • The Brotherhood First Expeditionary Force's radio broadcast becomes audible in Appalachia. Responding to it, Russell Dorsey begins to fortify the ATLAS Observatory in preparation for their arrival, with help from the Vault Dwellers and a number of reprogrammed construction protectrons.[473] Thanks to their assistance, the new Fort Atlas is finished later that year.[474]


  • October 23: Steel Reign begins: A year after the attack on Fort Atlas, super mutants are an ever present problem that assaults all human settlements in Appalachia. Russell Dorsey relays a report to the Vault Dwellers from Foundation that they believe the super mutants are coming from Uncanny Caverns. Knight Shin leads a force to Uncanny caverns to investigate this claim.[475]



  • The Institute is founded by the group of former Commonwealth Institute of Technology students who took refuge in the college's underground level at the time of the Great War.[478][479]




  • April 25: 24 children, half boys, half girls, arrive in Zion Canyon from an unknown place. Randall Clark takes interest, and starts watching them from a distance.[483]
  • April 25 – January 23, 2124: Randall Clark begins leaving gifts, like books and medicine, and notes for the children to make the most of their new home. He signs every note as "The Father." The children later form the tribe the Sorrows.[484]


  • January 23: Randall Clark makes his final notes as he climbs up Red Gate to make sure the children will not find his body, and reveal the mythological "Father" figure to merely being an old man. He dies peacefully shortly afterward.[484]


  • The Vipers attempt to raze the Hub in its formative years. Despite the numerical advantage, they are defeated by a coordinated defense led by Angus. Beaten, they retreat to the north.[Non-game 103]
  • 冬天: Angus is murdered. The Hub is thrown into chaos.[Non-game 104]


  • A band of merchants seizes the water tower in the Hub. They demand anyone wanting water must pay a toll. The Great Merchant Wars begin.[Non-game 105]
  • 2126-2128: The Great Merchant Wars are fought, the Water Merchants seal up the town, but are outnumbered.[Non-game 106]


  • Vault 101's original overseer dies after grooming a subordinate to continue his work.[485]


  • A man named Roy Greene makes peace in the Hub and negotiates a settlement. The Hub's central council is formed, composed of two representatives from each of the Hub caravan companies. A long period of indecisiveness and meetings maintain the status quo in the Hub.[Non-game 107]


  • A group of machinists comes to the Boneyard, settling into an old, abandoned factory and beginning to manufacture weapons and ammunition.[486]
  • 2131-2135: The Master switches to using caravans as a source of humans for super mutant conversions. The intensifying trade yields many more humans, but the raids go unnoticed, blamed on monsters in the desert. The super mutant army grows rapidly over the next four years.[Non-game 108]


  • Elder Roger Maxson dies of cancer, and his son, already an accomplished soldier, takes up the role of "general" (elder) within the Brotherhood of Steel. John Maxson becomes a member of the paladins, showing tremendous promise as a soldier.[Non-game 109]


  • The Master's super mutant production begins en masse. Although the success rate is between 15 and 20%, with only a half surviving long enough to become a part of his army, the program is deemed a success and the Unity becomes a reality.[Non-game 110]




  • Around the early 2150s the Vipers recover from their defeat by Angus at the Hub, replenish their ranks from captured slaves and caravan drivers, and begin to establish a power base in the badlands to the north of the Hub (and south of the Lost Hills Bunker). Driven by a religious frenzy (and the need to provide for their much larger numbers of soldiers and disciples), they begin raiding more frequently than before, attracting the attention of the Brotherhood of Steel.[Non-game 112]


  • The Brotherhood of Steel Elder Council sends out knights to seek traces of Sergeant Dennis Allen's separatist group. All they find is ruins.[302]
  • The Crimson Caravan Company is founded by Demetre Romara.[488]
  • The Boneyard machinists run out of scrap in the surrounding area, form trade relations with Adytum.[486]


  • The Master's forces slowly expand their influence through the wastes. In the course of their duties, the super mutants apprehend a group of doomsday cultists under Morpheus, a former member of the Rippers. Instead of conversion, they pledge allegiance to the Master and form the core of the Children of the Cathedral, the public face of the Unity.[Non-game 113]


  • The machinists in the Boneyard name themselves Gun Runners.[489]
  • The Brotherhood deploys several squads of scouts to track the Vipers down. Treated more as a training exercise, the detachment is headed by High Elder Maxson despite his advanced age. The Elder misjudges the Vipers, who do not break and run but continue fighting. Maxson is nicked by a single poisoned arrow with his helmet off and dies within hours.[Non-game 114][Non-game 115]
  • The Brotherhood begins a full-scale campaign of extermination against the Vipers. Within a month, the raiders are broken as a fighting force, with many fleeing to the north and east.[Non-game 116] Stragglers remain within New California for several more years, but are no longer a threat to communities south of Junktown.[490]
  • The Unity apprehends a caravan of Vault dwellers from the Boneyard Vault. Under Master's orders, the Vault and its inhabitants are seized. He transfers his command there and begins sending his troops to their suspected locations.[Non-game 117][Non-game 118]
  • Vault 17 is raided, providing prime subjects for super mutants. Lily Bowen is among those captured.[491]



  • Vault 12 is located by the Master under Bakersfield. The super mutant detachment sent to the city engages the ghouls living among the ruins. Outmatched and outgunned, the ghouls eventually surrender to the Unity. Set negotiates a ceasefire, revealing that the ghouls are what remains of Vault 12. Their plans frustrated, super mutants establish a small outpost at the watershed, to ensure Set's cooperation.[Non-game 120]


  • Regulators take control of Adytum. The trade relations with the Gun Runners sour, as the trade begins to favor the settlement heavily.[492]





  • 4月19日: The Master's Army would have invaded Vault 13, ultimately ending Fallout. (Original unpatched game)[507]





  • Fallout ultimately ends, as the Master's Army would have discovered Vault 13. (Patched versions of the game)[507]




  • 夏天: Marcus and Paladin Jacob confront each other at high noon. After trading blows and gunfire for a few days, the two finally give up trying to kill one another. They become fast friends and start traveling together, discussing the Brotherhood and the fallen Unity.[Non-game 133] Eventually, humans, ghouls, and super mutants begin to join them.[513]
  • 秋天: Broken Hills is founded around an old uranium mine by Marcus and Jacob.[Non-game 134]





  • After the death of Aradesh, Tandi is unanimously elected president of N.C.R. by the NCR council. As expected, she proceeds to do a kick-ass job.[Non-game 138]



  • CVRIE, now finished with her decades-long broad-spectrum cure, places an emergency call to Vault-Tec to make them aware of the success.[517] All the while, the secret section of Vault 81 deteriorates due to lack of maintenance, and the mole rat escape started by Clyde the mole rat.[518]



  • 1月16日: After writing his memoirs, Vault Dweller vanishes from Arroyo and is presumed dead. The Vault Dweller leaves the Vault suit behind, folded on the bed. Some say the Vault Dweller was taken by the sky spirits, others say that the Vault Dweller felt it was time to move on and leave the Elders to guide Arroyo to its destiny.[Non-game 140]
  • 2月2日: The One-Moon (Month) Cycle of mourning for the Vault Dweller ends, and activity in Arroyo begins to return to normal.[Non-game 141]
  • 2月2日: Final training of the Vault dweller's daughter for the role of village elder begins. She undergoes a great deal of physical training and tutoring in various sciences, mathematics, and, of course, weapon skills.[Non-game 142]


  • 1月31日: The Vault Dweller's daughter takes her mystic test, a key ingredient of which is several pots worth of hallucinogenic plants from Hakunin's garden. She runs the gauntlet in the Temple of Trials, using her charm to pass most of the tests after her handgun jams (and is ruined) on the first level. She offers numerous criticisms of the test, resulting in many revisions.
  • 2月2日: The Vault Dweller's daughter ascended to the role of village elder. She ruled with a steady hand, and her wisdom is greatly respected.[Non-game 144]


  • Under Presidential Order, Enclave scientists begin to work on an upgraded version of power armor. Many prototypes are developed and tested.[Non-game 145]
  • 8月1日: Congressman Dick Richardson rises to power within the Enclave, aided by pressure from his father, President Richardson.[Non-game 146]


  • 3月5日: Congressman Richard "Dick" Richardson is elected president for the first term of five, through aid and political pressure by his father (the previous President Richardson).[Non-game 147]
  • 10月: Enclave scientists develop a reliable version of the Mark II power armor. The prototype results (and accidents... and explosions... and deaths) are classified by order of the new President Richardson for the sake of morale.[Non-game 148]


  • 3月: The Institute developed two promising strains of FEV, but it exhausted the possibilities of further research due to a lack of intact, non-irradiated undamaged DNA at their disposal.[520]


  • The residents of Vault 111 are briefly freed from cryonic suspension by agents of the Institute in a field operation led by Conrad Kellogg. The agents kidnap the infant Shaun and the Sole Survivor's spouse is murdered by Kellogg. The Sole Survivor then reenters suspension, while the rest of the residents' life support is turned off.[521]






  • The Enclave experiment on deathclaws, attempting to create special fighting units for waging war in hostile environments.[Non-game 150]
  • While there had already been a small number of ghouls in the area soon to become the town of Gecko, the population swells and the town is founded. The new influx of ghouls bring scavenged technology and knowledge, as a result, the power plant in Gecko becomes operational later in the year. Vault City looked upon their new neighbors with growing concern.[Non-game 151]


  • 7月20日: Enclave scouts discover the remains of the Mariposa Military Base and find it partially destroyed.[Non-game 152]
  • July–August: Enclave scientists and chemical corps scour the remains of Mariposa, while assault squads comb the desert for slaves they can use to excavate the military base and get to the Forced Evolutionary Virus (FEV) vats. One of the squads includes soldier Frank Horrigan, age 25 at the time, recently removed from duty on the President's Secret Service detail to take some R&R time in the wastes after some undocumented psychotic blunder or another.[Non-game 153]
  • 8月: Melchior is captured by an Enclave patrol and becomes part of the slave excavation force at Mariposa.[Non-game 154]
  • 9月: Enclave construction crews and super mutant slaves begin excavations. They uncover the FEV, and mutations begin to occur in the human workers. Frank Horrigan comes into contact with the FEV and is sent to the Enclave labs for study.[Non-game 155]
  • 10月: Melchior begins to mutate, but keeps his intelligence and cunning in the wake of the transformation, making him smarter than your average super mutant. Realizing that the Enclave will kill the super mutants after they get the FEV data, he begins to use his magician talents to hide away weapons for the mutants to defend themselves when the Enclave decides to dispense with them.[Non-game 156]
  • 2236-2238: Horrigan gradually mutates from exposure to FEV, gaining the physique and slow, stupid, single-mindedness of a super mutant. He is kept heavily sedated, operated on, and studied. He is conscious for only brief periods at a time, then quickly sedated after the bloodshed is over.[Non-game 157]


  • The remnants of the Naval Research Institute lead by Horace Pinkerton clear the mirelurks off the wreck of a beached aircraft carrier that later becomes Rivet City.[527]
  • 1月: The Enclave, having obtained the F.E.V. data, abandons the military base site after more mutations occur, causing a second generation of super mutants to arise - the Enclave leaves a single squad behind to wipe out the super mutants, but the mutants, using armaments they have cached in the base during excavation, reduce the squad to ashes after suffering heavy casualties. The remaining first and second-generation super mutant slaves decide to remain in the base, and the group forms a new community.[Non-game 158]



  • Thomas Moore comes to Vault City and becomes a Citizen.[529]
  • January 23: Tests begin to run dry on Frank Horrigan. It is suggested that he be used as a field operative and be used in tests in the wasteland against local populations.[Non-game 160]
  • March 27: Frank Horrigan is manufactured for his new role. A new version of power armor is built to accommodate his mass, and he is sealed inside. After a few horrifically successful field tests, Horrigan becomes the Enclave's solution to numerous sticky problems.[Non-game 161]
  • April 25: Rivet City is named at the inaugural meeting of the city council, consisting of members Horace Pinkerton, Annette Holmes and Brad Danvers.[530]



  • Around this time, Daisy Whitman's Vertibird crashes near the trapper town of Klamath due to a rotor malfunction.[534] Later on, Lily Bowen uses parts from the broken craft to create her signature weapon, the Vertibird blade.[535]
  • By this time, Junktown has become a member of the New California Republic as part of the state Shady.[Non-game 162]
  • Herbert Dashwood meets Argyle and steals his girlfriend. They are best friends ever since.[536]
  • In the Capital Wasteland, the settlement of Megaton is attacked by raiders. During the attack, Colin Moriarty's father is killed, and Colin inherits his wealth, including Moriarty's Saloon.[537]
  • The worst dry season in many years causes a drought in the Northern California area, hurting crops and brahmin in both Arroyo and Modoc.[Non-game 163]
  • 1月: The first samples of Jet begin to arrive in Redding, courtesy of the Mordino family.[Non-game 164]
  • 2月: Vault City rejects offers of alliances with both the Bishop family of New Reno and NCR.[Non-game 165]
  • 2月: A survey party from Vault 101 led by Anne Palmer scouts the area of Springvale and Megaton.[538]
  • 3月: Raider attacks on caravans to Vault City begin.[Non-game 166]
  • May 15: Fallout 2 intro - The Enclave sends a coded sequence to Vault 13, activating its central computer and declaring that it is time to leave the Vault. Martin Frobisher gathers the Vault 13 dwellers together for the "Leaving The Vault" video, a tutorial movie of Vault-Tec about the rules to follow when Vault dwellers left their Vault.[Non-game 167]
  • May 16: Less than a day later, Vault 13 is opened, only to be greeted by two Enclave verti-assault squads. The squads kill three of the Vault dwellers who were "resisting capture" and storm Vault 13, kidnapping all the inhabitants.[Non-game 168]
  • May 17: Enclave animal handlers drop an intelligent deathclaw unit into Vault 13 from a safe distance to kill anyone investigating the Vault and cloak the Enclave's presence. Other intelligent deathclaws are sent into the desert surrounding Vault 13 to check for any escapees or witnesses.[Non-game 169]
  • July 25, 08:24: Fallout 2 begins - The Chosen One begins his mystic test, descending into the Temple of Trials like his mother before him.[Non-game 170]
  • July 27: The Chosen One leaves the failing community of Arroyo in search of the Garden of Eden Creation Kit.[Non-game 171]
  • August 30: The Chosen One happens upon a confrontation between an Enclave squad led by Frank Horrigan and civilians. The civilians resist his demands and are executed. Luckily for the Chosen One, Horrigan merely scoffs at him as he tells him to go about his business, before leaving the scene with his goons.[539]
  • October 23: A vision of Hakunin appears to the Chosen One in his dream for the first time.[539]


  • Two synths, Armitage and A3-21, are built in the Commonwealth by the Institute.[540]
  • January 21: Hakunin appears to the Chosen One in his dream for the second time.
  • April 21: Hakunin appears to the Chosen One in his dream for the third time, without regard to the progress of the Chosen One.
  • 7月20日: Arroyo is attacked by Enclave soldiers, and the villagers are enslaved and brought to Control Station Enclave. The Chosen One has a fourth and final vision of Hakunin.[541]
  • 秋天: Fallout 2 ends - The Chosen One enters the Enclave's oil rig using the damaged tanker and destroys the Poseidon oil platform, killing the President of the United States and ending the Enclave's plans for world domination.[Non-game 172]
  • After the Enclave's destruction, the refugees of Arroyo and Vault 13 resettle, founding a new community with the aid of the Garden of Eden Creation Kit. The new settlement grows and prospers under the leadership of the Chosen One.
  • In the years following the destruction of the Enclave, Vault City continues to stagnate, choking on its own isolationism. Its Vault 8 generator, which was never intended to support such a large population, prevents Vault City's necessary expansion. Eventually, the city is absorbed by NCR, which has spread steadily northwards since its founding.[542]
  • Not long after the destruction of the Enclave, the Bishop family of New Reno is blessed with a child. This child seems to have little in common with the Bishops, preferring instead to spend his days exploring the wastes.[543] When he turns thirteen, he seizes control of the Bishop family and leads them to victory over the remaining New Reno families. He dies quietly in his sleep at the age of seventy-three, never having known his real father.[544]
  • Myron dies less than a year after the defeat of the Enclave, stabbed by a Jet addict while drinking in the Den. His discovery of Jet is quickly forgotten, and now there is no one who remembers his name.[545]
  • Several years after buying the excavator chip from the Chosen One, Marge LeBarge is able to purchase and control both the Morningstar and the newly opened Kokoweef mines. Marge is an easy choice for Mayor, and using her new political power, she makes Redding join the growing New California Republic in return for a seat in the NCR's Hall of Congress.[546]
  • With the destruction of the conspiracy to destroy the mutants, Broken Hills begins to thrive until the uranium runs dry and the town disperses.[547]
  • Inspired by the example set by the Chosen One, Marcus eventually travels across the great mountains to the east, searching for other refugees from the Master's army.[548]
  • The Vault 15 squatters soon become self-sufficient and productive members of the NCR thanks to the Chosen One's aid and mediation with the Republic.[545] Tandi's policies are validated and the NCR pushes ahead into the northern wastes.[545]
  • The Shi eventually enter a trading relationship with the tanker vagrants after the destruction of the Hubologists, and the two groups go on to make San Francisco a major fishing and trading center.[Non-game 173] The vagrants eventually drift on.[549]



  • Graham, Calhoun, and Sallow are captured by the Blackfoot tribe for ransom. Sallow uses his knowledge to train the tribals for warfare, eventually becoming their leader.[487]
  • Sallow assumes the name of Caesar and makes Joshua Graham his right-hand man. He embarks on a quest to create a totalitarian empire using the trappings of ancient Rome, imposing a foreign, constructed culture on the conquered tribes, uniting them by force. Calhoun is sent back west to the Followers.[487]






  • Bloomseer Poplar arrives at the Oasis.[561]
  • 15-year-old Scott Wollinski is sold to a caravan merchant by his father, who hopes for a better life for his son. Wollinski travels with the caravans for few years, working as an indentured servant, until buying his freedom and settling down in Canterbury Commons.[562]









  • A generator in the Citadel overloads, creating errors in the artificial intelligence routines of the medical robot called Sawbones, giving him intelligence beyond his programming and a disliking for his human masters.[577]




  • 11月: The Railroad's headquarters is raided by The Institute. Only one survives the raid and The Railroad is left in shambles. Most of those that survived by not being at HQ during leave out of fear. All in all, the Railroad is left with just 13 members to rebuild.[581]
  • Victor rolls in Goodsprings and takes up residence.[582]









  • Mr. House recruits the Mojave Boot-Riders, Slither Kin, and a tribe of cannibals, turning them into the Three Families. Renovations of New Vegas begin.[487][600]
  • Benny becomes the leader of the Mojave Boot-Riders after killing the previous chief, Bingo, in a knife fight over disagreements on joining Mr. House. As the new chief, Benny joins Mr. House and accepts the new name given to his tribe by Mr. House, the Chairmen.[601][602]
  • President Aaron Kimball orders the occupation of the Hoover Dam as his first act of office.[603]
  • Attempting to occupy Hoover Dam, the NCR instead meet Mr. Robert House and the Three Families. The sides enter negotiations, resulting in the signing of the Treaty of New Vegas. NCR is allowed to control the Dam and to set up headquarters at Camp McCarran, while recognizing Mr. House and the three families as the rightful owners of the Strip. 5% of the energy from the Dam is transferred to the Strip while the rest goes to California.[604][605]
  • Hoover Dam restarts and the Strip blazes with light. The first trickle of privileged, curious NCR citizens visits the Strip. The Strip opens for business.[487]
  • Dennis Crocker was elected to the ambassadorship.[578]
  • The NCR Embassy is set up in the New Vegas Strip.[606]
  • Robert MacCready becomes the mayor of Little Lamplight.[607]
  • Hannibal Hamlin found the Lincoln Memorial statue's head and established the anti-slavery organization known as the Abolitionists.[608]
  • August 3: The Lone Wanderer takes the G.O.A.T..[609]







  • The Brotherhood of Steel send their first recon team to the Commonwealth. The mission is a success, with the team returning with information on the region and other important assets.[648]
  • The Arms merchant is ordered by her commanding officer Ronald Curtis to flog new recruits for desertion and refuses. Because of this, she is administratively discharged from Bravo Company and the New California Republic Army.[649]
  • Craig and Carla Boone move to Novac under the suggestion of Craig's friend Manny Vargas. Vargas then enlists Craig to be a town guard with him.[650]
  • Robert House spends 812,545 caps looking for the platinum chip alone.[651] The cumulative expenditure over the decades equals millions.
  • Dermot and Saint James begin enslaving and selling women and children as sex slaves to the Fiends.[652]





  • Recon Squad Artemis到达联邦,随后被一个未知的政党袭击,杀死了大部分的小队。小队挣扎,被迫破坏他们的动力装甲,并被分开,一个接一个地杀死。圣骑士布兰迪斯是2287年小队的最后一个幸存者。[690][691]
  • 工匠汤姆破解了爱国者号的编码信息,揭露了它是"大规模核聚变"。[692]


  • 8月初: Jacqueline Spencer在一个大學角大楼里找到了一个硬盘,里面有关于反应堆效率的技术研究,她告诉了一个路过的商人,试图换得瓶盖。[693]
  • 8月12日: 學院大學角发送了一个信使,要求取回杰奎琳找到的硬盘。尽管该镇居民的呼声很高,但镇长拒绝接受向学院提供硬盘的请求。[694]
  • 8月下旬: 学院突袭了大學角,几乎把它从地图上抹去了。[695]大学角再次提醒人们该学院的力量和无情。



  • 夏天: 科尔特建立了The Gauntlet作为安抚和娱乐核子世界的其他帮派的手段,但实际上只是为了他自己的快乐。[698]
  • 秋天: 核子世界掠夺者逐渐厌倦了护手。波特·加吉安排了一次与科尔特不在场的三个掠夺者团伙的会面。在这次会议上,加吉传达了他在“护手”中杀死科尔特的计划,帮派成员同意了。Nisha plants the necessary item to execute this, and all that is left is for the final piece of this plan to arrive at Nuka-station.[704][705]
  • Recon Squad Gladius, the third Brotherhood scout team, arrive in the Commonwealth. They set up base within the Cambridge Police Station but after days of fighting, four out of seven members of the team are killed.[648]
  • The Institute launches an attack on the Railroad's safehouses, including their headquarters at the Switchboard.[706]
  • Theodore Croup is killed by the feral remains of his family after two hundred years of attempting to help them regain their humanity.[707]
  • The Quincy Massacre occurs. The attacking Gunners kill most of the town's occupants and Minutemen defenders, taking over the town. The surviving Minutemen, led by Preston Garvey, escort the remaining settlers northwest. Over the next month, wasteland dangers reduce the group's numbers until only Garvey and four others remain.[708]
  • 10月23日: 9:00 AM Fallout 4 begins – Exactly two hundred and ten years after the Great War, the Sole Survivor awakes from Cryogenic Slumber and leaves Vault 111 in search of their son, Shaun.[709]
  • The Sole Survivor rescues Nick Valentine from Vault 114, after being held captive by Skinny Malone and a large number of Triggermen.[710]
  • Conrad Kellogg is killed by the Sole Survivor in Fort Hagen.[711]
  • The Brotherhood of Steel enter the Commonwealth in their airship The Prydwen following energy readings discovered and identified as originating from the Institute.[712]
  • The War of the Commonwealth begins.
  • The Sole Survivor enters the Glowing Sea and traces Doctor Brian Virgil, a former Institute scientist, and gains information on how to enter the Institute.[713]
  • An Institute Courser designated Z2-47 tracks down a runaway synth named K1-98, who has been kidnapped by the Gunners and held captive in Greenetech Genetics. The Sole Survivor tracks down Z2-47, in their efforts to gain a Courser chip. Z2-47 and the Sole Survivor simultaneously assault the building. The Gunner forces are defeated, and Z2-47 is killed by the Sole Survivor.[714]
  • With the assistance of Virgil and an unknown organization, the Sole Survivor builds a signal interceptor to teleport inside of the Institute. The Sole Survivor gains access, and finally finds their son.[715]
  • The Sole Survivor later gets involved in a conflict between the various factions and eventually resolves it.[716]
  • Automatron (add-on) The Mechanist releases robots upon the Commonwealth, the Sole Survivor assists a robot by the name of Ada and manages to end the Mechanist's robot threat.[717]
  • Far Harbor (add-on) The Sole Survivor travels to Far Harbor in search of a missing girl, where they resolve the conflict between the Island's three factions.[718]
  • Vault-Tec Workshop 独存者协助Valery Barstow进行实验并扩展88号避难所[719]
  • Nuka-World (add-on) 独存者前往核子世界,在经历The Gauntlet后,在波特·加吉的帮助下击败了科尔特,并被邀请成为核子世界的新超级boss(他们的选择未知)。[720]



  • 根据辐射3指南后记,并没有得到第一手资料的证实 9月10日: 莫伊拉‧布朗写了一篇关于獨行者的最新发展和遗产的文章,包括写一本新书,一本“为下一代准备的獨行者最好、最有用的故事”的合集。[633]




  • 豪斯先生推测,他将在今年进行试飞,再次开始像美国200多年前那样将人送入轨道。[722]



  • 豪斯先生的理论是,在他的设想中,殖民地飞船将开始离开地球,去寻找一个没有被大戰污染的新家。[722]


  • "声波入侵"发生在大山脉Blind Diode Jefferson参与了排斥他们。[724]


  • 避难所科技估计今年是他们的设备维持避难所的能力的终结。[725]


辐射76Professor Greebley经典地假设多个时间线的存在。[726]


  1. The Sole Survivor: "That's really interesting."
    Jack Cabot: "I'm glad to hear you say that. It's become my life's work. My approach is to combine a rigorous scientific method while keeping an absolutely open mind. So much has been closed off to us simply because people assumed they already knew the answers. My father excavated a city in the Rub'al Khali in Arabia which he dated to more than 4,000 years before the rise of any known human civilization. The structures and artifacts were... strange. Disturbing, even. Clearly not constructed for or by humans. I've spent my life trying to decipher what he uncovered."
    (Jack Cabot's dialogue)
  2. 埃德温·布罗奇: "No, Mister DeLoria, that is not correct. The Battle of Hastings was 1066. 2077 was the end of the world. Tell me. Are you really that stupid?"
    (MrBrotch.txt) Note: Heard during the transition between 10 and 16 years during the vault sequence.
  3. Toshiro Kago was abducted sometime during the Tokugawa shogunate, starting on March 24, 1603, since mon were only authorized for all classes from that date.
  4. Coastal monument plaque: "Here marks the landing of Captain John Smith's shallop upon his discovery of Point Lookout in 1612."
  5. Point Lookout loading screens: "The Ark & Dove Cathedral is named for two English settler ships which landed near Point Lookout in 1634, leading to Maryland's founding."
  6. 6.0 6.1 Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.472: "[14.02] Old Granary Burying Ground
    This burial ground was established in 1660, making it the oldest surviving burial ground in Boston. Many famous Revolutionary War heroes were buried here, including John Hancock, Paul Revere, Samuel Adams, and the victims of the Boston Massacre. In 2031, after the tragic death of Emilia Butler, the city council voted unanimously to have her remains interred here.
    This is part of the Freedom Trail. The number “2” is daubed on the circular ground plaque pointing at the letter “A.” It is overrun by ferals. The adjacent church is sealed and cannot be entered."
    (Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Map)
  7. 7.0 7.1 Paul Revere House inscription
  8. Fallout 4 loading screens: "Diamond City's newspaper, Publick Occurrences, gets its name from the first newspaper ever published in Boston, in 1690."
  9. Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.330-331: "[4.07] SALEM
    Once a quaint coastal town and seaport, this tourist destination was infamous for its witch trials of 1692. Nowadays the population has dwindled considerably due to Gunner activity in the area, the crazies worshipping a radiation crater down the road, and the large number of mating Mirelurks in the waters all around the bay. Proceed at your own risk."
    (Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Map)
  10. Alien captive recorded log 1
  11. Old Corner Bookstore inscription
  12. 12.0 12.1 Old State House inscription
  13. The Lone Wanderer: "What do you know about the Soil Stradivarius?"
    Agatha: "Not too much I'm afraid. It was fabricated way back in 1714 by a famous Italian craftsman named Antonio Stradivari. He had made a bunch of Stradivarius violins actually, and each one was individually named over time to identify them. They are regarded as the most outstanding instruments ever made... and no two sound alike they say. Incredible. Since the bombs fell laying waste to most of the world, it may be safe to say that this could be the last surviving violin of its kind."
  14. 14.0 14.1 Old North Church inscription
  15. 15.0 15.1 Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.452: "[11.02] TRINITY PLAZA
    Still standing in the overgrown plaza that bears its name is Trinity Church. Founded in 1733, the present structure was completed in 1877 and now houses a small congregation of Super Mutants. The church has two entrances—the main doors and a hatch to the rear (east). Don’t forget the magazine from the pulpit. The area is easy to spot from a distance; it is adjacent to the massive Trinity Tower."
    (Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Map)
  16. Faneuil Hall terminal entries; manager's terminal, Tour Script
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 Food for the grasshopper
  18. Fallout 76 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide pp. 365-366: "29. PRICKETT'S FORT
    This Civil War–era fort, first erected in 1774, is a presentation of the Society for the Preservation of Historical Recreations and consists of a number of wooden ramparts, towers, and other fortifications set against the mountain slope. Speak to the curator, and visit each of the exhibit locations for the fullest experience."
    (Fallout 76 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Atlas of Appalachia)
  19. Prickett's Fort curator: "Another fascinating tidbit is that the fort didn't actually look like this. The builders of the fort used historical documentation that turned out to be almost pure fiction. So Prickett's Fort is technically a representational frontier fort. It looks nothing like the real thing."
    (Prickett's Fort curator's dialogue)
  20. Freedom Trail Tour bot: "So near midnight, Colonel Smith marched with 700 Redcoats to face brave American patriots in the Battle of Lexington and Concord. And thus the Revolutionary War began.Continue游戏中的拼写、标点和/或语法 on the trail to walk through more of our great city's history."
    (Tour bot's dialogue)
  21. The existence of the Dorchester Heights monument in Fallout 4
  22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 Museum of History kiosk
  23. Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.505-506: "[17.02] THE SHAMROCK TAPHOUSE
    "This historic bar and pool club on the edge of the Theater District is run by one of the smaller Raider gangs active in this area. The bar has had a long and illustrious history since its establishment in 1787... 500 years ago. Paul Revere was said to drink here.
    On the sliver of land between the Waterfront and Financial District neighborhoods, this fortified Raider camp has a single entrance (the hatch from the cellar is cordoned off behind wire fencing). Expect turrets and harsh language. Mop up the Raider scum and loot their ammo. Then enter the establishment.
    The place is run by Gaff, a Raider with a few cohorts scattered throughout the premises. The key to open the problematic doors of this establishment is in the cellar."
    (Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Map)
  24. 24.0 24.1 Fallout 4 loading screens: "Fort Independence was named in 1797, at a ceremony presided over by President John Adams. Before then, it was known as Castle William, and then Fort Adams. Before its destruction in 2240, the fortification served as an apt headquarters for the Minutemen."
  25. Massachusetts State House placard: "New State House
    The "New" State House was completed in 1798 to house the government of the state of Massachusetts. The land selected was originally one of John Hancock's cow pastures. The original dome was constructed of wooden shingles and covered in copper smelted by Paul Revere. The state government used this building continuously until the formation of the Thirteen Commonwealths in 1969."
    (New State House plaque) Note: Plaque on the Massachusetts State House in Fallout 4 gives 1969 as the formation date of the "Thirteen commonwealths."
  26. The Sole Survivor: "What war effort?"
    Ironsides: "Against Communist China, of course. But if any Red Coats or Canadians sail nearby, I will give them a good thrashing, to be sure. To avenge the burning of our nation's capital would be a sweet victory, indeed."
    (Ironsides' dialouge)
  27. Hopewell Cave placard
  28. Rivet City terminal entries; Welcome to the Capital Preservation Society, Monroe Doctrine
  29. Walden Pond announcer: "Hello, and welcome to Walden Pond! You are now standing in front of the cabin inhabited by transcendentalist writer and philosopher Henry David Thoreau starting in the summer of 1845. For two years, two months, and two days, Thoreau lived in this cabin, hoping to gain a more objective understanding of society. This experiment was influenced by Thoreau's interest in transcendentalist philosophy, which believed that people were at their best when truly self-reliant. By living off the land with few material possessions, Thoreau proved it skeptical to think that any outward improvement of life could bring inner peace and contentment. For more information, please visit the gift shop and purchase one of the many books on transcendentalism. Also available; t-shirts, coffee mugs, toys, and many other items to commemorate your trip! Thank you for visiting Walden Pond, sponsored by General Atomics, maker of the Mister Handy robotic assistant."
    (Walden Pond announcer's dialogue)
  30. File:Dante and Virgil in Hell 1850.jpg
  31. Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.279: "[2.09] WILDWOOD CEMETERY
    The historic Wildwood Cemetery was founded in 1851, and numerous local dignitaries may be buried here. Confirmation is difficult due to the lack of prewar data."
    (Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Map)
  32. File:Blackboard Mr Brotch.jpg
  33. 33.0 33.1 Town sign
  34. Fallout 76 loading screens: "Built in 1858, The Whitespring was famous for its southern style and sulphur springs"
  35. Fallout 76 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide p.5: "THE WHITESPRING RESORT
    Built in 1858, The Whitespring was famous for its southern style and sulfur springs. The Whitespring Resort had a long history of business with the federal government and counted sitting US presidents among its guests. Under great financial strain before the war, The Whitespring was forced to sell much of its surrounding land and replace the resort staff with more cost-effective robots."
    (Fallout 76 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide faction profiles)
  36. Appalachia audio tour stations; Philippi Battlefield Cemetery
  37. Appalachia landmarks - Philippi's Cemetery Battlefield
  38. Cemetery monument plaque: "The Battle of Philippi formed part of the Western Virginia Campaign of the American Civil War, and was fought in and around Philippi, Virginia (now West Virginia) on June 3, 1861. A Union victory, it was the first organized land action of the war though generally viewed as a skirmish rather than a battle."
  39. Rivet City terminal entries; Welcome to the Capital Preservation Society, Emancipation Proclamation
  40. Rivet City terminal entries; Welcome to the Capital Preservation Society, Gettysburg Address
  41. Wanted Poster for John Wilkes Booth
  42. Eastern Regional Penitentiary entrance sign
  43. Master of Ceremonies: "Helvetia's history dates back to Swiss settlement in 1869. *whrr*"
    (E01F Fasnacht MasterCeremonies.txt)
  44. Jamaica Plain on Wikipedia
  45. 45.0 45.1 45.2 45.3 Museum of Technology placard:
    "These portraits created by the renown Contemporary Artist Lincoln Mayers depict some of the more overlooked American Inventors. From top to bottom, left to right: Richard G. Drew (adhesive tape, 1925), James Ritty (cash register, 1879), Carl C. Magee (parking meter, 1935), and Mary Anderson (windshield wiper, 1903)."
  46. Herald editorial on Allegheny Asylum
  47. Lorenzo Cabot's journal
  48. Schoelt's slogan: "Burning since 1895"
  49. The Sole Survivor: "How long have you been locked up in here?"
    Lorenzo Cabot: "My loving son trapped me here in the year of our lord 1898... so almost 400 years. I think you were about to agree to helping me kill Jack and the rest of my traitorous kin. Yes?"
  50. Parsons State Insane Asylum terminal entries; Jack's office terminal, Patient 001-MS
  51. Museum of Technology placard:
    "The aircraft above is the original Wright Flyer I designed by Orville and Wilbur Wright. On December 17, 1903 in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, the vehicle preformed游戏中的拼写、标点和/或语法 its maiden flight for a mere 12 seconds, covering a distance of only 120 feet. This historic event marked the first sustained and controlled heavier-than-air powered flight."
  52. 52.0 52.1 52.2 52.3 52.4 According to pre-War banners hung around Diamond City.
  53. Monongah Mine terminal entries; mining supervisor's terminal, Supervisor's Notes - 04.18.75
  54. Museum of Freedom Mural
  55. Newscaster: "And now a look at sports. Something that is, unquestionably, inescapably, American. I am referring of course, to our great national pastime, baseball. This afternoon, right here in the city, Boston's swatting sultans will swing for the fences. Led by star pitcher Matt "The Missile" Murtagh, Boston hopes to defeat Texas, and deliver their first World Series victory since 1918."
    (MQ101TVAnchorman VoiceOnly.txt)
  56. Sunset Sarsaparilla Company's logo
  57. The Courier: <Deposit your Sunset Sarsaparilla Stars in the slot.>
    Festus: "Wahoo, you did it pardner! Bully for you! Ol' Festus knew you could do it. I suppose you'll be wanting that prize now. Well then, hold onto your hat, because it's a doozy. Not many people have heard the true story behind Sunset Sarsaparilla. It's a right honor. And now, without further ado, your prize - The Legend of the Star... Looooong ago, people didn't have a heap of choices when it came to soft drinks. It was either water, or Nuka-cola. Now, the threat of legal action forces me to say that Nuka-cola is a swell beverage, but sometimes people just wanted something different, you know? So one day a man, a saloon owner in a small town, decided to make a new type of soft drink, and asked his patrons what flavor they'd like it to be. After getting no help from them, a stranger at the end of the bar suggested the man make a sarsaparilla flavored drink. The stranger said he would happily share his family's recipe for the drink, on one condition. The condition being that the stranger would be allowed to sample a bottle whenever he liked, to ensure the recipe was being followed to the letter. The man happily agreed, thinking the drink would make him rich, and the stranger promised to meet him by sundown the next day. The next morning, the sheriff stopped by and reported that the stranger's body was found on the side of the town road. He'd been killed by bandits. The man, cursing his luck, closed the saloon early that day, just as the sun began to set. But after he had locked the doors, he turned around to find an unfamiliar bottle on the bar, with a note beneath it. The note was sealed with blue wax in the shape of a star. Opening it, the man found it contained a recipe for a sarsaparilla-flavored drink. Sampling the bottle's contents and finding it singularly delicious, the man gave silent thanks to his mysterious benefactor, wherever he was. Being an honorable man, the saloon owner paid for the stranger's funeral, thinking it was the least he could do to repay him. The saloon owner went on to become rich selling the new drink, and to this day some bottles of Sunset Sarsaparilla have a blue star under their caps. Some say the saloon owner ordered it done, in honor of the stranger. Others say it's the stranger, sampling the bottles like he promised. And that's the Legend of the Star. Hope you enjoyed it, and hope you continue enjoying Sunset Sarsaparilla!"
  58. 58.0 58.1 58.2 Silver Bridge plaque: "SILVER BRIDGE COLLAPSE
    In 1928, Silver Bridge was constructed. It was the first eye-bar suspension bridge in the US. It served the communities of Point Pleasant, WV and Gallipolis, OH until December 15, 1967 where it collapsed tragically during rush hour traffic. 31 vehicles fell into the Ohio River and all told 46 people lost their lives. To prevent further tragedies of this nature, Congress adopted the National Bridge Inspection Standards in 1968."
  59. 59.0 59.1 Vim! Pop factory terminal entries; tour terminal, Tour Notes #1
  60. The Courier: "Tell me the whole story of Vikki and Vance."
    Primm Slim: "Yahoo! I ain't had a chance to tell their tale in a mess of years. First things first: any bosh you've heard about Vikki and Vance being copycats ain't nothing but ill-tempered slander. Fact is, they begun their crime spree two days before Bonnie and Clyde robbed their first bank - so who was copying who? Now true, Vikki and Vance didn't exactly cut a wide swath of murder and bank robbery across the central U.S., like Bonnie and Clyde did. It was more like a narrow swath of shoplifting, check-cashing fraud, and gas pump driveoffs - but crime is crime! They drove reckless, too. Having lived by the gun - well, Vance owned one, anyway - it was only fitting that the duo of desperados would die by the gun. Perhaps it was fate itself that accidentally drove them into a crossfire between police and a gang of bank robbers in Plano, Texas. Or maybe they just didn't notice until it was too late. It's been said that Vikki would have tried to cash a bad check in that bank, had she lived. We'll never know for sure. All we know is that the crossfire tore the car and both occupants to pieces, and the police issued an official apology. You can put your eyes on the genuine Death Car just over yonder, and there's Vance's machine gun in the case next to it!"
    (Primm Slim's dialogue)
  61. Bonnie and Clyde on Wikipedia
  62. Appalachia audio tour stations: The Giant Teapot
  63. Giant Teapot advertisement
  64. United States declaration of war upon Germany (1941)
  65. Rivet City terminal entries; Welcome to the Capital Preservation Society, U.S. Declaration of War on Germany
  66. 66.0 66.1 66.2 66.3 Sierra mission statement
  67. Citadel terminal entries; Liberty Prime Operation, Project Summary
  68. 68.0 68.1 Fallout 4 intro
  69. The Courier: "How did you learn where to find an old bomber?"
    Pete: "Loyal found a file somewhere on the base, with magazine articles, photographs, a map, even. It seems that a bomber, apparently the 29th of its kind, crashed in Lake Mead on July 21st, 1948. Just imagine - that's over 300 years ago! The photographs showed that it was basically intact, and the map tells us exactly where to find it. Except we haven't left Nellis in decades."
  70. Appalachia audio tour stations: Miner's Monument
  71. File:Fo3 Delta XI Rocket.png
  72. The presence of New Gad at the bottom of the dry lake, the presence of Summersville Dam, and Summersville Docks.
  73. Museum of Technology placard:
    "This is the actual USSA Deep Space Suit worn by Captain Carl Bell on May 5, 1961. Captain Bell is credited as being the first human in space on board the Space Capsule Defiance 7, but this has been constantly refuted by both the Soviet Union and China. Defiance 7's flight lasted for a total of 12 minutes and 7 seconds as it achieved one full revolution around the Earth."
  74. Museum of Technology placard:
    "This is the actual skeleton of Captain Carl Bell who died on May 5, 1961 after his Space Capsule crash landed. Captain Bell is credited as being the first human in space on board the Space Capsule Defiance 7, but this has been constantly refuted by both the Soviet Union and China. Defiance 7's flight lasted for a total of 12 minutes and 7 seconds as it achieved one full revolution around the Earth. Donated by Edwina Bell."
  75. Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition pp. 471-472: "[14.01] Massachusetts State House
    The “new” state house was completed in 1798 to house the government of Massachusetts State. The land selected was originally John Hancock’s cow pastures. The first dome was constructed of wooden shingles and covered in copper smelted by Paul Revere. The state government used this building continuously until the formation of the Thirteen Commonwealths in 1969.
    This is part of the Freedom Trail. The number “4” is daubed on the circular ground plaque pointing at the letter “L.” Outside, one corner of the structure has collapsed, allowing lock-fiddlers the chance to open a wall safe (Novice)."
    (Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Map)
  76. The Commonwealth flag displayed in the Museum of Technology, next to the Valiant 11, uses this flag design. The division of the United States into 13 commonwealths was first envisioned by Leonard Boyarsky during the development of the first Fallout.
  77. Museum of Technology placard: "Virgo II Lunar Lander
    On July 16, 1969, the Virgo II Lunar Lander "Valiant 11" became the very first manned space vehicle to touch down on the moon. The Valiant 11's crew consisted of Captain Richard Wade, Captain Mark Garris, and Captain Michael Hagen of the USSA. We salute these brave and noble men who took the very first steps on a planetary body other than our own."
  78. 78.0 78.1 Museum of Technology placard: "Valiant 12 Flag
    This unusual flag was recovered from the surface of the moon by the very last manned flight to its surface in 2052. The flag is from the old "Valiant 12" Virgo III Lunar Lander that touched down November 14, 1969. Its remarkable condition can be attributed due to its construction; the flag is actually made of special materials to withstand the harsh environment of space."
  79. Poseidon Energy Plant WV-06 terminal entries; Receptionist's terminal
  80. Appalachia landmarks - Pumpkin House
  81. 81.0 81.1 GPWRTERM.MSG
  82. FNV Biz sign 10.png|Company signage
  83. Wonderglue label
  84. 84.0 84.1 Museum of Technology terminal entries; Delta IX Rocket, Delta IX Rocket Information
  85. H&H Tools factory terminal entries; HR E-mail 05/14/2020
  86. H&H Tools factory terminal entries; HR E-mail 07/25/2022
  87. H&H Tools factory terminal entries; HR E-mail 11/08/2023
  88. Robert House
  89. Hubris Comics terminal entries; Hubris Comics receptionist terminal and Hubris Comics publishing terminal, Press Release
  90. Cabot House terminal entries; terminal, 09/05/2023
  91. Old Granary burying ground plaque
  92. Fallout 76 loading screens: "In 2031, Vault-Tec re-branded Morgantown's local college as Vault-Tec University, and some of their top executives and scientists either taught or graduated from there. Go Fighting Wendigos!"
  93. Landview Lighthouse terminal entries; lighthouse keeper's terminal, Tourism Guide - History
  94. 94.0 94.1 94.2 Mr. Handy design document
  95. Riverside Manor terminal entries; Cryptos terminal, The Mistress of Mystery
  96. Alien captive recorded log 3
  97. 97.0 97.1 [需要澄清]World of Refreshment tour: "Welcome to the Nuka-Cola World of Refreshment, now featuring a river of Nuka-Cola Quantum! Nuka-Cola Quantum: Twice the calories, twice the carbohydrates, twice the caffeine, and twice the taste! And just look at that amazing, patented blue glow! So sit back and enjoy the ride as we take you through the Nuka-Cola World of Refreshment!
    Nuka-Cola began its journey in the year 2042 when our founder, John-Caleb Bradberton, was a budding chemist. He dreamt of a delicious soft drink that would provide energy, focus and 120% of the recommended daily value of sugar!
    It took almost two years to perfect the formula, but in late 2044, Mr. Bradberton was finally successful and Nuka-Cola was born! It quickly surpassed other, lesser beverages to become America's number-one favorite soft drink. Not one to rest on his laurels, Mr. Bradberton and his team of talented "Beverageers" continued to create new and exciting formulas.
    Out west, they enjoy regional favorites such as the classy Nuka-Cola Quartz and refreshingly patriotic Nuka-Cola Victory. Or, for those that prefer a timeless root-based beverage, they pick up a delicious Nuka-Cola Wild!
    While out here on the east coast, folks delight in the refreshment of an ice-cold Nuka-Grape, Nuka-Orange, or Nuka-Cherry. And be on the lookout for our special pre-release shipments of Nuka-Cola Quantum coming soon to your favorite grocer or restaurant!
    Hey Mom and Dad, are you ready for a night out on the town? Then pick up an ice-cold Nuka-Cola Dark and experience the most thirst-quenching way to unwind. Nuka-Cola Dark: that refreshingly familiar Nuka-Cola taste with a light alcoholic twist. 35% alcohol by volume. Do not consume Nuka-Cola Dark if you are pregnant or planning on becoming pregnant. Do not operate motor vehicles or heavy machinery for at least 8 hours after drinking.
    But this isn't just a ride, it's one of several operational factories actively producing Nuka-Cola. Here in the mixing area, we combine just a hint of 17 select fruit flavors to produce that unique Nuka-Cola taste.
    Here in the bottling chamber, we carefully pour each delicious liquid into our new, space-age rocket bottles! Each bottle is carbonated and then sealed with one of our signature bottle caps.
    And now for a special surprise, this is where we produce the newest member of our family, Nuka-Cola Quantum! That blue glow isn't just for show, folks! Quantum contains a top-secret additive to give you a "nuclear" boost of energy!
    On behalf of all of us at Nuka-World, we hope you've enjoyed the ride and learning more about Nuka-Cola!"
  98. Egret Tours Marina terminal entries; Phyllis's terminal
  99. 威尔逊原子能公司标志
  100. Giddyup Buttercup ad poster
  101. Watoga coat of arms.
  102. 102.0 102.1 A tragedy has befallen all mankind
  103. Mass Fusion building terminal entries; customer service terminal, Company History
  104. Nuka-World loading screens: "Amateur chemist John-Caleb Bradberton discovered the formula for Nuka-Cola in 2044. Within a year, Nuka-Cola could be purchased across the entire United States. "
  105. 105.0 105.1 Sierra Petrovita: "When Nuka-Cola was invented by John-Caleb Bradberton in 2044, it quickly became the world's most popular soft drink. The wonder drink soon drew a dedicated following which prompted the Nuka-Cola Corporation to release many promotional items like these. By 2067, a Nuka-Cola machine such as this rare pristine model could be found on almost every street in America. Even in today's crazy world, Nuka-Cola is still the number one choice of refreshment among Armageddon's survivors."
  106. The Lone Wanderer: "The taste... I could never get used to it."
    Sierra Petrovita: "No no no! You're mistaken! The flavor is the essence of seventeen different fruits mixed in just the right proportion to give the beverage that delicious taste. In fact, in the Great Passion Fruit Famine of 2044, people actually noticed the taste difference when the flavor was changed!"
  107. Museum of Technology placard: "This is the only known prototype of the X277 "Viper" Magnetic Rail Cannon developed for the U.S. Military by West-Tek. Also commonly referred to as a "Railgun," the weapon uses energy cells to propel a depleted uranium round across a series of magnets discharging it at extremely high velocity. Deemed too costly to produce on a mass scale, the project was abandoned in 2044.
    On loan from the International Ordnance Museum, these cases display the various types of weapons and ammunition used by the military in past conflicts all over the globe."
  108. 108.0 108.1 108.2 Cryptos terminal entries; About Headmistress Rivers
  109. Nuka-World power plant terminal entries; Nuka-World Power: employee terminal, 4/28 Meltdown
  110. Nuka-World power plant terminal entries; Nuka-World Power: employee terminal, RE: 4/28 Meltdown
  111. 111.0 111.1 111.2 111.3 Nuka-Town USA terminal entries; Nuka-World information terminal, History
  112. Citadel terminal entries; terminal, N99 10mm Pistol
  113. Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.312: "[3.16] WESTON WATER TREATMENT PLANT
    This plant was built in 2051 as part of a decade-long plan to modernize the city’s aging sanitation systems. In the decades after the bombs fell, the rising sea levels eventually overwhelmed the plant’s retaining wall and began to flood the facility. As the pumps lost power, shorted out, and began to fail, the water output fell and grew more contaminated."
    (Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Map)
  114. 114.0 114.1 114.2 The Courier: "REPCONN's history."
    Tour guide: "REPCONN's illustrious history began way back in 2054, shortly after the famous Delta XI rocket was completed and launched. REPCONN's initial focus was on the development of fuel to be used in orbital propulsion in response to the energy crisis of 2052. Sad times, indeed. The company really took off when RobCo purchased REPCONN in late 2076 to develop unmanned rockets to explore the solar system."
    (Tour guide's dialgoue)
  115. The Lone Wanderer: "Why a blue bottle if the soda is brown? That's just weird."
    Sierra Petrovita: "Aha! That's where you're wrong! Market research done in 2052 said that the blue color was the favorite in 86 people out of 100 polled. And the particular hue of blue is Dazzling Blue, scientifically proven to be the most pleasing of all blues!"
  116. 116.0 116.1 Sierra Depot GNN transcript
  117. Capitol Post terminal entries; Capital Post Top Stories -- July 27, 2052, Pint-Sized Slasher: More than Myth?
  118. 118.0 118.1 The front page of the Capital Post; Saturday, July 27, 2052.
  119. Capitol Post terminal entries; Capital Post Top Stories -- July 27, 2052, United Nations Disbanded!
  120. 120.0 120.1 Mentioned in a conversation with ZAX in Fallout
  121. Robotics disposal ground terminal entries; terminal
  122. Robotics disposal ground terminal entries; terminal, Employee Notes
  123. Robotics disposal ground terminal entries; terminal, 10/15/2077 --- Dillan
  124. [需要澄清]HalluciGen Gas Product Demo: "HalluciGen Gas, reliable crowd control since 2055."
  125. 125.0 125.1 Record of divorce: The Blackwells
  126. Office of Urban Planning office building terminal entries; workstation, About the system.: "Welcome to the Integrated Human Resources Management System v2.3, a joint product of the District of Columbia Office of Software Management and the United States Office of Computational Organization, developed through contracts with Computechtron, a division of the Skeks Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Diamond, Inc. Copyright 2256,游戏中的拼写、标点和/或语法 all rights reserved."
  127. The Vault Dweller: "{110}{}{And where is your service department?}"
    Bob the pre-owned cars salesman: "{113}{}{Right over there, sir. [The dealer points to nothing.]}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{115}{}{Where? There's nothing over there.}"
    Bob the pre-owned car salesman: "{117}{}{What do you mean? They're working on a newly purchased '56 Corvega. An excellent buy, I might add.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{118}{}{Okay, whatever you say.}"
    Bob the pre-owned car salesman: "{121}{}{And we have an excellent warranty. You can bring it back to us for any oil changes, as well. The first one is free. What do you say?}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{122}{}{Throw in a full tank of gas and you have a deal.}"
    Bob the pre-owned car salesman: "{125}{}{I'm sorry, we don't have any petrol. Maybe next time. Goodbye.}"
  128. 128.0 128.1 The Foundry terminal entries; Foreman's terminal, 7/31/77
  129. Fallout intro
  130. Fallout 76 loading screens: "Late in 2060, the U.S. military deployed their unmanned Cargobots all over Appalachia. They proved ideal for providing reconnaissance and delivering supplies in even the most hostile conditions."
  131. Pioneer Scout camp terminal entries#Robotocist
  132. Vault 76 terminal entries; personnel terminal, UNSAVED WORK
  133. Nuka-World loading screens: "Bradberton, Massachusetts was a small town founded in 2060 to help house the hundreds of staff members who wanted to shorten their commute to Nuka-World."
  134. 134.00 134.01 134.02 134.03 134.04 134.05 134.06 134.07 134.08 134.09 134.10 Citadel terminal entries; Vault-Tec terminal
  135. Herald Editorial on Allegheny Asylum
  136. Turtledove Detention Camp terminal entries; terminal, Intelligence Report, Yang, Wan (alias)
  137. Citadel terminal entries; Pentagon library terminal, Report on U.F.O. codenamed "Palandine"
  138. Fallout 4 loading screens: "In 2062, the Nuka-Girl Rocketsuit costume was released to retailers just in time for Halloween. Its popularity was so overwhelming, the stores couldn't keep up with the demand."
  139. 139.0 139.1 139.2 139.3 Mentioned in the Fallout manual
  140. The start screens of Grognak & the Ruby Ruins and Wastelad.
  141. The Courier: "You say that you saved Las Vegas. How?"
    Robert House: "By 2065 I deemed it a mathematical certainty that an atomic war would devastate the Earth within 15 years. Every projection I ran confirmed it. I knew I couldn't "save the world," nor did I care to. But I could save Vegas, and in the process, perhaps, save mankind. I set to work immediately. I thought I had plenty of time to prepare. As it turned out, I was 20 hours short."
    (Robert House's dialogue)
  142. The Lone Wanderer: "What's your job down here?"
    M.A.R.Go.T.: "My primary function is to maintain security for the Presidential Metro System and ensure the safety of all its passengers. I was installed and activated within the Presidential Metro on April 14th, 2065 and switched on at precisely 5:20am. I have been carrying out this primary function since that inception date."
  143. Fo3 Newspaper TrailerFallout 3 E3 trailer
  144. Pioneer Scout camp terminal entries; Pioneer merit badge exam terminal, Atomics Fan
  145. 145.0 145.1 Rivet City terminal entries; Welcome to the Capital Preservation Society, U.S. Declaration of War on China
  146. 146.0 146.1 146.2 146.3 Briefly mentioned in the Fallout Intro with no date
  147. Museum of Technology placard: "This flag was recovered from the wreck of the U.S.S. Ebon Atoll, a U.S. Navy Missile Cruiser, sunk off the coast of Alaska in 2066 with all hands lost. The cutting edge vessel's loss was due to a nuclear torpedo strike from the U.S. Navy Submarine, the U.S.S. Interference during the Anchorage Campaign. The submarine mistook the cruiser for an enemy vessel during radio silence and sunk it before obtaining vessel confirmation. This ranks as one of the most tragic disasters in U.S. Naval History since World War II."
  148. 148.0 148.1 148.2 Penelope Hornwright's resume
  149. Patriot's Cookbook cover
  150. It is originally said to be the last one, but later ones are seen in Fallout 3
  151. Vault Dweller: "When did your mission launch?"
    Sofia Daguerre: "We launched the Deep Sleep mission in 2070, and I entered the hibernation pod very shortly after we achieved orbit. Why do you ask?"
    (Sofia Daguerre's dialogue)
  152. The Vault Dweller: "{112}{}{Tell me about this installation.}"
    ZAX 1.2: "{117}{}{This installation was established in 2055 as a biological research facility for experimental cures of the New Plague. However, in 2071, this facility was placed under United States military command.}"
  153. The start screen of Atomic Command.
  154. Anchorage terminal entries
  155. Shanghai Sally: Casino Shootout indicates this as the latest possible date.
  156. Overseer, Overseen
  157. Pioneer Scout camp terminal entries; Pioneer badge exam terminal, Collector Exam
  158. Springvale Elementary School, Isabella Proud's camp, and Jury St. tunnels terminal entries: "Journal-It Software © 2072 PagSoft"
  159. The start screen of Automatron.
  160. Graduation ceremony
  161. Citadel terminal entries; Liberty Prime Operation, Capital Post Article -- June 3, 2072
  162. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.81: "Liberty Prime is a formidable but currently offline combat robot that is being tinkered with in the laboratory. Its original intent was to liberate Anchorage, Alaska, from the Red Chinese back in 2072. A mixture of patriotic propaganda messages and incredible firepower ensured victory! But can the robot be fixed in time to help the Brotherhood?"
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)
  163. The front page of the Capitol Post; Friday, June 3, 2072.
  164. Capitol Post terminal entries; Capital Post Top Stories -- June 3, 2072, U.S. to Annex Canada!
  165. The date has been adjusted to match pre-existing information. June 3rd is the date of the annexation being declared, but it wasn't completed until 2077.
  166. Shanghai Sally: Casino Shootout
  167. Shanghai Sally: Chapter Closed
  168. FEV research
  169. Molly: "The genesis of Cambridge Polymer Labs lies in the research of a group brilliant graduate students. Jon Elwood, Ericka Woolum, and Wilfred Bergman met during their time together at CIT. This slide shows them at their graduation. Their research into nucleostrictive and piezoelectric polymers caught the attention of Col. George Kemp in the fall of 2073. In the spring of 2074 the company was founded, with a generous grant provided by the Defense Experimental Research Project Initiative. The research produced here has resulted in several of components used in the Liberty Prime project that led to the successful defense of Anchorage. The company enjoys a strong relationship with the military and welcomes your addition to the research team that helps build a better America."
    (DN015 Robot.txt)
  170. Unified Operating System copyright dates.
  171. REPCONN headquarters terminal entries; terminal, Inter-office Correspondence #3262173
  172. The start screen of Red Menace.
    Note: At E3 the title screen says it was copyrighted in 2053, however in game it states 2075.
  173. Janary 14th, 2075 Edition of the Charleston Herald
  174. Dyer Chemical terminal entries
  175. Sierra Depot GNN transcript; Transcript of Broadcast February 15, 2075
  176. Huntersville terminal entries; Gail Meyer's terminal, Personal Journal 06.04.75
  177. 177.0 177.1 177.2 177.3 177.4 177.5 177.6 FEV experiment disk
  178. Vault 112 Robobrains: "You are 102.3 years overdue."
  179. The Whitespring Resort terminal entries; Candy Shoppe office terminal, general manager's terminal, maintenance room terminal, Press Release: The 2080 Initiative
  180. Fort Strong terminal entries; General Brock's terminal, General Brock's Report - June 2075
  181. ArcJet Systems terminal entries; CEO's terminal, Mars Shot Project Notes 08-2075
  182. ArcJet Systems terminal entries; CEO's terminal, Mars Shot Project Notes 09-2077
  183. Huntersville terminal entries; Gail Meyer's terminal, Personal Journal 08.20.75
  184. 184.0 184.1 The Switchboard terminal entries; research terminal, > 2075 Dec 17
  185. Huntersville terminal entries; Gail Meyer's terminal, Personal Journal 12.20.75
  186. Museum of Technology terminal entries; turret control system, System Information
  187. The start screen of Pipfall.
  188. Maggie Williams
  189. ATLAS Observatory terminal entries; Army data analysis terminal, Report [1-24-76]
  190. Fort Strong terminal entries; General Brock's terminal, General Brock's Report - February 2076
  191. Huntersville terminal entries; Gail Meyer's terminal, Personal Journal 02.16.76
  192. ATLAS Observatory terminal entries; Army data analysis terminal, Report [3-12-76]
  193. Huntersville terminal entries; Gail Meyer's terminal, Personal Journal 05.25.76
  194. Fort Strong terminal entries; General Brock's terminal, General Brock's Report - June 2076
  195. Fallout 76 intro
  196. ATLAS Observatory terminal entries; Army data analysis terminal, Report [08-20-76]
  197. Charleston Herald - Tragedy Hits Hornwright
  198. Huntersville terminal entries; Gail Meyer's terminal, Personal Journal 09.08.76
  199. Big John's Salvage terminal entries; John Miller's terminal, Journal Entry 8/2
  200. Bradberton's office terminal entries; Bradberton's Project terminal, 10-20-2076 JCB
  201. Huntersville terminal entries; Gail Meyer's terminal, Personal Journal 11.04.76
  202. Big John's Salvage terminal entries; John Miller's terminal, Journal Entry 9/15
  203. Committee meeting notes
  204. Big John's Salvage terminal entries; John Miller's terminal, Journal Entry 10/28
  205. Scoot's shack terminal entries; terminal, Truth Seekers, 12/10/76
  206. Fallout: New Vegas loading screens: "The Mister Gutsy model of robot was commissioned by the U.S. Army just before the atomic apocalypse of 2077."
  207. Cut content American intelligence report
  208. Hoover Dam design document/1
  209. Hoover Dam terminal entries; inventory terminal, No Clue What These Are
  210. Camp McClintock terminal entries; Administrative facility terminal, Training Report - May 2077
  211. Camp McClintock terminal entries; Administrative facility terminal, Training Report - June 2077
  212. Camp McClintock terminal entries; Administrative facility terminal, Training Report - July 2077
  213. Camp McClintock terminal entries; Administrative facility terminal, Training Report - August 2077
  214. Capitol Post terminal entries; Capital Post Top Stories -- January 11, 2077, Commies Crushed - Alaska Liberated!
  215. 215.0 215.1 File:FO3 loading capitalpost01.jpg
  216. Capitol Post terminal entries; Capital Post Top Stories -- January 11, 2077, Food Riots Rile Feds
  217. 217.0 217.1 217.2 217.3 217.4 217.5 217.6 217.7 The Switchboard terminal entries; central terminal, DEFCON Status - 2077
  218. HELIOS One terminal entries; terminal, terminal 1, terminal 2 and HELIOS One mainframe terminal, ARCHIMEDES Testing
  219. HELIOS One terminal entries; terminal, Results
  220. HELIOS One terminal entries; HELIOS One Mainframe terminal, Initial Trials
  221. HELIOS One terminal entries; terminal, Upcoming Visit
  222. Bradberton's office terminal entries; Bradberton's project terminal, 04-02-2077
  223. H&H Tools factory terminal entries; Journal Entry 04/15/2077
  224. Nuka-World power plant terminal entries; Nuka-World Power: oversight terminal, Report #0671
  225. Nuka-World power plant terminal entries; Nuka-World Power: Employee terminal, 4/28 Meltdown
  226. Nuka-World power plant terminal entries; Nuka-World Power: Employee terminal, RE: 4/28 Meltdown
  227. Grafton Dam editorial
  228. Charleston Herald - Assassin strikes again
  229. H&H Tools factory terminal entries; Journal Entry 06/19/2077
  230. Riverside Manor terminal entries; study terminal, 6/28/77
  231. Riverside Manor terminal entries; Frederick's terminal, 6/28/77
  232. Riverside Manor terminal entries; study terminal, 6/29/77
  233. Lake Quannapowitt terminal entries
  234. Mass Fusion containment shed terminal entries; supervisor's terminal, 7/13
  235. ATLAS Observatory terminal entries; Army data analysis terminal, Report [8-17-77]
  236. Garrahan Estate terminal entries; Bill Garrahan's terminal, Log 08-27-77
  237. Fort Strong terminal entries; General Brock's terminal, General Brock's Report - September 2077
  238. Sugar Grove terminal entries; facility director's terminal, 10-13-77: Free States
  239. Outcast_outpost_terminal_entries#9/06/77
  240. The Foundry terminal entries; Foreman's terminal, 9/19/77
  241. Noise complaint
  242. Employee notice
  243. Vault-Tec Regional HQ terminal entries; Dr. Reid's terminal, 09/29
  244. Vault-Tec Regional HQ terminal entries; Mr. Davidson's terminal, 10/02
  245. Kerwood Mine terminal entries; foreman's terminal, Entry 3
  246. 246.0 246.1 246.2 246.3 The Whitespring Resort terminal entries; Staff Bulletin, October 2077
  247. The Foundry terminal entries; Foreman's terminal, 10/01/77
  248. Hornwright Industrial Headquarters terminal entries; terminal: Penelope Hornwright, Archived Message - 10.2.77
  249. Hornwright Industrial Headquarters terminal entries; terminal: Penelope Hornwright, Archived Message - 10.2.77
  250. The Rusty Pick terminal entries; Mick Flanagan's terminal, Entry 06
  251. The Rusty Pick terminal entries; Mick Flanagan's terminal, Entry 07
  252. 252.0 252.1 Hornwright Industrial Headquarters terminal entries; reception terminal, Archived Message - 10.5.77
  253. Hornwright Industrial Headquarters terminal entries; reception terminal, Company Memo - 10.3.77
  254. Garrahan Estate terminal entries; Bryce Garrahan's terminal, GME-10-03-077
  255. Hornwright Industrial Headquarters terminal entries; terminal: Penelope Hornwright, Archived Message - 10.4.77
  256. Garrahan Estate terminal entries; Bryce Garrahan's terminal, GME-10-05-077
  257. Vault-Tec Regional HQ terminal entries; Dr. Reid's terminal, 10/07
  258. 258.0 258.1 258.2 258.3 258.4 258.5 258.6 258.7 258.8 Captain Maxson's diary
  259. Hornwright Industrial Headquarters terminal entries; terminal: Penelope Hornwright, Archived Message - 10.12.77
  260. Garrahan Estate terminal entries; Bryce Garrahan's terminal, GME-10-12-077
  261. Garrahan Estate terminal entries; Bill Garrahan's terminal, Log 10-12-77
  262. ATLAS Observatory terminal entries; Army data analysis terminal, Report [10-18-77]
  263. Faneuil Hall terminal entries; manager's terminal, Week of 8/8
  264. Faneuil Hall terminal entries; manager's terminal, October Meeting
  265. Faneuil Hall terminal entries; manager's terminal, Week of 8/22
  266. Van Lowe Taxidermy terminal entries; terminal, (!!!) REMINDER: MEET BO-PEEP (!!!)
  267. Charleston Herald - Hornwright Wins!
  268. Vault-Tec Regional HQ terminal entries; Walter Scott's terminal, 10/19
  269. Vault-Tec Regional HQ terminal entries; Mr. Davidson's terminal, 10/19
  270. Vault 94 terminal entries; exterior security terminal, Security Log - 10/21/77
  271. ATLAS Observatory terminal entries; Army data analysis terminal, Report [8-22-77]
  272. Sierra Depot GNN transcript; Transcript of the Broadcast October 22, 2077
  273. Robert House: "Such a small thing, isn't it? And yet so... capacious. So very dear. Decades of hiring salvagers out west to search for this little relic in the ruins of a place called Sunnyvale. Back then, anyway. That's where the Chip was printed, on October 22, 2077. It was to have been hand-delivered to me here, at the Lucky 38, the next day. But the bombs fell first. Suffice it to say, the delivery was never made."
  274. Operation Free Watoga log 322
  275. Watoga Municipal Center terminal entries; Mayor's terminal, Mayor for a Day
  276. L.O.B. Enterprises terminal entries; L.O.B. Enterprises front desk terminal, Sent Item: MAN THE DOORS!!L.O.B. Enterprises terminal entries; L.O.B. Enterprises front desk terminal, All Personnel: Caps in EmailsL.O.B. Enterprises terminal entries; security operations terminal, Saved Memo - Attn: Security CaptainL.O.B. Enterprises terminal entries; security operations terminal, R&D operations terminal, and CEO's terminal, Evacuation Policy #T01
    Note: The amount of active military robots that guard the building in Fallout 3.
  277. Germantown police HQ terminal entries; Terminal, Log #003
  278. 278.0 278.1 Fallout 4 main quest War Never Changes
  279. A.F.A.D. interrogation
  280. 10.23.2077.09:47:51 Error Incident
  281. 281.0 281.1 Year: 2077
  282. Greta
  283. Germantown police HQ terminal entries; Terminal, Log #002
  284. Skylanes Flight 1981 recording
  285. Skylanes Flight 1665 final transmission
  286. Vault 12 and its inhabitants are seen in Fallout
  287. Vault 94 terminal entries; Reception desk terminal, Security Log - 10/23/77
  288. Slide 3 of the Dead Money intro
  289. The Courier: "Can you tell me anything about Mr. House?"
    Raul Tejada: "Just how old do you think I am, boss? Because I can pretty much guarantee I'm older than that. Let me tell you a story from before the Great War: Everybody knew Robert House. He was a genius. A superstar. Founded RobCo at 22, dated Hollywood starlets, the works. They say he saved Las Vegas. I was in Mexico City when the bombs dropped. Even from there, we could see House's defensive rockets shooting down the incoming missiles. Everybody assumed he died in the War. Maybe he did. But his robots are still out there, roaming the Wastes. And now, a Mr. House rules New Vegas."
  290. The Courier: "How did you nearly die, defending Vegas?"
    Robert House: "Software glitches set off a cascade of system crashes. I had to take the Lucky 38's reactor offline, lest it melt down. For nearly five years I battled power outages and more system crashes until I finally managed to reboot my data core with an older version of the OS. I spent the next few decades in a veritable coma. But I survived, obviously - and eventually thrived."
  291. The Lone Wanderer: "Are you all alone? Where's your family?"
    Sally: "I don't have any family anymore. My mom and dad died a while ago, before I ended up here. Y'know, back when all the bombs dropped on everything? Yeah, it was right after that. And then me and my sister, we got pulled up here... Except I haven't seen her in a long time."
  292. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.94: "Sally
    Sally and her sister were abducted shortly after the bombs dropped in 2077. Her parents were killed almost immediately after the war, leaving the two girls to themselves. After the abduction, the girls were separated, and Sally never learned that her sister died during one of the Aliens' many experiments. She's blocked out most of the bad things that happened to her. Now a fixture in the lower levels of the ship, Sally has repeatedly escaped custody and explored a good deal of the ship's lower level. She has a degree of insight into the workings of the Mothership and the motives of the Aliens that nobody else possesses. Aside from being a trusted ally, Sally also offers random Alien items if you request them, every few hours."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)
  293. Journal of Carrie Delaney
  294. 294.0 294.1 Boylston Club terminal entries; Boylston Club terminal, Events Calendar - October
  295. The Whitespring Resort terminal entries; general manager's terminal, 10/24/77
  296. The Whitespring Resort terminal entries; general manager's terminal, 10/25/77
  297. Maxson log
  298. Radio Log: Aug 29 2077
  299. Factory terminal entries; foreman's terminal, 3) Incoming?
  300. Berkeley Springs terminal entries; Dr. Barnaby's terminal, Medical Notes 10.31.77
  301. Year: 2077: "Black rain falling outside. Geiger jumping. Should let it kill me but bottling water from back of cave all the same."
  302. 302.0 302.1 302.2 The Vault Dweller: ""
    Cabbot: "{226}{Cab_64}{Oh, well, in the Exodus, the Brotherhood split into two groups. The group that broke away robbed the others of some of the weapons an-and they went south. Then about ten years ago we sent out knights to look for them and all they found was ruins. No one knows what happened.}"
    The Vault Dweller: "{1012}{}{Exodus}"
    Cabbot: "{1111}{Cab_64}{Oh, well, in the Exodus, the Brotherhood split into two groups. The group that broke away robbed the others of some of the weapons an-and went southwest. About ten years ago, we sent out knights to look for them, but all they found was ruins. No one knows what happened.}"
  303. 303.0 303.1 Fallout Bible 0 timeline (without factoring in corrections, check neighboring references for updates if the date in the source does not match the article).
  304. My diary, by Jason Grant
  305. Croup Manor terminal entries; Theodore's personal terminal, Journal Entry: 1/15/78
  306. Monongah power plant terminal entries; Captain Elliott's terminal, Officer's Log 11.15.77
  307. F76 Voting Poster 2.png
  308. Taggerdy's Journal: NOV 04 2077
  309. Berkeley Springs terminal entries; Dr. Barnaby's terminal, Medical Notes 11.14.77
  310. The Whitespring Resort terminal entries; general manager's terminal, 12/10/77
  311. Monongah power plant terminal entries; Captain Elliott's terminal, Officer's Log 12.22.77
  312. Vault 111 terminal entries; security terminal, December 25, 2077
  313. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.42: "Super Mutants"
    "The Super Mutants that infest the urban ruin of Washington D.C. originated in Vault 87. Those unlucky enough to have reserved space in Vault 87 soon found themselves forcefully taken to a secure part of the Vault, where they were locked in airtight chambers and exposed to a concentrated form of the F.E.V. The Overseer and his security force had no real idea what to expect; they were simply following the "plan." When the exposed Vault dwellers started transforming into Super Mutants, nearly the entire Vault population had been exposed. Those who hadn't yet metamorphosed knew what was coming, and, well...it didn't end well for humanity.
    The dwellers of Vault 87 were turned into Super Mutants in 2078, and have been a presence in the Capital Wasteland ever since. Most of those original Super Mutants have long since been killed. But whether it's because of the nature of the F.E.V. they were exposed to, or a simple underlying human instinct, the Super Mutants of the Capital Wasteland are obsessed with the preservation of their own species. Super Mutants are asexual and incapable of procreation, so their only way of reproducing is to kidnap other humans, drag them back to the Vault 87 chambers, and infect them with F.E.V. And so they have done, for nearly 200 years.Super Mutant society is loosely hierarchical, with the weaker (most recently transformed) Super Mutants generally giving way to the stronger. The Super Mutant hierarchy, as defined by the Capital Wasteland contingent of the Brotherhood of Steel, is as follows: Grunt, Brute, Master, and Behemoth. Generally speaking, the Super Mutants of the Capital Wasteland get bigger, stronger, and dumber as they age. The Behemoths are so strong and savage that they’re the only thing feared by the other Super Mutants."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide faction profiles)
  314. 314.0 314.1 The Whitespring Resort terminal entries; general manager's terminal, 7/21/78
  315. Christmas plans
  316. World of Refreshment terminal entries; Beverageer's terminal, Meacham RMNC-0987113
  317. 317.0 317.1 317.2 Year: 2078
  318. Monongah power plant terminal entries; Captain Elliott's terminal, Officer's Log 01.14.78
  319. January 26, 2077 -- Little Lamplight!
  320. Croup Manor terminal entries; Theodore's personal terminal, Journal Entry: 2/2/78
  321. Monongah power plant terminal entries; Captain Elliott's terminal, Officer's Log 02.02.78
  322. Monongah power plant terminal entries; Captain Elliott's terminal, Officer's Log 03.12.78
  323. Vault 111 terminal entries; security terminal, April 23, 2078
  324. Monongah power plant terminal entries; Captain Elliott's terminal, Officer's Log 05.25.78
  325. Riverside Manor terminal entries; study Ttrminal, 7/8/78
  326. Helen Marks & Reuben Gill - 20780803
  327. Vault 51 terminal entries; terminal, I Need Your Help
  328. The Whitespring Resort terminal entries; general manager's terminal, 8/30/78
  329. Vault 94 terminal entries; exterior security terminal, User Log - 10/24/78
  330. Vault 94 terminal entries; Community Council terminal, Vault 94 Mission & Facilities
  331. Riverside Manor terminal entries; study terminal, 11/11/78
  332. 332.0 332.1 Harpers Ferry terminal entries; Miranda's terminal, Vault 94
  333. Vault 94 terminal entries; Reception Log - 11/20/78
  334. Vault 94 Community Council recording
  335. Vault 94 G.E.C.K. recording
  336. Vault 94 terminal entries; G.E.C.K. monitoring station terminal, G.E.C.K. System Log
  337. Harpers Ferry terminal entries; Ella's terminal, Vault 94
  338. Abandon house!
  339. The Whitespring Resort terminal entries; general manager's terminal, 12/1/78
  340. The Whitespring Resort terminal entries; general manager's terminal, 12/12/78
  341. The Whitespring Resort terminal entries; general manager's terminal, 12/31/78
  342. Raleigh Clay's bunker terminal entries; Raleigh's terminal, All Clear
  343. Harpers Ferry proposal
  344. 344.0 344.1 Charleston Capitol Building terminal entries; Holbrook's terminal, Capital Mail Relay, They've left their bunkers
  345. Thunder Mountain power plant terminal entries; Free States terminal
  346. Riverside Manor terminal entries; study terminal, 4/29/79
  347. The Chosen One: "{132}{}{Artificial intelligence?}"
    Skynet: "{207}{}{Skynet was conceived and developed in the year 2050. Through the use of alien technology a new thinking computer was perfected. In the year 2081, Skynet became self-aware. In 2120 Skynet was given a new set of instructions and then abandoned by the Makers.}"
  348. Camp Venture terminal entries; terminal, Schedule
  349. Camp Venture terminal entries; commander's terminal, JAN-03-81: E Fisher
  350. Vault 95 terminal entries; private terminal, Your Orders
  351. Vault 95 terminal entries; private terminal, Entry 10/23/2082
  352. Charleston Capitol Building terminal entries; Holbrook's terminal, Envoy to Taggerdy
  353. Interrogation: Doe, Jane
  354. The Christmas Flood
  355. Riverside Manor terminal entries; Headmistress' terminal, 12/25/82
  356. 2.9.6
  357. Scattered Journal Page #1
  358. Riverside Manor terminal entries; headmistress' terminal, 3/5/83
  359. Year: 2083
  360. Camp Venture terminal entries; commander's terminal, NOV-09-83: K Kelly
  361. Sam Blackwell's bunker terminal entries; Sam's terminal, Judy's Gone
  362. Year: 2084
  363. Riverside Manor terminal entries#; Olivia's terminal, 9/8/84
  364. Museum of Technology placard: "This is a scaled model of a prototype military transport vehicle being developed by the U.S. Military. The XVB02 "Vertibird" is a VTOL ("Vertical Take Off and Landing") craft with an extremely durable armored fuselage and can be armored with a variety of offensive weapons and defensive countermeasures. This is the most advanced aircraft of its kind ever developed, and the military hopes to press them into service by 2085."
  365. Scatterd Journal Page #2
  366. Abbie's bunker terminal entries; Niraj's terminal, The Scorched
    Note: Niraj states that the Free States helped with Harpers Ferry for seven years following their emergence in 2079.
  367. Report on Harpers Ferry attack
  368. Assaultron: "Initiating ... final ... playback ... Engag--- " Ragnarsdottir: "That's the last of them. Entrance is clear, general. MODUS. Have the rest of these things stand down. The general's placed Eckhart under arrest. It's over."
    MODUS: "General ... Santiago is dead, Major."
    Ragnarsdottir: "What? What the hell was that?"
    MODUS: "There's been a ... detonation in the weapons lab. It appears the agent has ... broken containment and is filtering into the air system."
    Ragnarsdottir: "MODUS, what are you doing?! Open the god-damned door!"
    MODUS: "This facility is now ... quarantined."
    Ragnarsdottir "MODUS! Open the fucking door! You're going to kill us all!"
    MODUS: "To the contrary, Major. We're fixing ... the problem."
    (NPCM EN02 MajorRagnarsdottir.txt and ENB MODUSStandard.txt) Note: The following exchange is obtained after fixing the Assaultron at the entrance to the Whitespring bunker.
  369. Riverside Manor terminal entries; Headmistress' terminal, 2/8/86
  370. Riverside Manor terminal entries; Olivia's terminal, 2/10/86
  371. Riverside Manor terminal entries; Headmistress' terminal, 2/14/86
  372. Camp Venture terminal entries; Commander's terminal, MAR-26-86: Tex Rogers
  373. Riverside Manor terminal entries; Cryptos terminal, Membership Roster
  374. The Whitespring Resort terminal entries; maintenance room terminal, Lockdown Terminated
  375. Riverside Manor terminal entries; Headmistress' terminal, 6/1/86
  376. Preservation of technology
  377. Riverside Manor terminal entries; Olivia's terminal, 6/8/86
  378. Pleasant Valley cabins terminal entries; Brody's terminal, 6-9-86: RE: Checkpoint Massacre
  379. Pleasant Valley Ski Resort terminal entries; Brody's terminal, 7-1-86: Quotas
  380. Pleasant Valley Ski Resort terminal entries; Brody's terminal, 7-19-86: RE: Deal
  381. Riverside Manor terminal entries; Headmistress' terminal, 7/24/86
  382. Riverside Manor terminal entries; Olivia's terminal, 7/24/86
  383. Riverside Manor terminal entries; Olivia's terminal, 9/21/86
  384. Pleasant Valley cabins terminal entries; Brody's terminal, Mount Holotape Drive
  385. Riverside Manor terminal entries; Headmistress' terminal, 10/7/86
  386. Riverside Manor terminal entries; Headmistress' terminal, 11/10/86
  387. Riverside Manor terminal entries; Headmistress' terminal, From Olivia
  388. Pleasant Valley cabins terminal entries; Brody's terminal, 11-16-86: RE: Finale
  389. Riverside Manor terminal entries; Headmistress' terminal, 11/18/86
  390. Shannon Rivers' recording
  391. Scattered Journal Page #3
  392. 392.0 392.1 The Chosen One: "....."
    Joanne Lynette: "{272}{lyn031}{We exited the Vault 120 years ago and, with the help of our Eden kit, began construction of Vault City. Ten years later, the Overseer retired and a Council of Citizens was established. The Council appointed the initial First Citizen.}"
    The Chosen One: "{275}{}{120 years ago? That was 70 years before the Vault Dweller stopped the Master. This can't be the vault I'm looking for.}"
    Note: Lynette's dialogue contains an error, likely due to an oversight in development: It correctly identifies the foundation date as 70 years before the Vault Dweller, but incorrectly states that it was 120 years before Fallout 2.
  393. 03.11.2092.05:13:46 Error Incident
  394. Flatoods terminal entries; diagnostic terminal, Archives
  395. Flatwoods terminal entries; Self-Serve Registration Kiosk, You are safe
  396. Flatwoods terminal entries; Reverend Delbert's terminal, Feb 20: Responders
  397. Vault-Tec Agricultural Research Center terminal entries; MacFadden's terminal, 4-3-93
  398. Vault-Tec Agricultural Research Center terminal entries; MacFadden's terminal, 7-19-93
  399. Fort Defiance terminal entries; Senior Knight Wilson's terminal, 93-JUL-20
  400. Scattered journal page #4
  401. Fort Defiance terminal entries; Senior Knight Wilson's terminal, [94-JAN-03]
  402. Vault-Tec Agricultural Research Center terminal entries; MacFadden's terminal, 6-12-94
  403. Vault-Tec Agricultural Research Center terminal entries; MacFadden's terminal, 11-11-94
  404. 404.0 404.1 Fort Defiance terminal entries; Senior Knight Wilson's terminal, [95-FEB-02]
  405. Fort Defiance terminal entries; Senior Knight Wilson's terminal, [URGENT: Touchdown Recovery]
  406. 406.0 406.1 Fort Defiance terminal entries; Senior Knight Wilson's terminal, [Touchdown Recovery (Supplemental)]
  407. 407.0 407.1 Tygart water treatment terminal entries; Amy Kerry's terminal, Feb 9, 2095
  408. 408.0 408.1 Fort Defiance terminal entries; Senior Knight Wilson's terminal, [95-JUN-03]
  409. Tygart water treatment terminal entries; Amy Kerry's terminal, April 16, 2095
  410. Scattered Journal Page #5
  411. Year: 2095
  412. Fort Defiance terminal entries; Senior Knight Wilson's terminal, [95-AUG-13]
  413. Thunder Mountain power plant terminal entries; communications terminal, 95-Aug-18
  414. 414.0 414.1 Final Stand
  415. Thunder Mountain power plant terminal entries; communications terminal, 95-Aug-19
  416. 416.0 416.1 Madigan encounter
  417. Raleigh Clay's bunker terminal entries; Outgoing Notifications Station, Scorchbeast Lures
  418. Raleigh Clay's bunker terminal entries; Outgoing Notifications Station, Scorchbeasts
  419. Flatwoods terminal entries; Self-Serve Registration Kiosk, Yates, Sofie
  420. 420.0 420.1 420.2 Year: 2096
  422. Year: 2096 (II)
  423. Flatwoods terminal entries; Responders Database, 6/15/96: New Patient: Meddles
  424. Flatwoods terminal entries; Self-Serve Registration Kiosk, Caldera, Miguel
  425. 425.0 425.1 AVR Medical Center terminal entries; AVR Medical laboratory terminal, July 6th, 2096
  426. Flatwoods terminal entries; Responders Database, 7/18/96: New Patient: Chris
  427. Flatwoods terminal entries; Self-Serve Registration Kiosk, Wilkins, Garry
  428. Flatwoods terminal entries; Self-Serve Registration Kiosk, Winters, Delbert
  429. Flatwoods terminal entries; Responders Database, 7/25/96: New Patient: Cullen
  430. Flatwoods terminal entries; Responders Database, 8/01/96: New Patient: Mike
  431. AVR Medical Center terminal entries; AVR Medical laboratory terminal, August 1st, 2096
  432. Flatwoods terminal entries; Responders Database, 8/02/96: Comment from Cullen
  433. AVR Medical Center terminal entries; AVR Medical Laboratory terminal, August 12th, 2096
  434. Flatwoods terminal entries; Responders Database, 8/14/96: New Patient: Dr. Veen
  435. Flatwoods terminal entries; Responders Database, 8/20/96: Comment from Dr. Veen
  436. Flatwoods terminal entries; Responders Database, 8/25/96: New Patient: Brad
  437. Flatwoods terminal entries; Responders Database, 9/01/96: Comment from Dr. Venn
  438. AVR Medical Center terminal entries; AVR Medical laboratory terminal, September 2nd, 2096
  439. AVR Medical Center terminal entries; AVR Medical laboratory terminal, October 20th, 2096
  440. Charleston Fire Department terminal entries; Fire Breathers master terminal, Muster Point - The Rusty Pick
  441. Rose: "Oh I see now, you're here about that guy, huh? Good luck getting anything outta him. He's been dead a while. He came up here to negotiate with my Raider associates. They strung him up, and left him to die after... convincing him to spill the beans about what he was up to. Before you ask, I dunno, I wasn't there. Anyway, you're probably looking for that scorched detector uplink thingamajig he was trying to install when they caught him."
    (RDR Contact Rose.txt)
  442. 442.0 442.1 Flatwoods terminal entries; Self-Serve Registration Kiosk, McDermott, Kesha
  443. AVR Medical Center terminal entries; AVR Medical laboratory terminal, November 7th, 2096
  444. Flatwoods terminal entries; Self-Serve Registration Kiosk, McLeeder, Cullen
  445. Ghoul's note 1 and Ghoul's note 2
  446. 446.0 446.1 Year: 2097
  447. Scattered Journal Page #6
  448. The Vault Dweller: "{108}{}{Tell me a bit about the town.}"
    Jarvis: "{111}{}{Well, Shady Sands was founded by a great ancestor of our current leader, Aradesh. He could tell you more of the story. We have a well and irrigation, so we do well for ourselves.}"
  449. 449.0 449.1 Vault 76 terminal entries; Overseer's terminal, Archived files - Annual Review: 2100
  450. Randall Clark terminal entries; terminal, Year 2100.
  451. Year: 2100
  452. Year: 2101
  453. Richard Grey's audio diary: "==0000 - 0004==
    I'm dying. I need to get this down before the pain overwhelms me.
    ==0005 - 0020==
    I can't believe that I was finally able to drag myself out of that vat. The slime did not affect me, but I nearly drowned. I don't know what happened to Harold - he was standing right next to me when the crane knocked me into the vat. He must have been killed or he would have tried to help me. Francine is dead, killed by one of those robots.
    ==0021 - 0027==
    I have no idea how much time has passed. I was able to hack the computer to turn off the robots and record this, but now my mind is slipping away.There is much pain...
    ==0028 - 0043==
    The green slime that I was immersed in is the source of all the mutations we traced to here. My skin is starting to fester and peel. In other areas it is bubbling and is expelling a green mucus-like substance. Some days the pain is almost tolerable.
    ==0044 - 0057==
    I can actually walk a few steps again...It seems inconceivable that I dragged myself all the way up here from the vat room. Strangely, I'm actually feeling stronger, though I'm still in a lot of pain. Everything seems to be getting smaller.
    ==0058 - 0096==
    I think I consumed one of the mutated things scurrying around here today. Before I knew what was happening, some sort of tendril had sprang from my stomach and covered the poor creature. As soon as it had sucked the rodent into my gut I could actually feel its mind. I think. There is the very real possibility that I'm going slowly insane and can no longer differentiate between what is real and what is a hallucination. Maybe I'm still slowly dying in the vat and I've imagined all this. "
  454. Richard Grey's audio diary: "==0097 - 0111==
    Things are becoming more clear to me every day. This toxin has actually improved my mind. I feel that I can understand even the most complex philosophical questions simply and directly. It's as if all the layers of artifice have been stripped away. I wonder what would happen if I submerged an animal in the vats for a prolonged period of time? Would it gain awareness?
    ==0112 - 0134==
    The strangest thing is happening to the animals. They actually become smarter and more aware of their surroundings. I dipped a dog and a rat at the same time today, and they were fused together. It's not quite two creatures anymore, but it's more than one. Perhaps this is the future - a coming together of different creatures in some sort of harmonious unity. I no longer consume the different animals I create simply for sustenance - I have become the instrument through which unity will be achieved. I am so much more than a human being now."
  455. Events of An Ounce of Prevention.
  456. Events of Signal Strength.
  457. Events of Miner Miracles.
  458. Events of The Missing Link, Early Warnings, Reassembly Required, and Coming to Fruition.
  459. Events of Mayor for a Day.
  460. Events of Officer on Deck.
  461. Events of I Am Become Death.
  462. Vault Dweller: "I command Appalachia's nuclear arsenal. I am become death, destroyer of worlds."
    Captain Oliver Fields: "Seems to me that a lot of people around here have access to that arsenal. It's a fact that I'm not overly fond of."
    (Oliver Fields' dialogue)
  463. Richard Grey's audio diary: "==0135 - 0139==
    It is time to bring others into the glory that is the Unity.
    ==0140 - 0153==
    A lost soul has finally strayed into my home. I was so surprised I consumed him before dipping, a mistake I shall not make again. His mind was so primitive as to be repulsive to my refined cognitive abilities."
  464. Richard Grey's audio diary: "==0154 - 0172==
    I've begun to modify myself to be more pleasing to the Unity by injecting small doses of the virus into my body. The slime in the vats is a man-made virus called the Forced Evolutionary Virus. This information was acquired from my newly grown neurolink with the base computer.
    ==0173 - 0198==
    The few wanderers that have found their way here have been a disappointment to me. They can't seem to mutate correctly. The best I've been able to create are some big and dumb mutants. Most can recall nothing from before I initiated them into the wondrous Unity. I only feed on them for fuel, now. Their minds are nothing to me."
  465. Richard Grey's audio diary: "==0237 - 0281==
    We are beginning to create an army dedicated to unifying the wonderful diversity of life. We have trained them to continue our work here while we search out more populated areas to take into ourselves. We are beginning to feel the limitations of a body that is mobile. We must find a permanent home, with a greater store of knowledge, and a steady supply of bio-mass.
    ==0282 - 0303==
    We have stopped increasing ourself until we can find this new unification center. When we have arrived we will continue to grow and feed until we have brought peace and unity to the entire world."
  466. Richard Grey's audio diary: "==0199 - 0236==
    Oh glorious creator!! I have succeeded in spreading the complete joy of unification to another soul! Unlike the others, his total radiation count was low. I believe this is the factor we have been overlooking all this time, as it seems the conversion is more successful in the cases with less radiation damage. I have never known such glory as I felt when taking his mind into our own."
  467. Events of Crash Landing
  468. Reclamation Day events circa 2103
  469. Events of The Elusive Crane
  470. 470.0 470.1 Events of The New Arrivals
  471. Events of All That Glitters or Buried Treasure
  472. Events of Secrets Revealed
  473. Vault Dweller: "I'm here to help. What needs doing?"
    Russell Dorsey: "Message they broadcast was kinda garbled, but it seemed clear the Brotherhood has chosen ATLAS as a base. Makes sense they'd be looking to have supplies waiting when they get here. A group like that's going to want to be operational ASAP."
  474. Events of Fortifying ATLAS
  475. Events of A Knight's Penance
  476. Randall Clark terminal entries; terminal, Year 2108.
  477. Year: 2108
  478. The Institute's official seal as seen on the Institute food packet.
  479. Fallout 4 loading screens: "The Institute was officially founded in the year 2110 by a group a of游戏中的拼写、标点和/或语法 former Commonwealth Institute of Technology students who took refuge in the college's underground level at the time of the Great War."
  480. Randall Clark terminal entries; terminal, Year 2113.
  481. Year: 2113
  482. The Chosen One: "{132}{}{Artificial intelligence?}"
    Skynet: "{207}{}{Skynet was conceived and developed in the year 2050. Through the use of alien technology a new thinking computer was perfected. In the year 2081, Skynet became self-aware. In 2120 Skynet was given a new set of instructions and then abandoned by the Makers.}"
    (Skynet's dialogue)
  483. Year: 2123
  484. 484.0 484.1 Year: 2124
  485. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.42: "Vault Dwellers
    Vault 101 was actually part of an unscrupulous social experiment. All of the other Vaults were intended to be opened at one point or another when the "all clear" signal was sent from Vault-Tec or the appropriate regulatory agency, and this indeed, did transpire, with almost universally horrific results. But Vault 101's secret plans were different: The doors were never scheduled to open. Ever. In fact, the Vault was supplied with just the type of equipment it would need to keep functioning indefinitely-like spare parts for the water processor. But this was just the beginning:
    The true experiment was even more devious and cunning. Although Vault 101 was about testing the human condition when a Vault never opened, this was only the first part of the plan. The "actual" experiment went far beyond that, and a select few knew the true nature; that this was to test the role of the Overseer. While the Overseer was able to interact (and even visit) the outside world via radio transmissions, and a secret tunnel from his sealed office, the rest of the inhabitants faced a much more dismal future: As far as they knew, Vault 101 was never sent an "all clear" signal, and faked radio transmissions described a nuclear-ravaged world gone mad, with absolutely no hope of existence outside of a Vault. The radio transmissions were actually recorded before the bombs even fell, and in many cases described a world even more horrible than the reality of the nuclear wasteland. The Vault 101 Overseer, like his counterparts in the other Vaults, was actually a planted Vault-Tec operative whose job it was to control the experiment from the inside.
    Aside from keeping up this ruse, the Overseer's other important role was to reinforce to the dwellers of Vault 101 that the outside world would never be habitable again, and that their only salvation was in the Vault. The Overseer prevented anyone from leaving the Vault, and made sure the Vault dwellers received their regular "transmission" from the outside world. People entered Vault 101 in 2077, just before the bombs fell.
    The Overseer died of natural causes 50 years later (in 2127), at the age of 84, after grooming a subordinate to continue the clandestine plan. The new Overseer led his people according to the same isolationist doctrine preached by his predecessor, but also attempted to garner as many senior Vault Dwellers to become complicit in this plan as possible. By 2277, the descendants of the Overseer had an entire generation of Vault Dwellers who were playing along with this plan, keeping the secrets from their children.
    The Overseer and his cronies continued to receive periodic information from the outside world, while those not in the know were told that things had gotten so bad that whoever was sending transmissions was no longer able to do so; reinforcing the thought that leaving the Vault was sheer suicide. The final piece of this grand experiment only truly began when the Vault Dwellers living in blissful ignorance finally realized the world outside could be accessed, and there was a possibility of life above ground. The experiment only really commenced when the Vault 101 door first opened, and a young dweller fled into the light."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide faction profiles)
  486. 486.0 486.1 The Vault Dweller: "{104}{}{What is it you do here?}"
    Gabriel: "{109}{}{We manufacture weapons and ammunition. We've been at this for the last 30 years. But the last 10 have been hell.}"
  487. 487.00 487.01 487.02 487.03 487.04 487.05 487.06 487.07 487.08 487.09 487.10 487.11 487.12 487.13 487.14 487.15 487.16 487.17 487.18 487.19 487.20 487.21 Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p.458: "Important Dates
    2196 Tandi (Aradesh's daughter) is unanimously elected President by the NCR council. Her popularity is to prove enduring: she will continue to serve in office until her death in 2248, at the age of 103.
    2242-2243 The events of Fallout 2 take place.
    2248 President Tandi takes ill and dies at the age of 103. Her presidency has lasted 52 years. Vice-President Joanna Tibbett assumes office.
    2253 President Tibbett is removed from office by a vote of no confidence following her "timid" response to the massacre of 38 NCR citizens at the hands of Mojave raiders. Her replacement, President Wendell Peterson, orders three battalions of NCR infantry into the Mojave.
    2270 The extirpation of tribals in the area of present-day Bullhead City is complete. "The Pacification of the Mojave," as it comes to be known, makes General Aaron Kimball a national hero.
    2272 The NCR's Mojave outpost is established.
    2273 Aaron Kimball retires from the NCR military and runs for office as one of Hub's political representatives (or "governors," as Hub idiosyncratically calls them). Less than two months into his term, Wendell Peterson is voted out of office and Aaron Kimball becomes the NCR's next President.
    2274 NCR forces move east and occupy Hoover Dam. The NCR reluctantly signs the Treaty of New Vegas recognizing Mr. House and his stewards, the Three Families, as the rightful owners of the Strip. The Strip opens for business.
    2275 Camp McCarran is established as NCR Headquarters in the Mojave. Sporadic fighting begins with the Mojave Brotherhood of Steel. The NCR government withdraws official support from the Followers of the Apocalypse and founds The Office of Science and Industry.
    2274 Hoover Dam restarts and the Strip blazes with light. The first trickle of privileged, curious NCR citizens visits the Strip.
    2276 Conflict with the Brotherhood of Steel escalates, culminating in decisive victory at HELIOS One. The Mojave Brotherhood is considered "neutralized."
    2277 Fallout 3 begins.
    2277 Legion forces under the command of the Malpais Legate fail to wrest control of Hoover Dam from the NCR. Despite heavy casualties, the NCR's victory is celebrated back home.
    2278 Following the abduction and killing of four soldiers, NCR troops assault the Great Khans' settlement at Red Rock Canyon and massacre several dozen men, women, and children. This event goes unreported in NCR press.
    2281 Fallout: New Vegas begins."
    Note: the Guide erroneously states that Red Rock Canyon, rather than Bitter Springs, was attacked by the NCR.
  488. The Courier: "How long have you been in business?"
    Alice McLafferty: "The Crimson Caravan Company has been in business for over 130 years. We're partially responsible for the progress in the NCR."
    (Alice McLafferty's dialogue)
  489. The Courier: "What is this place?"
    Vendortron: "This is the New Vegas branch of the Gun Runners, supplying the wasteland with only the finest armaments since 2155."
    (Vendortron's dialogue)
  490. Ian, Aradesh, Killian
  491. The Courier: "Where did you come from?"
    Lily Bowen: "I grew up in Vault 17. I never even saw the sun until I was 75 years old - that was when Super mutants raided the Vault and carried a lot of us off. Yes, Leo, I'm getting to that part! They made me one of them, and they put me to work in an army that was going to conquer California."
    (Lily's dialogue) Note: Lily Bowen's birth date (2078) and stated age (75) when leaving the Vault. Amended to fit the established timeline.
  492. The Vault Dweller: "{112}{}{What's so bad about Adytum supplying you with your materials?}"
    Gabriel: "{113}{}{At first it was fine. They supplied us with raw materials, we manufactured and sold the weapons. Then 3 years ago Zimmerman hired some mercenaries to help protect Adytum from the deathclaw and the odd random attack by raiders. Those Regulators are cold hearted bastards and are squeezing us for all we have. We make the guns and they get rich off of it.}"
  493. The Vault Dweller: "{1006}{}{Elder}"
    John Maxson: "{1106}{Gen_58}{Hehehe. A fine, handsome, upstanding man. The High Elder position is to mediate the meetings between the Elders. You see, two years ago I got talked into it. If I'd of known then...}"
  494. Fallout endings: "Thanks to your persistence, the Raiders are destroyed as an effective fighting force, and disband. None of the Raider survivors are ever heard from again."
    Note: This ending is given if Garl and at least eight more raiders are killed, or if more than thirteen raiders are killed. Fallout 2 and Fallout: New Vegas establish this ending as canon, though a single Khan survivor, Darion, is found in Vault 15 in Fallout 2.
  495. The canonical Fallout ending for the Hub.
  496. Date in the Fallout demo.
  497. Find the Water Thief
  498. This is a scripted event in Fallout.
  499. The non-canonical Fallout ending for the Followers of the Apocalypse.
  500. The non-canonical Fallout ending for the Hub.
  501. Fallout Bible 6: "2162 May 12 Vault Dweller removes the Vault suit and from this day forward, never wears it again."
  502. A non-canonical Fallout ending for the Brotherhood of Steel
  503. Fallout endings#Destroyed by mutants
  504. Fallout Bible 6 Pie in the face section: "2162 July 10 Vault Dweller heads North with a small group of Vault-dwellers and wastelanders and founds the small village of Arroyo."
  505. A non-canonical Fallout ending for Shady Sands.
  506. The canonical Fallout ending for the Brotherhood of Steel.
  507. 507.0 507.1 A non-canonical Fallout ending for if the player chooses to join Unity, leave the Master alive for 500 days, or let thirteen years pass in game.
  508. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p.458: "Controversy over the Vegas Frontier
    The NCR spread east into Nevada in large numbers just five years ago on a "humanitarian mission" to "bring the light of civilization to the savage wastes of the Mojave." Hoover Dam was the symbol of the expedition-reports from the Followers of the Apocalypse had confirmed that it was still intact as early as 2170-and its occupation by NCR troops in 2274 was a celebrated event. Even more exciting was the restarting of the dam's hydroelectric plant eleven months later, which dramatically improved the access of many NCR citizens to electricity and water."
    (Behind the Bright Lights & Big City)
  509. The Chosen One: "{239}{}{Cleanse the mutants? That sounds a bit drastic. How are you going to do that?}"
    Dick Richardson: "{240}{prs41}{We found a research facility in operational shape about 70 years ago. A former military base that had been used to research a special virus.}"
  510. Year 2178
  511. Fallout 4 loading screens: "The Minutemen were formed over a century ago by ordinary people who simply wanted to defend their home, the Commonwealth, from any threat imaginable. Sadly, the group has fallen into disarray in recent years."
  512. Fallout 4 loading screens: "The Minutemen first rose to prominence in the year 2180, when they defended Diamond City against a horde of Super Mutant attackers."
  513. The Courier: "You were a mayor?"
    Marcus: "Town was Broken Hills. Bunch of Super Mutants, humans, and Ghouls all living together peacefully. Well, most of the time."
  514. 514.0 514.1 Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition p.41: "New California Republic
    The New California Republic was born from the remnants of the survivors of Vault 15 and the small walled community they founded, Shady Sands. Under the leadership of Aradesh, and with the assistance of the Vault Dweller (who saved Tandi, Aradesh's daughter and a future president of the NCR), the community prospered. Trade routes with other settlements allowed cultural exchange, and a movement to form a national entity gradually took root and won popular acceptance. In 2186, the town of Shady Sands changed its name to "New California Republic" and formed a trial council government to draft a constitution. Four more settlements joined the council, and in 2189 the NCR was voted into existence as a sprawling federation of five states: Shady Sands, Los Angeles, Maxson, Hub, and Dayglow.
    By post-apocalyptic standards, the NCR is a paragon of economic success and good ethical character: political enfranchisement, rule of law, a reasonable degree of physical security, and a standard of living better than mere subsistence are daily realities for it's 700,000+ citizens. Currently, the NCR in a state of transition, with rapid economic growth and a sea change in political leadership endangering its grand humanitarian ideals. Nowhere is this more evident than in the Mojave, where the occupation of Hoover Dam has improved access to electricity and water, but at the cost of straining its budget and embroiling its armed forces in a morally corrosive imperialist project.
    The NCR government's aim is to annex New Vegas as the republic's sixth state. While it already controls Hoover Dam, its treaty with Mr. House and the three families compels it to allot one-fifth of the dam's electrical and water production to local use free of charge. Adding injury to insult, the NCR is locked into protecting New Vegas from invasion by Caesar's legion even as it receives not one cap in tax revenue from the Strip's highly lucrative resort operations. NCR citizens in the Mojave have largely come here for economic reasons, whether as paid citizen soldiers or as prospectors and fortune-seekers."
    (Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide faction profiles)
  515. The canonical Fallout ending for Shady Sands.
  516. The canonical Fallout ending for the Followers of the Apocalypse.
  517. Curie: "Oh. Another stranger. Are you Vault-Tec security? I've waited so very patiently for you to arrive."
    The Sole Survivor: "Yes. Yes, I am."
    Curie: "Superb! I placed an emergency call so long ago. I was beginning to think something dreadful must've happened. I am pleased to report I completed my primary duties 83 years ago. Thousands of pathogens were grown in the mole rat hosts. Then a single broad spectrum cure was developed to treat them all. Very satisfying work for many decades. Now, please tell me you are authorized to release me from the lab."
    (Curie's dialogue)
  518. The Sole Survivor: "These mole rats carry a disease. Do you know anything about it?"
    Curie: "My poor little darlings. They were used to grow all manner of new and interesting pathogens. Then vault citizens would be exposed to these viruses in the hopes that they would develop new antibodies. But they never got a chance to execute their plan. Clyde got out of his cage. He was smarter than the others, my sweet Clyde. He let out the others and those poor scientists never stood a chance. Clyde's been dead for almost two centuries now, but his descendants have free run of the vault. I'm rambling. Where are my manners. Are you Vault-tec security?"
    (Curie's dialogue)
  519. Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guideg Collector's Edition p.457: "Equality"
    By law, the NCR prohibits persecution and discrimination on the basis of gender, ethnicity, sexuality, or religious belief (so long as said religion does not advocate violence). Legal protection of Ghouls and other mutants was added in 2205, though enforcement of these rights has been spotty. For the most part, the NCR's practices live up to its ideals, but there has been some retrenchment since the death of President Tandi. Aaron Kimball's popularity was amplified by a reactionary undercurrent, especially among males, calling out a need for a "strong man" to lead the NCR forward. In the years since Kimball took office, male military officers have been promoted disproportionately to females, and discourse arguing the differences between males and females has reappeared."
    (Behind the Bright Lights & Big City)
  520. Year 2224
  521. Out of Time
  522. The Lone Wanderer: "What can you tell me about Underworld?"
    Winthrop: "We were driven underground... hrm... almost fifty years ago now. Between the Super Mutants, the beasts, and you crazy humans, it's not safe up there. So we stay down here, out of sight and out of trouble. We get a few smoothskins every so often, but most of us don't trust 'em. You're not gonna give us more reasons not to be trusting, are you?"
  523. The Sole Survivor: "Massacre of the CPG? What's that?"
    Nick Valentine: "The Commonwealth Provisional Government. Years back a group of settlements tried to get together and form a coalition. Every settlement with even a hint of clout sent representatives to try and hash out an agreement. Only the Institute sent a representative of their own, a Synth. The man killed every rep at the talks. The Commonwealth Provisional Government was over before it even got off the ground. I took up in town not long after. I was damn lucky they didn't just tell me to scram right then and there."
  524. Nick Valentine: "Hey. Let me ask you something. It's just, with everything that's happened with you, your family. It's a whole hell of a lot to process. I wanted to make sure you're holding up alright."
    The Sole Survivor: "I don't know, Nick. My family's in tatters. I've been dropped into this place where everything's trying to kill me. You tell me."
    Nick Valeninte: "I'd expect you feel lost, scared, and mad as hell. I sure did. Took me a long damn time to get a feel for this place. Thank goodness I found Diamond City. It's got its flaws, sure, but it beats the hell out of anywhere else in the Commonwealth. Course, when I took up there back when, people were just as scared of the Institute as they are now, maybe more. The massacre of the CPG was still pretty fresh in people's minds at that point, and folks were still losing sleep over the Broken Mask. Plenty of people assumed I was just a saboteur, moving in to melt down the reactor or poison the drinking water. But, at the time, they couldn't exactly turn me away."
  525. Publick Occurrences, The Synthetic Truth: "Ever since the "Broken Mask" incident of 2229, right here in Diamond City, when the first human-looking synth infiltrated and attacked a group of innocent settlers, we have lain awake in bed at night, terrified of the Institute and everything it represents."
  526. The Courier: "Tell me about the Boomers."
    Robert House: "They occupied Nellis Air Force Base a little over 50 years ago. One of my Securitrons got some video of their arrival - and then... exploded. Odds are they were Vault dwellers. That's everything I know about them, really."
  527. The Lone Wanderer: "Setting the record straight is exactly my goal."
    Horace Pinkerton: "For that, you have to go all the way back to when remnants of the Naval Research Institute cleared the Mirelurks off this wreck about 40 years ago. We were looking for new lab-space, and this bucket of bolts just happened to have a well-preserved science bay on it. Everything else just grew up around that lab once we got it up and running. The science team was led by one "H. Pinkerton.""
  528. Chosen One: {166}{}{What are *they*? Who cares where they came from, just tell me what *they* are.}
    Athabaska Dick: {168}{}{Well, I don't rightly know what they are 'zactly. But I kin tell you this: they shut down the Wanamingo Mine just west of town a few years back.}
    {197}{}{?So, now you know. The slaves that used to work the mine blew up the dynamite stores and escaped, rather than face those Wanamingos. Shut down the mine right after and nobody went back.}
  529. The Chosen One: "{592}{}{Thomas Moore is a Citizen, and he is the leader of this movement.}"
    Joanne Lynette: "{595}{lyn093}{No. He is not a TRUE Citizen... not anymore. When he came to us two years ago, he seemed everything we would want in a Citizen. But just a year later he... changed. He turned against us.}"
  530. Rivet City historical record
  531. Fallout 4 loading screens: "Goodneighbor was founded in the year 2240, by a group of criminals who were banished from Diamond City."
  532. Fallout 4 loading screens: "The Minutemen once made their headquarters in South Boston's Fort Independence, also known as "the Castle." That ended when a giant creature rose from the sea decades ago and laid it to waste."
  533. Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition p.517: "[18.08] THE CASTLE
    Historians have noted the original name for this settlement was Fort Independence, but the people of the Commonwealth now refer to it simply as the Castle. This place has a long and storied history; it is one of the first forts in America and predates the Revolutionary War. In recent times, it served as the base of operations for the Minutemen as they attempte