關於other characters in the Fallout universe named Graham,參見Graham。 關於other characters named Joshua,參見Joshua。 |
约书亚.格雷汉姆 (曾名為馬爾佩斯特使,坊間稱為燃燒者 )是一名摩门传教士,凯撒军团共同创始者, 以及軍團的首任特使。
约书亚.格雷汉姆生于犹他州奥格登,早年接受传教士的教育和训练。2246年,他启程向废土传递福音,沿15号州际和89号公路 Route 89 南下亚利桑那州。在大峡谷,命运的安排讓他遇见了两名末日追随者教徒 - 比尔.卡尔霍恩 和 爱德华.夏罗,他们来此的目的是研究战后世界开始萌芽的部落方言。而格雷汉姆恰恰能流利使用多种方言。他决定加入这只九人探险小队,协助他们的研究。
2247年,小队拜访了黑脚部落。不知道是被部落设计还是格雷汉姆翻译出了差错。总而言之,小队被软禁了。此时,黑脚正于其他七个部落交战,一场必败之战。不甘于随黑脚陪葬的夏罗不顾卡尔霍恩的反对,利用他的知识向缺乏战略能力的黑脚部落传授战争知识 - 向他们展示如何清洁维护枪械 - 演练小队战术 - 自制炸药 - 以及指挥他们在战略上先击破最弱的敌人;“divide et impera” - 分而破之。黑脚族对他叹为观止,并将他选为领袖,从此 - 他自封为:“凯撒”。
尽管算是获得了自由,约书亚.格雷汉姆还是愿意留下为凯撒担当翻译。然而很快翻译工作变成了指挥工作,以至指挥战争 - 训练 - 威压。而卡尔霍恩则被送返追随者,报告凯撒的所为。最终,七个部落或被毁灭,或加入了凯撒的军队。凯撒与格雷汉姆将被征服或降服的部落整编为凯撒军团,而格雷汉姆则成为了首位军团特使。
格雷汉姆从来不是个特别出色的战略家,他的战术运用也不算灵活,他的威压和残忍臭名昭著:他的残暴之举使人们对他深感恐惧 - 无论是敌是友。他即危险又难以捉摸,而真正让他声名在外的,是他的命硬,仿佛他是杀不死的一般。。。游騎兵也拿他没办法:第一侦察营至少五次报告了他的死讯。
格雷汉姆的失败令凯撒狂怒,令他个人对此负全责,并下令将他处决。军团特使被禁军守卫浇上沥青,点火后被扔下了大峡谷 - 作为一个警示:军团不会容忍失败,哪怕你位及人臣。
即使在多年之后 - 当人们都认为他早已死去,他的真名依然是军团里的禁忌 ,凯撒下令,犯禁者将处极刑。所有关于他还在生的流言都被军团内的高级指挥官淡化了。但在下级军团成员和奴隶阶层,“被焚者”被传为一个终将归来的复仇之魂。凯撒深知Graham依然在世,并派遣了众多斥候和刺客在科罗拉多河以东搜寻他的下落,惧怕他终有一日会寻机报复。
在解决了不少军团派遣刺客的后,约书亚.格雷汉姆向新伽南进发。军团带给他的第二次洗礼转变了他,最新点燃了他的信仰,洗去了他的骄傲于虚荣。经过三个月极度痛苦的旅程,他回到了新伽南,在那里他受到了欢迎 - 仿佛他从未另他之前的所为从未另他们蒙羞一般。
尽管曾经想凯撒效忠,被焚者对于NCR联手并无憎恶之意。对他来说,NCR是可以被挽救的,人心的贪婪是大战爆发的根源,只有通过对上帝的信仰 - 祈祷 - 真诚的仁义之举,人类才有希望避免历史再次重演。
He also has a dim opinion of Mr. House, seeing him as another Caesar; a man who rallied together his own set of tribes using his own methods to assume domination over others.
以下内容基於范布倫设计文档 和 并非正史. |
约书亚.格雷汉姆 (當時他的稱號是「絞刑人」)最初出现在范布伦计划中,在此版本中他将是一个可招募的队友,也是数据上最优秀的队友,不过从某些方面来说他很邪恶,而且会让主角的游戏过程充满麻烦。He was intended to be a "jinxed" non-player character, like the pariah dog.
約書亞·格拉漢姆因攻打阿拉德什要塞慘敗,在Fort Abandon被處以絞刑,而主角囚徒可以把他救下,he Hanged Man would tag along with the Prisoner. He was wrapped from head to toe in bandages as he had been burned all over his entire body. Save for the fact that he had a connection to Caesar's Legion and was particularly ticked off at them, he would not provide many details about himself.
Rescuing the Hanged Man would cause all the tribals in the region to be angry with the Prisoner as the tribals would blame him for future crimes committed by the Hanged Man. In addition, 當地人對他非常厭惡,絞刑人會 try to butcher any Twin Mothers tribals he could find. Having him in the party would make dealing with tribals and some towns extremely difficult.
The Hanged Man would not enter New Canaan. Upon arrival, he would initiate dialogue with the Prisoner and tell him/her that he had something to take care of, offering to meet at Burham Springs later on.[1] Bishop Mordecai would be able to reveal some details about him.
Upon entering Burham Springs, the Hanged Man might quote 2 Chronicles 28. The Hanged Man would laughingly refuse to drop his weapons if commanded to by Phil, possibly even inciting Phil to open fire on the party. It would be very difficult for the Prisoner to defuse the situation.[2]
關於范布倫设计文档的内容到此作結。 |
初次和格雷汉姆对话时,他会说你“。。不是他预料中的那个邮差。。” 随后又说:“。。话说回来,那个家伙不会跟着商队来的。” 暗示他预料中的那个邮差是尤利西斯- 军团派来的刺客。
- Arrival at Zion: The player must speak with Graham to complete the quest.
- Chaos in Zion: Killing Joshua Graham (or another storyline-essential character) will start this quest.
- Civilized Man's Burden: Joshua may be asked of his opinion on Follow's-Chalk leaving the tribe and exploring the civilized lands.
- Flight from Zion, Crush the White Legs: During the final quests in Honest Hearts, Graham will become a temporary companion to the Courier.
- Gone Fishin', Roadside Attraction, Tourist Trap: After speaking to him, he will instruct the Courier to collect items to supply to the Sorrows.
- The Grand Staircase: After having obtained the map of the Grand Staircase, the Courier may give it to either Joshua or Daniel.
# | Slide | Voice-over narration | In-game condition |
1 | After a long and troubled life, Joshua Graham finally found rest in Zion. In the end, his unswerving militancy had accomplished what the NCR's finest sharpshooters and Caesar's wrath could not. The New Canaanites took comfort in the belief that their brother's soul would again dwell in Zion at the end of days. |
Kill Joshua Graham. | |
2 | The threat of the White Legs ended, Joshua Graham helped the Sorrows and Dead Horses tend to their fallen comrades and secure Zion. The Courier's words had stayed Joshua's wrath in his darkest hour, and in sparing Salt-Upon-Wounds, he was changed. While he continued to advocate militant opposition to the enemies of New Canaan, he sometimes showed quarter to those who crossed his family. Eventually this new spirit would diminish the myth of the Burned Man in distant lands - a small price for the peace it brought to Joshua Graham. |
Help Joshua Graham Defend Zion Valley and exterminate the White Legs, then convince Joshua Graham to spare Salt-Upon-Wounds. | |
3 | With the White Legs crushed, Joshua Graham led the Sorrows and Dead Horses in tearing apart and burning the corpses of their enemies. He set about training his army in the "Way of the Canaanite," and soon the New Canaanites and tribes of Zion were feared well into the Mojave. Legends of the Burned Man grew even more depraved, and terrifying. |
Help Joshua Graham crush the White Legs and then allow Joshua Graham to execute Salt-Upon-Wounds. | |
4 | Though the Courier had stopped Joshua Graham from executing Salt-Upon-Wounds, the war chief still fell in battle. The White Legs defeated at Three Marys, Joshua led the Sorrows and Dead Horses in tending to their comrades and burning the corpses of their foes. He continued to advocate militant opposition to the enemies of New Canaan and showed little quarter to those he fought. And yet he was changed. He no longer reveled in the brutality and cruelty for which he had been known in his former life. His inner demons, if not extinguished, were at the least... appeased. |
Help Joshua Graham crush the White Legs and kill Salt-Upon-Wounds yourself. |
服装 | 武器 | 其他 物品 |
Joshua Graham's armor Joshua Graham's headwrap |
A Light Shining in Darkness Joshua's Pistol Whippin' .45 |
- |
- 錫安峽谷名稱來自Zion,耶路撒冷的一个迦南要塞,后指锡安山、同時用作稱呼耶路撒冷、以色列的土地,犹太人,天国,神权政治,基督教会等等。
- Joshua, along with Calhoun and Caesar, appears on the back of the Legion Denarius.
- Despite claiming that he accepts all forms of currency (in his words, "even Legion coin") you cannot sell Legion Denarii to him.
- 即便是他担任军团使节的时候,约书亚.格雷汉姆也总是穿着他的盐湖城民警制服。
- Joshua Graham is an expert with the .45 Auto pistol (from the tradition in New Canaan), and possesses a unique model, which can be obtained without killing him.
- He is also a master with melee weapons and uses the butt end of his unique .45 Auto pistol as a powerful melee weapon.
- In-game, Joshua's bandages cover most of his face, and despite being horrifically burned, the flesh around his eyes appears slightly grey and his eyebrows appear to have been able to regrow fine.
- A Legion affiliated Courier can confront Graham and ask him what would happen if Caesar is to be aware of his survival. He simply says even if he were to be killed, Caesar will not acknowledge his death in order to avoid admitting failure in killing Graham.
- If the Courier has killed Caesar, they will have a dialogue option to tell Graham that Caesar is dead. He does not give much of a reaction, but notes his surprise that Caesar died before he did and gives his opinion about the future of the Legion. He believes that Legate Lanius is not capable in leading the Legion in the long run and states it has died alongside with Caesar.
- Similar to Father Elijah and his holographic avatar image, Joshua Graham has a slightly different in-game appearance when compared to the Honest Hearts cover art. In the game, he has pale blue eyes instead of bright blue and his burned skin is more gray around his eyes.
- As a follower, Joshua will refuse to open his inventory or wait and he will neglect the Courier's requests to talk with him.
- Joshua Graham can repair equipment to 100% condition. He accepts and will repair every weapon in the game, but doesn't repair all types of apparel, making him only the fifth best non-player character with the ability to repair to max condition, the other four being Paladin Sato, Raul Tejada, Major Knight, and the Sink Central Intelligence Unit.
- 只有等到约书亚睡觉的时候才能偷他東西。
- 所有的同伴中,约书亚是唯一一个有善良道德的同伴,其他同伴都是中立的道德。
- If he survives all events, the Honest Hearts endings state that Joshua Graham leads the Dead Horses tribe. He is nowhere to be found upon the Courier's return to Zion, presumably having returned to Dead Horse Point with the majority of the tribe.
- 约书亚作为同伴时,如果信使到处丟手榴彈,他会提醒你不要在锡安乱丟。
- Joshua's pre-burned face is shaped differently than his post-burned face.
- Joshua is one of two characters in Fallout: New Vegas to possess an irremovable mask - the other being Ulysses.
- Joshua Graham is one of the few named non-player characters in the game to be affected by the Sneering Imperialist perk.
Notable quotes[]
- "I have been baptized twice, once in water, once in flame. I will carry the fire of the holy spirit inside until I stand before my Lord for judgement."
- "Caesar would never admit this openly, but he knows I'm alive. I've killed enough of his frumentarii and assassins that have come looking."
- "I don't enjoy killing, but when done righteously, it's just a chore, like any other."
- "Die where you stand!"
- "We have made and kept covenants with our Lord, God, to honor his laws. In exchange, we are promised eternal salvation after this life."
- "I survived because the fire inside burned brighter than the fire around me. I fell down into that dark chasm, but the flame burned on and on."
- "In the best of all possible worlds, they would just leave us in peace. But they won't."
- "I want to have my revenge. Against him. Against Caesar. I want to call it my own, to make my anger God's anger. To justify the things I've done."
- "Lastly, waging war against good people is bad for the soul. This may not seem important to you now, but it's the most important thing I've said."
- "By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept, when we remembered Zion. Remember, O Lord, The Children of Edom in the day of Jerusalem who said, "Raze it, raze it, even to the foundation." O daughter of Babylon, who art to be destroyed. How happy shall he be, that rewardeth thee as thou hast served us. Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones."– Joshua Graham, reciting Psalm 137:1, 7-9 from the King James Bible
- "I know Daniel doesn't approve, but destroying the White Legs is the only way to ensure the Sorrows can remain in Zion."
- "Leading in battle became training, punishing, terrorizing. A series of small mistakes before a great fall. And I stayed in that darkness until after Hoover Dam."
- "Stand up and look at what's come for you!"
- "I don't know if you were close to the other members of your group, but you have my sympathy. I pray for the safety of all good people who come to Zion - even gentiles. But we can't expect God to do all the work."
- "Show no quarter to the White Legs we come across. Make no mistake about why we are here. This is an extermination."
- "We should have given you a better welcome on your first visit to Zion, but from what I hear, the White Legs beat us to it."
- "I can always see it in my mind. The warmth and the heat. It will always be a part of me. But not today."
- "You're a good neighbor to us. We all go through periods of darkness. In such times, we can turn to the Lord, but it's good to have friends."
- "We warned you at Syracuse, and you persisted. You took advantage of us at New Canaan to drive us out, and like the dogs of Caesar you are, you followed us to Zion. And now you stand on holy ground, a temple to God's glory on Earth. But the only use for an animal in our temple is sacrifice!"
- "We have more than enough food and medicine to offer. Good news is our most valuable commodity."
Joshua Graham appears in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Honest Hearts. He is mentioned frequently, for example: in a loading screen in Dead Money and by Ulysses in Lonesome Road.
He was also to appear in Van Buren, the canceled Fallout 3 by Black Isle Studios.
- A malpaís is a landform characterized by eroded rocks of volcanic origin in an arid environment. This describes many areas, but is strongly connected to the southwestern United States because of the Spanish settlers that gave the landform its name (malpais means "badland" in Spanish).
- 其名約書亞,來源於the Book of Joshua which tells the campaigns of the Israelites in Canaan,希伯來語含義是「耶和華的解救」。
- Within the G.E.C.K. there exist references to a map above the western cliffs of the Colorado River designated "MalpaisLegionCamp," indicating that such a location once existed in an earlier version of New Vegas but was later removed. Notably, a reference for Benny is found there, should he survive the events that took place at the Fort.
- Both in Van Buren and in Honest Hearts, Joshua Graham was written by Joshua Sawyer.
- His calm, collected incarnation in Honest Hearts is vastly different from the angry, uncontrollable Van Buren version.
- Graham's return to Mormonism is based upon the parable of the Prodigal Son.[3]
- Graham's self-described "baptism by flame" seems to be a dual reference to both his "death" at the hands of Caesar, and his symbolic rebirth by way of the Mormon laying of hands, which is also known as "baptism by fire" which is the conferring of the Holy Ghost.[4]
- The inspiration for Graham came from a lot of sources, such as Paul the Apostle, Rodrigo Mendoza from The Mission, and Lawrence of Arabia. Also, the tribal markings on his armor were a reference to Rodrigo Mendoza as well.[5]
- The animation of Joshua Graham inspecting .45 Auto pistols consists of him grabbing a pistol from the table, pulling the slide back into slide lock, removing the magazine, looking into the ejection port and the barrel, reinserting the magazine, pulling the slide back into place and putting the pistol back onto the table.
以下内容基於非正典的幕后信息. |
- 約書亞·格拉漢姆說他和死馬部落用.45自動手槍是因為其設計者是他們的的祖先, implied to be the Mormons。.45自動手槍是來自現實約翰·白朗寧設計的柯爾特M1911手槍, a Mormon firearms maker who lived in Ogden, Utah close to where New Canaan would be in the Fallout universe.
關於非正典的幕后信息的内容到此作結。 |
Developers' quotes[]
See also[]
- New Canaan design document by J.E.Sawyer
- Burham Springs design document by J.E. Sawyer
- Blackfoot design document by Sean K. Reynolds
- ↑ compare New Canaan folks negative reaction, when Alexandra entered the town
- ↑ Burham Springs design document
- ↑ WHAT? After all he has been through and all the bad things he has done and Joshua Graham still claims to be a christian? | Formspring
- ↑ Fire and the Holy Ghost - Ensign June 1995
- ↑ This is a two parter. 1. Why did you decide to make Joshua Graham a good character instead of an evil character like in Van Buren? 2. Where did the inspiration of the Joshua Graham character come from? | Formspring
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