關於other characters that appear in the Fallout universe named Victor,參見Victor

He's real friendly, don't get me wrong. You just get the sense that that ain't the whole picture. Just a feeling.Doc Mitchell








Interactions overview

Perk nociception regulator color
Paving the Way
25 Strictly Business
Icon quest starter


FO76 ui icon quest
FO76 vaultboy firstaid
FO76 ui trading team
该角色是一名商人 Bottle cap -
卖: -
2d20 Jury Rigger
此角色可以修理物品 修理 瓶盖: -
12 The American Dream
此角色出租床位 Bottle cap -.
Icon severed ear color
Mesmetron icon


  • They Went That-a-Way: After coming out of Doc Mitchell's house, Victor can be seen wheeling around Goodsprings. He can be questioned about what happened to the player character and where the men who shot them went.
  • The House Always Wins: Upon entering the New Vegas Strip, Victor will be in front of the Lucky 38. He lets the Courier in and grants access to the Penthouse via elevator.
  • We Must Stop Meeting Like This: Victor will tail the player character throughout their search for the men who shot them. He will show up in the perimeter surrounding Goodsprings, Novac, Boulder City and the Strip.
  • We Must Stop Beating Like This: After going on the main road, one may get attacked by some cazadores. Victor will appear to help fight them off.


  • If the Courier kills or disables Mr. House, Victor will seemingly disappear. He can then be found in Goodsprings at his shack, permanently disabled.
  • If the Courier sides with Mr. House, Victor continues to serve Mr. House and operates the elevator in the Lucky 38 Casino.
  • After destroying the securitron vault, upon entering the Lucky 38 Casino Floor, Victor, along with two securitrons, will engage in combat with the player character, yelling "You low-down snake! I wish I'd have left you in the ground to rot!"


  • 如果邮差没和微笑的珊妮说话,就直接北上,在走到接近大汗临时营地附近的时候,维克托会冲上来帮邮差打路上的大黄蜂。
    • Likewise, at the early stages of the game, should the Courier be close to death when fighting an enemy around Goodsprings, Victor may appear to save the player character and later issue a warning.
  • 邮差和清泉镇门口的骗子(骗你救女儿那个)打架的时候,如果你的血量过低,维克托会远远扔一个手雷来帮邮差,然后可能也會把邮差炸死。
  • 维克托在救出邮差这件事上表现得很谦虚,说自己当时只是出去散了个步。他一直很喜欢帮忙,但是在鬼镇枪战任务中,虽然维克托答应了帮忙對抗炸藥幫,但是并没有现身。之后可以过一个科学25的鉴定来发现他被远程关闭了,维克托声称他之前从没有听说过这种命令。
  • If the Courier wanders into Powder Ganger territory, there is a rare occasion in which Victor is in fighting mode with the Powder Gangers. There are two outcomes in this interaction: Help Victor fight, or let him can handle it himself. Either way, Victor can overcome the Powder Gangers, or Victor will "die" and can be searched upon his death.


服装 武器 其他 物品 死 亡
- - 9mm rounds
10mm round
Scrap metal


  • 维克托是一个分布在所有保安机器人上的人工智能,玩家有可能在去维加斯的路上多次目睹(或造成)维克托的死亡。然后他的智能就直接跳到其他机器人上了,與好好先生一樣。维克托表示自己也不知道这是怎么回事。
    • 如果你用机器人专家perk关了维克托,他就再也活不过来了,不會跳到其他机器人上。
  • Though not marked as part of the quest, Victor can be recruited to help fight the Powder Gangers in Ghost Town Gunfight, however when the fighting begins he won't actually join it. Through a Science check of 25, the Courier can discover that he was remotely deactivated by an override code, but Victor claims to have never heard of this code before.
  • 当你离开清泉镇,在其他地点碰到维克托的时候,清泉镇的维克托就会被永久关闭。杀掉也不能拿东西。
  • If combat is initiated with Victor, he may say "Next stop, Boot Hill!" or "It's hog-killin' time!" If one opens fire near him but not at him (for instance, if shooting mantis nymphs from the schoolhouse yard near his house when he is there), he may exclaim "Holster that, and be quick about it!" If one points their weapon at him outside of V.A.T.S. but do not fire, he may threaten the Courier by saying "You're lookin' at a heap of trouble if you want it."
  • 如果你在接到豪斯先生永遠是赢家任务后,杀了维克托,这个任务会失败。
  • He is scripted as a companion while he follows the Courier, meaning that he fast travels with them and his inventory can be searched.
  • If fought at the Strip, 维克多是游戏中唯二拥有肉搏技能的保安机器人,另一个是010011110110111001100101
  • He will take control of another securitron and force conversation with the Courier when they enter the Strip for the first time.
  • 保安机器人升级之后,他的脸虽然没有变,但是他的武器也跟着一起升级了。
  • If The House Has Gone Bust! has been failed, he will disappear from the game, similar to how Colonel Moore and Ambassador Crocker disappear if Don't Tread on the Bear! is failed.
  • Attacking Victor in Goodsprings will cause Easy Pete to become hostile and aid Victor in the fight.
  • When killed, the display screen on Victor's securitron goes black. However, if the Courier crouches and walks inside of Victor, his face can be seen stuck floating inside.
  • If Ghost Town Gunfight is completed and Mr. House is victorious at Hoover Dam, he sends Victor to monitor Goodsprings. In the game's closing titles, Doc Mitchell calls Victor a "mixed blessing" for the town.[2]

Notable quotes


Victor appears only in Fallout: New Vegas.

Behind the scenes

Victor's name and the face displayed on his screen are both references to Vegas Vic, a neon sign on the outside of The Pioneer Club in Las Vegas. Although now no longer moving or speaking, Vic's arm had at once waved, his cigarette moved, and the sign played a recording of 'Howdy Pardner!' every 15 minutes.


  • Has platform::PCPC Victor can sometimes show up inside of Salida del Sol from the Dead Money add-on. [已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Victor can sometimes show up inside the Hidden Valley bunker. [已验证]
    • Possibly triggered by waiting a few hours, tested by waiting inside the room Knight Torres has a shop.
  • Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Killing Victor in the Lucky 38 will cause him to disappear upon his death. After doing this, it is possible he may still be found in Victor's shack, deactivated. [已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Victor may appear next to the Courier every time the game is loaded (i.e. entering/exiting a building or fast-traveling). This can cause the player character to get stuck sometimes, such as in the mountain above Bitter Springs during the Climb Ev'ry Mountain quest. He will still appear in locations, like outside Boulder City and Lucky 38, but as a duplicate. One temporary solution if he blocks one's path is to progress with his story to the point of Boulder City, after which he will agree to meet the Courie at the Lucky 38 and leave. If one gets to this point in dialogue options with him and no further, he will always have those dialogue options where one can talk to him and he will leave afterwards. Waiting will often get him to disappear. [已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Sometimes Victor may not be able to communicate with the Courier, making it impossible to control the elevator to go to Mr. House or the suite. [已验证]
  • Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 Victor can be found dead at the entrance of the gate in front of the Dino Dee-lite front desk, even if he didn't die. [已验证]
  • Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 If one heads straight to the Strip without tracking down Benny first, Victor will not tail the Courier to Novac or Boulder City. [已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC If the Courier doesn't meet Victor in Novac before starting Come Fly With Me, he might show up inside the REPCONN test site after entering or exiting the basement. His dialogue is the same as if one met him in Novac. If one missed meeting him in Boulder City, his dialogue is from there and he skips over the Novac one. [已验证]



  1. Courier: How did you end up in Goodsprings? Victor's dialogue: I moseyed into town, oh, ten, fifteen years ago? Before that, I... hmmm, I can't quite seem to recall. Odd.
  2. Doc Mitchell's dialogue: Victor was a mixed blessing, however, as he continually monitored the town for Mr. House.