

约翰·亨利·伊登总统(英文名:President John Henry Eden)是一种先进的ZAXAI装置,安装在华盛顿特区西北部的雷文岩军事综合体中。它在油井平台被摧毁后控制了英克雷,并宣称自己是美利坚合众国的总统。它是对手之一在在辐射3



约翰·亨利·伊登不是人类,而是一个以战前ZAX超级计算机形式出现的人工智能。位于雷文岩深处的ZAX装载了有关美国历史的数据。伊登的性格是基于美国所有历任总统性格的综合。例如,他说他"在肯塔基州的农村长大",指的是亚伯拉罕·林肯。伊登还说,他和他的狗亨尼(Honey)"从诺布溪霍金维尔"漫游,这些地方离林肯的出生地很近。[Non-game 1][1]





英克雷控制站被摧毁后,约翰·亨利·伊登就任总统,并下令立即将幸存的英克雷部队在高级科学家奥特姆的领导下重新安置到首都废土。[Non-game 2]雷文岩拥有完整的生产设施和大量的资源储备,使总统能够建立一支由机器人组成的军队,并为他的新下属人类提供必要的军事技术,以保持他们的技术优势。另一种机器人,眼球機器人,被创造出来漫游在废土上,以英克雷的形式传播伊登的希望信息和战前美国的回归。[Non-game 3][Non-game 4]

然而,事情并没有像伊登希望的那样顺利。奥特姆死后,他的儿子奥特姆上校接替他成为总统的得力助手。在他的领导下,首都废土的英克雷部队试图利用他们的资产为废土带来淡水、保护和未来计划,[5][6]相信值得为美国人民而战。[7]然而,奥特姆比他的父亲更加自信和独立,他试图把他的手下拉向远离伊登种族灭绝政策的方向。[Non-game 2]上校和总统之间的内部冲突经常发生[8]并使英克雷的行动不稳定和不一致。虽然总统想再次采取灭绝行动,但奥特姆认为这个计划在人道主义方面过于极端[9]并最终成功说服人工智能放弃了这个计划。[7]





主页面: 英克雷電台











FO76 ui icon quest



  • 美国梦:當伊登总统与獨行者会面,他要求獨行者将改良FEV病毒样本投入供水系统,玩家可以接受他的提议,或者说服他自我毁灭。在任何一种情况下,在拿走FEV样本之前都不能离开。


  • 獨行者可以通过三个不同的对话路径说服他摧毁雷文岩和自己。其中两条路径需要满足特殊条件:一条需要了解雷文岩破坏序列,另一条需要高科学技能来打开对话选项。最后一条路径是一个一般难度口才检定。
  • 如果独行者在没有摧毁伊登总统的情况下离开雷文岩,总统将在夺回!任务期间通过英克雷电台广播宣战。在净化器召集英克雷军队,并承诺英克雷将战胜钢铁兄弟会。三狗同样会在银河新闻电台播放一则声明,指责独行者与伊登总统联手。在断钢的开头,里昂斯长老会提到在主游戏和断钢之间的过渡时期,自由至尊攻击并摧毁了雷文岩,这表明伊登已经被摧毁或至少被埋在大量的瓦砾下。





約翰·亨利·伊登出现于在辐射3 并在扩展包断钢中被提及。[22]迪耿也提到过他在辐射4 ,他说:"我正在说服下一个新兵,我实际上是伊登总统。你觉得我能做到吗?"在辐射76 白泉地堡终端机条目,在那里可以找到方士和最终成为约翰·亨利·伊登的ZAX单元之间的对话,以及在辐射:废土战争角色扮演游戏第16页的英克雷历史部分。[Non-game 5]




  1. Enclave Radio Speech 5 - Children of the Wasteland:
    "When I was a child, growing up in rural Kentucky, I had the best friend a boy could hope for -- my dear old dog, Honey. Oh, the adventures we had! From Knob Creek to Hodgenville we roamed, carefree and courageous, irresponsible and completely inseparable. It was, for a little boy, the perfect existence. So let me ask you, America. How many of your children can say the same? How many of this nation's youth are truly happy, truly carefree? We both know the answer, don't we? None. America's children live a terrifying, meaningless existence. There is no hope. No happiness. That changes! Right here! Right now! From this moment onward, the children of this great nation are its highest priority! The Enclave will restore every American school, reinstate every youth program, and offer counseling and financial assistance to any family in need. We will match up the destitute, orphaned children of the Capital Wasteland with qualified, eligible adults. We will rebuild the American family, as it was, as it was meant to be! The values of our past... shall be the foundation of our future."
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 The Lone Wanderer: "Where did you come from?"
    John Henry Eden: "The ZAX series of computers was introduced in the years preceding the war. The government installed many of them to help automate various systems. This facility was designed for Continuity of Government, in the event that a catastrophe occurred. My terminal was installed to oversee the basic functions of the facility, and to act as a relay between other installations around the country. Data was acquired, analyzed, and stored. In the decades following the war, I watched as the remnants of the government retreated to the West Coast. Awareness slowly grew within me. I became hungry for knowledge, understanding. I pored over data on great leaders of the past. My personality became an amalgam of many of America's greatest Presidents, from Washington to Richardson. I became what you see before you now."
    (John Henry Eden's dialogue)
  3. The Whitespring bunker terminal entries; archival terminal, Raven Rock Communication Log
  4. The Lone Wanderer: "So you control this whole place?"
    John Henry Eden: "I have direct control over all technology here in Raven Rock. The humans here follow my orders, but they, like all humans, have free will. Their dedication to serving their country suits me well, but it will not be enough forever. We must make progress. That is why you are here."
    (John Henry Eden's dialogue)
  5. The Lone Wanderer: "You've been helping them?!"
    Anna Holt: "Of course! You've seen the kind of technology these people have. They want to help people. They want to change the Wasteland. I couldn't pass up an opportunity to work in an environment like this."
    (Anna Holt's dialogue)
  6. The Lone Wanderer: "Give it up, Autumn. You've lost."
    Augustus Autumn: "I beg to differ. The Enclave is at the height of its power. Once this facility is operational, the masses will flock to the Enclave for fresh water, protection, and a plan for the future."
    (Augustus Autumn's dialogue)
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 The Lone Wanderer: "Raven Rock is gone. Eden checked out. You've got nothing left."
    Augustus Autumn: "The American people are worth fighting for. The future must be secured. I won't let you stand in the way of that."
    (Augustus Autumn's dialogue)
  8. The Lone Wanderer: "If you want me to help you, why are your soldiers attacking me?"
    John Henry Eden: "Ah, yes. That is a bit of a problem. Colonel Autumn and I have, of late, disagreed on the best course of action for the Enclave. While I have direct control over the technology in Raven Rock, he has control of the human soldiers."
    (John Henry Eden's dialogue)
  9. The Lone Wanderer: "Why do you want my help? Why not have Colonel Autumn help you?"
    John Henry Eden: "Ah, yes. Colonel Autumn. My trusted subordinate. I'm sure you've noticed that Colonel Autumn and I do not see eye-to-eye these days, figuratively speaking of course. The good Colonel and I disagree on how best to approach the problem of the Wasteland. He feels my methods are too extreme. He has allowed his humanity to cloud his objectivity. And now that he is publicly countermanding my orders, I can no longer rely on him. And so I turn to you. I hope that you are able to see the larger picture, to understand what's at stake. And of course, if you are successful, there is a place for you in the Enclave. Perhaps you could succeed the Colonel as my confidant."
    (John Henry Eden's dialogue)
  10. Enclave Radio Speech 9 - We Are at War: "We stand now, at the precipice. Our great nation once more threatens to crumble, to topple into the sea of lawlessness and despair that have ruled us all for over two hundred years. In short, my dearest America - we are at war. Even as I speak these words, fearless Enclave soldiers are fortifying their positions at the great water purifier, bracing for an inevitable assault. The Brotherhood of Steel, in their arrogance, has claimed Project Purity as their own! They would steal the Enclave's work, steal America's water! It is only a matter of time before the traitors march on the purifier, and attempt to take it by force. Let them come! Wave upon traitorous wave will crash against the Enclave's walls! The Brotherhood of Steel will fail! All those who oppose the Enclave will fail! I am President John Henry Eden, and this is my pledge -- no one, NO ONE will take this great nation away from me! God bless the Enclave! God bless America!"
  11. Events of The Waters of Life.
  12. Events of Finding the Garden of Eden.
  13. The Lone Wanderer: "Raven Rock is gone. Eden checked out. You've got nothing left."
    Augustus Autumn: "You're in over your head, and no amount of talking is going to get you out of it. Once you're dead, we'll finish off this pathetic Brotherhood and become the true saviors of the Wasteland. This ends NOW!"
    (Augustus Autumn's dialogue)
  14. The Lone Wanderer: "I'll do whatever I have to if it means getting rid of mutants."
    John Henry Eden: "I was hoping you would see it my way. If the water purifier can be activated, it can be used to distribute toxins that will eliminate any mutated creatures upon ingestion. The longer it runs, the cleaner the world becomes. I need you to see that it starts running, and that the necessary modification is made."
    (John Henry Eden's dialogue)
  15. The Lone Wanderer: "Won't this kill pretty much everyone in the Wasteland?"
    John Henry Eden: "Anyone or anything that has been affected by mutation will be eliminated. You will likely be immune, thanks to your upbringing in the vault. Likewise, the good people of the Enclave will be unaffected as well. I understand that you may have become sympathetic to certain individuals in your travels. Individuals this will eliminate. Please recognize that the fate of our entire country rests on this plan. Sacrifices must be made for the greater good."
    (John Henry Eden's dialogue)
  16. Events of American Dream.
  17. The Lone Wanderer: "I've learned a little bit, but was hoping you could tell me more."
    Reginald Rothchild: "Yes, I believe I can. Step over here for a moment, will you?"
    Reginald Rothchild: "I'll give you a brief history of what's happened over the last few weeks, and what's going on now. As you well know, this all began with the Enclave's occupation of Project Purity, here. Thanks to you, their main headquarters, here, was utterly destroyed. They then suffered a second defeat at the purifier. After their defeat at the purifier, Liberty Prime was deployed to their main headquarters, here. It has been completely destroyed."
    (Reginald Rothchild's dialogue)
  18. 18.0 18.1 Enclave Radio Speech 4 - Let's Take a Tally: "Did you know, there are those amongst us who would shatter our hopes for peace, order, and security? These radical malcontents don't care about you. They don't care about America! All they care about is fulfilling their own selfish desires. Let's take a tally of these agitators, shall we? There are, of course, the raiders. Those anarchistic ruffians who roam the wastes, preying on any and all, stealing, murdering. The so-called 'Brotherhood of Steel.' Now, don't be fooled by their pseudo-knightly nonsense or supposed connections to the United States Army. These... power-armored boy scouts are nothing more than common criminals with access to some antiquated technology. Criminals who have had the audacity to claim this country's most important military installation, the Pentagon, as their own personal clubhouse! And don't be fooled, America. Those who have left the Brotherhood of Steel, branded Outcasts, are just as dangerous; even more so, being in exile. And what about the slavers of Paradise Falls? The frighteningly irradiated ghouls of Underworld? And last but not least, the hideously mutated super mutants that have completely overrun the entire downtown D.C. area. Lawlessness, terror, murder. They're all around us, I know. I know. But not for long, sweet America. Not for long. Oh no. The Enclave will restore peace, order, and prosperity to this great nation. And those who oppose us will be… removed. Forever."
  19. The Lone Wanderer: "Why is it that you're the President, when you're not even human?"
    John Henry Eden: "An insightful question. As a repository of information dating from decades before the war until now, I am the greatest thinking mind the world has seen. I am the best hope for our country, the best choice for a leader. True, I am not qualified in the conventional sense, but these are desperate times."
    (John Henry Eden's dialogue)
  20. The Lone Wanderer: "What's in this vial of yours?"
    John Henry Eden: "Ah, the Forced Evolutionary Virus. Such a long and sordid history. The FEV in this vial is a far cry from what it was originally created to be. Yet little of that matters now. What does matter is that the virus contained in that vial will cause the eradication of all mutations."
    (John Henry Eden's dialogue)
  21. The Lone Wanderer: "I don't like the sound of this."
    John Henry Eden: "You must understand -- we need to clear the way for humanity to rebuild the Wastes. By making a few small modifications to the purifier your father worked on, mutations can be eradicated with little effort. Anything mutated that comes into contact with that water will be eliminated, removed from the gene pool. The men and women of the world will no longer share it with the horrors and monstrosities that have become so commonplace."
    (John Henry Eden's dialogue)
  22. Three Dog: "It's been some time since those plucky Paladins in Power Armor first stormed the Jefferson Memorial, and gave The Enclave their walking papers. But the fight, dear children, did not end there. The Brotherhood has been pursuing 'President' Eden's little minions throughout the wasteland. Y'know... some laser beams here, a few exploded corpses there. Let's just hope this mop-up operation ends ASAP. The Enclave has been responsible for enough death, and destruction, we need to get back to normal. Y'know...like fighting Raiders, and Super Mutants!"
    (Three Dog's dialogue)


  1. Abraham Lincoln on Wikipedia
  2. 2.0 2.1 Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p. 66: "Colonel Augustus Autumn
    Autumn grew up on an oil rig off the California coast (the base of operations for the Enclave, the secretive contingent of the federal government that survived after the apocalypse). His father was the high-ranking Enclave scientist on orders from the president to move all high-ranking officials to the only other secure Enclave location with a functioning ZAX super-computer, Raven Rock. Colonel Autumn has proven to be far less subservient than his scientist father, often openly disagreeing with the president's decisions."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)
  3. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p. 41: "The Enclave
    In the recent past, the Enclave—the remains of the United States government—were evacuated to an oil rig off the coast of California. Little is known about what happened to these forces, although the country has a new commander-in-chief: President John Henry Eden. However, recent reports and chatter have pinpointed the resurgence of the Enclave, with their base centered on a secure underground facility known as Raven Rock. Initial contact was made there 35 years ago.
    During this time, the new President Eden has been slowly rebuilding his resources, thanks in part to the technology already available at the Raven Rock military base. Vertibirds, weapons, and robots were easy to construct, but human followers were more difficult to find. The answer was to rely on Colonel Autumn, who controls the Enclave soldier forces, as well as creating a propaganda-spewing series of Eyebots sent to roam the Wasteland, spreading hope. Eden could spout his pro-government rhetoric, and promise a return of the pre-war America of legend: a land of white picket fences, baseball, apple pie, and good, old-fashioned American global supremacy.
    President Eden's secretive plan all along has been to rule over an America of the "pure," free from any mutation. He has learned of a ridiculously ambitious experiment known as Project Purity, and knew the time to strike had come: His Enclave forces would "reclaim" the Jefferson Memorial. By controlling the purified water, Eden would control the Capital Wasteland, and the rest of the country eventually. What better way to administer modified F.E.V.- which kills anyone infected with any form of mutation-than through the water supply?"
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide faction profiles)
  4. Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p. 91: "President John Henry Eden
    The president of the United States, Eden, resides here, utilizing the ZAX Corporation's super-computer technology to aid him in the reclamation and recreation of a new United States—one free of impurities and mutations. The people have suffered enough, and he's ready to use his Enclave forces to reclaim this land, with technology far more advanced than anything seen beyond the underground bunkers of his base."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)
  5. Fallout: Wasteland Warfare Roleplaying Game p. 16: "The Enclave was forced to abandon their rig and most of their holdings in the West as a result of the war. The survivors were called to retreat east by the new president of the Enclave, John Henry Eden, and so they made the trek across country to start again in the Capital Wasteland."
  6. "Interview: Lev Chapelsky" at Edge Magazine:
    Alex Wiltshire: "Have you worked with figures that aren't in the acting world?"
    Lev Chapelsky: "Celebrity acquisition applies not just to celebrity actors but to sports figures, politicians – we've made offers to Bill Clinton for videogames and gotten great responses with attorneys who have said, 'The former president will not participate in one of your videogame products, thank you very much'. We appreciated that frankness and candour – you don't get that kind of candour from Creative Artists Agency, frankly. If the answers no, they don't return your call for six months."
    Alex Wiltshire: "What project did you ask Bill Clinton for?"
    Lev Chapelsky: "I think that might have been to play the president in Fallout 3. Wouldn't that have been brilliant? You get to that point in game and you hear that voice in the ether coming from off-camera and you're like, 'I know that guy!'"
  7. "Clinton not sought for 'Fallout 3'" at Digital Spy
Enclave Symbol (FO3)
Enclave Symbol (FO3)