
Gametitle-FNVGametitle-FNV HH
Gametitle-FNVGametitle-FNV HH

第一次胡佛大坝之战(英文名:First Battle of Hoover Dam)是2277年凯撒军团对驻扎在胡佛大坝新加利福尼亚共和国部队发起的第一次进攻的名称。[2]











当格雷汉姆回到凯撒身边时,后者别无选择,只能惩罚他,以表明即使在最高级别,也不会容忍失败。禁卫军奉命用沥青掩埋格雷汉姆,将他付之一炬,然后将这位前大使扔进大峡谷。判决执行了。[11]格雷汉姆被野蛮的拉尼厄斯大使取代,[12][13]他暂时改变了军团的重心,向东扩张,为凯撒争取更多的部落,然后再次尝试夺取胡佛大坝。[14] 尽管战败,军团继续骚扰科罗拉多河两岸的NCR部队,最终在柳树滩之战亚利桑那州溢洪道之战后为自己保护了东岸。然而,直到五年后的2282年,在第二次胡佛大坝之战中,在14个额外被征服部落的支持下,增强的军团才试图再次征服大坝、维加斯和莫哈韦。[15][16]


BC Memorial

科瓦尔斯基二等兵分享说,游骑兵将凯撒军团中的佼佼者引诱到巨石城,然后将城镇夷为平地。[17]战斗和爆炸导致100多名士兵丧生,其中包括科瓦尔斯基的哥哥,他牺牲了自己,以便撤离伤员。[18][17]游骑兵Teresa Lutz、二等兵Jeffery Hui和下士Marcus Christensen等士兵从他们的排中分离出来,并接受他们的命运,在引爆前阻止了尽可能多的军团士兵。[19] 尽管损失惨重,但整个共和国仍庆祝胜利。[20]







  1. The Courier: "What was your rank?"
    Arms merchant: "布拉沃连三排上士。三年前,当军团袭击我们时,我就在大坝上。 那是一场大风暴,不要让任何人告诉你不同的事情。高层试图淡化它,但他们中的大多数人都回到了麦卡伦。"
  2. Fallout: New Vegas loading screen: "In 2277, NCR forces defeated Caesar's Legion during the Battle of Hoover Dam. The NCR has held Hoover Dam since then but the Legion has not made it easy for them."
  3. The Courier: "On the High Road, you mentioned NCR and Legion fought here... before and after the Divide?"
    Ulysses: "The two-headed Bear made its claim, dug its claws into the trail you made. For once, it seemed like it might succeed - cut a route to the Mojave. Couldn't let NCR stay in the Divide. Trade route, road the military could use... can't have two roads into the Mojave. Not after the work we'd done to cut off New Canaan, other routes, killing caravans... all we'd done to make the West bleed."
    (Ulysses' dialogue)
  4. 4.0 4.1 The Courier: "I'm guessing you don't like Caesar very much."
    Joshua Graham: "Love the sinner, hate the sin. With Caesar, it's often very difficult to see through all of that sin to the person inside. I can say that we were both lucky that NCR's supply lines and land routes north of Mojave Outpost were destroyed before the Battle of Hoover Dam. Something bad happened near Death Valley, at a place called the Divide. NCR couldn't cut across anymore and it slowed down their reinforcements. Terrible storms ripped entire companies apart before they even got to Nevada soil. The aftermath of Hoover Dam could have been even worse for Caesar."
    (Joshua Graham's dialogue)
  5. The Courier: "The Divide blocked all of their northern land routes?"
    Joshua Graham: "Not all of them. But they couldn't take 127 north to get around the mountains. As if Death Valley weren't enough, they had the Divide and Big Empty to deal with. From what the Legion's explorers reported, the Big Empty may as well have been a wall to any living thing approaching it."
    (Joshua Graham's dialogue)
  6. The Courier: "What's at the Divide?"
    Joshua Graham: "I don't know for certain, and I don't think NCR knows, either. Whatever happened at the Divide was too much for them to handle. Our frumentarii told us what they saw. Only fools and madmen would march into a place like that. All roads wind down to the same spot, the grave. They said all that's left there is a gaping wound cut into the Earth, cursed and damned. No place for God-fearing folk."
    (Joshua Graham's dialogue)
  7. The Courier: "What was Camp Golf like?"
    Craig Boone: "It was on the front line for a while. The only resort in New Vegas no one wanted to get sent to. Doesn't have that kind of importance anymore, though. They pulled most of the troops out of there after we took the Hoover Dam."
    (Craig Boone's dialogue)
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 The Courier: "So what happened at Hoover Dam and Boulder City?"
    Hanlon: "In big battles, Caesar deploys his legionaries in waves. Recruits up front, prime soldiers behind the recruits, old guard bringing up the rear. Opponents wear themselves out dealing with the first two waves if they survive that long. When the veterans step up, there's not much fight left. Caesar can adapt, though, and when required, he can run any mix of legionaries as skirmishers and still retain order in the ranks."
    The Courier: [Continue]
    Hanlon: "Joshua Graham, Caesar's old legate, he's wasn't so flexible. When the Legion attacked Hoover Dam, General Oliver ordered his troopers back to the middle ground just after the first contact. Graham pushed all of the legionaries onto the dam, filling the east side with recruits up front and veterans in the back, by the book."
    The Courier: [Continue]
    Hanlon: "But once they were in, they were stuck there. Oliver's troopers were entrenched and wouldn't give a foot. That's when we ordered the rangers and 1st recon sharpshooters to start picking off veteran legion officers from a high ridge west of the dam. That only lasted about a minute before Graham ordered the back ranks to push through to the front and rush the ridge."
    The Courier: [Continue]
    Hanlon: "Caused total chaos among the younger legionaries, and Oliver's troopers fell back to the side walkways and stayed out of the veterans' way. By the time the veterans got to the ridge, we were already in Boulder City. They followed us down there, but we were out before they realized what was happening."
    The Courier: [Continue]
    Hanlon: "We had packed the old city with C4 and dynamite. Crude, but it did the job. Those who didn't die in the blast were in no position to mount a defense. The ones left on the dam didn't know what to do. The troopers routed them. Graham pulled the remaining legionaries back, but the battle was over. He went south, back to the Grand Canyon, back to Caesar. And that was the last we saw or heard from Joshua Graham."
    (Hanlon's dialogue)
  9. 9.0 9.1 The Courier "Tell me about the first battle."
    Alex Richards: "The Legion attacked in full force. Chief Hanlon had the troopers fall back pulling the enemy in, before entrenching into secure positions. The Legion got bogged down and Rangers and 1st Recon sharpshooters started taking out the Legion officers. They sent their best men to stop the Rangers and 1st Recon, but the Rangers pulled them into a trap at Boulder City and blew them all to hell. After that the Legion's forces were in disarray and tried to retreat. However, our forces advanced rapidly and routed them. And that was that."
    (Alex Richards' dialogue)
  10. Fallout: New Vegas loading screens: "At the Battle of Hoover Dam, the tide turned for the NCR when Rangers and First Recon sharpshooters lured Caesar's soldier into the booby-trapped ruins of Boulder City."
  11. The Courier: "What happened to Graham after Hoover Dam?"
    Hanlon: "Losing the dam was the worst defeat the Legion ever suffered. Graham had been with Caesar since the beginning, but he had to set an example. The praetorians covered Graham in pitch, lit him on fire, and down into the Grand Canyon he went."
    (Hanlon's dialogue)
  12. The Courier: "Are you the Legion's second-in-command?"
    Lucius: "No, Legate Lanius is Caesar's second. The Legate replaced the Burned Man after the Legion's defeat at the Dam several years ago."
    (Lucius' dialogue)
  13. The Courier: "Are you the Legion's second-in-command?"
    Lucius: "Legate Lanius has not chosen anyone to be his second yet. It would be an honor to be selected, though."
    (Lucius' dialogue)
  14. The Courier: "Move forward? The Legion spent years trying to take Hoover Dam."
    Lanius: "[SUCCEEDED] Hoover Dam has never seen the massed strength of the East. Only Legates such as Graham... who deserved the fire Caesar blessed him with. Now I am here, and make markers of your people as the Legion carves its way West."
    (Lanius' dialogue)
  15. Events of Fallout: New Vegas
  16. The Courier: "Who is this Legatus you mention?"
    Vulpes Inculta: "Legatus Lanius, Monster of the East! Quite a man, if man he be. Caesar prides himself on selecting the right tool to overcome each new obstacle. In Lanius, he found his hammer. He's never been defeated in battle. 14 tribes have laid down arms at his boots. Another five, rendered extinct. His latest campaign in the wilds of the Utah has concluded, and he is en route. When he arrives, your doom arrives with him."
    (Vulpes Inculta's dialogue)
  17. 17.0 17.1 Private Kowalski: "It commemorates the Battle of Hoover Dam. The rangers lured the best of Caesar's Legion into Boulder City, then blew the whole town up. The NCR still lost a bunch of troops in the fighting, though. My older brother sacrificed himself so they could evacuate some of the wounded."
    (Private Kowalski's dialogue)
  18. Fallout: New Vegas message box transcriptions; Boulder City Memorial
  19. Ranger holodisk message
  20. 20.0 20.1 Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide p. 458: "Important Dates"
    "2277 Legion forces under the command of the Malpais Legate fail to wrest control of Hoover Dam from the NCR. Despite heavy casualties, the NCR's victory is celebrated back home."
    (Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide/Behind the Bright Lights & Big City)
  21. 巨石城纪念碑
  22. The Courier: "But you're inventing your own intelligence reports. I've seen the logs and talked to the rangers."
    Hanlon: "You have, have you? Misdirection. When you're pinned down, outnumbered, and two days from any help, it's just about the best friend you can have. Misdirection's what's saved me all these years. It's what saved us at Hoover Dam. But it's been five years now and Caesar's right across that lake. He's closer now than he ever was before. I was a young man once. I know what it's like to want to fight for your home, but this isn't it."
    (Hanlon's dialogue)
  23. The Courier: "What will you do if I don't turn you in?"
    Hanlon: "Oliver can't stand that rangers got credit for victory at Hoover. Whatever I recommend, he does the opposite. I said I wanted them on the ridge. He put them right on the western part of the dam itself. We don't have enough firepower to hold that spot. If the troopers fall back, and they will, the rangers will advance to cover Oliver's retreat. We lose the dam, Oliver and the senate are ruined."
    (Hanlon's dialogue)