

科林·莫里亚蒂(英文名:Colin Moriarty)是核彈鎮的居民和2277年间莫里亚蒂的沙龙的所有者。


2277年50岁的科林·莫里亚蒂几乎一生都在核彈鎮生活。据赫伯特·达什伍德说,他小时候来到了前美国[1]到达那里后,他的父亲利用附近的贸易路线积累了财富,并帮助确保核彈鎮成为该地区的贸易中心。科林的父亲在2241年的一次袭击中丧生,他的儿子继承了他的财富,包括沙龙。[Non-game 1]


莫里亚蒂也坚信核彈鎮是他的城镇,而卢卡斯·西姆斯警长只是"一个门面"和"[莫里亚蒂]允许存在的秩序幻觉"。[7]尽管如此,这种说法还是有一定道理的,因为西姆斯敏锐地意识到该镇需要莫里亚蒂的支持和资源才能生存。[Non-game 1]其他镇上的人也对他有同样的看法,他们厌倦了他插手了多少事情,厌倦了他的欺骗。[8][9][10]他在沙龙业务中的竞争对手斯塔尔家族,特别是安迪·斯塔尔,会抓住第一个机会诋毁他的生意和他的商业行为。[11]不管他与市民的互动如何,他对待他的员工甚至更糟,出于偏执而将他们的收入锁在自己身上。[12]他对待戈布,一个十五年前从奴隶贩子那里买来的屍鬼,特别差。[13]如果奴隶制还不够糟糕,莫里亚蒂甚至强迫戈布支付他的食宿费,同时还必须偿还莫里亚蒂用来购买他的瓶盖。[14]







Icon quest starter
FO76 ui icon quest
FO76 ui trading team
该角色是一名商人 卖: Aid


  • 追随他的足迹: 他告诉獨行者他们的父亲詹姆斯在哪里,并回忆起他小时候看到他们的时候,还提到了父亲的"钢铁兄弟会朋友"(克羅絲)。如果獨行者告诉莫里亚蒂他们缺少100瓶盖来购买有关詹姆斯的信息,他会要求他们找到一个名叫希尔维的女人并拿回他的钱。


  • 如果莫里亚蒂死了,戈布会接管酒馆并将招牌上的名字改为戈布的。诺娃也将不再可供租用。


  • 杰利克可以支付20瓶盖以获取有关莫里亚蒂钥匙的信息,特别是它在他的脖子上,这可以解锁戈布和诺娃在莫里亚蒂床边储物柜中的工资储藏室;但是,此密钥(formid 00020751)已从游戏中删除。


服装 武器 其他 物品 死 亡
Merc cruiser outfit 10mm手枪 莫里亚蒂的办公室钥匙


  • 无论如何,如果獨行者在沙龙里穿着卢卡斯·西姆斯的警长的风衣,莫里亚蒂会说,"你以为你在这里戴着警徽是谁啊?"
  • 尽管银河新闻电台在莫里亚蒂的沙龙中播放,但莫里亚蒂本人永远不会承认獨行者找到了他或她的父亲,而是问:"幸运地找到亲爱的老父了吗?"
  • 杀死莫里亚蒂会带来坏业报
  • 莫里亚蒂"雇佣"了戈布,奴役他来偿还日益增加的债务。






  1. Tenpenny Tower terminal entries; exploration database, Megaton
  2. The Lone Wanderer: "Look, I need a way to get some caps or I'll never have the money to pay you."
    Colin Moriarty: "If you're looking for a handout, you can forget it. But if you're looking for work, there's a favor you could do for me. If your successful, it'll provide the caps you need to pay me."
    The Lone Wanderer: "Sure, anything to get the information."
    Colin Moriarty: "Eager, eh? Good... I like that. It's nice to have a doer in this shithole of a town for a change. This junkie bitch named Silver borrowed quite a few caps from me... claimed she could start funneling Jet and Psycho to me for a good price. Problem is she scrammed with the loot and set herself up in Springvale so she can inject herself into a stupor. Get the caps she owes me and they're yours. Yours to pay me with anyway. He he he he he."
    The Lone Wanderer: "So, you want me to do your dirty work?"
    Colin Moriarty: "Who said anything about dirty work? You need some caps, I'm giving you a way to get 'em. It's just business. This junkie bitch named Silver borrowed quite a few caps from me... claimed she could start funneling Jet and Psycho to me for a good price. Problem is she scrammed with the loot and set herself up in Springvale so she can inject herself into a stupor. Get the caps she owes me and they're yours. Yours to pay me with anyway. He he he he he."
    (Colin Moriarty's dialogue)
  3. The Lone Wanderer: "What do you do around here?"
    Colin Moriarty: "I keep these yokels knee deep in booze and poon. They keep me knee deep in caps. It's a fair trade, if you ask me."
    (Colin Moriarty's dialogue)
  4. The Lone Wanderer: "Wait a second! I handled Silver for you, and you still want me to pay?"
    Colin Moriarty: "It's called economics, kid. You got something I want and I got something you want. Nothing's free. I told you the favor would earn you some caps if you really took care of it. Now, fork 'em over!"
    (Colin Moriarty's dialogue)
  5. Megaton terminal entries; Moriarty's Terminal
  6. The Lone Wanderer: "I talked to Moriarty already, and he's trying to charge me for the info."
    Nova: "Ha ha. Yeah, that's Colin's style all right. He sells information so much, you'd think the bar was just a hobby."
    (Nova's dialogue)
  7. The Lone Wanderer: "Tell me where he is, Moriarty, or I'll beat it out of you!"
    Colin Moriarty: "Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Oh, kid... ah... I'll let that one go, chalk it up to youthful arrogance. Listen carefully. I don't know what Sheriff Simms told you, but this is my town. Simms, he's a facade. An illusion of order I allow to exist. I was slinging drinks and killing Raiders here in Megaton when the good sheriff was just an idiot kid with cowboy fantasies. Raise a hand to me, and you'll never leave this town alive. Now, as for your dad... 100 caps, and I sing."
    (Colin Moriarty's dialogue)
  8. The Lone Wanderer: "Who's in charge around here?"
    Manya Vargas: "Well, technically, no one. But you can't put two people in a room together without one of them trying to govern the other. But it depends on who you ask. Lucas Simms appointed himself the Sheriff. He throws anyone out who causes too much trouble. But Colin Moriarty runs just about everything else. Not much happens here that he doesn't know about. Or plan."
    The Lone Wanderer: "Tell me about Colin Moriarty."
    Manya Vargas: "That man is the scum of the Earth. He keeps the drunks around here soaking in liquor and that poor Nova, that girl deserves better. And don't even get me started on how he treats Gob. Just because the boy looks dead doesn't mean that he should be treated like that. That man has his fingers in everything around here. Just watch what you say about him, it'll always get back."
    (Manya Vargas' dialogue)
  9. The Lone Wanderer: "Is there a bar in town?"
    Lucas Simms: "Sure is -- Moriarty's. The entrance is on the top level, opposite the Main Gate. Just be careful. Moriarty is NOT your friend, no matter what he may say, so don't fall for his lies. And for god's sake, don't trust the man."
    (Lucas Simms' dialogue)
  10. The Lone Wanderer: "Who's Moriarty?"
    Silver: "Colin Moriarty... the owner of Moriarty's Saloon in Megaton. That sack of shit is convinced that I'm some crazy junkie who stole money from him!"
    (Silver's dialogue)
  11. The Lone Wanderer: "What's the word around town?"
    Andy Stahl: "Moriarty pisses in his still -- crazy bastard thinks it's hilarious. Besides, you'll get your throat cut in that pit. You're much better off here.|Very flippant and blowing the player off.}} Hey, maybe I'll put that on the sign out front: "The Brass Lantern: Cleaner, safer, and less likely to have piss in the drinks"."
    (Andy Stahl's dialogue)
  12. The Lone Wanderer: "Go for the top shelf. On me. <Give 20 caps.>"
    Jericho: "Whoa, twenty caps! Look at the big spender! Alright then, I can see you're in it for the big money, so I'll tell you all about Moriarty's. Moriarty, he's a ratfuck bastard for sure, but he's also paranoid as all hell. So paranoid that he don't let no one handle the cash around here. Every night, he takes what Gob and Nova earn and locks it in a file cabinet next to his bed."
    (Jericho's dialogue)
  13. The Lone Wanderer: "Why is Moriarty so hard on him?"
    Nova: "Well, the miserable bastard is hard on all of us. But Gob gets it the worst. I guess just because he's different, you know?"
    The Lone Wanderer: "Where did he come from?"
    Nova: "He don't talk about it much but apparently, there's a whole city of Ghouls somewhere down in DC. He's mentioned his mother a couple of times, but other than that, he won't really say. He's been here for... I guess about fifteen years now. Ever since Moriarty bought him off of those Slavers."
    (Nova's dialogue)
  14. The Lone Wanderer: "Where did you come from?"
    Gob: "A place called Underworld. It's a Ghoul city down in D.C. I set off up here to find adventure and fortune. And... well... I found this place. I'm sort of stuck here. Colin says that I can't leave until I pay off my debt to him. Of course, he charges me room and board too. If you ever get to Underworld, tell Carol that I said hi."
    (Gob's dialogue)
  15. The Lone Wanderer: "What's all this about Galaxy News Radio?"
    Colin Moriarty: "Galaxy News Radio is some loudmouth radio station located in the ruins of D.C. Three Dog, the king of that looney bin, keeps yapping about fighting some Good Fight or something. A bunch of crap. But I suppose if you wanted to know what was going on in the Wasteland, that's the place to go. Me, I could care less."
    (Colin Moriarty's dialogue)
  16. The Lone Wanderer: "Know anything about the area outside Megaton?"
    Colin Moriarty: "The Wasteland? Why the hell would you want to go out there? Listen to me, lad/lass, Megaton has everything you could possibly need. Why go anywhere else?"
    (Colin Moriarty's dialogue)
  17. The Lone Wanderer: "I'm looking for my father. Middle-aged guy. Maybe you've seen him?"
    Colin Moriarty: "My God... It's you. The little baby boy/girl, all grown up. Persistent little bastard, ain't ya? Then and now, it would seem. It's been a long time, kid. Oh, your daddy passed through here, all right. Here and gone. Got what he came for, and then left. I'm assuming you'll do the same, correct?"
    The Lone Wanderer: "Huh? My father and I were born in Vault 101..."
    Colin Moriarty: "Is that what your father told you? That you were born in that hole? That HE was born there as well? Oh, the lies we tell to those we love. Your father brought you to the Vault right after you were born. To keep you safe, you see. I remember it well -- you stayed in my saloon, after all. That's right. Your father, his Brotherhood of Steel friend, and you, the suckling babe with nary a tit to suckle. Sorry about your mom. Truly. But, life goes on. Daddy lied. Life's full of little disappointments. And now... you're all grown up, and wondering where he's gone to...."
    (Colin Moriarty's dialogue)
  18. Colin Moriarty: "No, no, put that away. This one's on the house. And now a toast. To James and his cheery cherub. May your future be safe, bright, and boring as hell."
    (Colin Moriarty's dialogue)


  1. 1.0 1.1 Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.66: "Colin Moriarty
    Moriarty, 50, has been here nearly his entire life. He claims that his grandfather helped found the original settlement a few years after the war. His father used the nearby trade routes to amass wealth, which is used to help secure Megaton. Colin inherited this wealth when his father was killed during a Raider attack when Colin was 14. Colin's first move was to build a fence around the town. Since then, the people have looked to Colin as a benefactor despite his running drinks, Chems, girls, and games out of his saloon. Simms turns a blind eye to Moriarty's activities, because he is acutely aware that the town needs Colin's support and resources."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)