關於an overview of .44 caliber Magnums in the Fallout series of games,參見.44 Magnum revolver


The Mysterious Magnum is a unique weapon in Fallout: New Vegas.


神秘人左轮手枪是特殊版本的.44左轮手枪,掏出来的时候会有独特的神秘人背景音乐。除了珍珠色的握把外,整把枪上都有着复杂的蚀刻花纹,并进行了银色抛光。比起普通的.44左轮手枪,它的开火速度明显更快,单发威力也更高。如果你的潜行技能在50以上,那么它也可以被你带进赌场。Like most unique weapons, weapon modifications cannot be used on the Mysterious Magnum.


神秘人左轮手枪可以发射745发标准.44子弹,the equivalent of 125 reloads, from full condition before breaking.

Standard, HP & SWC745125
.44 special995166


  • .44 Magnum revolver, standard .44 Magnum that can be found throughout the Mojave Wasteland.
  • Mysterious Stranger's .44 Magnum, a unique .44 Magnum used by the Mysterious Stranger.
  • Raul's .44 Magnum revolver, a unique non-playable .44 Magnum used by Raul. It only differs from the standard .44 Magnum from its use of magical companion ammo and it has more damage.


Weapon name (current weapon is highlighted)- 武器名称(近战或肉搏)Attacks in V.A.T.S.- 在V.A.T.S.攻击数
Weapon name (current weapon is highlighted)- 武器名称(枪械,能量或炸药)Action point cost- 消耗行动点数
Damage per attack (damage per projectile)- 每次攻击的伤害(每发炮弹的伤害)Damage per action point- 每个行动点数的伤害
Damage per second- 每秒伤害Weapon spread- 武器扩散
Area of effect damage- 有效损害范围Magazine capacity (shots per reload)- 弹匣容量(每次装填弹数)
Effect damage & duration- 效果伤害&持续时间Durability (number of attacks before breaking)- 耐久性(损坏前攻击次数)
Bonus effects- 奖励影响Weight- 重量
Attacks per second- 每秒攻击数Value in caps- 瓶盖价值
Critical chance % multiplier- 暴击几率%乘数Value to weight ratio- 价值重量比
Critical damage- 暴击伤害Skill required- 技能要求
Critical effect damage & duration- 暴击效果伤害和持续时间Strength required- 力量要求
With all mods attached- 装上所有模块
Weapon name (current weapon is highlighted)Damage per attack (damage per projectile)Damage per secondAttacks per secondCritical Chance % multiplierCritical damageAction Point costDamage per action pointWeapon spreadMagazine capacity (shots per reload)Durability (number of attacks before breaking)WeightValue in capsValue to weight ratioSkill requiredStrength required
.44 Magnum revolver 36
.44 Magnum revolver With all weapon mods attached 36
Mysterious Magnum 42


埃尔多拉多旱湖附近的高速公路上有个巨大的夕阳沙士广告牌,在广告牌底下的孤独流浪者身上。上好佳赌场的Tommy会给你一个Talent Pool的任务。交易50以上,找他对话可以拿过来。嫌麻烦的可以直接杀人越货。


  • If the Mysterious Magnum is given to a companion, the Stranger's theme will play when they use it.
  • Holstering it will make the second part of the tune play.
  • Drawing/Holstering the weapon while sneaking will cause the tune to play softly, thus not giving away one's position to enemies. The enemy seems to never hear this tune while the player character remains hidden.
  • It has a greatly reduced item HP compared to the standard .44 Magnum revolver, meaning that it will need to be repaired more often.


  • Has platform::PCPC When drawing the revolver, the tune will occasionally play twice. To hear it play correctly, simply go into third person and draw the revolver. This may be caused by possessing the Quick Draw perk, or a high Agility. [已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC You can obtain two of the revolvers by stealing the weapon from the Lonesome Drifter and then later doing a barter check of 50 during the quest Talent Pool. [已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC If loading a saved game from the main menu in which you have the Mysterious Magnum equipped and drawn, the reload animation takes twice as long as normal. This can be solved by simply switching to another gun and then back again. [已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC When you use .44 Magnum or the Mysterious Magnum in 3rd person view, most of the time you will miss the target, even while you're aiming, therefore making it better to use this gun in 1st person view. [已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Occasionally, when the Mysterious Magnum is equipped, the speed loader of the weapon can be seen stuck to the back of the cylinder and protruding from the back of the gun. This glitch has no effect on gameplay, as it is merely cosmetic. It can be fixed by un-equipping it and re-equipping it, reloading it or switching ammunition types. It also happens with the regular .44 Magnum, especially with the Heavy Frame. [已验证]
  • Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 When dropped, the custom design on it disappears. This bug does not otherwise affect gameplay. [已验证]


SingleShotVB ReloadVB
JamVB Mysterious Stranger