Has platform::PCHas platform::Xbox One 在第一次进入碉堡山时,凱絲勒会询问玩家角色是掠夺者还是商人。如果玩家角色立即退出并重新进入碉堡山,凱絲勒可能会多次询问这个问题。[已验证]
Has platform::PCHas platform::Playstation 4Has platform::Xbox One 即使隐藏起来,如果任何物品被盗,碉堡山的每个人都会变得敌对。此错误适用于所有尚未解锁的可能聚落。一旦聚落被解锁,拥有的物品可以被偷走而不会激怒聚落,而无主的物品可以被拿走而不会产生后果。[已验证]
Has platform::PCHas platform::Playstation 4Has platform::Xbox One 乔和東尼·薩渥迪可能认为这个角色的性别不正确。[已验证]
Has platform::PCHas platform::Playstation 4Has platform::Xbox One 乔和東尼·薩渥迪最初的对话可能会触发某些同伴的错误亲和检查;例如,在对话中捍卫合成人的玩家可能会获得尼克·瓦倫坦的厌恶,而贬低合成人的玩家可能会获得喜欢,而不是反过来。[已验证]
Has platform::PCHas platform::Playstation 4 当向東尼·薩渥迪要房间时,他可能不会收钱,在这种情况下,房间就没有了。一个可能的解决办法是完成乔的任务《堕落英雄》,然后向東尼要一个房间。然后他应该在玩家角色的商店上方提供一个房间。然而,这并不总是有效的;离开和重新进入该地区可能会有所帮助。或者,简单地重复对话选项,直到消息显示10个瓶盖被扣除。一旦瓶盖被扣除,床垫将可供玩家角色睡觉。[已验证]
Has platform::PCHas platform::Playstation 4Has platform::Xbox One 如果在碉堡山战役结束时对圣父做出负面反应并被驱逐出学院,那么碉堡山的命名定居者可能会陷入畏缩。在PC上,可以通过使用控制台命令stopquest ef21c然后快速旅行或睡眠来修复此问题。[已验证]
Has platform::PCHas platform::Xbox One 碉堡山战役后,正门可能会永久锁上。在PC上解决这个问题的方法是使用控制台打开门:通过打开控制台并选择门,然后可以使用命令setopenstate 2打开它。[已验证]
Has platform::PCHas platform::Playstation 4 如果玩家在碉堡山战役中没有进入公用设施地下室,回到地下室可以让炮塔和NPC不受伤害;武器不会击中它们,它们也不会成为V.A.T.S.中的可用目标。炮塔仍然会随着玩家角色而升级。[已验证]
Has platform::PCHas platform::Xbox One 在碉堡山战役后重新进入公用设施地下室时,玩家角色所支持的派系的所有幸存成员都会当场死亡。他们的集体死亡声音可以被听到,他们的尸体可以不受惩罚地被掠夺,这可以让NPC继续与玩家角色升级,直到他们突然死亡,从而获得非常强大的道具。[已验证]
Has platform::PCHas platform::Playstation 4 在碉堡山战役后返回地面时,所有在战役中幸存下来的兄弟会动力装甲士兵都将死亡,他们的尸体不会消失。[已验证]
Has platform::PCHas platform::Xbox One 凱絲勒可能会在她的任务预科学校完成后离开,打断对话并阻止玩家角色请求碉堡山成为盟友。她不会再进入对话,只会对任何试图继续对话的人做出一句话回应。[已验证]
Has platform::PCHas platform::Xbox One 在获得和解后,碉堡山的交易员可能不再能够从他们各自的"柜台"进行交易。如果进入工坊模式,将光标移到计数器上表明它损坏了,也许可以解释为什么它不能使用。然而,玩家无法修复或废弃计数器,商人也不能被重新分配到玩家建造的商店或任何其他工作。在1.3补丁中,当选择他们的定居者状态菜单时,他们的交易者将显示为"未分配"。在PC上,这个问题可以通过在控制台选择损坏的商店计数器,然后输入命令SetDestroyed 0来修复。[已验证]
↑Sole Survivor: "I've had no complaints so far." Kessler: "Really? Where've you been all my life? Our town works because everyone knows we got the raider angle covered. The gangs get paid off and leave our caravans alone. But Zeller's Army is getting greedy. Asking for more caps. And after we pay them, the bastards still hit our people. But I found out the Army's holed up at an old prep school. The job's simple: deal with them."
↑Preston Garvey: "Look at that... So were you in the Battle of Bunker Hill?" (Preston Garvey's dialogue)
↑The Sole Survivor: "Wonderful." Lizzie Wyath: "So, first up, something to manipulate a target. It's a homemade distillation brewed to mimic human flight pheromones.Toss one these grenades at the feet of your target and convincing the wary settler suddenly becomes a much simpler affair.Now, to function effectively, I had to make the formula... precise...... so it's not going to work on people in any of the big towns like Bunker Hill or Diamond City nor on caravaners. But for your purposes, hitting settlements out in the Commonwealth, it ought to give you a serious edge." (Lizzie Wyath's dialogue)
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