關於an overview of all grenades,參見Hand grenades
辐射Frag grenade
辐射2Frag grenade
Holy Hand Grenade
辐射3Frag grenade
Cut contentPiggy bank grenade
辐射:新维加斯Frag grenade
Holy Frag Grenade Wild Wasteland
军火贩的武器库Tin grenade
辐射4Fragmentation grenade
Smart fragmentation grenadeNuka-World (add-on)
Fragmentation grenade MIRVNuka-World (add-on)
辐射76Fragmentation grenade
辐射战略版Frag grenade
辐射:钢铁兄弟会Frag grenade
Home-made bomb
辐射:极限Pineapple fragment grenade
Stick fragment grenade
范布倫Frag grenade
Gametitle-FO1Gametitle-FO2Gametitle-FO3Gametitle-FNVGametitle-FNV GRAGametitle-FO4
Gametitle-FO1Gametitle-FO2Gametitle-FO3Gametitle-FNVGametitle-FNV GRAGametitle-FO4Gametitle-FO76Gametitle-FOTGametitle-FOBOSGametitle-VBGametitle-FOX

破片手榴彈 is a thrown weapon that appears in all of the Fallout games.这种手持投掷式武器内含高爆炸药,在投掷出去之后爆炸,它的金屬外壳在爆炸时会产生许多小块的碎片造成杀伤。The metallic case of fragmentation grenades may be preformed into a matrix designed to break apart evenly. Fragmentation grenades may either be spherical shaped or attached to a throwing handle (stick grenade) and armed with contact or timed fuses.



Fo1 frag grenade
游戏文章: 辐射, 辐射2, 辐射3, 辐射:新维加斯, 辐射4, 辐射76

A generic fragmentation grenade. Containing a small amount of high explosives, the container itself forms most of the damaging fragments. Explodes on contact.

  • For the unique version that appears in Fallout, see: Holy Hand Grenade.
  • For the unique version that appears in Fallout: New Vegas, see: Holy Frag Grenade.
  • For the version that appears in Fallout Tactics, see: Frag grenade.
  • For the version that appears in Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel, see: Frag grenade.



Piggy bank grenades are improvised fragmentation grenades made out of bottle caps and a piggy bank. Roughly the hand-grenade equivalent to bottlecap mines.


Tin grenade
游戏文章: 军火贩的武器库

在一个金属罐头内填入手槍火藥,加上一点改造成的简单破片手雷。Roughly the hand-grenade equivalent to Powder charge mines.

Home-made bomb[]

游戏文章: 辐射:钢铁兄弟会

A home-made bomb is a crude grenade made out of household chemicals and old pipe-fittings, and typically filled with nails and other scrap for shrapnel. A relatively weak explosive.

Pineapple fragment grenade[]

FoT frag grenade
游戏文章: 辐射:极限

A typical fragmentation grenade, containing an explosive charge that breaks the pre-segmented outer case apart producing a small blast and wounding fragments. Armed with a contact fuse.

Stick fragment grenade[]

游戏文章: 辐射:极限

A long-handled fragmentation grenade, containing an explosive charge that breaks the outer case apart producing a small blast and wounding fragments. Armed with a contact fuse and features a stick handle used to throw the grenade.
