關於the planned skill named Demolitions Expert in Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel 2,參見Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel 2 skills
辐射2/辐射战略版Demolition Expert
辐射3Demolition Expert
辐射:新维加斯Demolition Expert
辐射4Demolition Expert
辐射76Demolition Expert
辐射:角色扮演游戏Demolition Expert

Demolition Expert is a perk in Fallout 2, Fallout 3, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 4, Fallout 76, Fallout: The Roleplaying Game and Fallout Tactics.


Fallout 2 and Fallout Tactics[]

游戏文章: 辐射2, 辐射战略版

A single rank perk, granting a damage bonus when using explosives. It also negates the chance for timed explosives to detonate prematurely. The requirements to obtain this perk are the same in both games.

Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas[]

Demolition Expert
游戏文章: 辐射3, 辐射:新维加斯

The perk was expanded to three ranks, with each rank increasing the damage dealt with explosives by 20%, up to a maximum of 60%. In Fallout: New Vegas, the perk also affects weapons other than grenades and mines, which set the tone for future games.

Fallout 4[]

Fo4 Demolition Expert
游戏文章: 辐射4

The perk received another rank, having four ranks in total, with each rank granting a 25% increase to damage dealt with explosives. In addition, each rank grants a minor bonus, such as an increased explosion radius. The perk is also required for crafting explosives and other items. Just like in Fallout: New Vegas, the perk is not limited to throwables like grenades or mines.

Fallout 76[]

Fo76 Demolition Expert
游戏文章: 辐射76

A perk with five ranks, with the first one granting 20% increased damage with explosives, and subsequent ranks granting 10% each, for a maximum of 60%. The perk affects weapons in a similar way as it did in Fallout 4, covering almost all throwables, placeable mines, weapons categorized as explosive, as well as weapons with the Explosive legendary effect. Likewise, it also retained its importancy for crafting.

Fallout: The Roleplaying Game[]

2D20 Demolition Expert
游戏文章: 辐射:角色扮演游戏

When executing an attack using a weapon with the Blast quality, the attack gains the Vicious damage effect. In addition, the perk unlocks recipes for explosives having it as a requirement.
