砰砰本身已经自带榴弹步枪的加长枪管,使得它有着很远的射程,爆炸半径也得到了提升。比起普通版,它重量更轻,发射更快,耐久度也要高一些。它的枪管上有着Thump-Thump(砰砰)字样的涂鸦,枪口上还画了一个向前的箭头;枪托上画着一只愤怒的红眼海狸,拿着一支步枪。Standard 40mm grenades fired from this weapon will have twice the velocity as ones fired from other grenade rifles.
它可以发射620发标准40mm榴弹 from full condition before breaking.
Grenade rifle - the common variant in Fallout: New Vegas.
If the Boomers are killed for Mr. House or Caesar's Legion before obtaining Nellis array building key by Raquel, Thump-Thump cannot be obtained. The building's door is unpickable and can only be opened with the key, which does not appear on her body if she dies.
砰砰的原型是現實的M79榴彈發射器,[1] a US grenade launcher developed in the early sixties.
The name Thump-Thump is a reference to "Thumper," one of the nicknames US Servicemen gave the M79 due to its distinctive report.
Has platform::PCHas platform::Playstation 3Has platform::Xbox 360 On some occasions Thump-Thump will not inflict any damage to the target. If this happens you may also not cause any damage while using V.A.T.S.[已验证]
Has platform::Xbox 360 Sometimes it removes the 1st person texture and turns invisible in 3rd person.[已验证]