Fallout 3 locations project
这个页面被包含在Fallout 3 locations project的范围内. 该计划的目的是dedicated to cleaning up Fallout 3 location articles. 如果你想参与, 请先阅读计划页面.
石溪洞穴 是一個獨立的洞穴,泥沼蟹是這裡的居民。
The entrance to Rock Creek Caverns is accessed through a sewer grate at the bottom of a crater that has exposed the sewer system, just to the west of the National Guard Depot. When coming from the direction of the National Guard Depot, there is a guaranteed encounter with two raiders and two Super Mutants wielding big guns.
Rock Creek Caverns[]
- 在地圖的B點有1瓶量子型核子可樂,走到B點的走法如下。首先在A點,在過道的南面,你會發現一根巨大的掉在地上的鐘乳石,一頭斜靠在背後的大石上,形成一個可以往走上的走道。順著往上走,走到鐘乳石的頂端,在右手方向有個平台,上面有些綠色蘑菇,跳上平台,然後沿著石壁逆時針方向走就能走到B點。
- F點has two laser rifles on the ground, energy cells and microfusion cells in amo boxes, and a scoped .44 magnum in a easy-level pickable safe
- 有一個隨機事件,三個廢土遊民被一隻死爪攻擊,如果你救下他們,其中一個會給你一份筆記「廢土遊民地圖」,並在世界地圖上標出石溪洞穴的位置。
- When you first enter the Rock Creek Caverns, there are a couple of grates in the sewers that bar your advance. Turning off clipping shows that there is nothing past these grates, or any special ways to get past them.
- Behind the building directly to the south of the entrance to Rock Creek Caverns there is a scripted encounter between two Raiders, both carrying missile launchers and two leveled Super Mutants carrying either Miniguns at lower levels, or two Gatling Lasers at higher levels.
- 石溪洞穴(Rock Creek Caverns)這個名詞來源於現實中的岩溪公園(Rock Creek Park),這個公園位於華盛頓特區。