
Sword! Of course! Weapons, my boy! You name it, I've helped someone kill it.

Scribe Peabody is the Proctor of the Order of the Sword, in charge of the Armory for the chapter of the Brotherhood of Steel in the Citadel in 2277.


As Proctor of the Order of the Sword, he is head of the Armory, in charge of maintaining and maintenance, research and development of all the chapter's various weapons systems.[1] A weapons expert extraordinaire,[2] he is already modifying the current armaments of the Brothers to counter the new threat of the "black devil Power Armor" that the Enclave are wielding.[3] He also used his expertise on helping repair Liberty Prime's weapon systems.[4]

Although he has little respect for the knights,[5] he loves "field work" (unlike Head Scribe Rothchild) and often wishes he could go on combat missions with the them and paladins. He honestly believes that it is the scribes who make the Brotherhood what it is.[4][5]

Daily schedule[]

He is in the armory in the Citadel laboratory most of the day.

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

2d20 Jury Rigger
此角色可以修理物品 修理 瓶盖: 51
Icon severed ear color


服装 武器 其他 物品 死 亡
Brotherhood scribe robe 10mm pistol Brotherhood of Steel holotag


Peabody appears only in Fallout 3.


Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 With Broken Steel installed, Peabody will still call the Wanderer an outsider, even though they are now a knight of the Brotherhood. [已验证]


  1. The Lone Wanderer: "And the Orders are..."
    Peabody: "Order of the Sword, Order of the Shield, Order of the Quill. Weapons, defenses, and research. Respectively."
    The Lone Wanderer: "Let me guess. You belong the Order of the..."
    Peabody: "Sword! Of course! Weapons, my boy/girl! You name it, I've helped someone kill it. I'm the Proctor of the Order of the Sword, you see. Weapons research, development and maintenance all my responsibility."
    (Peabody's dialogue)
  2. The Lone Wanderer: "Do you think you could repair my equipment?"
    Peabody: "Ha! With my eyes closed! And I will, too. But it will cost you... outsider. Oh, very well. But make haste!"
    (Peabody's dialogue)
  3. The Lone Wanderer: "So... Any thoughts on the Enclave?"
    Peabody: "So they have Plasma weapons! Bah! It's strong technology, I'll give you that, but limited in modification. I've already started removing the compensators on our laser weapons to cut through the black devil Power Armor of theirs. We'll drop them like any other meat, don't you worry."
    (Peabody's dialogue)
  4. 4.0 4.1 Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition p.95: "Scribe Peabody
    Scribe Peabody is the Brotherhood scribe assigned to the Armory. He's a weapons expert and is in charge of maintaining and repairing all the Brotherhood's various firearms, energy weapons, big guns, and anything else that shoots and kills people. He also helped repair Liberty Prime's weapon systems. Unlike Scribe Rothchild, he loves "field work" and often wishes he could go on combat missions with the Brotherhood Knights and Paladins."
    (Fallout 3 Official Game Guide Game of the Year Edition Wasteland Census)
  5. 5.0 5.1 The Lone Wanderer: "Can you tell me something about the Scribes?"
    Peabody: "Indeed I can! Pay no heed to those headstrong Knights, with their pop guns and bravado. It is the Scribes, the Scribes who make the Brotherhood what is truly is! The brawn is useless without the brain, hmm? He he he. Each Order of Scribes is dedicated to a unique field. All equally important. All more important than those dim-witted grunts."
    (Peabody's dialogue)