關於任务,參見The Glowing Sea

发光海是整个联邦中辐射最强烈的区域。根据当地的传说,这里是摧毁了马萨诸塞州大部分地区的高当量核爆炸的爆炸中心。 辐射4 加载屏幕提示

在《辐射4》中,发光海(英文名:Glowing Sea)是联邦的一个区域,包含几个地点。总的说来,这片发光海是全异尘余生系列中由单个核打击所造成的最大高度辐射区域。[1]


最初是波士顿西南部的社区,该地区是大战期间大规模核爆炸的中心。发光海本身就是一个危险的辐射热点,其全境的辐射水平高于平均水平。 它位于连接Mass Pike立交的南部高速公路的终点。 这个地区是2077年原子弹爆炸的地方。严格来说,它并不是一片“海”,而是一片受到严重辐射的大片孤立区域,被覆盖该地区的原子弹爆炸撕裂并重塑。发光海大部分由烧焦的土地、带有放射性的池塘、烧焦的树木、毁坏的汽车和成堆的瓦砾组成。剩下的几座建筑物没有彻底变成碎片,它们被炸弹造成的山体滑坡和塌陷掩埋了一半。 雨云经过发光海面时会受到辐射,并以核子风暴的形式将辐射传播到联邦废土的其他地方。[2]

尽管有这些危险或更多,发光海确实是生命的港湾,包括人类。在发光海中心是一个被称为原子神彈坑的定居点,居住着来自原子神教的人类。从遥远的联邦国家都能看到火山口发出恶心的黄绿色光芒。 在发光海的西南部,在地图的边界之外,就是维吉尔居住的岩洞


发光海极为危险,不应在低等级或没有足够的物资和保护的情况下进行探索。整个发光海都受到了强烈的辐射,通常在大多数地区每秒至少辐射10拉德以上(站在水里每秒辐射60拉德以上),不到两分钟就会杀死没有保护的玩家。为了生存,人们应该带足够的消辐宁抗辐宁以减少暴露在辐射中。进一步的保护可以通过穿防辐射的防具来实现,比如动力装甲防护服(尽管动力装甲可以更好地保护你免受敌人的攻击)。 与羅倫佐·凱伯一起完成凱伯宅邸任务线,获得无限的神秘的血清——在1小时内每秒治疗10拉德。

比辐射更危险的是当地的野生动物,因为只有最顽强的生物才能在这里生存:成堆的死亡爪辐射蝎和变种昆虫,例如巨大蒼蠅吸血虫飞刺虫,在垃圾中游荡并攻击所有路过它们的任何东西。 尽管散布在该地区的各种废墟和残骸车辆藏有少量的战利品,但在发光海的户外废物中却缺乏有用的资源(食品,化学药品,弹药等)。然而,这些废墟也极具危险性;即成群结队的狂屍鬼和偶尔出现的鼹鼠群。


  • Abandoned shack, northwest of the Atlantic Offices almost on the western map border. Provides access to Federal Surveillance Center K-21B.
  • Atlantic Offices, northeast of the Crater of Atom and northwest of the capsized factory.
  • Capsized factory, northeast of the Crater of Atom and southeast of the Atlantic Offices.
  • Caves, two small, unremarkable caves underneath a road near a Red Rocket station. This cave is southwest of the Vertibird wreckage.
  • Crater of Atom, just to the southeast of the southwest corner of the map, housing the Children of Atom.
  • Decayed reactor site, in the western end beyond the map, northwest of the decrepit factory.
  • Decrepit factory, at the southwest corner of the map.
  • Federal supply cache 84NE, northwest of the cave two squares east of the western borderline.
  • Forgotten church, west of the abandoned shack.
  • Hopesmarch Pentecostal church, north of the Vertibird wreckage.
  • O'Neill Family Manufacturing, southwest of Skylanes Flight 1665 and north of the Sentinel site.
  • Parking garage, an unmarked location just north of the southern cave, beneath a destroyed Super-Duper Mart.
  • Red Rocket, an unmarked location just northwest of the northern-most cave.
  • Relay tower 0DB-521, northeast of Skylanes Flight 1665 below the edge of the map.
  • Rocky cave, in the southwest end past the edge of the map.
  • Sentinel site, southeast of the Crater of Atom, directly south of O'Neill Family Manufacturing past the edge of the map.
  • Skylanes Flight 1665, northeast of O'Neill family Manufacturing and Sentinel site; southwest of Relay tower 0DB-521.
  • Vertibird wreckage, west of Relay tower 0DB-521.






  1. Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Collector's Edition pp. 353-354: "ZONE 5: NATICK AND THE GLOWING SEA
    Complete and utter desolation as far as your blistered, irradiated eyes can see. A perpetual cloud of radiation haze. Fierce and toxic storms. If the Deathclaws and Radscorpions don't get you, the radiation sickness might. This is the epicenter of a massive (and highly successful) nuclear strike centered on what is known colloquially as the Crater of Atom. While the northern and riverside fringes of this zone are relatively free of radiation, be sure to stock up on chems and wear proper protective attire once you're south of Natick. Welcome to the Glowing Sea."
    (Fallout 4 Vault Dweller's Survival Guide Map)
  2. Todd Howard panel, E3 2015 [1]