Survival Expert is a perk in Fallout 3 that gives different rewards. It is given by Moira as a reward for completing the Wasteland Survival Guide side quest.
The table below lists possible perk benefits. The benefit received will be based on how many optional bonus objectives have been completed, and how the Lone Wanderer chooses to answer Moira's questions. There are different answer choices depending on stats that are equal to or greater than 7, which can be adjusted through the use of apparel and aid.
Note that not all of them will appear after a given task; answers change from objective to objective. "Perk itself" means it is given by default, with bonuses on the right depending on the style of the answers. The perk obtained is determined by the type of answer picked the most, and how many optional objectives are completed.
The perk received may not correspond with the description of the Wasteland Survival Guide book, as completing two objectives per chapter will still result in the worst possible book description, but earn the middle-ranked perk.
Level | Perk itself | Normal (None/Top answer) |
Smart (IN/PE) |
Tough (ST/EN) |
Sly (AG/CH) |
Snide (Bottom answer) |
Junior Survivor (complete fewer than 5 optional objectives) |
+2% Poison and Radiation Resistance | +5 HP | +2 Medicine, +2 Science | +2% DR | +2 Sneak, +2 Speech | +1% Critical Chance |
(0002D3A2) | (000331D4) | (000331D5) | (000331D6) | (000331D7) | ||
Survival Expert (complete 5 to 8 optional objectives) |
+4% Poison and Radiation Resistance | +10 HP | +4 Medicine, +4 Science | +4% DR | +4 Sneak, +4 Speech | +2% Critical Chance |
(0002D3A1) | (000331D8) | (000331D9) | (000331DA) | (000331DB) | ||
Survival Guru (complete all optional objectives) |
+6% Poison and Radiation Resistance | +15 HP | +6 Medicine, +6 Science | +6% DR | +6 Sneak, +6 Speech | +3% Critical Chance |
(0002D3A0) | (000331DC) | (000331DD) | (000331DE) | (000331DF) |
- None of the above Survival perks can be obtained if having received the Dream Crusher perk, and vice versa.
- If caught lying at any point about completing the different parts of the quest, the Survival Guru perk cannot be obtained, regardless of how many of the optional objectives are completed (Survival Expert can still be received by honestly completing 5-8 of the quests). An exception is the Snide answer for placing the observer in the mirelurk nest without killing any mirelurks.
- The different variations of this perk can be given using the console commands "player.addperk [perk code]" without any problems. The effects will stack, and the perk will be listed multiple times in the Pip-Boy.
- These perks can also be gained in Fallout: New Vegas through use of the console.
Anchorage Reclamation simulation, the radiation resistance granted by this perk may be applied a second time; therefore, if having 6% radiation resistance granted by the perk, upon exiting the simulation it will be 12%. This bug may occur on other occasions as well. On PC versions, this can be fixed by removing and re-adding the perk through the console. [已验证]
When completingSee also[]