
Oh, that? It's just a bit west of Novac, up in the mountains. Lots of broken equipment and such. Place is deserted. Or used to be, I guess. Lately there's been talk of ghouls up that way, but I can't rightly say whether it's so or not. If you want to know more, ask old No-bark.Cliff Briscoe



這是一個舊瑞普康(REPCONN:內華達火箭引擎製造公司Rocket Engineering Production Company of Nevada)試驗場, along with its landmark rocket launch dome, have sat idle over the years, and are now home to Feral Ghouls who come to terrorize the inhabitants of nearby Novac. However, within the facility, there's a prolonged stalemate going on between a band of Nightkin, devolved from Marcus' forces up at Jacobstown and lead by a deranged man-mountain named Davison. They are attempting to locate shipments of Stealth Boys. The ghouls are led by an intelligent, messianic glowing ghoul who dreams of escaping with his followers in the plant's remaining rockets.[1]




Connected to the Main building by a tunnel, there is a launch pad housing the three rockets used in the Come Fly With Me quest. The launch pad and rockets rise upwards to the surface level before they launch.



  • 在設施的入口的一具夜行者屍體上有一個隱身小子,但你只有在他屍體旁邊的地板上才能撿起來。變種人身上都有鋼筋棒子,獄卒有一個焚化爐火焰榴彈發射器。哈蘭德身邊的一個死夜行者身旁的地上有一個很贊的路牌。剩下的隱身小子在主樓地下室標有「食物」的房間里的餐桌上。.
  • 地下室最後的房間里有太空服和太空服頭盔,那是你接到任務「和我一起飛」的最後一步的地方。
  • Storage room safe note on the administrator terminal in the facility.
  • 主實驗設施二樓的一個「簡單」鎖住的門後面有管理室,室內的文件櫃有大量彈藥,一個「一半」難度鎖的保險櫃里有2個隱身小子。
  • 根外面光明兄弟會成員的身上會攜帶有不同能量武器和大量彈藥。正常會發現激光手槍和步槍,罕見情況會發現充能手槍和等離子護衛者。
  • 10 destroyed party hats can be found in the REPCONN test site, in the upper floors where the Bright Brotherhood is found.
  • 11 hammers in the basement.
  • 43 small ruined books, 35 large burned books, 28 large scorched books in the facility, the largest amount in a single section in the game.



  • 根據設施地下室中的一個終端的記錄,他們說有兩整船的隱身小子被送來這裡,並且被送回給製造商了。這和戴維森給你的任務有關,如果你願意完成神牛,一個雙頭牛頭骨的願望。它描述說其中一船上有5個隱身小子被一名員工拿來性騷擾其他同事。
  • 你第一次見到傑森·布萊特的房間里有一個上下顛倒的基因投影機。
  • 在大堂的天花板上掛著一個火箭,支撐火箭的聯結是一個小垃圾箱。這個垃圾箱可以像一般的垃圾箱那樣撿起來。
  • 儘管在地下室向下移動,你最後出現在發射圓頂,這可是在一個比地下室高很多的山頂上。但是這很可能是因為發射平台比在室外看到的要高。
  • 如果戴維森還沒走你就亂動那個叫做神牛的雙頭牛頭骨,他會和你開打。
  • 你第一次去試驗場可能沒有任何喪屍或者死掉的光明追隨者,要解決這個問題只要在你的PIPBOY里找到試驗場的圖標然後快速旅行到其他地方再快速旅行回來,你就會發現你已經被一群發瘋的野蠻殭屍包圍了,但你這次就有機會從死掉的光明追隨者身上搜到一些好東西。
  • In the office with 2 Stealth Boys in the locked safe, faded pictures of Tenpenny Tower and other Fallout 3 locations can be seen.
  • On the administrator terminal there is an email discussing the change of a generator room into a storage room. This email also talks about a safe within the room and gives a password. The room in question is the same one where Harland is found. The safe doesn't exist.
  • The missing "O" from the REPCONN sign can be found at the Gibson scrap yard. Apparently, Old Lady Gibson has re-purposed it to serve as a chair.
  • Objects referencing the REPCONN Test Site in the GECK (the nightkin found within, the Bright Brotherhood, etc.) are prefaced with the misspelled "REPCON".




在瑞普康試驗場發生的爆炸,就像其名字(REPCONN),是向派普康(PEPCON)事故致哀,這場事故造成了3人死亡,造成了化學火災和爆炸並影響了拉斯維加斯方向5里半徑的地區。派普康(內華達太平洋引擎製造公司Pacific Engineering and Production Company of Nevada的簡稱), 位於亨德森附近的沙漠,曾是美國最大的火箭固態燃料生產公司。工廠於1988年爆炸,造成兩人死亡,並沖出大塊燃燒中的火箭燃料達整整5英里遠。


Has platform::PCPC After completing the quest Come Fly With Me, when exiting the platform overlooking the rocket takeoffs and proceeding to the research labs, then finally exiting through the door marked "Door to REPCONN Facility", the game may freeze (but not crash) before the player exits the research labs, and remain frozen until the player Alt+Tabs out of the game session and manually ends FalloutNV.exe.



