
Get the formula and meet us at the Red Rocket [sic] Tricycle Factory as we planned. Our buyer is promising lots of caps, so I want to see some hustle! This could take our gang to the big time. Sudden-Death Overtime forever.Goalie Ledoux's orders to Winger Mercier

Red Racer Factory 位於首都廢土,是一家廢棄的三輪車製造工廠。造車廠在核子可樂工廠的東北部(狂漫公司的西面)。為了到達目的地,你需從核子可樂公司的北部出發,直到圓點餐廳。從那裡往東走到工廠。


在最初的幾層會遇到各種殭屍被爆頭的「美景」 ,死亡後伴奏著一種電子的鳴聲,跟地雷引爆前的聲音相似。進一步探索,特別是在總裁辦公室會遇上超級變種人,死後出現相同狀況。最終,一個瘋狂的科學家外號「外科醫生」,提著火箭筒跟玩家對話。讀取各種電腦終端發現,該科學家正實驗把一種晶元植入變種生物的腦中。其中說到爆頭其實是為研究做掩蓋,同時也能應對變種生物失控的事件發生。如果玩家有科學技能可以激活電腦的安全模式,從而殺死工廠內大部分生物。



  • 《迪恩的電子學》 在主入口直走到第一組裝室,隱藏在機器頂上的工具箱旁。
  • 《特區內科醫學雜誌》 工廠的東側在水桶之下,在一台大機器上方,旁邊有工具箱,松節油,彈藥箱和鎚子。就在最東面的房間西北方有兩個噴泉的地方。必須從狹窄通道下到一個掩蓋的小道。這個地方很難被發現,你必須跑完上層所有地方才能達到這裡,有掩蓋的小道就位於兩個發電機直接的小階梯處。
  • 你可以在總裁辦公室一扇普通難度鎖的門後找到《尼古拉特斯拉與你》。當你進入辦公室並轉到角落,經過你左面的第一個門會在一個架子上找到。
  • 你可以在工廠得到外科醫生的實驗室外套。外科醫生在總裁辦公室。外套+10醫學 +5科學。
  • There is a bottle of Nuka-Cola Quantum in the factory. It can be found in the CEO Offices inside Stefan's cage (The Surgeon's prized ghoul).


  • 如果你得到核子可樂清除配方那麼門衛勒杜將站在工廠主入口前的停車場處,是任務核子可樂挑戰的一部分。他戴著一個勒杜的曲球滾面具,+25 AP和抵抗4點傷害。(He will not appear if you finish the Nuka Cola Challenge quest before bringing him the formula)
  • 工廠東面穿過停車場和街道,在建築群區域有一批土匪和警衛犬。在一個櫃檯上有《槍和子彈》,床邊的軍用小型提箱有《美軍:30個火焰噴射器使用手冊》。
  • 工廠南面有一個翻轉的,帶放射性的集裝箱和一具屍體,裡面有一本《格羅尼野蠻人》(有時候不刷出)。
  • 在立交橋頂部往工廠北方是拾荒者之橋,拾荒者有3本技能書(《中國軍隊:特種部隊訓練手冊》*1,《卧倒與掩護!》*1,《格羅尼野蠻人》*1)。全放在拾荒者商店的貨架上,但不銷售,只能偷取。識別立交橋可看橋下是否失事貨車,也可以沿著灰渠下水道的路直走。


  • 在總裁辦公室,如果你仔細聽,會聽到奇怪的、可怕的細語正如在鄧威志大廈的劇毒地下室聽到的一樣。那把聲音在說:「阿爾哈薩德!」和「葛耶!」
  • If you have triggered the quest Just for the Taste of It or aquired the Nuka-Cola formula, you will meet Goalie Ledoux and two members of his gang, Sudden-Death Overtime, just outside the Red Racer tricycle factory.
  • 外科醫生可能是男也可能是女,但對可能的對話和戰鬥都沒有任何影響。
  • 戴著殭屍面具能讓外科醫生處於非敵意狀態。有時候即使戴上面具外科醫生依然是敵對的,你必須重新載入以前的存檔才能解決問題。
  • 一個超大的玩具熊在天花板上懸掛的一輛非常大的三輪車上(要到達這個房間,你從廢土進入工廠後就必須直走)。 要麼將其擊落,要麼用找《迪恩的電子學》的那個桶跳上去。這個玩具熊明顯比一般的要大得多,是放到你家中一件很好的紀念品。(如果你把大玩具熊丟到小的玩具熊堆里,或不止一次丟下它,它會變成普通大小,更小的版本)
  • 斯特凡通常被囚禁在總裁辦公室的小牢中,如果玩家從外科醫生屍體上找到鑰匙,那麼斯特凡就可以打開門。
  • The Surgeon's Lab Coat is a lab coat with a vault jumpsuit underneath.
  • The Red Racer Factory is overflowing with totally empty wooden boxes, except perhaps for the "last" one in The Surgeon's storage closet. There are also lots of metal boxes spread throughout the factory that mainly contain construction materials. Scrap Metal is especially common.
  • 工廠北部,立交橋下的高速公路是個隨機事件的發生點。
  • 工廠西面同樣是個隨機事件的發生點。
  • While wearing the ghoul mask: if you reach the Surgeon and access his computer you can disable the "chips" implanted into the ghouls and mutants. This causes all ghouls and mutants still alive to explode.
  • 在工廠西面的浴室有兩格位置。離門口最遠的一格是一格消防栓而不是一般的廁所。
  • If you hear a beep that sounds to you like a mine, don't freak out. It is only the chip in the ghouls/mutants head that just died.
  • Stefan (the unique glowing one) has a unique face, its unknown why he's important.


When using an energy weapon such as the Plasma Rifle or Laser Pistol, if a critical hit is made thus turning the creature to goo/ash, the script that calls for the head explosion (i.e., the failsafe put in by The Surgeon) will still occur, and the head will explode in chunks as though it were still there (it will explode out of the remains a few moments later). These chunks will identify as the creature you'd just killed, does not enable double looting from the same corpse. If you shoot in the heads in VATS mode, the game may freeze probably because of those built-in chips (confirmed on PS3 version, didn't happen on 360). You can get in stefan's cage without using the key, get out a melee weapon,(proven with Jack) and target him in VATS and you will attack him in the cage. be warned though this is quite useless beacause if you did not get the key you will be stuck in the cage with no way out, unless the console is used.

Related Quests[]

  • Just for the Taste of It

