
This is what happens to people who fuck with the Brotherhood.— Unnamed Brotherhood of Steel soldier




An interesting thing to note is that missile silo doors reside within a ruined building. As the building has a roughly circular pattern of destruction centered on the silo doors, one can gather that the building itself collapsed when a missile plowed through at the beginning of the Great War.







A clear shot of Fort Bannister from the air.

Note: If possible, avoid fast traveling to this location as you may arrive surrounded by a handful of mercs and either a Protectron, Robobrain or Mister Gutsy, as well as a guard dog. Giant soldier ants have been known to spawn outside Fort Bannister in the nearby concrete ruins. It's advisable that the player, regardless of level should approach Fort Banister with extreme caution.


在班尼斯特要塞的中央地帶,是一圈帳篷。如果你安裝了DLC-斷鋼,並且完成了主線任務「Take it Back!」(最後反擊!),那麼帳篷門口會出現運水的雙頭牛。在某個帳篷里還會出現一個被俘虜的鋼鐵兄弟會的聖騎士,Paladin Jensen。他會告訴你鋼鐵兄弟會對於鷹爪僱傭兵襲擊運水商隊的行為忍無可忍,決定報復,他是來執行偵察任務的。

如果你就這樣直接給他鬆綁的話,他會一頭衝進指揮官住所,然後被自動炮塔和導彈轟成渣。稍後又會出現4個鋼鐵兄弟會的騎士和聖騎士衝進指揮官住所。不幸的是,大部分情況下,由於鷹爪僱傭兵的人數優勢,他們會給群毆至死。但有時候他們也能取得勝利,然後他們就賴在這裡不走了。如果你要確保鋼鐵兄弟會勝利的話,最靠譜的辦法就是在解救Paladin Jensen之前先自己下去清理一遍。貌似只要你把指揮官傑布斯科幹掉,4個兄弟會騎士就會出現,Paladin Jensen給解救後就呆在地面,不會衝進指揮官住所。

如果你在完成主線任務「Take it Back!」(最後反擊!)之前就來這裡把指揮官傑布斯科OOXX了,那麼別說鋼鐵兄弟會和運水的雙頭牛了,你連根牛毛都看不見。

  • Though it may be rare, it is possible that Paladin Jensen may never be encountered. While going towards Fort Bannister, I encountered the assaulting Paladins, convinced them to go ahead and not wait for Paladin Jensen's return and was then attacked by an Albino RadScorpion which killed two of them. The third ran in and then dissapeared, and Paladin Jensen was nowhere to be found.
  • In my case I found that even though I had already killed Commander Jabsco (before activating the purifier) earlier in my game Paladin Jensen still appeared with the Aqua Pura barrels present. Since I had already cleared out the base beforehand there wasn't much resistance when the BoS started their attack.
  • If you manage to overrun the Fort without losing Paladin Jensen or his team they will be joined by two additional Paladins and a Knight creating a formidable garrison of 7 Brotherhood members.
  • In another case, only Paladin Jensen was tied up and the other brotherhood members were scattered dead in the underground area.

在班尼斯特要塞的東面,VAPL-58發電站的南面,有個巨坑。完成主線任務「The Waters of Life」(生命之泉)之後,那裡會出現一個英克雷營地(坑口營地)。這裡一台野地研究終端里的內容說明了他們來此的目的是採集樣本。這裡有3個英克雷士兵,1個英克雷軍官和1個英克雷科學家,還有一個自動炮塔。坑內有輻射(+1到+2),多加小心。


  • 指揮官傑布斯科身上有一把唯一的特殊的戰鬥匕首奧卡姆剃刀,還有一頂唯一的特殊的戰鬥頭盔,鷹爪戰鬥頭盔。他所在的房間下層西南角上,一個個人提箱旁邊有個架子,架子上有瓶量子型核子可樂。
  • 在班尼斯特要塞東面,VAPL-58發電站南面,有個巨坑,坑底部有輛卡車,卡車下面有8x12共96發外星能量電池。在卡車東南面一點,還有一個保險箱和一個個人提箱(均上鎖,開鎖難度低),裡面有一些物品。
  • 指揮官住所區域,有一個導彈發射井,在這個房間,順著樓梯來到西南角,在附近南面的牆上有個警告標誌。站到警告標誌前,背對標誌,臉朝北,然後從樓梯和建築鋼結構的間隙往左下一點的方向看,在下方靠西的牆那裡有一段過道,在過道頂上有一些沙包,有一個業餘電台和一個彈藥箱,就在旁邊有一本《特斯拉與你》,從樓梯和建築鋼結構的間隙跳到那段過道的頂上就可以拿到。
  • 在班尼斯特要塞碉堡區域,最東面有個房間,裡面有個槍櫃,柜子里會刷一把.32左輪槍或者10毫米手槍以及相應的子彈。在柜子頂上有一本《槍械與彈藥》。
  • 在班尼斯特要塞主層區域,順樓梯到頂樓,透過頂樓房間地板上的網可以看見樓下還有個房間,可從過道另一端的樓梯到下一層進入(房門上鎖,開鎖難度中)。房內地上有一具胖子發射器,靠門的2個架子上分別有一本《科學大全》和一枚小型核彈。
  • The ammunition boxes and merc corpses are also a great sources of Laser Pistol and Laser Rifle ammo. Energy Cells and Microfusion Cells can be found virtually everywhere. Its also quite common to find Missiles on the company soldiers, so keep an eye out.
  • A gigantic-sized wrench can be found sitting on a counter next to a normal sized wrench.


Fort Bannister only appears in Fallout 3.


  • As the missile silo is empty it's presumable that Fort Bannister expended its missiles during the Great War.
  • 在班尼斯特要塞外圍,至少會刷2頭死爪,如果死爪和鷹爪僱傭兵之間發生戰鬥,你可以坐山觀虎鬥,這樣你進入這個班尼斯特要塞的難度就會降低。
  • Assaulting the fort from the southern gates can get very messy, because the open terrain turns the short run into a sprint across no-man's-land. If detected, almost all forces in the fort will give the player their undivided attention in the form of missiles, grenades, and heavy small arms fire. It is, however, possible to win this fight with Stimpaks hotkeyed.
  • Assault from any direction is possible if you've completed the Broken Steel add-on and have the Tesla Cannon. You can pick off Talon Company members from long distances with one shot apiece, without getting noticed. To that end, having a high sneak skill helps, but is not necessary.
  • Going in from the East over the broken down fence allows you to take cover behind a long wall and pick off hostiles on both ends without their ever seeing you, then follow the wall to the right and keep going until you come to a lone tent which has a manhole in it for entering the bunker.
  • If Shrapnel is wandering the Wastes in search of his associate Flak he may find Fort Bannister. As Shrapnel is invincible, this means that Shrapnel will wipe out the entire surface force of Fort Bannister for you.


  • 有時候你對準一個物體,然後慢慢地把屏幕中央那個准心移開的時候,會顯示你因為喝水恢復HP,並受到輻射影響。
  • 有時候你和指揮官傑布斯科戰鬥時,在你身後刷出的鷹爪僱傭兵會明顯矮一截。

