

Lady Janet's Soft Serve is a location in Appalachia in 2102.


A minor ice cream parlor waiting for travelers down the highway, the humble establishment got its beginnings serving the rural farm families local to the region, and had garnered quite the following before the War. Having made its name as the new trendy teen hangout spot, it was common occurrence on the weekends to see a line stretch down the 94. After the Great War, the quality of the service declined rapidly as the clientele consisted primarily of ghouls and the ice cream containers were reused for alcohol storage.[1]


Lady Janet's Soft Serve is a partially destroyed trailer with signs advertising ice cream and floats for sale. There is a cash register sitting on a counter between two basins which used to contain ice cream and behind the counter are three fridges filled with beer bottles and cans. There is a carport southeast of the cash register which contains two trucks and a motorcycle parked beside a weapons workbench. There are five picnic tables outside the trailer, one of which has a lunch pail sitting on it. A teddy bear holding a beer and smoking a cigarette cooks two fish on a barbecue grill here.

The trailer itself has a hole in the back wall. It contains another fridge and yet more beer bottles. One end of the trailer contains a steamer trunk and a chemistry station. Two Lil' Ginger Snuggles wearing gas masks sit on the chemistry station, cooking up something mysterious. The other end of the trailer contains a bathtub and a locked safe (Picklock 0).


  • 好樣的,珍妮特! - 店裡櫃檯上。
Random magazine
  • Sticking out from behind the safe.
Random Vault-Tec bobblehead
  • On the roof of the trailer.
Other loot

Related quests[]

  • Miscellaneous quest to investigate this location after reading a Responder's assignment note looted from a Responder corpse.


Lady Janet's Soft Serve appears only in Fallout 76.



  1. Dammit, Janet!