珍妮·梅·克劳馥(英文名:Jeannie May Crawford)于2281年是诺瓦克欢乐恐龙汽车旅馆的所有者兼经营者。
珍妮·梅也对背叛过往的“城里人”[8]或定居在诺瓦克的人也没有任何内疚,即使他们唯一的罪行是没有欣赏她的古雅小镇。[9] Carla Boone明显的忘恩负义激怒了珍妮·梅,她决定解决这个问题的最好方法是把她卖给军团的奴隶贩子,清理出一条通往布恩公寓的道路,这样他们就可以轻松地绑架她。为了掩盖这一切,她开始撒谎说卡拉只是离开了小镇;[10]把克雷格描绘成悲伤得发狂,编造了整个绑架事件来应对 - 与此同时,她一直把她的售卖票据放在汽车旅馆的保险柜里,等待着在出卖卡拉获得1500枚银币的基础上再领取500枚银币。[11]
互动 | ||
此角色参与任务。 | ||
此角色出租床位。 | 100. |
- 玩家角色可以从珍妮·梅那里购买价值100瓶盖的酒店房间钥匙,如果玩家角色在诺瓦克拥有接受状态,则可以免费购买。她规定,信使可以使用它“直到旺季到来”,也就是“无限期地”。
- 如果被问到购物的地方,她会引导玩家角色去纪念品商店。如果他们向克利夫·布里斯科提到这一点,他就会提供折扣,并且有足够高的交易和诺瓦克声誉的话,可以成本价进行买卖。
服装 | 武器 | 其他 物品 | 死 亡 |
肮脏的战前休闲装, 老花镜 |
珍妮·梅的保险箱钥匙 |
- 如果信使杀了她,而不是让布恩动手,信使会获得善良的业报,但会降低诺瓦克的名誉。这会导致给我的宝贝无法完成。
- 她在结局动画中讲述诺瓦克的内容。
- 她最初与任务伴我飞翔有联系,在那里她会邀请信使消灭尸鬼,作为秘密交易的一部分,以换取报酬。她在这次交流中的对话被录了下来,并在下面的引用部分。
- "我是珍妮·梅。我在汽车旅馆照顾客人。只要他们不是麻烦制造者。"
- "圣人万岁。真是松了一口气。不过,没什么可做的。那些尸鬼只是不知道自己什么时候不受欢迎。我不懂你的暗示。你不就是我们小镇最意想不到的礼物吗?来,拿着这个。去给自己买点好东西。"
- "我想,对于一个失去妻子的男人来说,没有什么是没有错的。可怜的亲爱的。我知道他认为她是被绑架的,但我不确定她是不是自己跑了。你看得出来,自从他们来了以后,她就一直在想这件事。"
- 当你第一次和珍妮·梅谈论布恩的妻子时,如果你没有让她走到恐龙的前面,对话选项就不会再出现了。在那之后,要把她带到那里,你必须在晚上去她家把她叫醒。当你和她谈的时候,会再给你一个选择。 [已验证]
- 在揭露了她的过去并允许布恩处理她之后,她家里的所有物品都会被莫名其妙地标记为红色。然而,偷它们不会造成业报的损失。她的冰箱锁(平均和红色高亮显示)可以选择(基础)44经验,没有业报损失。但她的床还是不能用。 (注意: 她的房子可以在你杀死她之前达到这种状态,只要你也拿起了售卖票据) [已验证]
- 有时候去她家叫她陪你去恐龙前面,如果你在她出去的时候从前门挤过去,她就会在门外冻结。等待无济于事,让她跟随你的对话选项已经没有了。最好的2个选择是从以前的存档中加载(自动保存不起作用)或“推”她一直到恐龙前面。要推她,你只需要站在她身后,然后向前走,让鼠标一直集中在她身上,否则你就会滑过去,这有点乏味,但确实有效。 [已验证]
- ↑ The Courier: "What do you think of the people who live here?"
Alice McBride: "Oh, we keep to ourselves, for the most part. Try not to pry. I think Jeannie May gets bothered that we aren't more sociable, but it's just our way. Ain't that we don't appreciate what she's done, managing this town like she has, but I worry she feels that way anyhow. Not that there ain't others who pry around here. That No-bark was skulking around our yard last week. <Laughs> I thought he was our cow-killer. Was about to lash him with our bullwhip till I saw who it was. He's harmless, though. Part of me wishes I could see things like he sees 'em, all full of mystery."
(Alice McBride's dialogue) - ↑ The Courier: "What's the quickest way out of this dump?"
Jeannie May Crawford: "You can jump out the window, for all I care, mister/lady. You got no right to come in here and start criticizing our town. Folks work hard to keep it clean and safe. We do the best we can. But still there's always some of you finicky types that there's just no pleasing."
(Jeannie May Crawford's dialogue) - ↑ The Courier: "Sorry, I didn't mean what I said. This seems like a nice town."
Jeannie May Crawford: "Well it is. Not everybody appreciates it like they oughtta."
(Jeannie May Crawford's dialogue) - ↑ The Courier: "I killed the ghouls at REPCONN."
Jeannie May Crawford: "Well, saints alive. That is a load off. Nothing to be done, though. Those ghouls just didn't know when they weren't wanted. Couldn't take a hint. And aren't you just the most unexpected gift our little town ever had? Here, take this. And go buy yourself something nice."
(Jeannie May Crawford's dialogue) - ↑ The Courier: "I got the ghouls to leave the area. They won't be bothering you anymore."
Jeannie May Crawford: "Leave? I don't believe that was what was discussed. They could be back tomorrow knocking on my door wanting hand-outs. I'm sorry, I know what I promised, but my mind is just not at ease about this. I'm afraid I can't pay you for what you done."
(Jeannie May Crawford's dialogue) - ↑ The Courier: "Tell me more about REPCONN."
Jeannie May Crawford: "I just know what I've heard. There's supposed to be some ghouls that went in a while back. Every so often there'll be a commotion from that direction - explosions and such."
(Jeannie May Crawford's dialogue) - ↑ The Courier: "What are they doing?"
Jeannie May Crawford: "I don't know what they're up to and I don't want to know. I just hope no harm comes to Novac. Not much to live off of around here, except salvage from that factory. If they made off with anything expensive, we'd be hurting something fierce. But I will say this. If all of 'em turned up dead tomorrow, I couldn't see as to how they'd be missed. That might even be a desirable thing, knowing the town was safe from the likes of them. There'd be a reward in it if some brave soul made it happen."
(Jeannie May Crawford's dialogue) - ↑ The Courier: "I'm looking for a man in a checkered coat. Have you seen anyone like that?"
Jeannie May Crawford: "Well he might've been wearing a fancy outfit, but he wasn't any kind of a gentleman to me. Had his nose stuck so high in the air, you couldn't see it above the clouds. City folk, they always think they deserve better than what they got. Those hoodlums he was with seemed to know Manny for some reason. He's our daytime sniper, up in the dinosaur's mouth."
(Jeannie May Crawford's dialogue) - ↑ The Courier: "What can you tell me about Boone's wife?"
Jeannie May Crawford: "How should I put it? I guess you could say she was kinda like a cactus flower. Real pretty to look at, but there was just no getting close to her. She never did take to living here. She liked the big lights and fast living of New Vegas. I got the feeling she was trying to get Boone to leave with her, but I guess she got tired of waiting."
(Jeannie May Crawford's dialogue) - ↑ The Courier: "What's wrong with Boone?"
Jeannie May Crawford: "Nothing that wouldn't be wrong with any man who loses a wife, I suppose. Poor dear. I know he thinks she was kidnapped, but I'm not so sure she didn't just run off on her own. You could tell she was thinking about it ever since they arrived."
(Jeannie May Crawford's dialogue) - ↑ Bill of sale