玛利亚是特殊版本的M&A 9mm手枪。M&A 9mm手枪是由M&A枪械厂生产的单发半自动手枪,这把枪的珍珠色握把上有圣母玛利亚的图像,a well known Catholic figure and a representation of the biblical Woman of the Apocalypse。枪身布满了镀镍抛光的藤蔓和鲜花图案。这把属于班尼的枪在FNV的官方漫画All Roads里出现过。在游戏的开头,班尼也是用这把枪把邮差爆了头。
与普通的9mm手枪相比,玛利亚有更高的威力、射速、精度和耐久。Like most unique weapons, weapon modifications cannot be used on Maria. 潜行技能50以上,它也可以被带进赌场。
Maria can fire a total of about 995 rounds, the equivalent of 77 reloads, from full condition before breaking.
Standard, HP & JHP
9mm pistol - The standard 9mm found throughout the Mojave Wasteland.
Dean's 9mm pistol - A unique non-playable 9mm pistol used by Dean Domino. It only differs from the standard pistol in its use of companion ammunition.
Can only be found in 100% condition on Benny if the Courier decides to kill him either during Ring-a-Ding-Ding! or Render Unto Caesar. It may also be pickpocketed from him. However, this weapon cannot be obtained if the Courier has Benny crucified.
Two can be obtained by first pickpocketing Maria from Benny while in The Tops when you first meet him, and then obtaining another from him by several means while he is inside The Fort.
It is needed to complete the challenge "Talk About Owned" and "The Same Could Be Said of All Religious Weapons" (along with Gehenna and Holy Hand Grenades), added in the Gun Runners' Arsenaladd-on.
It does the most damage of any 9mm chambered weapon.
Maria's slide or trigger mechanism will never get stuck, as with the normal 9mm pistols.
“In my opinion, the BHP is a timeless design and its form is quite distinctive when compared to Fallout's 10mm pistols. Also, since I knew we weren't going to implement an M1911-style .45, the BHP-based 9mm design gives an extremely similar aesthetic (so similar that a lot of people assume it IS an M1911) while fitting into the 9mm/10mm/12.7mm semi-auto handgun progression in F:NV.”