
I'm feeling much better now. I told Gran I wasn't gonna let some mole rat beat me.Austin Engill about being cured.

Hole in the Wall is a side quest in Fallout 4.

Quick walkthrough[]

Side quest: Hole in the Wall
Donate blood and wait 24 hours.
Go to the infirmary.
Follow Bobby.
Explore the secret vault.
Talk to Curie.
Reward: Vault 81 cure
Take the cure back to the infirmary.
Agree to use the cure for Austin.
Save the cure for yourself.
Reward: Syringer
Vault 81 room
Reward: 250+ XP
Curie as a companion
Leads to: Dependency
Emergent Behavior

Detailed walkthrough[]

玩家去Jacob Forsythe福赛斯医生那里献血,然后离开避难所。可以去帮艾琳找小猫,或者等待24小时以上再回到避难所(有可能需要在此期间完成至少一项其他任务才可以),这时候奥斯汀就会转送到福赛斯医生那里。与潘斯基博士交谈后,接到该任务。

奥斯汀是在81号避难所的一个秘密位置徘徊时被一只鼹鼠咬伤,随后生病。了解到奥斯汀的病情后,玩家跟随Bobby De Luca 来到81号避难所的隐秘位置,并进入避难所的隐秘的另一部分去寻找治疗奥斯汀的办法。一路上,玩家需要和避难所的研究用鼹鼠战斗,最终发现这81号避难所是被作为传染病研究和疫苗开发的真正目的。在最终的区域,玩家遇到了名为居礼 的医疗机器人,并从她那里拿到了仅剩一剂的能治愈所有鼹鼠造成的疾病的万能解药。然后玩家带着治疗方法回去医疗区找福赛斯医生并作出选择:






Quest stages[]

100 PC donates samples
150 Re-enter vault after donating
400 PC enters clinic
700 Find the cureAustin was bitten by a diseased mole rat. I'm going to the newly discovered secret part of the vault to look for a cure.
710 Reveal secret door to secret vault
750 Curie unlocks door
800 Give cure to Doctor ForsytheAustin was bitten by a diseased mole rat. I've found a possible cure in newly discovered secret part of the vault, along with a robot named Curie.
900 Watch Austin
1000 Austin curedAustin was bitten by a diseased mole rat. I found a cure in newly discovered secret part of the vault. Austin is doing much better.
1200Quest finishedQuest complete

Companion affinity[]

  • Cait, MacCready, and X6-88 dislike giving Austin the cure and like keeping it for yourself.
  • Danse likes giving Austin the cure and dislikes keeping it.
  • Codsworth, Preston, Piper, Hancock, and Nick love giving Austin the cure and hate keeping it.
  • Strong likes either outcome.
  • All but two companions (Danse and Deacon) dislike the option to split the cure, "good" companions for being selfish and "evil" companions for offering even that much of it to Austin. Danse doesn't care, and Deacon likes this option, as well as loves giving Austin the full cure and dislikes keeping it.
  • There are no affinity changes for the second set of dialogue after keeping the cure for yourself, whether you back down and decide to give it to Austin after all, or stand by condemning Austin to death, so affinity changes are reflected in the first choice only.


  • 潘斯基博士对于该任务而言非常重要,如果她在开始该任务之前死亡,玩家就无法招募居礼为同伴了。
  • 如选择治疗儿童,除了私人住宅和监督者办公室内的物品,其他任何物品都可以被拿走而不被视为偷窃。
  • 该任务中的81号避难所研究用的鼹鼠带有疾病,无论是玩家还是队友被咬伤,玩家都会染上疾病,效果为永久性降低10点生命值,即使是游戏里开启了上帝模式(tgm)也无法免疫。这被视为一种perk,代码为 23aec1,因此可以使用控制台命令 player.removeperk 23aec1 来移除其效果。另外,还可以使用控制台命令 player.additem 55f10 向玩家身上添加另一种治疗方法,但在这样做之前,必须先完成该任务。
  • 对话中选择将解药拆分使用,将导致福赛斯医生愤怒,他会回答这行不通,并要惩罚玩家的自私。大多数队友会对这一选择表示不高兴。此后,可以回到原来的选择,要么给解药治愈奥斯汀,要么自己留下。
  • 如果通过解锁81号避难所安全访问终端来绕过最后一批鼹鼠,那些鼹鼠会一直存留,而居礼不会给玩家开门,直到杀死所有的鼹鼠。
  • 可以通过如下途径同时治愈玩家和儿童:
    1. 选择交出药品,然后让视角远离医生
    2. 远离医生后 自动退出对话状态,Pip-Boy可用
    3. 立即打开Pip-Boy,使用药物(或丢弃)然后退出,接近医生等待他发起对话

You need to wait the first response of Dr. Forsythe otherwise the quest will just fail.

With "Give it to Austin" you have a narrow window to execute this action before it is removed from your inventory. The dialogue options "Only one, it's mine" the "Just kidding" and "You're right" will remain as though you still have a cure to hand over. Note that companions will approve or disapprove of the action taken.
  • 如果玩家选择不交出药物,小故事将无法继续,因为不再上课了。
  • 玩家完全可以在不被攻击的前提下完成整个任务,这样也就不存在药品使用问题。
  • 不建议携带任何队友。队友被攻击玩家也会得病。但打开死亡地鼠的背包玩家不会得病。
  • 那只咬人的地鼠会出现在诊所内部一张床上,帮助Dr. Jacob Forsythe解释疾病。任务完成后地鼠就会消失。


{{Notable content | Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 4Playstation 4 Has platform::Xbox OneXbox OneYou can use the cure yourself and Austin by initially saying that you're keeping the cure, backing out of conversation and using the cure on yourself, agreeing to let Austin die, and when given one final chance to hand it over, agree to give the cure to Dr. Forsythe. The dialogue and cutscene will then play out as if you had given him the cure, even though you no longer have a cure to give.[已验证] | 如果任何队友,或者不与玩家敌对的任何生物,甚至包括秘密避难所中的保护者,只要被鼹鼠咬中,玩家就会得病,好像自己被咬到了一样。[已验证] | Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 4Playstation 4 Has platform::Xbox OneXbox One如果玩家在波比打开秘密避难所的大门之前离开避难所,波比将进入秘密避难所,而门仍然保持关闭状态,因此导致无法完成任务。[已验证] | Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 4Playstation 4 Has platform::Xbox OneXbox One 有时候,当玩家拿起解药的时候,解药会再次出现,从而使玩家和奥斯汀都可以被治愈。[已验证] | Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 4Playstation 4 Has platform::Xbox OneXbox One 有时候潘斯基博士不会在福赛斯那里与其讨论奥斯汀的病,并且任务也不会开始。可以前往潘斯基博士的办公室找她交谈开始该任务。[已验证]

    • If Dr. Penske has been killed the discussion will never begin causing the quest to become glitched rendering it unable to be completed.

| Has platform::Xbox OneXbox One When you exit the second elevator, the vault dwellers (and guards) in the area may open fire.[已验证] | Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Xbox OneXbox One Sometimes, even if you decided to save Austin's life, when talking to Neil Freund, he will say "What kind of person lets a child die?"[已验证] | Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 4Playstation 4] 有时候波比会试图直接走向任务标记,而被卡在和医疗室相邻的房间内。玩家需要前往福赛斯医生的医疗室,然后使用控制台命令 prid 2a82b 之后使用 moveto player,这将会把波比移动到玩家面前,从而推动任务继续进行。或者载入之前的存档来解决该问题。 [已验证] | Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 4Playstation 4 有可能玩家会在从秘密避难所的监督者观察站通过楼梯往下行走的时候卡住,这时候需要载入之前的存档才能解决该问题。[已验证] | [Platforms needed]
