The Patriot's Cookbook is a skill magazine in Fallout: New Vegas.
On the front is a red stamp administered by the pre-War Federal Bureau of Investigation, which claims that it is "banned material" and "to be burned" on February 11, 2069. Despite this, the magazine remained in wide circulation across the southwestern United States, being found across the Mojave and beyond.
The magazine offers articles on creating explosive devices for a variety of purposes, such as Abraxo based bombs and mailbox bombs. Given the banned nature of the material, it is hinted to be intended for those with anarchistic or communistic inclinations.
This item can be crafted by the player character.
Creation requirements
材料: | 要求: | 产品: | ||
Wonderglue (1) Blank magazine (2) | Workbench¹ Repair: 25 Voracious Reader Picking up a copy of Patriot's Cookbook after the Voracious Reader perk is chosen. | Patriot's Cookbook (1) |
¹ Craftable without a workbench via a dialogue option with Veronica, or with ED-E once the add-on Lonesome Road is installed.
Reading this magazine raises the Explosives skill by 10 points (20 points with the Comprehension perk) for 60 seconds (180 seconds with Retention).
Below is a list of all fixed locations of Patriot's Cookbook skill magazines in Fallout: New Vegas and its add-ons. For an overview of magazines per location, see the main overview page.
Closest map marker | Location description |
Camp Golf | Inside Misfits' tent |
Camp McCarran | Contents of the MP confiscated goods trunk, given by Carrie Boyd as a reward after successfully completing the quest The White Wash |
Gomorrah | Gomorrah suites, on a table in the room to the outer northwest |
Gun Runners | Southwest area, in the bathroom to the left under the inaccessible stall |
Horowitz farmstead | In the bedroom of a house southeast of Horowitz farmstead |
NCR Correctional Facility | In cell block A, behind the closed cell door |
NCR Correctional Facility | NCR CF administration, on the second floor |
Nellis Air Force Base | Nellis Boomer museum, on a shelf above Pete's bed, with ¡La Fantoma! and Tæles of Chivalrie |
Nellis Air Force Base | Nellis schoolhouse, inside the teacher's Very Easy locked desk, with a Lad's Life and Today's Physician |
Nellis Air Force Base | Nellis men's barracks, on a set of shelves next to bunk |
New Vegas Steel | On a desk in the first room |
Nipton | In a safe inside a house, along with a low condition grenade rifle |
Ruined highway interchange | Just south of the map marker on the highway, in a blue and orange striped trailer, together with a ¡La Fantoma!, Milsurp Review, and Future Weapons Today |
Sierra Madre Casino & Resort | Executive suites, on a suitcase in a bedroom |
Techatticup Mine | On the bottom of a shelf of a supply cage along with Lad's Life |
Vault 34 | First floor, northwest section, in the collapsed room with a doctor's bag, skeleton and first aid box |
Vault 34 | First floor, clinic (room near submerged section), on a school desk in the corner |
Zion fishing lodge | Fishing Lodge, on an end table next to a cabinet with two pre-War books |
Behind the scenes[]
The name of the book is inspired by the book The Anarchist Cookbook, which featured recipes for homemade explosives. Also like the Anarchist Cookbook, it was banned by the FBI for featuring many recipes for instructions to make explosives, poisons, illicit substances, performing electronic hacking and tapping, among many other techniques.
Template:Navbox skill magazines FNV