
We believe slavery is wrong and we'll do what we must to fight it. In NCR, we got a lot of friends in high places. Thanks to them we've already banned slavery down south, but now we're hoping to spread the word north.

Chief Elise is the commander of the NCR Rangers in 2241.


A pretty young woman in combat clothes, Elise is used to giving out orders and projects an aura of confidence and lack of patience for nonsense and small talk.[1] She is got a no-nonsense air about her, as she's used to giving orders and having folks obey them.[2] Her experience and talents earned her the position of the leader of the NCR Rangers, a paramilitary group focused on the destruction of slavery throughout NCR territories and outside of them. Their efforts have already led to the banning of slavery in NCR proper, thanks to a lot of support from friends in high places.[3]

In 2271, Chief Elise met with representatives of the Desert Rangers in Nevada to discuss terms of what would become the Ranger Unification Treaty, a resolution to welcome the group into the republic to protect the region from Caesar's Legion.[4] Chief Hanlon mentions that he has been a member of the rangers for 40 years, starting before Elise was chief.[5]

Interactions with the player character[]

Interactions overview[]

Icon quest starter
  • Free the slaves in the slave pen, for the Rangers


  • Free the slaves in the slave pen, for the Rangers: If the Chosen One is not a slaver, they can gain membership to the Rangers by completing their test: killing Vortis and freeing the slaves in his holding center. If they bear the tattoo, however, they will just be run out of town.



Chief Elise appears in Fallout 2 and is mentioned in Fallout: New Vegas.


  1. Elise's character description: "{100}{}{You see a pretty young woman dressed in combat clothes.}"
  2. Elise: "{102}{}{She's got a no-nonsense air about her, like she's used to giving orders and having folks obey them.}"
  3. The Chosen One: "{117}{}{Sounds interesting. Right in what way?}"
    Elise: "{157}{}{Simple. We believe slavery is wrong and we'll do what we must to fight it. In NCR, we got a lot of friends in high places. Thanks to them we've already banned slavery down south, but now we're hoping to spread the word north.}"
  4. Aaron Kimball: "Ten years ago, Chief Elise met with representatives of the Desert Rangers to discuss terms of what would become the Ranger Unification Treaty. The treaty was more than a resolution to welcome the Desert Rangers into the republic. It was a covenant to protect southern Nevada against Caesar's Legion and the tyranny of his regime."
    (Kimball's speech)
  5. The Courier: "How long have you been in the rangers?"
    Hanlon: "Oh, well. I guess it must be coming up on... forty years or so. Back before Elise was chief, anyway. It was a heck of a lot harder then. Weren't as many of us to go around. But I think it was a lot easier to tell the good guys from the bad."
    (Hanlon's dialogue)