極奢豪是一間以富麗堂皇的奢華外表包裝著不為人知秘密癖好的賭場酒店。由白手套協會經營,提供賭城區內最上流的服務及體驗。裏頭的員工及協會大家庭們都穿著光鮮亮麗,談吐得宜,舉止得體。賭場以頂級肉食餐廳:饕餮;其雞尾酒吧:Top Shelf;和其藝術畫廊著名。轉輪盤和21點是這裡唯二提供的遊玩項目。[1]
這部分就是指大廳和賭場,走在高級時尚尖端的酒吧"The Top Shelf"也包括在內,比賭場部分還大一倍。酒吧收費高得離譜,但這裡的人就是好這口,要的就是不差錢。在接待處能找到Mortimer。去收銀處要解開一個級的鎖,裡面有個架子,下面有三個鐵盒,玩家和隨行者的武器就在這裡,還有一些瓶蓋在其它保險箱。
「饕餮」是間出名的餐廳。是這裡的大廚,亦是「白手套」的成員Philippe,脾氣暴躁。餐廳的名聲來自於招牌菜(威靈頓雙頭牛),還有一長串的等候名單,可是到餐廳就餐的人看來不是很多。賭客,遊客和和其它到的遊人猜測「白手套」醉心於維持餐廳的獨家經營權,顧不上餐廳有沒有客人,以至於誇大等候客人和恣意地拒絕接待客人。此猜疑來自於New Vegas電台的Mr.NewVegas。
Heck Gunderson 會待在這裡並會留下幾個保鏢看房子,要搜刮房中物品只能幹掉他們或者潛行了。 玩家要到套房樓層只能從Mortimer身上著手,要不殺了他或者從他身上偷。另外,在任務超越牛肉中,他會把鑰匙給玩家。
食尚玩家套房就在普通酒店房那一層,只有玩家在賭場贏夠籌碼就可以入住。The room is average for the Ultra-Luxe and includes two beds that the player may sleep in. 奇怪的是,房間內的容器會被設定從玩家所有,但打開收銀機卻被視為偷竊。
- 遊戲
- 極奢豪的賭博項目有21點和 輪盤。由於太吵,所有不提供角子機項目。
- 極奢豪的21點賠率為3:2, 17點莊家會要牌。
- 獎勵和驅逐
- 3,750籌碼以上 = 原子雞尾酒
- 7,500籌碼以上 = 威靈頓雙頭牛
- 11,250籌碼以上 = 食尚玩家套房鑰匙
- 威靈頓雙頭牛食譜在Philippe的廚房櫃檯上。
- 稀有的睡衣, 在浴場的一個開口箱櫃里。
- 稀有的燕尾服帽, 從Mortimer的屍體取得,也可用偷的。
- 超越牛肉
- Pheeble Will
- Render Unto Caesar
- Big Winner, Ultra-Luxe
- The Courier Who Broke the Bank (成就)
- 就像其他賭場,裡面禁止攜帶武器,如果玩家潛行達到50,在選擇<保留便攜式武器>可以保留更多武器。
- 有時候在賭場門口會有一群穿著內衣和睡衣的女人圍著噴泉跳舞,檢查她們發現這群人被定義為NCR遊騎兵,在受到男性NCR遊騎兵的訓斥後就會離去。
- 收銀員不會刷新,殺了就沒人換籌碼或兌現。
- In the lobby and the Gourmand, some seats are labeled red, like items that belong to another character, or when a character is selected when in sneak mode, though sitting on these will not count as a crime.
- The White Glove Society is the only place on the strip (excluding NCR) where reputation can be changed outside of the Strip.
- 饕餮餐廳每逢星期三和星期日進貨。
- Unlike the other casinos (excluding the Atomic Wrangler casino), the Ultra-Luxe doesn't have a table manager. Instead, a normal member from White Glove Society goes to you and give you the rewards.
- The Patrons will occasionally remark on the creepiness of the society members's masks, foreshadowing a future side quest.
- On a newspaper in Gomorrah, the Ultra-Luxe is referred to as the 'Ultra Lux'.
- It is possible to lock yourself in the pantry using the terminal, if you do there is no way out since the lock on the door can't be picked.
- The formal wear attire allows the player to wear it without the faction affiliation of the White Glove Society attire.
- The Gourmand food supplier (located in the Gourmand dining room behind the bar) is the only one who will sell you the Wasteland omelet. There are no other merchants who can sell this very rare food item. There is a small chance of finding it in ovens in the Wastes or one of the casinos, but the Ultra-Luxe is the only reliable source where it is found consistently. The food supplier also sells other foods relatively difficult to find in the Wasteland, such as Pinyon Nuts.
- If you kill the White Glove greeter, he is one of the few staff members that respawns, but there is a short window of time (4 days, or 96 hours in "game time") before he respawns where you can re-enter the Ultra-Luxe without being greeted and still be able to keep all of your weapons without the weapons check.
- If the player heads back to the kitchen where the beef flamers would normally be, there will be a large cleaver on a surgical table. However, the cleaver cannot be taken as an item.
- If you kill either bartender, in either the main casino area or in The Gourmand, they do not respawn, leaving it impossible to buy drinks in the future from the casino.
- Behind the counter in the casino area are three bottles of Sunset Sarsaparilla which cannot be obtained, as they are only props.
- The hotel has reported several disappearances (i.e. someone's bride mentioned by Marjorie), likely all victims of Mortimer's private goals.
- The layout of the casino is geometrically impossible. The east and west wings connect through the bath house and hotel room sections, despite the fact that both of the cells are straight lines.
- The Ultra-Luxe has its own radio signal, titled "Ultra-Luxe radio signal", that can be seen entering the casino for the first time, but its purpose is unknown, and the station cannot be accessed through the Pip-Boy.
- D小調雙小提琴協奏曲(作品1043號)第二樂章: 不太快的快板 - 巴哈
- 12小提琴協奏曲集 調和的靈感 B小調第十協奏曲第一樂章 : 快板 - 韋瓦第
- 12小提琴協奏曲集 調和的靈感 B小調第十協奏曲第三樂章 : 快板 - 韋瓦第
- 拉客美(歌劇)的花之二重唱 - 德利伯
- 12小提琴協奏曲集 和聲與創意的實驗 F小調第四協奏曲(四季)『冬』第二樂章 : 最緩板 - 韋瓦第
- C大調第二十一號鋼琴協奏曲第二樂章 : 行板 - 莫札特
- 無言歌第五冊(作品62號)A大調第六首春之歌 - 孟德爾頌
- Sometimes the White Gloves with the flamers in the kitchen temporarily have an unlimited amount of flamer fuel, not stopping to reload, it is also possible even after they are killed the noise of a flamer can still be heard in the vicinity.[已验证]
- When in the Ultra-Luxe White Glove exclusive room sometimes White Glove members will be dead although it shows "Talk White Glove" you can look into their inventory.[已验证]
- Very rarely, when playing blackjack or roulette, a common Gambler will forcibly take the place of a White Glove that is a dealer.[已验证]
- The script which returns items to you and your companion(s) as you leave the Ultra-Luxe does not check to ensure it is returning items to the correct companion, or even any companion at all. In the worst case this can result in all items previously held by your companion being removed from the game entirely.[已验证]
- When Cashing in chips for NCR or Legion money, the cashier will take the chips but will not give any NCR or Legion money in return. This bug occurs every time (it is not random) and results in a permanent loss of money.[已验证]
- If you enter the Ultra-Luxe lobby with Rex as a companion, he may begin growling and run off and attack a non-player. This can cause the White Gloves to attack you. If this happens, reload the auto save triggered by entering the Ultra-Luxe and quickly tell Rex to wait.[已验证]
- the Strip. After a few seconds she will stand up and return to her original position behind the table.[已验证] The female croupier who is running the roulette game on the east side of the casino floor may become unconscious when entering the casino area from
- After completing 超越牛肉, if you enter the penthouse, Mr.Gunderson's guards may not attack you. The marker on the compass will consistently flash to blue to red and if you move they may start running around.[已验证]
- Tops promoter gets stuck inside the casino near the front entrance. He does not move from there and doesn't return to the Tops casino.[已验证] Rarely, the
- brahmin skulls which can be stolen. However, for one of them there is a prompt but it has no name and cannot be stolen. It can be still moved around.[已验证] In the kitchen, next to the White Gloves with Flamers, there are
- [补充平台] Although not technically a bug, entering the Members Only area without a disguise or "honorary membership" instantly flags the player as an enemy of the White Glove Society, effectively making the entire faction combat-hostile on sight. If the player does not have a recent save available to avoid the issue, the console command "ClearFactionPlayerEnemyFlag 00116f10" can be used to reset this variable.[已验证]
- 在第三人稱下,玩家與NPC的頭髮和衣服在泳池裡游泳時會消失。[已验证]
- [补充平台] Sometimes, the members of the White Gloves don't give sound during dialogues.[已验证]