本文介紹的是炸藥帮帮派. 關於the Powder Ganger character,參見Powder Ganger
關於范布伦派系,參見215 Rail Line Powder Gang


炸药帮(英文名:Powder Gangers,也被约翰逊·纳什称为炸药帮歹徒)是2281年在莫哈韋廢土活动的一帮逃犯





















# 幻灯片 画外音旁白 游戏中的条件
Powder Gangers end slide 01
胡佛大坝之后,惩戒所内群龙无首的炸藥幫消失在废墟中,监狱空无一人。惩戒所成为废土中另一个被遗弃的废墟,它的尸体偶尔会被有进取心的勘探者查探。 艾迪死亡。
Powder Gangers end slide 03
随着大坝牢牢掌握在手中,新加州共和国将注意力转向从炸藥幫手中夺取惩戒所。炸藥幫无法与NCR久经沙场的军队相匹敌,那些幸存的炸藥幫将被立即处决。 不要杀死艾迪并完成NCR的结局任务找到了!
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惩戒所的大多数炸藥幫逃到废土,而不是面对军团的推进部队。那些勇敢或愚蠢留下的人被无情的军团杀死或钉在十字架上。 不要杀死艾迪并完成凯撒军团的结局任务我来,我见,我征服
Powder Gangers end slide 01
NCR因失去大坝而遭受重创,无法投入任何部队从炸藥幫手中夺回惩戒所。结果,炸藥幫对商队的袭击成为了莫哈韋廢土未来几年的不幸事实。 不要杀死艾迪并为豪斯先生完成孤注一掷或为独立新维加斯完成没有神,没有主人


# 幻灯片 画外音旁白 游戏中的条件
Powder Gangers end slide 04
随着塞缪尔·库克的死亡,19号避难所的炸藥幫瓦解了。那些没有被信使杀死的人逃进了山里,或者试图通过莫哈韋廢土走回去。部分人幸存下来。 杀死塞缪尔·库克。
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19号避难所炸藥幫手持各种简易炸药和偷来的武器,多年来一直折磨着莫哈韋廢土。最喜欢的目标是NCR的公民,他们总是遭受最糟糕的命运。 不要完成为什么我们不能成为朋友?;或通过炸毁硫磺矿床和19号避难所来完成它。
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19号避难所炸藥幫投降NCR后,他们被重新纳入惩戒系统。NCR确实增加了他们的刑期,而且他们不会因为表现良好而减刑。 仅摧毁19号避难所下方的硫磺矿床,并说服菲利普·莱姆向NCR投降。
Powder Gangers end slide 06
在19号避难所炸藥幫的大部分人加入大汗帮之后,少数成员分散在整个莫哈韦废土。 尽管有一些人设法抹去了他们的过去,但大多数人都没有在旅途中幸存下来。 说服菲利普·莱姆或塞缪尔·库克与大汗帮结盟。


  • 虽然炸藥幫几乎都有邪恶业报,但较大的炸藥幫不被标记为邪恶。这意味着偷窃炸藥幫拥有的物品将招致负面业报。
  • 林格的商队15號州際公路沿线被炸藥幫分子抢劫。这个赤红商队公司位于简氏跳伞点的东北方向,被洗劫一空,商队卫兵死亡。驻扎在那里的两个炸藥幫中的一个永远是敌对的。
  • 如果玩家角色碰巧有阿卡德·甘农作为同伴,当他们靠近炸藥幫成员时,他们会说:"我们曾经在监狱里买卖过像四眼人这样的家伙。"
  • 最初,15號州際公路上的炸藥幫成员会立即对信使产生敌意,如果信使自己不伪装成炸藥幫成员的话。这在后来的补丁中被改变了,只有当信使在炸藥幫获得了足够的负面声誉(诋毁)时,突袭营地才会对他怀有敌意。[16]




215鐵路線炸藥幫也将出现在黑岛的取消的范布倫中。在评论辐射:新维加斯炸藥幫和215铁路线炸藥幫之间的差异时,Joshua Sawyer指出,范布倫帮派有更成熟的角色,并将发挥更大的作用,而在辐射:新维加斯中,他们在游戏中的重要程度大大减少。[17]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide Collector's Edition pp.43-44: "Powder Gangers
    The NCR Correctional Facility is the dominant location of the central Mojave Wasteland. In the distant past, it was the Jean Conservancy, a low-security all-female prison. Under recent NCR control, it was used to house prisoners on work release. The prisoners worked the railroad parallel to the Long 15 under NCR trooper supervision, maintaining the vital land link between the Boneyard and New Vegas. Eventually, prison guards (NCR troopers) were pulled away to run Colorado River border patrol. When the guard staff was low, the prisoners executed a daring and violent escape.

    Because the rail crews often used explosives (typically dynamite) to blast through rock or get rid of train cars that were locked/fixed to the line, the prisoners inevitably acquired small amounts that they hid in their cells. When they made their break, they blasted their way out. The interior of the prison was clearly the scene of a large riot where the prisoners used explosives, improvised weapons, and stolen NCR trooper equipment to break through multiple walls and scatter through the desert. A lot of the prisoners weren't in on the escape plan formally; they just got caught up in the moment. Consequently, a lot of them didn't really know where to go when the dust settled. A large contingent of Powder Gangers can be found in Vault 19 through many squatted in the prison and have been informally raiding since then."
    (Fallout: New Vegas Official Game Guide faction profiles)
  2. The Courier: "Powder gangers?"
    Trudy: "Chain gangs, really. The NCR brought them in from California to work on the rail lines. Problem is, it turns out that giving convicts a bunch of dynamite and blasting powder isn't the best idea. Was a big escape not too long ago. Some of 'em stuck together so they could make trouble. That's what we're dealing with now."
    (Trudy's dialogue)
  3. 3.0 3.1 The Courier: "What can you tell me about the prison?"
    Eddie: "The NCR called it a "work-release" prison. We lucky prisoners got the privilege of fixing up the rail lines and blasting rock for new lines. They got sloppy, though. Some of us managed to hide away some dynamite, and look who's in charge now."
    (Eddie's dialogue)
  4. 4.0 4.1 NCR Correctional Facility terminal entries; Warden's terminal, [Guard transfers to the east.]: "They're transferring away three more of my men. They tell me it's all to keep the situation at the Dam under control, but what about this place? The situation here has become dangerous for my men and I - I know it, my men know it, and the prisoners know it. It's only a matter of time before something happens."
  5. The Courier: "Tell me about the prison break."
    Samuel Cooke: "A beautiful thing. Saved a little blast powder here, hid a makeshift weapon there, and one day I orchestrated a little symphony for the NCR."
    (Samuel Cooke's dialogue)
  6. The Courier: "Tell me about the correctional facility."
    Hayes: "Most people just call it NCRCF. That's NCR Correctional Facility. A little bit ago the convicts there staged a coup, killed the guards that weren't able to escape, and have been ransacking the area since then."
    (Hayes' dialogue)
  7. The Courier: "Where'd the Deathclaws come from?"
    Chomps Lewis: "They moved into the quarry after the Powder Gangers came through and made off with most of our dynamite. We shut the quarry down while we waited for the NCR to get us some more blasting sticks, but now the Deathclaws have shown up. The NCR's a no-show, and my men and I have got nothing to do but sit on our asses all day. It's damn frustrating."
    (Chomps Lewis' dialogue)
  8. The Courier: "Tell me about the Powder Gangers."
    Chomps Lewis: "They're a bunch of escaped cons from down south. The NCR was using them to maintain the railways as part of their sentence. I don't know who screwed up, but the Powder Gangers are loose. It was one group that attacked us and took our entire supply of dynamite."
    (Chomps Lewis' dialogue)
  9. The Courier: "One of the convicts from NCRCF is looking for a pardon so he can protect Primm."
    Knight: "One of the Powder Gangers? They've been nothing but trouble for us - why would we want one of them anywhere in an official capacity?"
    (Knight's dialogue)
  10. The Courier: "Do you have any information on the convicts?"
    Hayes: "Not much. They've taken to calling themselves Powder Gangers. Mostly because they've taken to using the explosives meant to clear boulders as weapons. They got organized faster than I would have thought, most of them at least. Thankfully the small group in town here seem to have split off from the main force, so they aren't getting anything in the way of support."
    (Hayes' dialogue)
  11. Nipton terminal entries; Mayor Steyn's terminal, Testing
  12. Mayor Steyn's journal
  13. The Courier: "Why do you want to join the Great Khans?"
    Samuel Cooke: "There aren't enough of us here to make a real impact on the NCR, and the Khans probably hate the NCR more than we do. Strength in numbers, they say."
    (Samuel Cooke's dialogue)
  14. The Courier: "I've come with an offer of alliance from the Powder Gangers at Vault 19."
    Papa Khan: "And what benefit would this alliance give us?"
    (Papa Khan's dialogue)
  15. Courier: "What exactly happened here?"
    Vulpes Inculta: "Nipton was a wicked place, debased and corrupt. It served all comers, so long as they paid. Profligate troops, Powder Gangers, men of the Legion such as myself - the people here didn't care. It was a town of whores. For a pittance, the town agreed to lead those it had sheltered into a trap. Only when I sprang it did they realize they were caught inside it, too."
    (Vulpes Inculta's dialogue)
  16. Fallout: New Vegas patch
  17. Q&A session with Josh Sawyer during a live charity stream. (reference begins at 8:29:51)