遊騎兵駐紮站E是莫哈維荒野(Mojave Wasteland)的一個地名。它位於探照燈營地的東北方遠處,需經過郊狼礦洞。 Its purpose is to survey Cottonwood Cove for troop movements and kill any Legionaries trying to infiltrate the NCR side of the river, but according to the C.O. they're just maintaining an uneasy stalemate between either side.
The place is run by Ranger Erasmus, who watches the Legion』s movement toward Cottonwood Cove. The rest of the Rangers are ghouls, as this particular camp is friendly to these type of folk. Comm Officer Green operates the radio.
- 遊騎兵伊拉茲馬斯
- 通訊官格林
- 愛德華茲列兵(在「我們將會一起去」任務結束之後)
- Even if you have attacked and/or cleared out Cottonwood Cove and freed the slaves, Comm Officer Green will still say there's "nothing going on down there at the moment - just the usual slave trafficking".
- Like most NCR held positions, this one can feature NCR Veteran Rangers starting at level 16, as long as the player has reached one of the main faction's endgame quests.
- Sometimes Caesar's Legion assassins will spawn below the hill causing a battle to break out. However, the small amount of rangers will probably lose due to the more advanced weapons of the assassins if the PC is of high level. Even if the attack is repulsed, some named characters in the camp may die if the Courier does not intervene.
- This location is based off of the real location, Echo Bay, NV, a small town located on the west side of Lake Mead.
Template:Navbox NCR Ranger stations