
Keeping watch on the river and looking for anyone trying to cross it. The Legion likes to send infiltration teams over on rafts.Ranger Pason



This ranger station was erected on the remains of a ruined farmstead, which is still visible. Ranger Pason is looking for Legion crossing the river.


哨所邊上有一處破房子,serves as a center for the Ranger station Delta staff,那裡有一個地下室,需要50點開鎖。


  • 通訊官謝弗
  • 遊騎兵帕森 - 巡邏狂,經常看見他在哨所和峽谷間巡邏,順峽谷逆流而上就是胡佛大壩了。

Related quests[]


  • While the cellar shows red text when you view it, no one will turn against the player if you pick the lock without being noticed. Picking the lock in sight of the rangers standing outside will however turn them hostile causing them to follow you inside, and grant negative reputation with the New California Republic. There are a couple of rangers located inside, all items inside are owned by the rangers, and taking any items is considered stealing. The items found inside are primarily Sunset Sarsaparilla and foodstuffs, and there is also a reloading bench and a locked gun cabinet (average) with lower grade weapons that can be stolen.
  • Like most NCR held positions, this one can feature NCR Veteran Rangers starting at level 16, as long as the player has reached one of the main faction's endgame quests.
  • 哨所的東南面有條小河谷,河谷的兩邊都是小懸崖,小心點慢慢下去。從哨所向東過河,再向南一點的河邊有個與河道相通的小洞,那裡是水怪的巢穴,大概有那麼5-6隻的樣子。附近水裡漂著兩具骷髏,其中一具骷髏靠近幾個漂在水裡的木箱子,箱子里是手雷,地雷,炸藥等爆炸品和一些別的零碎。小洞其實也很淺,裡面有兩堆水怪的蛋,可以收集一點留個紀念。
  • 能俯瞰胡佛大壩的那個地方也許會刷一隻腦控機器人,處於友好狀態,可是不能對話, other than a couple generic phrases but does contain the GBRM2KX memory chip. The chip can be pickpocketed or the robot can be killed for the chip.
  • In the basement, hanging on the wall near the Sunset Sarsparilla lamp, is a very detailed pre-War map of the dam and its surrounding areas. Such maps exist at all ranger outposts, as well as Camp Golf.




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