The Ranger Sequoia is based on the Magnum Research BFR with elements taken from the Bison Bull as well.[1]
Has platform::Playstation 3 Sometimes the hammer will get stuck and appear pulled back, like the hammer on the .357 Magnum revolver and Lucky. It will return to normal after reloaded or shot. [已验证]
Has platform::PC The cylinder may sometimes glitch when reloading and not open or release bullets, but it is merely an aesthetic glitch. Unequipping and reequipping the weapon can fix the glitch. [已验证]
Has platform::PC If loading a saved game from the main menu in which you have the Ranger Sequoia equipped and drawn, the reload animation takes twice as long as normal. This can be solved by simply switching to another gun and then back again. [已验证]
Has platform::Xbox 360 Equipping this gun after wielding the Gatling laser in 3rd person mode shows the electron charge pack on the sequoia. [已验证]
Has platform::Playstation 3 Even after stealing the ranger sequoia, dropping it and picking it back up will result in Karma loss. [已验证]
Has platform::PC Occasionally, drawing the weapon from your hip or equipping it will cause it to show up without the rounded back portion of the cylinder or the hammer, instead there will be a silver knob on the back of the gun. Only switching ammunition types will fix this, and then only until the next time you unequip and reequip or reholster and redraw the weapon. [已验证]
Has platform::Xbox 360 In some games, a glitch will happen when Hanlon's dead body and Ranger Seqouia will disappear, leaving you unable to retrieve the seqouia in this fashion. They can still be received from NCR Veteran Rangers though. [已验证]
Has platform::PC Occasionally, the weapon's model file may turn it invisible when dropped, making it difficult to find. It can, however, still be looted and used.[已验证]