

The flooded trainyard is a location in the Cranberry Bog region of Appalachia in 2102.


This train yard on the edge of the Cranberry Bog was dearly affected by the subterranean nuclear tests carried out by Atomic Mining Services. The tremors that passed through the region caused the ground to give way, leading to widespread flooding and destruction, cutting off railway access and causing millions in damages - all brushed off by the AMS as the results of a "natural" earthquake.


This mire of derelict train cars and ruined buildings contains a large number of high level loot if players are willing to brave the high radiation levels and ornery locals. The ruined warehouses to the northeast include a locked safe and crafting stations for food and power armor, while the maintenance workshops to the northwest offer some insight into what has happened. By the entrance, a hut with a rather grisly sight inside can be found including a dead settler and a variety of torture implements.


  • 奇觀 - 在聯外道路入口處的綠色拖車內,打開拖車門就看到。
  • 兄弟會報告:調車場 - 在入口被封住的倉庫裡面床上,需要從另一個倉庫的的高架走道進去。
  • 深度休眠計畫:第二階段 - 長途電話任務道具,過程會找到。
  • Potential Vault-Tec bobblehead - Inside the control tower near the rusting crane and locomotive, on the file box by the desk with a terminal.
  • Potential magazine - On the railroad to the south, inside the green USA carriage near the metal garage and black-and-white parasol, on a sheet of wood and cinder block table, next to a small lamp.
  • Fusion core - Inside of a generator close to the trainyard, next to a shed.


The flooded trainyard appears only in Fallout 76.


輻射76 交通