

Cleansing the Commonwealth is a Brotherhood of Steel radiant quest in Fallout 4. The quest is obtained from Knight Rhys in the Cambridge Police Station.


  1. 旅行至目標地點。
  2. 消除目標。
  3. 回報里斯騎士。




Quest stages[]

20 Clear out (location)Knight Rhys has given me an assignment to clear a location of what he calls "abominations." I need to find the location and eliminate any synths, Ferals, Super Mutants, and Atom worshipping cultists that I can find.
40 Report to Knight RhysI've completed my assignment by clearing the location Knight Rhys gave me. I need to report back to him at the Cambridge Police Station.
255Quest finishedQuest complete
355Quest failedQuest failed


  • Has platform::PCPC 如果玩家在接收任務之前已經訪問過或清除任務指定地點,它們可能會重置敵人並在返回現場時現身。
  • 指示 "清理Gwinnett brewery"的任務, 實際上真正清理目標是谷内餐厅


  • Has platform::PCPC Bugged out on Coast Guard Pier, Breakheart Banks, Bedford Station, and University Point section to some and will not allow completion (Verified on Breakheart Banks and using the console command completequest will break the quest giver Knight Rhys, making him repeat a few verses saying that the location is not going to clear itself.) [已验证]
    • Breakheart Banks bug duplicated and verified. The quest can be completed with the command player.setstage bosr01 40. This will complete any active Cleansing the Commonwealth quest and enable the player to turn in the quest.
    • Breakheart Banks bug duplicated and verified on Xbox One. On fast-traveling in, the compass marker was absent. After walking around looking (unsuccessfully) for bad guys with V.A.T.S., the marker reappeared. However, the distance marker disappears when the distance is below a value of 33 to about 55. When approaching from the west, it is possible to get closer before the marker disappears. The critical distance is larger when the Sole Survivor is to the east of Breakheart Banks. It may be significant that prior to attempting a "clean-up", the artillery was called in. Maybe the explosions blew a super mutant a long way away, and he survived. Multiple attempts to clear this by returning to Rhys were ineffective.
  • Has platform::PCPC Locations do not always reset, and while the area may already be cleared, the quest will not complete.[已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC In rare cases this quest can cause your whole game to simply crash, causing you to lose valuable progress. [已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC This quest will sometimes send the player to Far Harbor prior to the start of Far From Home as well as Nuka-world prior to starting All Aboard for a radiant quest. [已验证]
    • This can be fixed with the console command player.setstage bosr01 40 (see the note above), which sets the quest state to "Report to Knight Rhys".