“Maybe you were bad once, but you ain't like that now. Your Karma has been reset to 0, you regenerate AP 25% faster, and your attack speed is increased by 20%. You are also immune to Critical Hits.”— In-game description, Fallout: New Vegas
This perk increases AP regeneration by 25% and attack speed by 20%. It also resets Karma to 0 and grants immunity to critical hits. It can only be taken by a character whose Karma is Evil or Very Evil.
The increased attack speed affects all weapons except automatic weapons. Most other perks only increase the attack speed of melee weapons.
When this perk is obtained, a message will appear saying that Karma has been gained.
This perk requires that all 4 Fallout: New Vegas story add-ons be installed, as each add-on increases the level cap by 5.
With the consumption of rushing water; Having Melee Hacker (second rank) and the Slayer perks, the overall increased speed with unarmed and melee weapons will be 110% faster. This being said, the effect on two-handed melee weapons will be up to par on swinging as fast as a one-handed melee weapon; However, One-handed weapons will be uncontrollably fast, letting the player slice, whack or punch as fast as the player can mash the attack button. One such one-handed melee weapon is the katana with the katana balanced grip modification added, which provides one of the fastest melee options in the game.
Behind the scenes[]
The name of this perk may be a reference to the Clint Eastwood film Unforgiven, in which the character William Munny declares he "ain't like that no more" whenever his past acts of gunslinging and murder are discussed.[1] The Vault Boy graphic is based on motifs used in old Western TV shows and films: removing a black hat (which was used to indicate bad guys) and wearing a white one instead (used to denote good characters).
Has platform::PCHas platform::Playstation 3Has platform::Xbox 360 When viewed in the GECK, this perk has another effect not stated by the perk's description. This effect is an AP cost reduction of 20% for all weapons. However, the effect uses an entry point of "Calculate Weapon Attack AP Cost" which only affects attacks OUTSIDE of VATS. This meant that the player will not receive any decrease in AP Costs when using weapons (except outside of VATS which is entirely pointless since using weapons outside of VATS requires no AP costs). [已验证]
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