派普从小在联邦郊区的一个小镇上长大,她和她的妹妹Nat Wright,还有她的父亲,那时候是当地民兵组织的一员,一起生活。在她的父亲死于一次可疑的意外后,派普了解到她的父亲当时发现掠夺者计划袭击这个小镇,而他的上级,麦伯恩隊長则计划打开大门,让掠夺者冲进毫无防备的城市里,而他则可以分一杯羹。为了保守秘密,麦伯恩谋杀了派普的父亲。
此外,派普也揭露了鑽石城一個哄抬食物價格的商隊。 作為報復,商隊在杜古特旅館(Dugout Inn)的飲料中下了毒,但她透過喝私酒成功解毒,並逮捕了幾名卡特爾成員。 她對邦克山受輻射飲用水的調查發現,罪魁禍首是原子神教的邪教分子。 面對處決的威脅下,派珀欺騙邪教分子,讓他們相信她看到了原子之神的幻象。 在邪教接納她為成員後,她設法偷偷溜走,並派邦克山保全去對付邪教分子。
Piper is a rather lonely woman who feels isolated in Diamond City. She has a strong drive to better the world and does not want to be complacent, causing her to become a writer in order to try to reduce the corruption within the town. Piper has a rapport with Nick Valentine as they both are investigators. Her tendency to find the latest scoop and the truth can cause others to find her nosy and annoying, however, resulting in her having few friends. She is highly perceptive, however, and was able to deduce the mayor was a synth. She tends to enjoy sarcasm.
Despite multiple death threats and an assassination attempt, finding herself in sticky situations is a point of pride for Piper, who feels getting into trouble is just part of chasing the truth.Adding to her reckless nature, she may also be seen smoking occasionally. She is shown to not be above lying and manipulating others in order to get what she wants, such as when she tried to use the Sole Survivor to regain access to Diamond City after being banned from the town. Ironically, she generally dislikes it when the Sole Survivor lies.
She is sympathetic to the plight of synths and has an open dislike for the Brotherhood of Steel due to their self-serving nature, technology hoarding, anti-synth policies, and in her eyes, lousy fashion sense.She despises any pro-Brotherhood choices the Sole Survivor takes.
Fallout 4[]
Interactions overview[]
互动 | ||
此角色是必要的。关键角色不会被杀死。 | ||
此角色是一位永久的同伴。 他们给予* 伶牙俐齿辅助能力。 | ||
此角色是一位临时的同伴。 | ||
此角色开启任务。 | ||
此角色参与任务。 | ||
此角色是一个医生。 | ||
该角色是一名商人。 | 卖: - | -|
此角色可以修理物品。 | 修理 瓶盖: - | |
此角色可以修改武器。 |
- | |
此角色出租床位。 | -. | |
此角色是可追求的。 |
Requires romance |
- 聯邦之寶: Piper is encountered stuck outside Diamond City after Danny Sullivan closed the gate by order of the mayor. She makes up a story about the Sole Survivor being a trader in order to be let back in.
- 世紀大報導: Piper asks the Sole Survivor to join her in her office after meeting them at the gate, as she wants to interview them for an article in Publick Occurrences. The result is the three-part story View from the Vault.
- 重逢: Piper and 尼克·瓦倫坦 have a conversation with the Sole Survivor about what to do next in the search for Shaun after 康拉德·克罗格 is killed.
- 披着羊皮: Piper can be found attempting to apprehend McDonough after shooting Danny Sullivan when his identity as a synth is discovered.
- The Enemy of My Enemy
- 当主角第一次遇见派普的时候,她正因为撰写了一片批评麦多那市长的文章而差点被钻石城赶出去。当她和门卫争吵并要求让她进去后,派普会要求主角帮助她骗过门卫。当进入钻石城后,派普会和市长爆发一场争论,主角也会被卷入其中。当对话结束后,派普会要求主角去她的办公室,一旦完成了她的采访,她会加入主角的队伍,当主角在废土冒险的时候,她会与主角并肩作战。
- 在和派普的好感度达到最高的时候,主角可以获得一个“伶牙俐齿”的特技,当成功通过对话说服或发现新地点的时候,可以获得双倍经验。
- 这个perk在后期没有用,所以为了让perk尽快获得,她没有个人任务。
- 派普是一个可以发展潜在的恋爱关系的队友,浪漫选项会在好感度最高的时候解锁。
- Piper can be caught talking to Nick Valentine about "one of his clients" as Nick refers to you, as after hearing this conversation, Piper will say, "你自己和这个混蛋说吧。" This will only occur if the Sole Survivor is romanced to somebody besides Piper.
支持 | 不支持 |
- 如果主角在进入钻石城前已经找到了尼克·瓦倫坦,那么鑽石城的大门会保持敞开,市长会在城内和派普爆发争论。
- 当你和派普一起旅行的时候,钻石城的守卫会提醒你要当心,因为她和市长之间存在矛盾。
- 如果主角没有接受派普的采访并且离开钻石城,再次进入的时候可以在市长办公室找到派普,她正在质询麦多那市长的秘书是不是上了他的床。
- 作为主角的队友,她经常会提供一些“甜”的食物和饮料(泡泡糖、软糖、核口可乐、糖衣炸弹麦片或者是甜甜圈)来作为援助。这和壯壯有点类似,后者经常为主角提供食物,但只会提供肉类。
- 将派普带回钻石城后,小奈有可能会跑过来,告诉她说她在学校被留校查看了。派普会责怪是个她不听大人话的孩子,这会让小奈非常沮丧;但是,派普也有可能会为之表扬她(因为小奈揍了一个惹她生气的男孩子),告诉她保持下去。
- 她也会和主角有一段对话,关于她觉得小奈过于崇拜她了,她是否应该离开一段时间以免小奈变成一个像她一样的人。主角可以通过对话选项提供建议,帮助她处理这一问题。
- 有时候路过高橋的摊位时,派普会告诉主角她想把他们介绍给她的线人。她会开玩笑地询问高桥,最终会说高桥“泄露了秘密,因为我打赌你的名字根本就不是小蓝。”
- 拜访高台区的时候,威林海姆会冲着派普大喊,威胁说要把她丢出去,但同时也会偷偷和她分享一些八卦和秘密。
- 如果主角在主线任务中选择了學院线,和派普谈话的时候她会对主角的决定感到不解和愤怒,但是主角依旧可以和她一起旅行。但是,如果主角和派普的好感度足够高的话,派普会写一篇名为《对未来的恐惧?》的文章,在文章里她的态度会稍微乐观一些,但依旧保持担忧。
- 如果主角在主线任务中选择了鐵路线、鋼鐵兄弟會线或者是義勇軍线,和派普谈话时她会对学院的消失感到如释重负,同时也会写一篇名为《吃人鬼毁灭?》的文章。
Fallout: The Board Game[]
Template:FBG Piper can be found randomly when taking a card from the loot deck. While Piper is the active companion, the player character can exhaust her to explore an adjacent tile.
When the player character performs the camp action, she will become unexhausted. However, if the player character does not have the Vilified trait, she must be discarded.
- 辐射4
服装 | 武器 | 其他 物品 |
Red leather trench coat Press cap Road leathers |
10mm pistol | - |
- 辐射:避难所
- 派普会称主角为“小蓝”,因为主角穿的一身避难所居民的蓝色制服。如果主角并没有穿避难所制服,派普会简单地说“我知道你没有穿那套衣服,但是你手上的哔哔小子和你那副手足无措的样子可完全漏了馅啦。
- 派普对于麦多那市长的互动事件的灵感可能来自于鲍勃·伍德沃德和卡尔·伯恩斯坦关于水门案的报导,这一事件最终导致了尼克森总统的辞职。进一步衍伸的暗示是麦多那市长的“我不是一个合成人”的演讲。
- Piper's article The Synthetic Truth, which correctly identifies Mayor McDonough as a synth, causes Alana Secord of the Synth Retention Bureau to disavow him. This is likely the cause of the quest 披着羊皮.
- 如果主角和木蘭花说话的时候派普在场,她会很笨拙的称赞木兰的歌声,她会说“夫人,您的歌声让这个夜晚如此美妙……这里暖和吗?
- 在凱伯宅邸的秘密这一任务中最好不要带派普,不论你是选择释放或是处决羅倫佐·凱伯,都会招致她的不满,从而降低她的好感度。这也可以通过两者都不选择来避免,同时什么也不做,让洛伦佐自己逃出来。在之后通过一次口才检定,选择和这个家庭站在一起也可以避免她讨厌主角。
- 如果把派普带到111号避难所,面对奈特/诺拉的尸体,她会说“这,这不会就是那位吧?你还好吗?”
- 即使是必要的角色,派普也有死亡的台词,在被杀掉之后,她会说“小蓝……”或「照顧......小奈」。
- 派普会因为主角攻击旅行的医生或他们的雙頭牛而变成敌对状态,即使是在恋爱关系下。
- She will become instantly hostile toward the player character if one has killed a Diamond City security officer. Escaping the area and waiting three days should cease hostilities.
- When asked about her thoughts directly after accepting the quest Blind Betrayal, Piper will react as if the quest has already been completed, thus delivering a massive spoiler.
- 如果主角带壮壮作为队友,同时以派普交换壮壮的时候,壮壮会说“这个人类柔软,脆弱,活不久”而派普会回应说“好了,大家伙,你的一些兄弟可不是这么想的”这或许暗示了她曾经杀死过一些超级变种人。
- 作为一个记者,主角会发现派普在采访一些NPC,她会询问联邦的生活如何,他们对于学院的观点和对未来的看法。
- 当在南波士顿军事检查站的时候,派普会对于一些预先录制好的信息进行讽刺,比如“哦,是啊,我们听到你了!
- Piper's terminal in Public Occurences contains every available article depending on how far the player is into the main quest line. It also contains reader complaints on how her articles are always negative and just trying to drum up fear for increased sales or how the Wall doesn't contribute anything to Diamond City's safety. To every complaint, there is a published response for the public and a personal response which she keeps to herself. There also anonymous messages that are sent to Publick Occurrences for advice on a certain situation. Every one of these messages are responded to by Piper herself. Some of these situations include letting their child go and live their own life, talking to girls, and how to handle stress. One of the message's writers says that they are lonely and even asks Piper out on a date, but she declined.
- Piper had been arrested by Diamond City security so many times that, up until recently, Diamond City's jail had been called the "Piper Suite".[2]
- "为什么我们不去问问那个新来的呢?你支持新闻吗?"
- "You can't stop the press. Oh, but they try. They try..."
- "听着,我现在得走了,但是,嗯,你一会能否来一下我的办公室呢?我好像找到下一条故事了。"
- "我不知道这对于其他的记者来说是否正常……"
- "What I wouldn't give for the biggest rolled up newspaper..." – when engaging insectoid enemies
- "现在,就是现在,不要把注意力放在那些你完不成的事情上。"
- "Nice to be on the move again. Fewer paper cuts than back home"
- "Watch your digits, Blue! Ferals!" – when engaging feral ghouls
- "Catch!" – when throwing a grenade
- "You really do have a talent for finding trouble, don't you."
- "Come on, Nicky. I'm just asking for your opinion. It'd be a great quote." to Nick Valentine, to which he replies with "S/he's my client Piper. Why don't you learn not to snoop on a woman's/man's private affairs?"
- "我没听过比这更疯狂的计划。" – When Sole Survivor tells 肯特·康诺利 "Good for you" during The Silver Shroud.
- "我觉得每个生命都该有一次机会,即使这个家伙是个行走的绞肉机。" – 在恶灵婴噬中把死亡爪的蛋还回它的巢里。
- "Oh, angry robot lady!" – When combating an Assaultron
- "Real great set this evening, ma'am. Of songs, that is. Is it warm in here?" – When talking to Magnolia and complimenting her music at the Third Rail
- "I am Handy, Destroyer of Worlds!" – While fighting the Mr. Handies at the General Atomics Galleria
- "Whose bright idea was it to arm the gardener?" – While fighting a Mr. Handy or Mr. Gutsy
- "Doing the right thing rarely makes you popular... But I don't think I could live with myself otherwise."
- "Hoo boy, that’s a lot of metal…" – When encountering a sentry bot
- "Is, is that who I think it is? You okay?" – If taken to Nate/Nora's corpse in Vault 111.
- After romancing her:
- "I'm with the person I love, helping those in need. I couldn't imagine a better life."
- "What did I ever do to deserve you?"
- "Nat always said I was the lucky one. Seems Sis was right."
- "Hey doll." – Female Sole Survivor
- "Hey handsome." – Male Sole Survivor
- When Lover's Embrace被激活:
- "嘿。"
- "Lovely night."
- "Can't believe we slept this late."
- "We really have to get up?"
- "醒醒,小蓝,是时候出发了。"
- When being radiated:
- "You wanna get out of here? I don't think we'd make pretty Ghouls."
- "Ugh. You feel that too? Rads."
- "Sooner we get out of this radiation, the better."
- "We're not going to stay smoothskins much longer if we don't get a move on."
- "Gonna have a lot more limbs and a lot less hair if we stick around here too much longer."
- Dying words:
- "小蓝……"
- "Take care... of Nat"
- Comments on locations:
- "A real shame. They still had a lot more rounds of musical chairs left." – When seeing what's left of the support group meeting in Vault 95.
- "Looks like we have found the secret lair of the Silver Shroud." – On the top floor of Hubris Comics.
- "芳邻镇?嗯?你是想嗨上天还是想挨上一刀?" – When Piper arrives for the first time in Goodneighbor.
- "啊,战区,在全联邦简直找不出比这里更适合送死的地方了。" – When arrive at the 戰區
- "我很迷惑,这东西不能起航吧……对吧?" – Upon seeing the 憲法號.
- "Place reminds me of Diamond City. Rich folks up top, everyone else down below." – Upon entering the 懷爾伍德公墓.
- "Goodness, Blue, do you have a death wish? Let's get out of here!" – When approaching the Cambridge crater.
- "Blue. Something's not right here." – When arriving at Croup Manor.
- When the Brotherhood of Steel arrives in the Commonwealth:
- "I don't believe it." – When witnessing the Prydwen's arrival.
- "Have you ever seen anything like that? The airship? God, they must have an entire army on that thing." – When commenting on the Brotherhood of Steel.
- When swapping Piper with:
- Danse: "You two play nice out there.", to which Danse replies: "Only if it "plays nice" back, citizen."
- 约翰·汉考克: "If it isn't my second least favorite Mayor in the Commonwealth".
- "If it isn't my second least...I guess now least favorite Mayor in the Commonwealth" – After Mayor McDonough is killed In Sheep's Clothing.
- Codsworth: "Hey Codsworth. You sure you're up for this?", to which Codsworth replies: "Ms. Piper, I can think of no greater honor."
- Preston Garvey: "Well, if it ain't the pride of the Minutemen. Be safe, you two.", to which Preston replies: "We'll do our best, Piper."
- Curie: "Have fun you two. Don't pick any fights I wouldn't.", to which Curie replies: "Well I hope to not pick any at all."
- Cait: "看来,还没有人可以干掉你呢,凯特。", to which Cait replies: "Not yet, though it isn't for a lack of tryin'."
- Deacon: "You two are heading out together? Not sure the Commonwealth's ready for that.", to which Deacon replies: "What's there to worry about? How much trouble could two people really get into?"
- Strong: "Jeez, you Mutants are not much prettier up close.", to which Strong replies: "Strong say same about little lady."
- Valentine: "So, any stories you two come across out there, I get the exclusive, right?", to which Valentine replies: "Piper, I wouldn't know who else to tell."
- 羅伯特·約瑟夫·麥奎迪: "Maybe just try not to get each other killed out there?", to which MacCready replies: "Getting us killed is the farthest thing from my mind, angel."
- When someone else is the current companion and Piper is chosen:
- Danse: "Excercise extreme caution out there, Piper. The Commonwealth is hazardous for civilians.", to which Piper replies: "I can handle myself, soldier boy."
- Dogmeat: "(sad whimper)", to which Piper replies: "Sorry, boy. Time for you to head home."
- 约翰·汉考克: "Taking up with lil' miss reporter, huh? I'm jealous.", to which Piper replies: "I can't tell if this is a compliment or a pick-up line or both, so I think we're just gonna go."
- Codsworth: "Miss Wright. I trust you’ll do your best to put the safety of my master/mistress before your own personal gain?", to which Piper replies: "Of course, Codsworth... Jesus. Lucky for me, those two things go hand in hand."
- Preston Garvey: "Piper. You listen to him/her now. He/She'll keep you out of trouble."to which Piper replies: "Outta trouble? Pfft. Where's the fun in that?"
- Curie: "You know, your Publick Occurences should have scientific articles.", to which Piper replies: "You've never met our readers, have you?"
- Cait: "You two have fun together, Piper. Too bad we can't make it a threesome.", to which Piper replies: "Never gonna happen, Cait."
- Deacon: "Oh God, it's Piper. Hi, I'll be going.", to which Piper replies: "Oh, save your breathe, Deacon. I know exactly what you're going to say. "No comment"."
- Strong: "Bah! This human soft. Weak. Won't live long.", to which Piper replies: "Hey, now, big boy. I know a couple of your brothers that'd say different."
- Nick Valentine: "Traveling with Piper isn't for the faint of heart. I'd know.", to which Piper replies: "Nick. You always know just what to say."
- 羅伯特·約瑟夫·麥奎迪: "So when are we going to have that one-on-one interview, Piper?", to which Piper replies: "Oh, MacCready. Never in a million years."
- X6-88: "Our files indicate that you have a tendency to get into trouble, Piper. Try to stay out of it from now on.", to which Piper replies: "And who's gonna stop me? You?"
- “你真是一个惹麻烦的天才,是吧。”
- “拜托,Nicky,我只是问一下你的看法,这会很有价值的。”当主角和其他人发展出恋爱关系的时候,派普会跑去询问尼克·瓦伦坦,而后者会回答说“他/她是我的委托人,派普,你什么时候才能学会不要窥探他人的隐私呢?”
- “我觉得每个生命都该有一次机会,即使这个家伙是个行走的绞肉机。”——在恶灵婴噬中把死亡爪的蛋还回它的巢里
- "Real great set this evening, ma'am. Of songs, that is. Is it warm in here?" – When talking to Magnolia and complimenting her music at the Third Rail
- “我是Mr.handys,世界的毁灭者!”——当在通用原子购物广场和Mr.handys战斗的时候
- "Whose bright idea was it to arm the gardener?" – While fighting a Mr. Handy or Mr. Gutsy
- 在和她发展出恋爱关系后:
- “我和我爱的人在一起,共同帮助那些需要帮助的人,我无法想象比这更好的生活了。”
- “小奈总是说我很幸运,看来她说的一点都没错。”
- “我能够和你在一起,到底是因为我做了什么呢。”
- 对于地点的评论:
- “真可惜,他们还能玩好多轮抢椅子游戏呢。”——当在95号避难所中看到互助小组会议留下来的残景的时候
- “看来我们发现银衣怪客的秘密藏身处了。”——当进入虎不理漫画公司的时候
- “"——当带着派普第一次进入芳鄰鎮的时候
- “啊,战区,在全联邦简直找不出比这里更适合送死的地方了。”——当带着派普进入戰區的时候
- "Place reminds me of Diamond City. Rich folks up top, everyone else down below." – Upon entering the Wildwood Cemetery.
- "Goodness, Blue, do you have a death wish? Let's get out of here!" – When approaching the Cambridge crater.
- "Blue. Something's not right here." – When arriving at Croup Manor.
- 其他队友交换的时候:
- 凱特:“'”對方回覆“还没有,但也不是没试过。”
- 嘎抓:“巧手先生,你确定你可以?”對方回覆“派普小姐,我感到无上荣幸。”
- 居礼:“好好玩,不要惹麻烦啊。”對方回覆“嗯,我希望我们可以不用。”
- 丹斯:“你们两个很有默契。”對方回覆“除非它也“来软的”,市民。”
- 迪耿:“你们两个要一起去?联邦一点心理准备都没有。”對方回覆“到底要准备什么?我们两个是可以惹出啥麻烦?”
- 约翰·汉考克:“这不是联邦里我第二讨厌的镇长吗?”
- 羅伯特·約瑟夫·麥奎迪:“不要害对方被干掉好吗?”對方回覆“被干掉这东西我想都没想过,美女。”
- 尼克·瓦倫坦:“所以,你们两个在外面有遭遇什么事情吗,可以给我独家吗?”對方回覆“派普,独家不给你给谁啊。”
- 普雷斯頓·加維:“嗯?这不是义勇兵的骄傲吗,在外小心你们两个。”對方回覆“我们会注意的,派普。”
- 壯壯:“天啊,你们变种人近看也没好多少。”對方回覆“壮壮也跟小淑女说一样的话。”
Piper appears in Fallout 4, Fallout Shelter,Fallout Shelter Online and Fallout: The Board Game.
以下内容基於非正典的幕后信息. |
- “小蓝”(派普这么称呼主角)或许指的是一个微妙的棒球术语。“小蓝”是裁判的一种俚语说法,这种称呼打破了第四面墙,因为主角是由玩家操控,并由玩家“发号施令”的。
- The inspiration for Piper's name may come from a play-on-words of "paper write".
- In the Creation Kit, the road goggles have the Editor ID ClothesPiperGoggles. As this is the same naming convention used in the rest of her outfit red leather trench coat and press cap it's possible she was initially meant to wear the goggles with the rest of her outfit. Some concept art supports this, although she is only ever seen wearing them pushed up on her forehead.
- In her concept art it appears Piper would have had shorter hair. She also would have worn a fedora rather than her reporter cap. One other concept design shows her with what appears to be an aviator's cap and camera equipment on her.
關於非正典的幕后信息的内容到此作結。 |
- Piper will not move even if she is standing, near an enemy, shot at or interacted with at all. She can still be spoken to. She may be locked in a single position and just slide around. Fast travelling fixes this.[已验证]
- Cannot romance Piper after she idolizes you (max affinity), even if player character's charisma is maxed. The key/button to select is there, but the option to romance is blank. [已验证]
- In Sheep's Clothing will seemingly fix this.[已验证] Piper will mysteriously disappear from the game completely. However starting the quest
- Piper will randomly dislike something out of nowhere, such as fast traveling, killing hostile enemies, picking unowned locks, and simply exploring. It is quite rare, but frequency increases after fast traveling to an area populated with enemies, and especially when the player is in power armor (specifically the X-01 Power Armor), although these messages take an unusually long time to appear.[已验证]
- Minutemen general's hat, she will always stand at attention when idle, even if the hat is removed from her inventory.[验证逾期] After equipping Piper with the
- 花園露台) Depleting her health (tested using the PC Kill command) then stimpaking her seems to fix the problem. Alternatively, loading a save prior to her injury solves this.[已验证] Sometimes when heavily injured, Piper will remain in the downed position indefinitely. She can still be spoken to, and will teleport with the Sole Survivor when traveling, via a load zone or fast travel, but will not get up or walk. (Possibly caused by fall damage outside of combat, encountered at the
- If Piper is your romantic partner and is your companion and is wearing power armor when your are sleeping, her power armor sometimes have disappeared when you wake up. This seems to happen when you sleep in a narrow location where there is not enough space for her to step out of the armor. If you make her leave the armor before you sleep, the problem will not occur. [已验证]
- ↑ Piper's dialogue: "one day, our Dad turns up dead. His captain, asshole named Mayburn, claims Raiders must've gotten him on watch"... the Mayor sure wanted to talk after that. The town threw Mayburn out on his ass and were dug-in when a very surprised group of Raiders finally showed."
- ↑ Piper's dialogue: I've been shot at, poisoned, nearly executed. Heck, until recently, they called the lock-up in Diamond City the "Piper Suite."
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