
The Syringer is a rare, custom-made weapon that can shoot modified medical syringes at an enemy, who then suffers the effects of whatever chemical is in the syringe.Fallout 4 loading screens

The syringer is a weapon in Fallout 4.


The syringer is a weapon that uses air pressure to propel custom-made syringes at a target. Rather than dealing direct damage, the Syringer is used to weaken the target with various effects. This weapon supports a wide variety of injectable ammo, all of which can be crafted at chemistry stations.

The syringer does not benefit from Quick Hands, Rifleman, Mister Sandman, Bloody Mess, or Ninja, but Sniper 1 and 3 both work.

Types of ammo[]

此部分转换Syringer ammo (Fallout 4). 改变它, 请编辑包含在内的页面.

Syringer ammo (Fallout 4)

Weapon modifications[]

ModDescriptionWeapon prefixDamage per shot changeFire rate changeRange changeAccuracy changeMagazine capacity (shots per reload) changeWeight changeWeapon value change in capsEffect(s)Perk(s) requiredComponentsForm ID
Stub barrelImproved hip-fire accuracy, Inferior range and sighted accuracy.Short-36-1-1-8Screw x1
Steel x1
Short barrelStandard.Adhesive x1
Copper x2
Screw x1
Long barrelSuperior range and sighted accuracy. Better recoil. Poor hip-fire accuracy.Long+84+3+1+10Adhesive x2
Copper x3
Screw x2
ModDescriptionWeapon prefixDamage per shot changeFire rate changeRange changeAccuracy changeMagazine capacity (shots per reload) changeWeight changeWeapon value change in capsEffect(s)Perk(s) requiredComponentsForm ID
Standard stockStandardAdhesive x2
Steel x3
Screw x2
Markman's stockSuperior recoil and better aim with scopes.Marksman's+0.4+20Adhesive x2
Copper x3
Cork x1
Rubber x1
Spring x2
Screw x2
Recoil compensating stockExceptional recoil.Recoil compensated+1+0.6+30Adhesive x3
Copper x4
Cork x2
r x2
Screw x3
Spring x3
ModDescriptionWeapon prefixDamage per shot changeFire rate changeRange changeAccuracy changeMagazine capacity (shots per reload) changeWeight changeWeapon value change in capsEffect(s)Perk(s) requiredComponentsForm ID
Standard sightsStandardAdhesive x1
Steel x1
Glow sightsImproves focus and better sighted accuracy.Glow-sighted+2+8Adhesive x2
Nuclear material x1
Steel x2
Short scopeImproved magnification and superior sighted accuracy.Scoped+16+0.8+18Adhesive x1
Glass x1
Screw x1
Steel x1
Reflex sightBetter focus and sighted accuracy.Tactical+7+0.3+23Adhesive x1
Screw x2
Glow reflex sightBetter focus and sighted accuracy.Tactical+70.3+24Adhesive x1
Nuclear material x1
Screw x2
Medium scopeBetter magnification and superior sighted accuracy.Scoped+23+0.9+38Adhesive x2
Glass x2
Screw x1
Steel x2
Long scopeSuperior magnification and sighted accuracy.Scoped+36+1.1+48Gun Nut 1Adhesive x2
Glass x4
Screw x1
Steel x2
Short night vision scopeImproved magnification and superior sighted accuracy. Night vision.Night-vision+16+0.8+63Gun Nut 1
Science! 1
Adhesive x2
Glass x2
Nuclear material x1
Screw x1
Silver x1
Medium night vision scopeBetter magnification and superior sighted accuracy. Night vision.Night-vision+23+0.9+73Gun Nut 1
Science! 1
Adhesive x2
Circuitry x1
Fiber optics x1
Glass x4
Nuclear material x2
Screw x1
Silver x1
Long night vision scopeSuperior magnification and sighted accuracy. Night vision.Night-vision+36+1.1+83Gun Nut 2
Science! 1
Adhesive x2
Circuitry x2
Fiber optics x1
Glass x5
Nuclear material x3
Screw x2
Silver x1
Short recon scopeImproved magnification and superior magnification. Tracks Targets.Recon+16+1.3+98Gun Nut 2
Science! 1
Adhesive x3
Circuitry x2
Crystal x6
Fiber optics x2
Glass x5
Nuclear material x4
Screw x2
Long recon scopeSuperior magnification and magnification. Tracks Targets.Recon+36+1.3+98Gun Nut 2
Science! 1
Adhesive x3
Circuitry x2
Crystal x6
Fiber optics x2
Glass x5
Nuclear material x4
Screw x2


  • Slim, a ghoul chem dealer near the D.B. Technical High School will sell this.
  • Reward for completion of the quest Hole in the Wall, given by Dr. Jacob Forsythe after Austin has been given the cure.
  • Basement of the Greater Mass blood clinic.
  • Inside the Advanced locked room of the Milton General Hospital on the second floor.
  • In the Mass Bay medical center, near the Chemistry Station.
  • Inside the locked room of Sandy Coves Convalescent Home to the left of the reception desk.
  • On top of a steamer trunk in the operating theater in Medford Memorial Hospital.
  • One found inside Kendall Hospital in upper area accessed via elevator, leaning to the wall near a yellow explosive crate and red barrel.
  • Can be bought from Doctor Sun in Diamond City.
  • Parsons State Insane Asylum in the last room on the left at the end of the block of cells in the basement (before reaching Lorenzo by dropping down through a square hole full of exposed rebar in the floor).
  • In Plumber's Secret, a nondescript two story building in a somewhat concealed location northeast of Kendall Hospital at the edge of Cambridge. In the larger of the two rooms, there is a trail of plungers going up the wall and across the ceiling to the middle, where the trail stops. Beneath the boards where the trail stops the rifle and a caps stash are slightly visible, and they will fall to the floor if you shoot the boards down.
  • In a small building along the east-west road north of Vault 81, in the (Novice-locked) back room, on a shelf next to the door.
  • Far Harbor (add-on) Dylan's note leads to a grave which can be excavated using a shovel. The Syringer can be found inside a crate after excavating the grave.

