關於an overview of mirelurks,參見mirelurk。 |
A mirelurk refers to any one of three mutated crustaceans that dwell in the swamps of the Commonwealth and are commonly found around the Island in 2287.
由于海神能源和通用原子公司等美国大型企业对环境的广泛放射性污染,泥沼蟹存在可疑的争议,它可能是世界上最早出现的放射性突变体之一。致力于拯救海洋的环境组织,如奈罕海洋學會,尝试了各种各样的最后努力,以提高人们对这个问题的认识,并鼓励采取激进行动,以减少不计后果的公司对环境的破坏。[1] 然而,他们的努力是徒劳的。当局无视,甚至拒绝接听电话(如波士顿港务局的情况),他们试图通过向银河新闻网报告情况来引起注意。媒体也忽略了他们的报道,只是报道了即将到来的贝类季节以及它将有多么美好的故事。当然,它忽略了螃蟹平均增加14%和龙虾增加12%的需求,这意味着可用的食物供应将很快耗尽,导致群体崩溃和局部灭绝。[2]
虽然大戰结束了企业污染,但取而代之的是大量的核辐射。在随后发生的突变大熔炉中,现代泥沼蟹出现了。对由此产生的生物进行分类的尝试已被证明是困难的。例如,螃蟹泥沼蟹包含来自两个不同且不相关的物种的多个门标记: 大西洋马蹄蟹(Limulus polyphemus)和大西洋蓝蟹(Callinectes sapidus)。因此,有必要将其同时归类为属于甲壳纲和螯合物门,同时对两个不同的类别(齿口动物和软甲纲)进行分类。因此,废土学者通常给它自己的分类:锯缘青蟹。[3][4] 在联邦的一些废土居民中,关于泥沼蟹在炸弹落下并使它们发生变异之前要小得多的知识仍然存在。[5]正如在92号避难所和奇觀島中所见,泥沼蟹也对白噪声具有明显的敏感性。
虽然泥沼蟹往往栖息在受污染的河流、沿海水域和下水道,但它们的肉被认为是废土人的美味佳肴。泥沼蟹猎人或牧民可以依靠对其肉类的稳定需求并将其出售给废土商人获得高额利润。[6] 然而,肉类市场的规模意味着竞争非常激烈,供应商可能会成为竞争对手的目标,试图将他们赶出市场(有时候确实如此)。[7]它们的生长速度也非常快,只需要几个星期就可以成熟。如果被圈养和驯化,泥沼蟹可以是一种灵活的食物供应。事实上,自由邦确实接受了这样的选择。[8]
泥沼蟹也可能对永久定居点造成破坏,就像鉚釘城的情况一样。尽管城市安全小组定期开展灭绝行动,但在有人居住的甲板下筑巢的泥沼蟹对城市居民来说仍然是一个持续的滋扰。[9] 由于泥沼蟹已经适应在整个浅水区的多个小巢穴中产卵(不像战前甲壳类动物将卵粘在身体上),这种情况更加严重;如果受到干扰,体内的泥沼蟹幼仔会表现出令人难以置信的掠夺行为,并随时准备在需要时发起攻击。[10]
Most adult mirelurk variants have shells and pincers resembling those of horseshoe crabs, while their offspring resemble mole crabs. The queen, on the other hand, has a shell that resembles that of a giant isopod or spider crab. The hunter variant appears to be a lobster.[Non-game 1] Finally, the mirelurk king is unique in that it bears no resemblance to any sort of crustacean.
All mirelurks (excluding mirelurk kings and softshell mirelurks) are protected by a thick shell that is difficult to penetrate, even with powerful ballistic weapons. The face is unarmored but a small target, and when charging a mirelurk will often lower its head to protect this area. However, the face will inevitably be exposed once the creature commences close combat. Extremities are also more vulnerable than the rest of the body, though not as much as the face.
Typical specimens, in particular, resemble mirelurk hunters from the Capital Wasteland but also differ in several aspects, such as their legs. This specimen also walks in a mixed crab/spider-like motion, which is atypical of mirelurk variants documented so far; in general, they have more realistic qualities correlating to appearance.
Gameplay attributes[]
Mirelurks will bury themselves in dirt or mud, with the only visual indication that they are present is the rounded backs of their shells, which resemble large, smooth rocks from a distance. They can also submerge themselves underwater when needed. V.A.T.S. will be able to detect them from a distance when used. It is not uncommon to see mirelurks with netting and seaweed caught on their carapaces or have barnacles latched on to them. Typical mirelurks and their variants can occasionally be found feeding on sea creatures.
Mirelurks are mostly found in groups and thus often utilize strength in numbers. Glowing mirelurks also deal radiation damage when in close quarters. Combine this with their generally high resilience and they can easily prove a challenge for low-level player characters.
Because of their thick shells, they can be quite hard to defeat in a melee fight, as they tend to hide their weak points when the player character is about to strike, or when they charge before revealing their body parts in order to attack. Because of their unique fighting style, melee weapons with the legendary modifiers "penetrating" (attacks ignore 30% of enemy's damage resistance) and "exterminator's" (specific bonus damage to mirelurks) are very useful against them.
As some companions mention, mirelurks have no way to protect themselves against mines, or any attack from below. All mirelurk variants have a chance to be pacified through the Wasteland Whisperer perk.
Mirelurk hatchling[]
When nearing a mirelurk nest, typically about half of its eggs will shake briefly and then hatch, revealing these small, aggressive crab-like creatures. The mirelurk queen can spawn several hatchlings to attack the player character. Their overall combat strength is practically identical to radroaches.
名称 (Form ID) | 数据 | 行为 | 能力 | 物品 | |||||
Mirelurk hatchling 0016962D |
Mirelurk spawn[]
Mirelurk spawn are identical in statistics to mirelurk hatchlings though slightly larger. A few can be found on the bottom floor of the Massachusetts State House.
名称 (Form ID) | 数据 | 行为 | 能力 | 物品 | |||||
Mirelurk spawn 00176DCA |
Nukalurk spawn[]
A Nuka-Cola imbued mirelurk hatchling which can emerge from eggs littering the World of Refreshment attraction or birthed by the Nukalurk queen. It shares the same appearance as a mirelurk spawn, with the exception of its blue glow.
名称 (Form ID) | 数据 | 行为 | 能力 | 物品 | |||||
Nukalurk spawn xx{{#pad:01234a|6|0|left}} |
Softshell mirelurk[]
Weak, green mirelurks encountered at low levels and can be seen mixed in with stronger mirelurks at higher levels. Their meat provides more health when cooked than normal mirelurk meat.
名称 (Form ID) | 数据 | 行为 | 能力 | 物品 | |||||
Softshell mirelurk 0019E967 |
The standard variant of mirelurk. Darker in appearance than softshell mirelurks, it is also more resilient, stronger and deals more damage per hit.
名称 (Form ID) | 数据 | 行为 | 能力 | 物品 | |||||
Mirelurk 00024002 (standard) 000361C1 (burrowed) 0017E6D3 (legendary) 00033F49 (template) |
Mirelurk razorclaw[]
A more powerful variant of the mirelurk that may be encountered commonly as the player character levels up. It has over double the health of a softshell mirelurk and deals significantly more damage per hit, making them potentially challenging opponents.
名称 (Form ID) | 数据 | 行为 | 能力 | 物品 | |||||
Mirelurk razorclaw 0014237F (standard) 0017E6D0 (legendary) |
Mirelurk killclaw[]
A powerful type of mirelurk that can be encountered in any mirelurk-infested area, such as Salem, if the player character's level is high enough. It is much more resilient than the razorclaw, and is more powerful in combat.
名称 (Form ID) | 数据 | 行为 | 能力 | 物品 | |||||
Mirelurk killclaw 00142380 (standard) 0017E6D1 (legendary) |
Glowing mirelurk[]
An irradiated variant of the mirelurk which is increasingly encountered as the player character levels up. Due to the steady absorption of large quantities of radiation, these mirelurks glow with its superabundance; their undersides are positively luminescent and a buildup of radiation in its eyestalks gives them a distinct feature even among "glowing" creatures.
Glowing mirelurks inflict radiation damage on top of the ballistic damage. This variant has a considerable amount of health (half of that of a super mutant behemoth), and deals considerable amount of damage in combat, making them challenging opponents for low-level player characters.
名称 (Form ID) | 数据 | 行为 | 能力 | 物品 | |||||
Glowing mirelurk 00142383 (standard) 0017E6D6 (legendary) |
Nukalurks make a return in the Nuka-World add-on. They mutated from regular mirelurks living in the river of Nuka-Cola Quantum that is part of the World of Refreshment attraction.
名称 (Form ID) | 数据 | 行为 | 能力 | 物品 | ||||
Nukalurk xx{{#pad:01234c|6|0|left}} |
Bloodrage mirelurk[]
The most powerful type of the base mirelurk genus in terms of both resistances and damage potential. Bloodrage mirelurks were added to the game with the Far Harbor add-on. They have very dark carapaces, glowing red eyes and also emit a baleful reddish glow from their underside.
Despite their power and threat potential, killing a bloodrage mirelurk awards significantly less experience than most of its lower-ranking variants.
名称 (Form ID) | 数据 | 行为 | 能力 | 物品 | |||||
Bloodrage mirelurk xx{{#pad:023ac1|6|0|left}} |
Mirelurk queen[]
The mirelurk queen is a rarely seen mirelurk variant, considerably larger and more dangerous than her offspring, and inflicts significantly more physical and radiation damage on the player character. Her arrival is announced with a great roar. In addition to her claws, she possesses a ranged acidic spittle that deals damage over time to anyone caught in it. Once combat is initiated, the queen will occasionally eject a barrage of eggs that spawn a wave of hatchlings, an ability that is considered a grenade attack and therefore comes with the respective warning icons on the screen. One queen was able to knock a large hole into the thick stone walls of the Castle in 2240. She benefits from the same resistance as the regular mirelurks, featuring an incredibly thick shell but very soft skin.
Subsequent respawns may have her either already emerged and idling in her area, or else submerged if her first spawning-in is triggered by killing nearby mirelurks. The Sole Survivor notes her presence (as well as that of hidden kings and hunters) by sneaking to triangulate her location, and then triggering her appearance with an explosive or a ground slam from power armor.
One occupies the Castle and is fought when the Minutemen retake it. Destroying its eggs prior to acquiring Taking Independence also causes her to become enraged and fight.
Another occupies the Murkwater construction site. Other spawn locations are the Nahant Chapel, southeast of the coastal cottage, Spectacle Island, the Massachusetts State House, Recon bunker Theta, west of Salem, the beach southeast of the Revere Beach station, and at a beached fishing boat southeast of Poseidon Energy.
The Island is home to several mirelurk queens as well. One has its nest at the bottom of Northwood Ridge Quarry, another one plays a role in the Rite of Passage quest.
A mirelurk queen may also occupy the east dig site of Vault 88 when finding the Vault-Tec water pump in the Vault-Tec Workshop add-on. One can also be found at Northpoint reservoir (killing all the mirelurks here will spawn a mirelurk queen) in Nuka-World and southeast of Grandchester Mystery Mansion.
Mirelurk queens are considered giant creatures in-game, therefore, killing them counts towards the achievement ...The Harder They Fall.
While the mirelurk queens may seem similar to the common "horseshoe crab" variant of mirelurk at first glance, the mirelurk queen has a full crustacean telson, unlike that of a horseshoe crab.
名称 (Form ID) | 数据 | 行为 | 能力 | 物品 | |||||
Mirelurk queen 000E12AB (standard) 0016CDBB (template) |
Nukalurk queen[]
The Nukalurk queen can only be found outside the Nuka-Cola bottling plant. She is a unique version of the mirelurk queen and has a blue glow due to the strontium isotope from Nuka-Cola Quantum. She has a large health pool, but when the player character finally kills her, she drops queen Nukalurk meat.
名称 (Form ID) | 数据 | 行为 | 能力 | 物品 | |||||
Nukalurk queen xx{{#pad:01234b|6|0|left}} |
Mirelurk hunter[]
This type of mirelurk has mutated from the local lobster population.[Non-game 1] They are significantly more resilient than regular mirelurks and gain the ability to spit acid at its enemies, as well as more powerful attacks. While the common mirelurk is vulnerable to headshots, the head of the mirelurk hunter is much stronger.[需要引证] A few can be found at Spectacle Island, and others may spawn in the tunnels during The Big Dig quest.
名称 (Form ID) | 数据 | 行为 | 能力 | 物品 | |||||
Mirelurk hunter 00142380 (standard) 0017E6D6 (legendary) |
Glowing mirelurk hunter[]
An extremely irradiated variation of the mirelurk hunter that glows. Glowing mirelurk hunters deal additional radiation damage when attacking the player character.
名称 (Form ID) | 数据 | 行为 | 能力 | 物品 | |||||
Glowing mirelurk hunter 00142381 (standard) 0017E6D6 (legendary) |
Albino mirelurk hunter[]
Mirelurk hunters that have been born afflicted with albinism, giving them a distinguishable pinkish-white skin color signature to albino creatures. While their attacks are indifferent to that of a regular mirelurk hunter, they are protected by higher resistances. They, as with most albino creatures, are very rare and appear only by chance.
名称 (Form ID) | 数据 | 行为 | 能力 | 物品 | |||||
Albino mirelurk hunter 00142384 (standard) 0017E6D8 (legendary) |
Nukalurk hunter[]
A mirelurk hunter that has absorbed great amounts of Nuka-Cola Quantum, making their shells glow blue. They behave identically to a normal mirelurk hunter.
名称 (Form ID) | 数据 | 行为 | 能力 | 物品 | |||||
Nukalurk hunter xx{{#pad:01234d|6|0|left}} |
Mirelurk king[]
Mirelurk kings do not resemble the crab-like mirelurks, instead appearing to be heavily mutated frogs based on the sounds they make and the webbing between their fingers and toes. They also uniquely possess both gills and lungs that were developed independently, allowing kings to survive on both land or water easily.[Non-game 2] They are very fast and can easily kill a low-level player character in seconds. Unlike the other mirelurks, they have a ranged sonic projectile attack that is particularly effective at crippling the target's head. Mirelurk kings have less health than glowing mirelurks, mirelurk hunters or mirelurk queens, although they are much more agile and efficient at long range. One can be found in a room alongside power armor, a few tunnels into the Dig. Another one can be located behind the Rook family house on the shore. Up to four can be found at Cutler Bend, and a few may be encountered at Spectacle Island. Another can be found inside a crypt to the north of the Electrical Hobbyist's Club underneath the skybridge. He will appear and attack after taking the lone mirelurk egg.
名称 (Form ID) | 数据 | 行为 | 能力 | 物品 | |||||
Mirelurk king 000B7F95 (standard) 0017E6DC (legendary) |
Mirelurk deep king[]
A stronger variant of the mirelurk king with blue and yellow scales. It has more health and overall defense than the average king, but with identical attack patterns.
名称 (Form ID) | 数据 | 行为 | 能力 | 物品 | |||||
Mirelurk deep king 00142382 (standard) 0017E6DD (legendary) |
Glowing mirelurk king[]
A variant of the mirelurk king glowing with the excesses of inordinate radiation absorption. It inflicts radiation damage when executing a melee attack.
名称 (Form ID) | 数据 | 行为 | 能力 | 物品 | |||||
Glowing mirelurk king 00142385 (standard) 0017E6DE (legendary) |
Nukalurk king[]
A mirelurk king imbued with high amounts of Nuka-Cola Quantum, causing it to glow blue. It has greater health than other mirelurk kings as a result of this, and has stronger attacks as well. They can be found outside the World of Refreshment, near the Nukalurk queen.
名称 (Form ID) | 数据 | 行为 | 能力 | 物品 | |||||
Nukalurk king xx{{#pad:01234e|6|0|left}} |
Mirelurks appear 在辐射4 and its add-ons Far Harbor and Nuka-World, as well as 辐射:废土战争 .
Behind the scenes[]
- The mirelurk model was created by Jonah Lobe.[Non-game 3] Lobe has stated that he greatly prefers the Fallout 4 mirelurks compared to those from Fallout 3, which he also modeled. The Fallout 4 mirelurks were designed to be more realistic, yet also more original in shape, based on concept art by Ilya Nazarov. He also feels that the Fallout 4 mirelurks have more personality, being hungry and "stupid-looking." The Garthim from the movie The Dark Crystal were also a major inspiration for their design.[Non-game 4]
- The mirelurk queen was added late into development, creating another large enemy to encounter, specifically for the coastal regions of the Commonwealth.[Non-game 5]
Fallout 4[]
Fallout: Wasteland Warfare[]
Fallout Shelter Online[]
- ↑ Nahant Oceanological Society terminal entries; research terminal, Goals
- ↑ Nahant Oceanological Society terminal entries; research terminal, Lobster growth
- ↑ Enclave field research terminal entries, Enclave field research terminal, Field Entry: "Mirelurk"
- ↑ The Lone Wanderer: "They descended from local crabs. I'd call them "Scylla Serrata Horrendus.""
Moira Brown: "That's very scientific of you! Personally, I wasn't sure if they were crabs or if they came from some sort of brine shrimp, perhaps. Some of these observations about their armor and camouflage gave me an idea for reinforced, neutral-colored headgear. Here, consider it thanks for not interfering with them. Oh, speaking of which, take these. So you can continue to avoid them in the future."
(Moira Brown's dialogue) - ↑ John Hancock: "I'd heard Mirelurks were tiny before the bombs. Wonder what else might be plying those waters."
(John Hancock's dialogue) Note: This line is spoken if Hancock is asked for his thoughts while on any large boat, such as the ones at Libertalia. - ↑ Note for Ted
- ↑ Merc's orders
- ↑ Mirelurk research
- ↑ Rivet City terminal entries; Bannon's terminal, Council Meeting Minutes
- ↑ 辐射4中的行为。
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 The Art of Fallout 4, page 194
- ↑ Devastating-Dave: "That's really interesting to give him both lungs and gills. Is that to imply the mirelurk king, at least in part, mutated from lung fish?"
Jonah Lobe: "I figured he might develop them independently, to be able to breathe in both land and water!"
(Jonah Lobe instagram on the Mirelurk King) - ↑ Jonah Lobe on Twitter: "Aww, my baby got a close-up! (also I made the Super-mutants, Molerats, Blood-Bugs & Mirelurks!) #Fallout4 #BE3"
- ↑ JonahLobe on Reddit
- ↑ The Art of Fallout 4, p. 193: "MIRELURK QUEEN
A late-development addition to provide another behemoth-scale enemy for the player to encounter in the open coastal area."