

The Boston Airport ruins are a location in the Commonwealth in 2287.


The Boston Airport ruins are an intricate series of tunnels, collapsed parking garages, offices and industrial utilities. It is mostly inhabited by feral ghouls and is not controlled by the Brotherhood of Steel.


  • 賴蘭騎士的兵籍牌 - 在屍體上的任務物品,在通過自動手扶梯區後下去第一個走廊左側。
  • 機場員工ID卡 - 從克拉克手中拿到,另外一張在旁邊桌上。
  • 機場設備鑰匙 - 在克拉克身上,用來打開機場的設備。
  • 一個核融合核心 - 在克拉克養屍鬼的區域中,發電機上。


  • 盡職或失職


  • Accessing the terminal in the luggage area will trigger the beginning of the miscellaneous quest Find the Treasures of Jamaica Plain as well as updating the map for various other locations around the Commonwealth.
  • The elevator shaft to the left of the entrance has an accessible door on the next floor up, which, if accessed by power armor jetpack, leads to an out-of-bounds state. This can be exploited to access Clarke directly: landing on the lowest level of rubble, next to the green steamer trunk, directly behind the elevator shafts, will put the player character beyond Clarke's feral observation room, allowing progress on the quest Duty or Dishonor in a fraction of the time, without encountering a single feral ghoul.
  • If one listens closely they can sometimes hear ambient sounds like power armored BoS soldiers walking around upstairs (after the Brotherhood have moved in).
  • After using console command tmm 1 to reveal all locations on the map, The map marker of Boston Airport ruins is not revealed.
  • Behind the information terminal, one can find a fishing tournament ad on the bottom rack of the magazine stand.


The Boston Airport ruins only appear in Fallout 4.

