

Faneuil Hall is a location in the Commonwealth in 2287.


The building seems to be intact on the outside. However, both the surrounding area and inside are completely overrun by super mutants. On the front plaza is a large fire surrounding the destroyed statue, with metal spikes in the foundation itself. There are at least four super mutants; including one super mutant suicider patrolling the premises. Two doors at the front and back grant access to the building.

Three protectrons can be activated via a terminal upon an entry from the front of the building (The terminal is to the right of the entrance, behind the trash can.) Up on the roof, the Sole Survivor can start the quest The Gilded Grasshopper (if not previously started at the Valentine Detective Agency, via the Detective Case Files quest) after reading the note inside the grasshopper. It can be found on the tip of the weather vane atop the golden dome next to the ruined bell tower.




  • 法尼爾廳出納員的鑰匙 - 一樓西北角有終端機的區域。用來開啟壁掛式保險箱。
  • 逾期圖書 - 在大廳裏,靠着北牆的椅子上(seems to be east if wearing power armor - see bugs).
  • Vault-Tec lunchbox - In the main hall, upper southeast balcony by the door, on the stairs.
  • 愛與生活第1期 - 大廳樓梯上去左側的房間桌上。
  • 鍍金蚱蜢 - 屋頂上。


  • Kidnapping - A group of super mutants can take up residence in this location after they have kidnapped a settler. The Sole Survivor is required to come here and free the settler.
  • Greenskins - A settlement may request the Sole Survivor to clear out the super mutants from this area.
  • 鍍金蚱蜢 - 這裏是鍍金蚱蜢的所在地,來自尼克·瓦倫坦的案件。
  • Quartermastery - This is a possible location for the radiant quest received from Scribe Haylen to retrieve an item.


Faneuil Hall appears only in Fallout 4.




  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 4Playstation 4 Has platform::Xbox OneXbox One Entering this building while wearing power armor causes the compass directions displayed at the bottom of the screen to be incorrectly rotated by 90°. [已驗證]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 4Playstation 4 The terminal to release the protectrons at the entrance can become inaccessible while the protectron nearest the terminal is alive in its pod. Using the console to kill the protectron will solve this. [已驗證]

