

沙倫玫瑰·卡斯蒂 (英文名:Rose of Sharon Cassidy),又名卡斯或威士忌玫瑰,[1]2281莫哈韋廢土卡斯蒂商队的主人。她是一位潜在的同伴。卡斯蒂商队是一个从莫哈韦到新加州来回运送纯净水的纯水商队,但最近卡斯被困在莫哈韦前哨,而她的商队在莫哈韦独自前进,因为需要商队的许可,并进一步因为前哨队长杰克逊认为前面的道路太危险。她会发现她的商队遭到伏击,在NCR的官僚地狱中被彻底摧毁。随着卡斯蒂的商队被彻底消灭,卡斯是竞争对手试图垄断后唯一剩下的残余


卡斯是约翰·卡西迪的女儿,于2244年生于中枢市,是他与获选者分道扬镳后在旅行中遇到的部落女子所生。[2][3]当她还年轻的时候,她的父亲起身离开,再一次在废土上游荡 - 只给她留下一个名字,一个挂件,[4]他的射击技术,嗜酒和暴力倾向。卡斯还继承了她父亲的心脏疾病,如果信使在药物作用下和她说话,她会表现出对药物的厌恶。[5] 但她并不恨她的父亲,更多的是无感。她的名字来自父亲留下的挂件。[6]





她也对NCR和凯撒军团直言不讳,主要是指出NCR的官僚混乱和军团将女性作为繁殖工具,但也承认军团的补给线“像房子一样安全”,不像NCR即使税收很高也无法保护补给线。最后,卡斯对待很随意。她对男人更加感兴趣,但女人也不是不行。[7] [8]




Perk nociception regulator color
此角色是必要的。关键角色不会被杀死。状态在硬核模式 开始时过期。
Paving the Way
此角色是一位永久的同伴。 他们给予威士忌玫瑰辅助能力。
Icon quest starter
FO76 ui icon quest



  • 为了招募卡斯蒂,玩家必须进行一次50的口才或交易检定。或者,卡斯的威士忌挑战可以通过75交易收集12瓶威士忌,其中3瓶将被消耗掉。
  • 当被问及她的战斗技能时,卡斯说她擅长爆炸和徒手战斗,但不擅长近战武器。她有近战武器作为标记技能,但不熟练爆炸和徒手战斗。然而,当她谈到她的爆炸技能时,她只说使用炸药,一个不需要技能的物品。
  • 卡斯可以穿非派系动力装甲。
  • 如果任何数量的威士忌放在卡斯的库存中,她将只剩下空的威士忌酒瓶
  • 一旦她作为同伴加入了信使, 沙伦玫瑰·卡斯蒂将给他们私酒食谱,可在营火电热炉上制作。如果信使手上有所有的原料,她也可以为他们制作私酒,而不需要篝火。
  • 已经有了最大数量的同伴,并邀请卡斯加入,可能会让她的反应是"今天没有心情来3p。"


  • 当被问及莫哈维前哨站外的纪念碑时,在她回答后,将会有一个选项告诉她这些雕像实际上描述了什么,至少是NCR的接受声誉。
  • 如果玩家拥有至少6点耐力,那么向卡斯挑战饮酒比赛将会让她称赞他们的耐力,尽管他们仍然会输。如果耐力值是8或更多,那么信使将开始感受到影响,但仍然会获胜。如果耐力的属性是10,那么卡斯最终会因为敬畏信使对酒精的持久力而放弃含糊不清的话。
  • 如果被NCR标记为恐怖分子,卡斯将永远敌视信使,即使伪装,但不会因为她目前是一个活跃的伙伴。她也可能在快速到达某个地点后伏击信使。
  • 卡斯会对她和信使去过的几乎每一个地方都做周期性的随机评论。她还对信使的介入所造成的变化进行了评论。到1.4.0.525补丁时,卡斯的声音要小得多;她仍然有关于游戏中许多主要地点的独特对话,但只会每24小时发表一次随机评论,而不是每次访问一个地点时。评论包括:
地点 评论
红岩峡谷 "这些男孩和女孩真会喝酒。"
"不知道这些人有没有人愿意来杯壮胆酒 - 和赌一把。"
"Be *really* careful what you say here."
"Should have heard stories of the Khans years ago - they were one tough bunch, now..."
"Khans lost their strength after Bitter Springs, came here to lick their wounds."
"Let's not split up here, all right?"
"Don't take any chems here - hell knows what they're laced with."
"Won't trade with Khans - they've poisoned most of the villages west of Vegas with chems."
"Fiends would suffer withdrawal and die without the Khans."
"Place would be beautiful... without the chem addicts and dealers."
"Guess someone had to put them down."
"Have a Vegas-style boxing ring in the center there."
普通废土 "我想喝一杯。"
苦泉镇 "Heard NCR recon fucked up here once, with the Khans."
"Heard NCR drove the Khans out of here, to Red Rock."
"Place stinks of sand, piss, and vomit."
"Watch out - easy to get sick around here."
黑山 "这附近无线电信号太疯狂了,根本听不懂。"
守护者营地 "Just goes to show you, no matter where you go, there's NCR trying to hold onto every corner of the world."
"Guess they chose this spot to spy on Caesar."
"Poor bastards."
"Guess NCR's fish food."
"Nice sign."
棉花丛湾 "Should kill all these slavers."
"Damn slavers."
"Those dogs look like they could savage a Securitron."
"We go across that launch, we may not come back."
"This is the only place to cross the Colorado safely."
"I hope we're not planning to cross the river."
"Only merchants, slaves and Legion come here."
敢死队营地 "Another proud NCR camp."
"Probably chose this place because of the water supply."
"Morale looks low."
"I smell Hydra in the air, just a whiff."
要塞 "Be damn careful here."
"Don't like the way the men are looking at me."
"Keep your eyes to yourself, Legion asshole."
"Can't believe you want to talk to this guy."
"Love how he's decorated the place."
"Women might as well be dirt... not anxious to join them."
"Wish these women would take knives to Caesar's troops in their beds."
要塞(返回) "Can't belive we're fucking back here."
"Testing our luck coming back here."
"You sure you know what you're doing?
They try and put one of those Brahmin packs on me, they're asking for a gelding. Going to get gelded."

"Can't say I've seen a smile on anyone's face since we arrived.
Hope NCR wipes Caesar off the map."

"Guess the tent belongs to the big man."
"Not much future in the Legion if you don't have a dick."
"I'm heading back West if Caesar moves on the Dam."
"Not looking forward to being a Legion wife."
隐秘山谷 "What's that hum?"
"Watch for scorpions."
"Doesn't fell like the rest of the Mojave here."
"Storms pick up quick around here."
胡佛大坝 "Check out those guns - rumor had it they used to shoot planes down before the war."
"Place looks like how my bladder feels."
"Place always wants me to take a piss."
"Ever look down the Dam? Sends your head spinning."
雅各布斯镇 "Place is fucking cold."
"Pine trees?"
"Can't believe we're in a refuge for crazy super mutants."
"Wish I'd packed a jacket."
"Only seen snow, not walked through it. Crazy - frozen water? Should package this shit."
"Heard they could make "ice" in the Old World and carry it around."
"Dad used to say that in the Old World, people would put boards on their feet and soar down the mountains."
莫哈维前哨站 "Back here again?"
"What, didn't see enough of the sites here the first time?"
"Once here, most just stall out, can't go deeper into territory."
"Fucking monument."
"From here, it's Nipton to the east or Primm to the north."
"And here's the slice of the world where NCR's hands start slipping."
尼尔森 "Guess the miners got fucked."
"Where's the mine from here?"
"If this place got hit, Novac's next."
尼普顿 "I think I'm going to be sick."
"Nipton wasn't the best towns, but..."
"Mayor Steyn got what was coming to him, looks like."
"Mayor here used to shelter gangers, hear tell. Guess it didn't save him."
"Should we cut the people down..."
"Who the hell was that?"
"I... hope they don't hit the Mojave Outpost."
樞紐采石场 "Smells like deathclaw."
"Looks like this place got wrecked."
"Looks like this place go mined - in the wrong ways."
巨石城 "Should hit the Big Horn saloon here."
"Heard there's still mines in the city - and maybe drunk NCR soldiers spoiling for a fight."
"Rubble city, more like it."
"There's a bar in the intact section, careful if you go wandering around the ruined section."
高尔夫营地 "Not much reason to ship water here, but liquor... hard to meet demand."
"If NCR didn't grate me so, I'd come here for water resupply."
"Used to ship a lot of liquor here, soldiers here have too much free time."
"If there's a reason to attack NCR, Camp Golf's a reason."
"Watch out for the Misfits here - 9th Platoon, word of their fuck-ups is legendary."
"Golf was a president, I think. Maybe for NCR."
"Heard this used to be a mine field from some of the troopers here."
"Each spot for a land mine is numbered, hear tell."
"If you're looking for NCR's spine, ain't going to find it here."
"Well, Hanlon sure let this place go to shit."
"Lot of sites to this guy Golf all over the West."
恶魔的领土 "大便。恶魔帮。"
自由城 "Hometown of the Van Graffs, don't care for this place too much."
"We shouldn't be in here."
"Water's scarce, but between things like this and Lake Mead, ain't too bad in the West as in other places."
"Watch out for the Kings, they're unpredictable."
"Kings dress like strutting girls, all fancy like."
"Once had a King following me like I was following you - had to chase him off with a shotgun finally."
"Kings told me I couldn't deal water here, fuckers. They like having mono. As in monopoly."
"Ralph might be able to forge a pass into the Strip for you, you need one."
"Looking for weapons, check out Mick and Ralphs... Mick's probably a sight better than Ralph, always trying to talk me out of my pants."
"Kings are led by the King. Has some kind of robot dog. Guess it hunts robot rats."
"Kings hold control over the water pump 'round here."
NCR惩戒所 "Looks like prisoners are in charge now."
"No guards in the towers, not a good sign."
"Guess NCR fucked this place, too."
奈利斯空軍基地 "Folks here have access to Lake Mead, fresh drinking water."
"Careful, Boomer territory. They ain't hostile, but they're a bit trigger happy."
"Boomers are a might twitchy."
"Folks here aren't friendly to anyone."
"Don't be shooting wild in here - might set something off."
"First time I seen a fence made out of artillery."
"Some of these weapons look like they came from Hawthorne Army Depot, place has a lot of history."
"Can hear the screaming of rockets and explosions in this place at night."
"Got nests for planes here."
"An assault on this place would be suicide."
诺瓦克 "This place reminds me the Old World had too much time on its hands."
"Named this place after the hotel."
"NoVac's the hotel, not the lizard."
"Smells like junk."
"Can see Dinky for miles, good landmark."
"First saw this place, thought the giant gecko was real."
"Read a book that giant lizards walked the earth like this one - might be a gecko this size."
普瑞姆 "Said there's a courier office here?
Sign of the buffalo."

"Ah, Bison Steve, you old shithole."
"Those post office boxes in these old towns still work."
"Good contact, Nash, used to be here. Had a son that went West."
"Old World had cars that ran on roads like these above the ground, 'cept they didn't go anywhere."
"The sheriff here ain't worth a damn."
"Crazy ass shit."
"游骑兵站" "休息站。"
"NCR's friendly, might be able to resupply."
"A little safe ground."
"NCR flag - not safe, close to it, though."
新維加斯賭城 "Chairmen, Omertas... a whole bunch of families rule Vegas, don't step out a line as long as money's to be made."
"Welcome to sin. Watch where you step."
"Watch for NCR vomit."
"Hope you're not here to chase your losses."
"Now to find a bar."
"Don't understand how the missiles could have missed a target like this."
"Beats Freeside."
"Can't believe we got in here."
"Dad used to say this place was what Reno tried to be. Fucking Reno."
"Place feels like the Sorcerer of Oz sometimes."
"Heard stories about the Lucky 38, how nobody's ever gone inside - 'cept you, that is."
清泉镇 "Looking to step on your own grave?"
"Not every day you come back to your gravesite."
"Heard the Doc here is a good guy."
"Crimson Caravan had some trouble here."
"Hill where you got shot?"
NCR "小心点,他们不会收我们通行费的。"
"别告诉他们我们从哪里来 - 或要去哪。"


  • 与卡斯为伴,用负业报与她展开对话(-100)会让她抱怨信使的行为。通过口才的65检查,她可以被说服去尝试改善一个人的行为举止,或者只是承认她的不满并继续谈话。用更少的业报(-150)再次与她说话会带来第二次对抗。口才检查65她可以再次承诺改善。
  • 在第二次对抗后,只要信使保持中立,卡斯就停止抱怨(业报-249或更高)。邪恶业报再次和她聊起(-250或更低)会让她自动解散,没办法说服她留下。
  • 让卡斯回到她的家人身边说他们都死了会让她充满敌意(首先要问她的家庭情况)。
  • 不停地和卡斯聊天,不管聊什么话题,都带着邪恶业报(-250或更低)会让她解散。
  • 当信使有邪恶业报时,卡斯将永远不会启动心痛的数字任务,但如果已经激活,则可以继续。


  • 夜行者: 脑袋里的声音说他们认识卖花女的父亲。
  • NCR平民: 你的商人朋友会是一个很好的NCR女人。
  • 大炮族: 不管你卖什么,我们有的是。
  • 恶魔帮: 我不介意打那个。她放出来了?
  • 炸藥幫: 貌似粗野的女人。直觉告诉我她的目标是裆部。
  • 追随者: 这不是卡斯?我听说她不干商队的生意了。
  • 自由城市民: 如果她需要烈酒到原子牛仔看看。
  • 猫王帮: 你好,女牛仔!你不介意和你的女朋友谈谈吧?
  • 黑手党: 如果和你在一起的漂亮女士在找工作,请告诉我。
  • 外维加斯居民: 我们总是欢迎你的商人朋友。


# 幻灯片 画外音旁白 游戏中的条件
Rose of Sharon Cassidy end slide 01
沙伦玫瑰·卡斯蒂与她的商队的一同死亡——在一个无名的坟墓里,莫哈韋的另一个受害者。 让卡斯作为同伴死去,或者在物以类聚中被范·格拉夫家族杀死。
Rose of Sharon Cassidy end slide 01
尽管卡斯蒂商队遭到摧毁,卡斯仍然活了30年。她回到西部,在地下掩體都市外的一个小棚屋里去世了,玫瑰坠饰仍然挂在她的脖子上。 让卡斯作为的同伴,然后怂恿她离开莫哈韦,回到西部。
Rose of Sharon Cassidy end slide 01
范·格拉夫家族的屠杀和赤紅商隊NCR西部带来了无穷无尽的麻烦。NCR的补给线已经在苦苦挣扎,已经在苦苦挣扎的NCR的补给线受到了进一步的打击,因为两支商队撤回了支援,直到“东部大屠杀”得到解决。 杀死格洛丽亚·范·格拉夫愛麗絲·麥克拉弗蒂完成心痛的数字
Rose of Sharon Cassidy end slide 01
在卡斯蒂商队被摧毁后的几年里,NCR利用阴谋的证据敲诈赤紅商隊和范·格拉夫家族。NCR毫无阻力地制定了严格的贸易法律,加强了他们的补给线和他们在莫哈韦的地位。 通过向NCR当局揭露范·格拉夫家族和赤紅商隊来完成心痛的数字。愛麗絲·麥克拉弗蒂和格洛丽亚·范·格拉夫都活着离开了。
Rose of Sharon Cassidy end slide 01
范·格拉夫家族和愛麗絲·麥克拉弗蒂都被免去东部的职位。然而,在他们向西跋涉的过程中,他们的商队被使用先进武器和军事战术的掠奪者歼灭了。没有货物被拿走。当被询问时,军火贩子否认与此事有关,声称他们不会……当众发动这种袭击。 你可以依赖我中窃取军火贩子的制造规格,并获得第4个结局。这个结局被添加到那个之后。
Rose of Sharon Cassidy end slide 02
卡斯幸存下来,看到NCR的旗帜在胡佛大坝上空飘扬,她想了想……这就是英雄应该有的感觉。她正要告诉信使不要太为自己骄傲,然而她想他/她已经知道了。 最后站边NCR。
Rose of Sharon Cassidy end slide 02
那天晚上,卡斯踢门进他的房间庆祝,结果发现床上的男人是一名军营被摧毁的NCR士兵。不过,他很可爱,所以在和他相处之后,她就离开了,留下了一个空威士忌酒瓶作为便条。 当她夜里沿着大坝走时,她感到醉醺醺的,心满意足,并且为活着而高兴。对她来说,这就是一切的重点。 最后站边NCR,完成心痛的数字,扮演男性信使。
Rose of Sharon Cassidy end slide 02
所以她笑了,说去他妈的吧,然后举起一瓶酒给大坝和那些为它而战的人。在她看来,整件事都证明了玩一手坏牌最终会得到回报……只要像信使这样的人/女人拿着牌。 完成NCR的结局任务找到了!,不要完成心痛的数字或扮演女性信使。
Rose of Sharon Cassidy end slide 02
卡斯活着看到了胡佛大坝在旧世界的辉煌,它以莫哈韦从未见过的力量嗡嗡作响。维加斯比以往任何时候都更加明亮,保安機器人满大街都是,而卡斯的心怦怦直跳……只是一点点。她最后的话是对大坝说的——也是对她自己说的。 “我们全速前进……但一直都在向后。” 豪斯先生完成结局任务孤注一掷
Rose of Sharon Cassidy end slide 02
卡斯活了下来,看到信使打败了三支军队,据她计算,比她预期的多了三支。但她对此一直保持沉默。 为独立新维加斯完成结局任务没有神,没有主人
Rose of Sharon Cassidy end slide 02
卡斯活着看到了胡佛大坝上的军团标志。不确定西方接下来会发生什么,她保持沉默。当军团向西进军时,她发现大坝不仅仅是莫哈韦的墓碑,也是莫哈韦中每个人的墓碑。 完成凯撒军团的结局任务我来,我见,我征服


服装 武器 其他 物品 死 亡
Cass' outfit
瓶盖 x13


  • 卡斯是唯一需要信使通过技能检查才能招募的同伴。
  • 如果她在任务超越牛肉中被提供给莫蒂默,他会说她可以跳过威士忌腌料,但其他东西都是可以吃的,除了她的肝脏。
  • 如果卡斯被送去幸运38赌场,然後玩家就會收到這樣一條消息"卡斯已經回到...很不情願地...回到幸運38賭場。"





  • 沙倫玫瑰是一个通用的名字,用来指几种不同种类的开花植物,这些植物在全世界都很受重视,源自《圣经》,是上帝的众多名字之一。她得名於John Steinbeck的小说愤怒的葡萄同名字的角色,她将其描述为“一本关于肮脏朝圣者的旧大陆书。”
  • Chris Avellone设计了卡斯的同伴轮,[Non-game 2]以及所有她的对话。在发行之前,卡斯是对话次数第二多的角色,第一个是原版的尤利西斯。(也是Chris Avellone写的)。然而,因为尤利西斯的台词太多了,所以他并不能作为画外音出现在游戏中(大约1500 ~行)不适合游戏光盘。随着他的删除,卡斯成为了对话最多的角色。[Non-game 3]
  • 卡斯是辐射:新维加斯'典藏版中包含的避难所扑克牌中的红心三。
    • 这张纸牌把卡斯描绘成一个金发女郎。这可能是该角色早期的概念,因为卡斯在游戏中是棕色头发。
  • 在卡斯的开发过程中,我们有一些想法是让玩家角色在她身边醒来,然后和她结婚。婚礼将在貓王演唱猫王的歌曲的过程中举行。[Non-game 4]
  • 卡斯的威士忌玫瑰辅助能力最初的想法是允许携带更多的水物品,同时从消耗中获得治疗加成。后来,这变成了一种更有价值的同伴辅助能力,也强化了她酗酒的个性。[Non-game 5]


  • Has platform::PCPC 如果她在开始范·格拉夫的兄弟的子任务之前被送到幸运38赌场,任务标记将显示她位于莫哈维前哨站附近,但实际上不可能在那里看到她。然后任务标记将引导信使銀色衝擊,在那里他们可以告诉简·巴普蒂斯特她已经死了。在这一点上她似乎从游戏中消失了。 [已验证]
  • Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 有时,当她被送到幸运38赌场,可以看到她在赌场的地板上走来走去。 [已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 在快速旅行到一个地方后,她偶尔会无缘无故地开始飞快地跑开。要纠正这个问题,要么进入一个建筑(这会让你的游戏加载一个新区域)或者快速旅行到另一个地方。 [已验证]
  • Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 放在卡斯库存中的武器可以在从她的库存中取出后完全修复。 [已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 如果卡斯的辅助能力获取任务在见到她之前就完成了(如杀死范·格拉夫家族和爱丽丝·麦克拉弗蒂。),然后在遇到她时,游戏将启动对话,就像之前见过她一样,但似乎没有任何提示可以将对话带入招募阶段。似乎在这之后,让卡斯做同伴的选择就永远消失了。 [已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC 在运送她并让简·巴普蒂斯特杀死她后,某些非玩家角色在游戏中打趣道(比如"她的目标是胯部"的评论)仍然会被说得好像卡斯还活着一样。3号避难所的恶魔帮也会发表评论"我会打那个"和"她放出来了吗?" [已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC Has platform::Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 Has platform::Xbox 360Xbox 360 有时候在做女士杀手演讲的时候"卡西迪小姐...你在跟我调情吗?" [少女杀手]会在文本之前出现两次。[已验证]
  • Has platform::PCPC 在解雇作为同伴的她后,她可能不在莫哈韦前哨。由于脚本问题,她可能会在银色冲击死亡,她可能会被发现在这里徘徊。



  • 给我们省点时间:卡斯删减内容


  1. The Courier: "Is whiskey your drink of choice?"
    Rose of Sharon Cassidy: "Not sure if I chose it or it chose me. Dad ran a bar a long time ago, and it was a labor of love, Mom said. Didn't sound like it made her happy. Still, I'm guessing I got some of Dad's love of whiskey in me, because the burn suits me fine. Used to call me "Whiskey Rose" back West, before I punched enough people, so now they say it, but quiet and when I'm not around."
    The Courier: "Whiskey Rose?"
    Rose of Sharon Cassidy: "Yeah, on account of my name... and the blossoms on my cheeks when I drink too much. Won most of those fights, too. Can take a hell of a punch and give it right back when I've got a bottle in me. It's all in how you drink it, though - there's a trick to it. When we pass the bottle, I'll show you how it's done."
    (Rose of Sharon Cassidy's dialogue)
  2. J.E. Sawyer's Formspring
  3. The Courier: "Your mother was a tribal?"
    Rose of Sharon Cassidy: "You know, like one of the tribes from the East - we got 'em out West, too. NCR's herding 'em up, though, domesticating them. Mom was from East of the Colorado, though, not sure what tribe. Was before the time Caesar rounded them up, made them Legion. She walked a hell of a way until she crossed paths with my Dad and he convinced her to stop walking. And lucky for me, he was a horny old bastard."
    (Rose of Sharon Cassidy's dialogue)
  4. The 信使: "Tell me about your Dad."
    Rose of Sharon Cassidy: "Not much to tell. He ended up walking East one day when I was young and never came back. Not a family deserter like some, though. Mom died waiting for him, and she had me to raise. She was sick but she held off dying until I was old enough to be getting into trouble with boys. As for Dad, I figure he just got himself lost or dead. Happens... and I'm not all boo-hoo about it, so save your glass for someone who's crying."
    The Courier: "Any idea why he went East?"
    Rose of Sharon Cassidy: "Not a clue. When he left, I was too in my crib to understand why, and around the time Mom passed, I was too into my teens to listen. Got his name, got this pendant, and that's about it. Gift from my Dad, along with my name. Rose of Sharon Cassidy. Mom said he got the name out of some Old World book about dirt pilgrims. Name sure sounds sweet, though. Anyway, pendant's a little rose. Originally thought it was one of Mom's tribal necklaces, but no, came from Dad."
    (Rose of Sharon Cassidy's dialogue)
  5. The Courier: "What's the problem?"
    Rose of Sharon Cassidy: "My father had heart problems, and it ran down the family tree to me. Not looking to have my heart skip its last beat, even if I considered putting that junk in my system, which I don't."
    (Rose of Sharon Cassidy's dialogue)
  6. 6.0 6.1 The Courier: "I want you to attack enemies the moment you see them."
    Rose of Sharon Cassidy: "I'll do like I'm doing then - except I'll try to smile less."
    (Rose of Sharon Cassidy's dialogue)
  7. The Courier: "I think we should travel together."
    Rose of Sharon Cassidy: "Not in the mood for a threesome. Today."
    (Rose of Sharon Cassidy's dialogue) When the player has already hired a human companion: FollowersHired
  8. The Courier: "How's caravan life in the Mojave?"
    Rose of Sharon Cassidy: "Well, I'm not one for soft living... or soft men, let me tell you. I'm guessing neither are you. Well, I'm not one for soft living or soft men, let me tell you. Otherwise, I wouldn't be talking to you right now - on both counts."
    The Courier: "[Cherchez La Femme] That's... rarely an issue."
    "What? Oh. Damn, no offense meant. Sometimes I get so drunk, I don't care who I share a bed with, so that's fine with me. My point before? Is that you know the Mojave, and it's a hard place."
    The Courier: "[Black Widow] Soft men don't stay that way around me, I've found."
    Rose of Sharon Cassidy: "Well, don't let the soldiers drink too much, and I'd agree with you most time. Fucking whiskey dicks."
    The Courier: "[Confirmed Bachelor] As long as we keep it on that level."
    Rose of Sharon Cassidy: "What? Oh. All right. Guess you've got a Legion outlook on things. No problems here, there's a lot more of that in the Mojave than you see."
    The Courier: "[Ladykiller] Miss Cassidy... are you flirting with me?"
    Rose of Sharon Cassidy: "Don't take that as anything more than my words. I bet you're a real sweetheart the way you leave that trail of broken-hearts behind you. I know your look, you probably say all the right things... so we're clear, nothing's going to happen between us. You'd best respect that."
    (Rose of Sharon Cassidy's dialogue)
  9. Cass' comments when entering the location: "Heard this used to be a mine field from some of the troopers here. Each spot for a land mine is numbered, hear tell."; "Lot of sites to this guy Golf all over the West." (VCassLocationCampGolf)


  1. PlayStation Blog Meet the Companions
  2. Interview with Chris Avellone
  3. Fallout: New Vegas 10th Anniversary Charity Stream (reference starts at 2:19:16)
    Joshua Sawyer: "'What was the issue with Ulysses as a companion?' His dialogue was... his recorded dialogue was so big it literally wouldn't fit on the disk. [laughter] I don't remember how many lines it was, it was like... Cass was our second-biggest companion after Ulysses, and then Ulysses, was like, much, much, much more than her and literally just wouldn't fit. He was too big - too powerful. [...] 'Couldn't you cut a lot of his dialogue?' It happened so late in development that that didn't seem practical. Yes, if we had realized that earlier in development then probably, yes."
  4. Bethsoft forum
  5. Gamasutra forum