↑ Courier: "Tell me about Vulpes Inculta." Caesar: "Vulpes is the best of my Frumentarii. A remarkable individual from an unremarkable tribe south of the Utah. He was brought into the Legion as a boy, survived training, fought well enough as Legionary to be promoted to the rank of Decanus. Then, in battle against an unimportant tribe, he broke ranks and led his contubernium through a hole in their defenses to capture its chieftain. Well, his Centurion wanted him crucified for disobedience. So I made him a Frumentari." (Caesar's dialogue)
↑ Courier: "Good, because the Omertas' plan was stopped, Vegas is as strong as ever." Lanius: "A plan by Vulpes... treachery is a weapon that one should never rely on. I can only hope that the Omertas died when their treachery was exposed, to have the plan succeed only would have sullied the Legion. It does not matter, victory shall be ours, it shall be swift, and it will be honest, purchased with blood." (Lanius' dialogue)
↑The Courier: "What can you tell me about the Legate?" Vulpes Inculta: "Lanius served Caesar well, as his greatest battlefield commander. With Lanius at the head of the Legion, however, I doubt he'll have much use for my services. He prefers... direct methods." (Vulpes Inculta's dialogue)
↑ 4.04.1The Courier: "Dry Wells is destroyed - that was your birthplace?" Ulysses: "No, opposite of that. It's where my tribe was taken. Where another history was put to the blade, lesson taught. It is where we realized Vulpes did not approach us as equals. Where we realized the wolf had come, and we watched our history die. Now it belongs to Legion... and all the death there now belongs to them as well. Not revenge... just the way of things when you own them." (Ulysses' dialogue)
↑Lonesome Road endings, missile launch: "The Divide erupted in fire as the flame trail of the two Couriers' last message arced into the sky... ...missiles fell on the East and the Legion encampment at Dry Wells... where the Twisted Hairs had allied, then been betrayed by Vulpes and Caesar. Legion soldiers died, their silhouettes blasted into the ground and earth, the last word of the last of the Twisted Hairs. It was an ending to things - a way of erasing the road that had led to this point and the history that had walked with it."
↑The Courier: "Towns? The Legion destroyed Nipton, poisoned Searchlight, butchered Nelson." Lanius: "Vulpes... brought the touch of Caesar to such places.It was necessary to weaken the West, show that the Legion could strike deep into the places where NCR thought it safe.But we do not need *those* towns. Like Hoover Dam, there is the power within Vegas... we can harness it for our needs." (Lanius' dialogue)
↑The Courier: "What exactly happened here?" Vulpes Inculta: "Nipton was a wicked place, debased and corrupt. It served all comers, so long as they paid. Profligate troops, Powder Gangers, men of the Legion such as myself - the people here didn't care. It was a town of whores. For a pittance, the town agreed to lead those it had sheltered into a trap. Only when I sprang it did they realize they were caught inside it, too." (Vulpes Inculta's dialogue)
↑The Courier: "You must be the one in charge here." Aurelius of Phoenix: "Of course I am, you fool. I am a Centurion! When Vulpes Inculta drove the NCR from Searchlight by clever means, Caesar himself ordered me to set up this camp and harass the Profligates! It's a modest presence, a single finger of the Legion reaching across the river's narrows. But with me here, it has an iron knuckle." (Aurelius of Phoenix's dialogue)
↑The Courier: "You again? How'd you find me here?" Vulpes Inculta: "I am the greatest of his Caesar's Frumentarii. It was not a challenge to find you. Nor is this my first visit to the Strip." (Vulpes Inculta's dialogue)
↑The Courier: "Tell me about Caesar's Legion" Vulpes Inculta: "The Legion is civilization reborn. Our culture is based on virtues such as martial excellence, loyalty, and justice. But you'll learn all there is to know in due time. Legatus Lanius, Monster of the East, will soon arrive to command Caesar's troops in battle. The Dam will fall, and the rest of the Profligate west will soon follow." (Vulpes Inculta's dialogue)
↑The Courier: "What "lessons" did you teach here?" Vulpes Inculta: "Where to begin? That you are weak, and we are strong? This much was known already. But the depths of your moral sickness, your dissolution? Nipton serves as the perfect object lesson." (Vulpes Inculta's dialogue)
↑The Courier: "You captured everyone?" Vulpes Inculta: "Yes, and herded them to the center of town. I told them their sins, the foremost being disloyalty. I told them that when Legionaries are disloyal, some are punished, the others made to watch. And I announced the lottery. Each clutched his ticket, hoping it would set him free. Each did nothing, even when "loved ones" were dragged away to be killed." (Vulpes Inculta's dialogue)
↑The Courier: "What happened to the mayor?" Boxcars: "Him? When his ticket came up, they burned him alive on a pile of tires." (Boxcars' dialogue)
↑The Courier: "You slaughtered innocent civilians?" Vulpes Inculta: "Innocent? Hardly. Cowardly, though. They outnumbered us, yet not once did they try to resist. They stood and hoped their turn would not come. Each cared only for himself." (Vulpes Inculta's dialogue)
↑Caesar: "Vulpes Inculta, the best of my frumentarii, is dead." (Caesar's dialogue)"
↑Alerio: "The eyes of the mighty Caesar are upon you. He admires your accomplishments, and bestows upon you the exceptional gift of his Mark. Your crimes against the Legion, including the death of the fearless Vulpes Inculta{WUHL-pace In-CUHL-tah} , are hereby forgiven. Caesar will not extend this mercy again. My Lord requires your presence at his camp, at Fortification Hill. His Mark will guarantee your safe-conduct through our lands." (Alerio's dialogue)
↑Vulpes Inculta: "Oh. I don't know if you recognize me from the Strip, when I handed you the Mark of Caesar? I wasn't wearing a dog's head at the time." (Vulpes Inculta's dialogue)
↑The Courier: "What can you tell me about the Legate?" Vulpes Inculta: "Lanius served Caesar well, as his greatest battlefield commander. With Lanius at the head of the Legion, however, I doubt he'll have much use for my services. He prefers... direct methods." (Vulpes Inculta's dialogue)
↑Vulpes Inculta: "This is a moment I'd hoped would not come for many years.Caesar's death puts the Legate Lanius in command now." (Vulpes Inculta's dialogue)
↑Vulpes Inculta: "I'm pleased that you were able to cure Caesar's malady. Though the Legate is a fine leader, we yet need the wisdom of Caesar to guide the Legion." (Vulpes Inculta's dialogue)
↑The Courier: "I'm going to wear your head like you wear that dog's." Vulpes Inculta: "Legionaries?! We have a problem! (Vulpes Inculta's dialogue)
↑Arcade Gannon: "So Mr. House doesn't care that one of Caesar's most notorious Legion spies is walking around on the Strip. Either that or his Securitrons' AI is too primitive to recognize the threat. Neither answer is particularly comforting." (Arcade Gannon's dialogue)
↑The Courier: "How'd your plan go wrong?" Boxcars: "We get in position and next thing we know, we're surrounded by those fucking Legion freaks.They dragged us and everybody else into the center of town. And that asshole with a dog on his head, he starts talking about how we're bad people!He said we needed to be punished for what we did, not all of us, but some of us. And then he gives everyone a fucking lottery ticket..." (Boxcars' dialogue)